Image: boliviainteligente/Unsplash
Sarah Jessica Parker 25th March 1965
Lady Gaga 28th March 1986
Eric Idle 29th March 1943
Tracy Chapman 30th March 1964
Jane Goodall 3rd April 1934
Eddie Murphy 3rd April 1961
Sir Alan Ayckbourn 12th April 1939
Claire Foy 16th April 1984
Nick Hornby 17th April 1955
All these famous Taurus people appear in The Astrology and Tarot Birthday Book (Running Press/Hachette USA) published in 2024.
You will experience a fantastic spiritual and emotional connection to your group in 2024, Aries.
This may be a circle of friends or a social network like Substack. It may be a formal organisation, like a band, trade union, political party, charity, society, association and so on.
Aries, this is the gift that goes on giving all year. This is the kind of community which works both ways. It is so fulfilling that the pooled resources of friends and allies, offers you more than you could ask for, every time you draw from it.
At the same time, what you get out of this group (and it may be one big collective, made up of different circles) helps you give back. You are so uplifted that you can pour more good feeling back into the network.
Aries, the ingress (or entry) dates of these factors in your astrology chart, are really important.
That is when you will make new friends; join a new group; see something fresh and fantastic appear in a long-standing community of people; renew an old friendship.
For example, your friend could have a baby and make you a godparent. A football team and its fans could help you with a stunning plan.
Whatever you want from life, by March 2024 you can have some or all of it, Aries.
None of the people here are too close on the surface. You all look like what you are; connected but respectful of individual space and independence. Yet, underneath, you share the same source. We could call it faith. We might call it deep emotion. Aries, it is through the groups you are part of, that you will experience wonderful flow in 2024.
21st January
Sun in Aquarius
22nd January
Pluto in Aquarius
6th February
Mercury in Aquarius
9th February
New Moon in Aquarius
14th February
Mars in Aquarius
17th February
Venus in Aquarius
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You will also find out your most important Astrology Delivery booking dates for 2024 to get some or all of what you want, with the two luckiest life departments: money and the internet. This is where Jupiter, the planet of the biggest and best, is at work.
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Paula Yates 24th April 1959
Roger Taylor 26th April 1960
Jerry Seinfeld 29th April 1954
Ben Elton 3rd May 1959
Audrey Hepburn 4th May 1929
Sir David Attenborough 8th May 1926
Malcolm X 19th May 1925
All these famous Taurus people appear in The Astrology and Tarot Birthday Book (Running Press/Hachette USA) published in 2024.
The final chapters of 2024 will begin as a new book of your life appears, Taurus. It’s rather like ending a season of a television series and hearing about a new season, some months ahead. You draw the curtain on one act, and the other act is already taking place at the back of the stage.
Pluto moves into Aquarius in January 2024 into your sector of life goals, particular positions (like head of the household, or head of a department) and the grand scheme of things.
Pluto rules transformation and it happens when the present shows you what must pass. George Harrison said it best, “All Things Must Pass.”
The younger generation are signalled in your chart as a sign of bright hope for the future. In fact, the months and years ahead look quite brilliant in their promise. It will be infants, schoolchildren or younger adults who are on your mind this year.
The ingress (or entry) dates of these Aquarius factors in your astrology chart, are really important. They include Pluto, the planet of simultaneous endings and brilliant new beginnings.
That is when you will begin to see the natural order of things. For example your company or organisation could see a change of guard. At home, you may see a shift in the household.
During these dates, below, it is very important to look at the next phase or future promise. It will involve quite a journey for all concerned but Pluto in Aquarius will be with you for months; years. It is powerful.
Pluto produces deep feelings and quite intense emotions, so you have to let your life reshape itself at a natural pace. Yet, when the time is right, these Aquarius dates (below) will show you what is possible in the months or years ahead, Taurus.
A classic outcome of this transit is the end of the leadership at work, to be replaced by younger executives. You may also see the end of an era with your extended family in 2024. It may be hard to see it at the time, but this will empower a new generation.
21st January
Sun in Aquarius
22nd January
Pluto in Aquarius
6th February
Mercury in Aquarius
9th February
New Moon in Aquarius
14th February
Mars in Aquarius
17th February
Venus in Aquarius
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 22nd May 1859
Morrissey 22nd May 1959
Mike Myers 25th May 1963
Siouxsie Sioux 27th May 1957
Josephine Baker 3rd June 1906
Sir Paul McCartney 18th June 1942
All these famous people appear in The Astrology and Tarot Birthday Book (Running Press/Hachette USA) published in 2024.
Gemini, with fortunate Jupiter in your own zodiac sign in 2024 and Neptune, the planet of great escapes in your success zone, you will be in your own little world this year – and enjoy it.
This may be your home, the garden, the local environment or what you consider to be your true calling. This may be your profession, your leading role with a partner or the family or a real vocation.
The element of wonder and escapism comes from Neptune, which always delivers a bubble far away from the real world with all its noise and skyscrapers.
This is also the last year that Pluto offers you real power and control with finances. These are to be found in the furniture you own, of course, and all that you think of as most precious to you; it may be the trees you can see from your window or that solid foundation you find yourself on, with your property. You know what is priceless and you have your own price tags.
The ingress dates of Pisces factors in your chart bring in this sense of structure, stability, grounding – but also a holiday from reality and a vacation from the ordinary.
The dates that you see the faster-moving planets go into Pisces, right at the top of your chart, alongside Neptune, are the ones to watch. So – the Sun, for example, on 19th February.
There is a message here about controlling and containing what might need checking around you, on these dates. This may be anything from a river at the bottom of your property, to a situation which looks great – but the people involved have no boundaries.
Neptune always shows an absence of boundaries so it’s only common sense to have a look at who or what seems to need a firm plan or strategy, Gemini, on the dates below. You just need to contain things and then you can relax and really enjoy the fantastic space you end up in, during 2024.
19th February
Sun in Pisces
23rd February
Mercury in Pisces
10th March
New Moon in Pisces
11th March
Venus in Pisces
22nd March
Mars in Pisces
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You will also find out your most important Astrology Delivery booking dates for 2024 to get some or all of what you want, with the two luckiest life departments: your spirituality and your image.
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George Orwell 25th June 1903
Bret McKenzie 29th June 1976
Rupert Graves 30th June 1963
Debbie Harry 1st July 1945Diana, Princess of Wales 1st July 1961
Larry David 2nd July 1947
Julie Burchill 3rd July 1959
His Holiness the Dalai Lama 6th July 1935
Emmeline Pankhurst 15th July 1858
Nelson Mandela 18th July 1918
All these famous people appear in The Astrology and Tarot Birthday Book (Running Press/Hachette USA) published in 2024.
Cancer, in 2024 the South Node of good karma is back in the chart zone which rules your house, apartment, garden, local area and extended family or household.
The South Node in Libra, the sign of equal partnership, duets and double acts will give you a sense of togetherness and balance with all the duets in your household. This may be you and your partner, husband or wife. It may be two children; girl and boy or younger and older.
There is a stunning trine emerging between fortunate Jupiter in Gemini and the South Node in Libra, from May 2024.
From January, the empowering planet Pluto also moves into your property and finance zone and the sign of Aquarius. If you are really rich you will buy a home for your children and grandchildren. Even if you are renting or house-sitting you will love what becomes possible for you next year.
Cancer, whatever you did (perhaps for these people, perhaps for others) from May 26th 2005 to June 11th 2006 now comes back to you, to reward you.
The ingress dates of Libra factors in your chart bring in this sense of being at home, or even finding a home.
The dates that you see where the faster-moving planets are in Libra, along with the South Node (which has been there for some time) give you your cues.
Whatever you did 18-19 years ago, Cancer, it was the right thing. That is why you and your share household or extended family are about to be rewarded by good karma.
This is not just about the actual home; it is about a sense of belonging to the whole area. It’s rather like James Herriot in All Creatures Great and Small deciding that he loves Darrowby and the Yorkshire Dales as much as he is attached to his wife.
August 29th
Venus in Libra
September 22nd
Sun in Libra
September 26th
Mercury in Libra
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Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 28th July 1929
Kate Bush 30th July 1958
J.K.Rowling 31st July 1965
Yves St. Laurent 1st August 1942
Barack Obama 4th August 1961
Neil Armstrong 5th August 1930
Chanel 19th August 1883
Robert Plant 20th August 1948
Joe Strummer 21st August 1952
All these famous people appear in The Astrology and Tarot Birthday Book (Running Press/Hachette USA) published in 2024.
Leo, you will be offered the opportunity for great wealth in 2024. This money can be used to improve your home, travel or move.
Normally, your finances show step-by-step progress but this year there will be an enormous lump sum. You are in the rare Jupiter in Taurus cycle of astrology. Taurus the bull rules gold bullion and bull markets on Wall Street.
Even if you have no interest in gold or shares, Taurus is a symbol of rich women and rich men, full stop. It is very important that you accept you deserve what is being offered to you this year; that you have worked hard for the money or that should be grateful somebody values you so highly they will invest in you, or give to you.
The other rare pattern in 2024 is the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus. This can only happen once in your adult life. If you are a philanthropist, Leo, you might donate what you receive to a cause you believe in. Far up ahead, though, there are towering ambitions showing in your chart. A long-term road to travel. A nicer home. You won’t lack for choice.
Leo, the ingress (or entry) dates of these factors in your astrology chart, are really important.
That is when you will be offered a lucrative business deal; accept a generous inheritance; find a new relationship with a partner who brings his or her home into the story.
For example, you could win the lottery (it happens) or find that the value of your house or apartment has doubled or even trebled. A new job may appear (particularly if you have Taurus factors in your birth chart) with a huge pay rise involved for you. A few weeks before your birthday in 2024 you will realise just how rewarding it is to be proactive about your own destiny. Reach for this.
19th April
Sun in Taurus
29th April
Venus in Taurus
8th May
New Moon in Taurus
15th May
Mercury in Taurus
9th June
Mars in Taurus
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Stephen Fry 24th August 1957
Elvis Costello 25th August 1954
Barry Gibb 1st September 1946
Linda McCartney 4th September 1941
Freddie Mercury 5th September 1946
Chrissie Hynde 7th September 1951
Karl Lagerfeld 10th September 1933
Jessica Mitford 11th September 1917
Stella McCartney 13th September 1971
Amy Winehouse 14th September 1983
Brian Epstein 19th September 1934
All these famous people appear in The Astrology and Tarot Birthday Book (Running Press/Hachette USA) published in 2024.
Virgo, if you are a woman, you will face a life-changing choice in your duet or duel with a man in 2024. This may be your husband or your male boss.
If you are a man, then a woman who makes the differences between you very clear, will be at the heart of a choice to break free.
You have Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, your opposite sign, in 2024. This always shows huge decisions involving the opposite sex. This could be your wife or a friend who shares your house. This cycle is about dealing with restrictions. Saturn can only be in this area of your astrological chart every 29 years. If it feels big, Virgo, that’s because it is.
Saturn has rings around it. There are rings around both you and the other person this year. You can also interpret these as who or what confines you. Saturn is a symbol of the great need to be independent and escape. Neptune, alongside Saturn, is a symbol of that. Some people escape through drinking wine. Others just have to get away.
Virgo, the ingress (or entry) dates of these Pisces factors in your astrology chart, are really important.
That is when you will be offered the chance to leave a situation with a man (if you are a woman) or break away from restricting circumstances with a woman (if you are a man).
For example, you could both make the choice to separate yourself from a commitment which makes both of you feel locked in. This could be a marriage which is on the rocks. Every Virgo person is different. This may be your male lodger (if you are a woman) who has signed an agreement with you, that you both need to break. There may be a lawsuit with the opposite sex that ties you both down – and you may decide to settle out of court.
19th February
Sun in Pisces
23rd February
Mercury in Pisces
10th March
New Moon in Pisces
11th March
Venus in Pisces
22nd March
Mars in Pisces
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Brigitte Bardot 28th September 1934
Mahatma Gandhi 2nd October 1869
John Lennon 9th October 1940
P.J. Harvey 9th October 1969
Hugh Jackman 12th October 1968
Roger Moore 14th October 1927
P.G. Wodehouse 15th October 1881
Sarah, Duchess of York 15th October 1959
All these famous people appear in The Astrology and Tarot Birthday Book (Running Press/Hachette USA) published in 2024.
Libra, 2024 is the year you will throw caution to the winds and set off on a bid adventure. This may be a part of your country which is foreign to you. A place on the other side of the world. You will travel, relocate for a time or even emigrate.
Jupiter, the planet of big opportunities, moves into your sector of journeys for the first time in 12 years, from May.
You also have the end of Pluto in your sector of home, holiday homes and accommodation. This is a powerful transit not possible in about 248 years which is why so many people born with the Sun in Libra will create a new life abroad.
Of course, people born under your sign are also born under the element of Air. You may be an airline miles collector of long standing. Yet, Libra, there is something about 2024 that is different. A real milestone.
Libra, the ingress (or entry) dates of these Gemini factors in your astrology chart, are really important.
That is when you will be offered the chance to pack your bags or boxes.
This may be a professional posting elsewhere as this year, you have both Saturn and Neptune in your work zone. It’s the same with academia. Neptune does rule great escapes and it may be that your job or course is the reason to go.
On or close to these dates you will see the turning points you need. Even if you are only going for a holiday, it may be as simple as an irresistible offer – for example – housesitting for a friend overseas. As this cycle is also about who or what is foreign to you in your own country, it may be that a different culture is involved, or a different accent. In any case you’ll be thrilled, Libra.
20th May
Sun in Gemini
23rd May
Venus in Gemini
25th May
Jupiter in Gemini
3rd June
Mercury in Gemini
6th June
New Moon in Gemini
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Pablo Picasso 25th October 1881
Sylvia Plath 27th October 1932
John Cleese 27th October 1939
Evelyn Waugh 28th October 1903
Chris Difford 4th November 1954
Peter Cook 17th November 1937
Indira Gandhi 19th November 1917
All these famous people appear in The Astrology and Tarot Birthday Book (Running Press/Hachette USA) published in 2024.
Libra, in 2024 we find your Sixth House of healing occupied by the North Node in Aries and Chiron in Aries. For the first time in 12 years, Jupiter is moving into position where he will add his famous helping hand to what takes place.
Jupiter, the planet of big opportunities, moves into Gemini where he will make sextiles, or flow patterns, with the North Node and Chiron in 2024 and 2025.
You will both be the healer and the healed in 2024, Scorpio. It will be a powerful process of transformation. It may be you who thankfully changes everything for somebody in need and/or you who finds your situation is turned around.
The Sixth House is literally the house of health, so it includes surgeons, dentists, osteopaths, nurses, chiropractors, spiritual healers, psychologists, psychiatrists, hypnotists and of course large organisations like health insurance companies or the NHS.
Scorpio, the Aries weather in 2024 is very important.
That is when you will be offered the chance to heal or be healed. Perhaps both.
At this time, an unusually high number of factors will appear in Aries in your Sixth House of remedies, cures, repair work and solutions.
On or close to these dates you will see the turning points you need. Even a chronic situation which has become difficult over time – or an emergency situation which needs immediate assistance – can be fixed. It takes strength to help and strength to recover, but this is a major turning point for you. However, you may want to skip the eclipse of 8th April as it falls with the Sun and Moon in Aries and is a blind spot. It will be impossible to see clearly then. Please allow for the situation to go back and forth with the chance of rescheduling too. Mercury is retrograde at this time – but you are both in good hands.
March 11th
Mercury in Aries
March 21st
Sun in Aries
April 6th
Venus in Aries
May 1st
Mars in Aries
You can expect final outcomes by June 9th when all the conjunctions between Mercury, the Sun, Venus, Mars the North Node and Chiron can have taken place.
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Tina Turner 26th November 1939
Jimi Hendrix 27th November 1942
C.S. Lewis 29th November 1898
Jim Morrison 8th December 1943
Kenneth Branagh 10th December 1960
Jane Austen 16th December 1775
Edith Piaf 19th December 1915
Nostradamus 21st December 1503
All these famous people appear in The Astrology and Tarot Birthday Book (Running Press/Hachette USA) published in 2024.
Sagittarius, you have Neptune with all his escapism in your sector of home in 2024. Your house or apartment is your sanctuary this year. We also find Saturn there too. Saturn is a symbol of the security you find when you put the work in.
In this case, the work is not on your furniture or furnishings. It is actually on your own mind, so that you can relax and enjoy the peace and tranquility of your eight hours’ sleep and eight hours’ relaxation.
Along with these comforting transits of your Fourth House of domestic life, ruled by Pisces, we also find something else which is quite important.
Pluto arrives in your sector of mindfulness, imagination, sleep hygiene and self-help (particularly for issues like anxiety or depression) on Monday 22nd January 2024. He will be there for the next 20 years. Everything you master about your own thoughts, will pay off for years into the future.
Sagittarius, the Aquarius weather in 2024 is very important.
That is when you will realise that the biggest transformation of your life is possible. It will take away any issues you have about your mental habits and replace them with something far superior; a really good night’s sleep.
Pluto is a symbol of self-control that gives you control. It also reveals the willpower that empowers you. Sagittarius, the historic appearance of Pluto in Aquarius in January 2024 will be accompanied by other factors, also passing through the same sign and thus, the Third House of your solar chart, where you master techniques like self-hypnosis, or even C.B.T. (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).
On or close to these dates you will see the turning points you need. All the time they are here, though, you also have background transits in Pisces, which rules your life at home. The phrase ‘You make your bed and you lie in it’ applies to you this year. You cannot get away from the history you have had with others, particularly old conflicts. At the same time, you would appear to be so swayed by your memories or your anticipation of what might happen, that you are actually having an impact on your own body, through the power of your mind. On the dates below you will realise what fantastic outcomes would be possible, if you were to use this same potency, to generate positive thoughts and deep relaxation.
Sagittarius, from 21st January to 22nd March, a great deal will happen very quickly. You may see a psychiatrist for a few weeks, for example, and escape from insomnia. Your own path, is your own path.
21st January
Sun in Aquarius
22nd January
Pluto in Aquarius
6th February
Mercury in Aquarius
9th February
New Moon in Aquarius
14th February
Mars in Aquarius
17th February
Venus in Aquarius
If you are a Premium Member, please continue reading to discover your 2024 Tarot card.
You will also find out your most important Astrology Delivery booking dates for 2024 to get some or all of what you want, with the two luckiest life departments: money and the internet.
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Mary Tyler Moore 29th December 1936
Mary Beard 1st January 1955
Sir George Martin 3rd January 1926
Michael Stipe 4th January 1960
Syd Barrett 6th January 1946
Gerald Durrell 7th January 1925
David Bowie 9th January 1947
Martin Luther King 15th January 1929
Kate Moss 16th January 1974
A.A. Milne 18th January 1822
All these famous people appear in The Astrology and Tarot Birthday Book (Running Press/Hachette USA) published in 2024.
Capricorn, you are expecting to hear more from AI or Artificial Intelligence in 2024. But – what about spiritual intelligence? Emotional intelligence?.
You will develop a relationship with the new internet this year which will change you but also change the way you see your screen. This applies to computer or telephone.
You have your ruler Saturn in Pisces in your Third House, ruling the worldwide web, for the first time in around 29 years. You also have Neptune in Pisces, in exactly the same part of your chart. Neptune is about escaping from the real world.
Thanks to this escapism, Capricorn, you may be alone for long periods of the year ahead. You can’t have a connection (in all meanings of the word) with the web, unless you are by yourself. This will be a memorable period of your life when you discover so much about what you believe, what you know – and how you think.
Capricorn, the Pisces weather in 2024 is very important.
That is when you will realise that you must look for who or what you can have faith in. This may be anything that lights your path. What or whom do you find illuminating? It may be science. It may be God. It may be the Tarot.
The other great change in your chart this year is the arrival of Pluto in Aquarius, in the Second House of your chart, which rules your values. Your principles and ethics. What you will not sell your soul for, no matter how much is on offer. This is also part of the need to find answers this year, Capricorn. You need to find an internet that reflects the light that guides your path, and that’s about what you find so precious it is priceless. Only you know what that is.
On or close to these dates you will see the turning points you need. All the time they are here, though, you also have background transits in Aquarius, thanks to Pluto with all his new power in a new sign. You may be religious or not. Yet you will be drawn to any aspect of the web, or just the world of media and books, which can reflect your guiding light back to yourself.
19th February
Sun in Pisces
23rd February
Mercury in Pisces
10th March
New Moon in Pisces
11th March
Venus in Pisces
22nd March
Mars in Pisces
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You will also find out your most important Astrology Delivery booking dates for 2024 to get some or all of what you want, with the two luckiest life departments: money and the internet.
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Germaine Greer 29th January 1939
Derek Jarman 31st January 1942
Terry Jones 1st February 1942
Bob Marley 6th February 1945
Charles Dickens 7th February 1812
Hattie Jacques 7th February 1922
Mary Quant 11th February 1934
Simon Pegg 14th February 1970
Cathy Freeman 16th February 1973
Patricia Routledge 17th February 1929
All these famous people appear in The Astrology and Tarot Birthday Book (Running Press/Hachette USA) published in 2024.
Aquarius, Pluto with all his influence and control moves into Aquarius in 2023. You will be the face of people power, which is all around you through a network of pooled resources.
This is the very first step that you will take with Pluto in your sign. He will be here for the next 20 years or so, Aquarius. Yet, the conditions for team efforts that change the world (or just your corner of it) are right.
The zodiac sign Aquarius is symbolised by the water-bearer who holds the cup from which the wavy lines of water flow. Sometimes you will see the whole person. Sometimes just the wavy lines.
Your initial experiences with the incredible sea change taking place in 2023 (whose waves will be felt for years into the future) may be tentative. But there is no doubt about it, for those looking at you from the outside. You are getting ready to test the water and make your Aquarian relaunch.
The Aquarius season of 2024 is when you will find yourself in the right time and place to remember who you are and why you are here. You are the person who supplies the group, club, team or other network. Perhaps a political party. Maybe a football team.
Something else is also happening, while Aquarius season begins in January. You have Saturn and Neptune in Pisces in your zone of values, morals, principles and ethics. What is so precious to you, that you would never sell it, nor sell your soul for it, nor sell out for it. This is the moving wallpaper behind the bigger story, which is all about – you.
Pluto in astrology is inaccessible. He is a lone figure who is extremely influential and persuasive, but also very much on his own – as he is made to spend six months of every year by himself while his wife Proserpina is with her mother.
For a large part of 2024 this is you. Yet from this, Aquarius, will come a very different kind of image and profile. One might say you are searching for your crew. Or your crew is searching for you. You will know from reading about your sign that you were made to be integral to circles of people power, even though you never fully merge. On these dates, below, you’ll see that unfold.
21st January
Sun in Aquarius
22nd January
Pluto in Aquarius
6th February
Mercury in Aquarius
9th February
New Moon in Aquarius
14th February
Mars in Aquarius
17th February
Venus in Aquarius
If you are a Premium Member, please continue reading to discover your 2024 Tarot card.
You will also find out your most important Astrology Delivery booking dates for 2024 to get some or all of what you want, with the two luckiest life departments: money and the internet.
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George Harrison 25th February 1943
Timothy Spall 27th February 1957
Roger Daltrey 1st March 1944
Micky Dolenz 8th March 1945
Douglas Adams 11th March 1952
Billy Crystal 14th March 1948
Wilson Pickett 18th March 1941
All these famous people appear in The Astrology and Tarot Birthday Book (Running Press/Hachette USA) published in 2024.
2024 – Financial Solutions
Pisces, in 2024 there are rich financial solutions, no matter if you are in a position to help, or you need help. There is a click in your chart between Jupiter with all his opportunities, and the nodes in Libra and Aries, ruling your banking, property, charity and business zones.
You also have Chiron in Aries. There is a tremendous lesson to be learned here about what it is possible to get away with, financially. The so-called impossible becomes possible.
The idea of Faith, Hope and Charity is central to 2024. These are three saints, but also three virtues. Faith is part of your Pisces sun birthright as the two fishes represent Christianity, but your ruler Neptune represents all kinds of beliefs. These need involve God at all. In fact, quantum theory is a belief, held by some Pisces scientists who do not have heaven in their approach at all.
Faith can also be astrology. Trusting in your horoscope. It can also show up as Buddhism, of course, or more esoteric beliefs. The reason for this focus on the soul or spirit, is powerful Pluto in this sector of your chart, for the first time in 248 years.
The Dates to Watch
The Aries and Libra seasons of 2024 will bring in the events that enable you to give generously, or hold out your hands. This may be because you can add your time, energy and support to a large organisation which can help those in need. It may be a basic question of tax.
If you or others need money, or even just a home – accommodation – then Jupiter in your real-estate zone from May also looks extremely promising.
Here are the Aries and Libra dates to use. They represent ingresses or the arrival of new cycles in those two signs, which rule your Second House of everything owed, owned, given or earned – and the Eighth House of shared property.
10th March
Mercury in Aries
20th March
Sun in Aries
5th April
Venus in Aries
8th April
New Moon in Aries
30th April
Mars in Aries
30th August
Venus in Libra
23rd September
Sun in Libra
27th September
Mercury in Libra
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