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Monday, March 17th, 2025: Mars Retrograde is in your zone of internet, publishing, foreign/regional contacts, education and academia. Another bout of flux is coming – be it a trip or head trip you took or are still trying to take. It ends soon. And from late June 2025, this is a boom area.

Something Extra for Monday:

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What it means to be Scorpio

24 October – 22 November

Scorpions mate in a promenade a deux, when they could cannibalise or sting each other to death. Sexual union for Scorpio is risky, if only because a marriage and mortgage can end in divorce, and ‘til death do us part’ means what it says. At your best, you are the most famously passionate, emotionally involved lover of them all. A keen awareness of finance and property makes you a successful player in business or with charity. Your downside? You can be lethal.

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Your Week

Scorpio – Jupiter in Gemini offers you solutions and opportunities (ongoing) with money, property, business or charity. Jupiter expands and assists. Your private life budget is the key until June 2025. Your values – what you will or will not sell your soul for and who or what is precious. Read your full Scorpio Weekly Horoscope for March 17-23, 2025.

Your Month

Scorpio – From November 5th, 2024, to June 17th, 2025, it takes time to make fixed, finished, firm and final sense of your career, unpaid work or university/college path. You are almost there. This is Mars Retrograde in Leo. Read your full Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for March.
Your Year 2025
You will gain from joint finances or shared property, valuables or assets in 2025 and after July, find that you are finally fully independent. The biggest changes in years with your extended family circle will continue this year as you learn how to take control. Read your full Scorpio Yearly Horoscope for 2025.

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