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Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for January 2025. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Scorpio Monthly Forecast

Scorpio – In January 2025, the North Node leaves Aries and your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing. A stuck, circular, repetitive situation from 2024 will end. Let’s consider the health, fitness and wellbeing aspect of this cycle first. Everything about your body will be a lot more obvious now as the Aquarius aspects pick up Chiron in Aries in your chart for weeks which is why it’s classically a time for a medical check-up. People get their teeth fixed at this time and either bask in their dentist’s praise or crawl off to the chemist for dental floss.

The Sun’s angle to Chiron shortly exposes what is clearly in need of attention. It highlights what is central and important – what can’t be overlooked. This includes your own maverick approach from 2024. You have been guided by a person or organisation seen as audacious. She, he or they have chutzpah. Perhaps the philosophy is outrageous. Well, that’s now up for inspection. This is work as well as wellbeing. So, it’s your whole lifestyle. Mavericks have shown you the way. You may well be in a situation now where nobody can brand you. In fact, the set-up may be impossible to brand. So, there is the norm or the convention on tooth decay, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, bone density, and anything else you can think of. And then there is this Chiron transit triggered now.

As I’ve mentioned, the repetitive loop of 2024 ends in January as the North Node changes signs. This entire area of work-lifestyle-wellness is a major feature of the whole year, though. From May 2025, Saturn and Neptune end up in this same chart zone. That’s a sea change. Even if you are already receiving medical or alternative health treatment, this January thru February period is extremely useful as it can give you much clearer insights on everything. You’ll get a better view of what’s actually functioning or not functioning. Were the mavericks right?

The Sixth House is also obviously associated with part-time and full-time work, the chores you do at home (if you don’t have a job) together with any outside interests which you think of as your duty (volunteer work, for example.) Do you have Virgo factors in your natal chart? January is momentous as the South Node is also in Virgo from this point and in your Sixth House natally. So, this is the beginning of quite familiar themes from 18-19 years before. The job, unpaid work or academic career you had then, will have a karmic bearing on what happens next.

Even if you don’t have Virgo factors, in this cycle, you’ll be asked to scrutinise your working life carefully. And particularly your work-life balance. Service and duty are all very well, but what is your duty to yourself? Your sleep, fitness, food, drink and the rest? If you have developed a routine which actually functions properly and a work ethic which actually tallies with your wellbeing (as well as the lists or schedules in your diary), then this cycle will satisfy you.

The Aquarius transits picking up Chiron in Aries in your Sixth House will show you that you were on track. Chiron was responsible for herbal medicine in the Ancient Roman texts which feed our modern astrology. He was a centaur who was an effective, if imperfect, healer. You will sometimes see him called a wounded healer. I guess the question is – what do you call a healer who cannot fix himself? I suppose, all too human is the right answer.

Between now and May when everything changes, you’ll have a second chance to review yourself, balance your health and wellbeing with your duty to other people and to get the kind of lifestyle you can live with in 2025. It’s possible that May or June will come up for you now as surgery deadlines or new project launches or contractual end points for this reason.


Scorpio, your Tarot card is Temperance.

Tarot Deck Temperance scaled e1708228440874 300x231 - ScorpioGood mental and physical health. Temperance in Pamela’s day was abstinence from alcohol. This may be a doctor, surgeon, Reiki master, nurse or dentist. A swimming instructor or naturopath. The yellow Iris in the picture is also known as Yellow Flag or Water Flag. That may be a personal clue for you.

The crown above the mountains shows potential victory or special status and position, reached after a long journey. It begins with physical, emotional and spiritual harmony. Two sides, two people, two organisations or two forces of nature are mixed here. The two golden cups show (usually) two solid gold individuals who are blending their feelings together, thanks to a higher power or greater force. Aquarius is hidden in the card. The water-bearer pours the water. Pooled resources (a group’s resource) show below.

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