This is a big year for money, love sex and relationships – depending on your sign. Some huge decisions will be made and you’ll hear about weddings as well as divorces.
Where do you fit in? Read your sign below, with a short Tarot card prediction for 2023 and the dates and events that matter most. If you are a Premium Member you can keep reading for an extended Tarot prediction.
Well, for the first time in 18 years, the South Node goes into Libra and your Seventh House of engagement, marriage, separation, divorce and reconciliation, Aries. This is also where we find the first steps towards a sexual relationship. Sometimes it can be about a professional partnership. A different sort of duet or double-act.
You get a warm-up from December 19th 2022 until March 23rd 2023, then from June 22nd 2023 until September 15th 2023. That is when you realise you must reach an agreement about what is fair for both of you. This may be child custody; the share of rent paid; the division of property; the ground rules for contraception. It’s on that level.
From July 18th 2023 until January 11th 2025 you have karma to deal with, regarding the other person. The other side, or your other half. This may be literally with them, or with another man or woman who raises recognisable issues. You are owed, or you owe, at this time.
Cast your mind back to 26th December 2004 to 22nd June 2006. 6th April 1986 to 5th May 1986. 8th May 1986 to 2nd December 1987. This is where the past will come back to greet you from July 18th 2023. I would expect the public gaze to be on this duet or double-act (perhaps even a duel) from September 24th to October 23rd 2023.
Please avoid the eclipse on 14th October as you will be in the dark about the person or the situation. Yet, picking your way around that, there will be keynote negotiations or signatures, October 6th to 22nd 2023.
Try to avoid rushing, pushing or reacting in the heat of the moment from August 28th until October 12th, 2023. Pick your battles, then. From November 9th to December 4th 2023 you will be sorting out the vanity issues or the jealousy issues with this person. Just remember, until 2025 the karmic balance sheet must be levelled.
I think the Two of Cups shows this very well for you. It takes two to tango, doesn’t it.
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Taurus, the exit of Pluto from Capricorn on March 23rd 2023 is very important for your plans in other regions or countries. You have one promising plan or idea which can’t work where you are. It needs to be exported, or perhaps you need to travel or relocate in order to plant it somewhere else.
I would expect there to be quite a few replays and second or third attempts, as Pluto is retrograde. So taking the year as a whole, you can expect what happened February 3rd to August 4th 2022 (the previous year) to come back to you, along with December 10th 2022 until March 23rd 2022. All this rewinding doesn’t stop until he’s finally gone from Capricorn on November 19th 2024.
Perhaps because of Covid interruptions; possibly because of financial considerations – you can’t do this with just one attempt, Taurus. There will be repeated trips, perhaps, or a variety of attempts.
It is very important to remember that you have two ideas, not one. Two plans, not one. The Tarot shows this; the Two of Staves is your card for 2023. Don’t make one a priority and not the other. There may be a way of handling both that hasn’t occurred to you.
It’s also very important to look around the map and be a realist about what is possible, where and when. Don’t just daydream about some distant destination for your brainwaves or concepts, when the answer might be nearer than you realise.
Do you have Gemini natal chart factors? If so, then what you are holding has long-term potential, and this could take off suddenly after Uranus goes into Gemini and your Third House of ideas, after 2026.
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Gemini, you may be travelling or moving in 2023 to get away from the past and head towards a future which you can create. It is also possible that you will be welcoming travellers or migrants in 2023 who hope to find the welcome mat out – and a new life in a new place in your area. Sometimes, we see both outcomes. Gemini, you may be packing your bags in 2023 and going to a different region or country, but also in the company of those who are trying to escape from the old life.
Your natal chart will show the full story. The biggest indicator in your solar chart is the exit of Saturn from Aquarius and the ingress of Pluto in Aquarius. The dates for this are 7th March (for Saturn’s departure) and 23rd March 2023 (for Pluto’s arrival). A great deal will happen in a short space of time.
This may be something you discuss or plan from January 21st to February 18th 2023, with outcomes from January 21st to February 19th 2024, when the Sun is in Aquarius. February 9th 2024 or thereabouts looks like a new beginning, or perhaps one of a sequence of new beginnings, but it’s quite powerful.
The Six of Swords is the Tarot card which shows up for you, Gemini and we can see the Aquarius wavy line logo in the water which supports the figures in the boat. This is an epic journey by barge, but of course the big 2023 travel or relocation story is likely by plane. There will be a lot of discussion about what is to come from February 12th to March 2nd 2023, and then March itself is a real moment of truth.
Having put up with Saturn in Aquarius in your solar Ninth House since December 18th 2020 with all the barricades and barriers surrounding travel, relocation and emigration (and foreigners) you will find things look and feel very different in March 2023. This is the start of something quite important in your life, as the Pluto cycle runs until January 19th 2044, so we might say ‘One small step for a person, one giant leap into the future.’ If you are moving or emigrating this destination will have a profound and long impact on you.
Do you have Sagittarius natal chart factors, Gemini? Then this is intensely personal for you and it involves more than a pin on the map or a departure point. It’s about the impact of places on people.
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If you want to move into a new house or apartment in 2023, your karma must be good, as whatever you did the last time the South Node was in Libra will pay off. From July 18th 2023 until January 11th 2025 you could be thrilled with your housewarming. And it would all come down to what you are owed, karmically, from 26th December 2004 to 22nd June 2006; 6th April 1986 to 5th May 1986; 8th May 1986 to 2nd December 1987. If you were actually born then, then past life karma is coming to call and you stand to gain.
If you have no intention of moving, then this South Node transit will show up with your extended family. This includes obvious close relatives but also distant branches. We would also include your friends, who have children to whom you are a godparent. The timing is the same. Thanks to good karma from 2004-2006 and 1986-1987 you will have a reunion and a deeper reconnection. So, the gathering is more than just a get-together.
The other interesting thing about your chart in 2023 is the end of Pluto in Capricorn. This leaves a partnership, a marriage or even a separation or split, in a much better place. So if you’re together with someone you can expect a revival and relaunch. If you have parted company or even have strict distance with ‘the other side’ in any situation (not necessarily romantic) then 2023 is a reconnection.
Pluto leaves the duets and duels zone of your chart on March 23rd 2023 and although he is back, on and off, until November 19th 2024, he can only move backwards. All his power has gone.
For some Cancer people this is a wedding year. In other cases, a reconciliation year. If your partnership is sturdy it will become the gateway for fantastic new developments with the family, or those friends who feel like family to you. The Four of Staves is your Tarot card and shows a celebration, dancing, and a warm welcome for an event which is also a huge statement in your personal or social life.
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Well, Leo, this is the year that the South Node of karma leaves your family zone. It’s also the year that Saturn in Pisces enters your Eighth House of joint finances, legacies, family property, inheritance and shared banking and budgets.
The karma with the South Node in Scorpio ends when it moves into Libra, so on July 18th 2023. At that point things will have been sorted out spiritually, not just financially, and a great deal of what happened 18-19 years ago before that, will play its part in balancing the karmic books between yourself and others.
This may be an extended family or a substitute clan, perhaps, but for most Leo people it will be husbands, wives, children, grandparents, parents and so on. Animals too, as they are part of the family.
Saturn is about structure. Security and building. All that is solid and built to last comes from Saturn in the Eighth House. When does he enter this zone of your chart? March 8th 2023 until May 25th 2025 is his full cycle, but I think you’ll be looking at the money, house or apartment from February 19th to March 20th 2023, when the Sun (your ruler) makes it all so obvious. February 20th looks like a significant fresh start, with the New Moon in Pisces. March 3rd to 19th presents you with paperwork or signatures – maybe just negotiations.
Throughout all this Neptune in Pisces continues his path. He has been in your life since April 5th 2011 and finishes on January 26th 2026. Neptune lends an atmosphere of unreality – cloistered, separated existence – often inside some kind of bubble. A property bubble can be like that. Your house has doubled in value but it’s only as real for as long as the market keeps making it popular. That’s just one example. I have the Ten of Coins (Pentacles) for you Leo and the floating discs do look like bubbles. Do you also have Taurus factors in your chart? If so, this is a bountiful year for you, with Jupiter in Taurus too.
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Your horoscope for 2023 is full of travel, relocation, travellers and people who want to relocate. The South Node is in Scorpio in your Third House of short journeys. The North Node, Jupiter and Uranus all spend time in your Ninth House of long journeys.
There is more to this than just another trip or move. It takes up a great deal of your time, energy and emotion and what happens next could change a great deal. Virgo, this may be a man on his way to you. It may be you (if you are a man) on your way to somebody else. It is also possible for some Virgo men that they play the part of both wanderer, and welcome mat.
If you are a woman (and most of my readers are female) then this Scorpio-Taurus pattern reveals itself as a man coming into your life, or perhaps back into it, with a real sense of mission. It’s hard to go past Jupiter in Taurus as the bringer of good tidings.
You must have done something right 18-19 years ago, as the good karma of the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio, combines with Jupiter in Taurus, until July 17th 2023. Your attention will turn to other faces in other places, from April 21st to May 21st 2023, when the Sun is also in Taurus, in the sector of the chart that takes you around the map.
I think the New Moon in Taurus on May 19th 2023 will be the start of something new and important. There are no guarantees that anyone stays anywhere for very long, these days, and sometimes the lure of freedom and exploration is too great. Not everybody unpacks their bags and commits to a new place. Yet – I think you should leave the door open. It could happen. It may happen.
Be aware that there will be reversals, cancellations or delays involving this (for you or a particular man) from April 7th to June 1st 2023. Mercury Retrograde is with you, and he rules your sign. There may be a u-turn or a waiting game, or the original plan may have to change.
Jupiter, with all his solutions, benefits, hope for the future and potential growth – is in Taurus, trine your natal Sun, from May 17th 2023 to May 25th 2024. This is an adventure for both or all of you.
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Libra, you have a couple of spaces in your horoscope set aside for sexual relationships, marriage, separation and divorce. One is ruled by Aquarius and the other is ruled by Aries. In 2023 we find historic cycles in both signs, so you have some big decisions to make.
The Tarot card I have drawn for you is The Devil which shows a man and woman, naked, chained to a plinth – on which stands a horned figure with enormous bat wings. The naked male in the picture has his tail on fire. The woman has grapes, representing Bacchus, the god of pleasure, at the end of her own tail. The Tarot artist Pamela Colman-Smith had a sense of humour.
Pluto is a symbol of power and here we find him entering Aquarius on 23rd March 2023. He will stay there until June 12th 2023, and then for almost 20 years into the future. There is more to this than just another episode with your other half, or the other person. It’s central.
Other people will first become aware of this from January 21st to February 18th 2023 (St. Valentine’s Day) as the Sun transits your Fifth House. Either the New Moon on January 21st 2023, or the New Moon of February 9th 2024, reveal outcomes. I think the departure of Saturn from this zone of your chart, on March 7th 2023, has a lot to do with it.
Saturn is about what limits, restricts, binds or traps people. It can feel very heavy. Like lead. You have put up with this since December 18th 2020, Libra. From March 7th 2023 it ends. You will become aware of the enormous power of what is right, wrong, good, bad, tempting or resisted – until January 19th 2044. That’s how long this cycle takes.
There is karma here – either with this person or quite another. It begins on July 18th 2023 and lasts until July 11th 2025. It owes a great deal to the past, as it stood with sexual relationships that were there; potentially there; broken – 26th December 2004 to 22nd June 2006. 6th April 1986 to 5th May 1986. 8th May 1986 to 2nd December 1987.
In terms of the scales being balanced (or not) with someone important in 2023, March 21st and the New Moon in Aries suggests a ‘day one’ feeling as you sort things out. A fair amount of discussion or paperwork would be there by April 3rd. By May 16th 2023, Libra, the biggest and best opportunity in 12 years, to come up with a sweeping solution to who/what must be sorted out, will appear.
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Scorpio, you have been on a huge learning curve with your state of mind, attitude and approach to life since 2008. For all that time Pluto (your ruler) has been in your Third House, which rules how you translate the world, and how the contents of your own thoughts, interpret what is there for you. The cycle ends on March 23rd 2023, when for a few short months, you are allowed to experience what happens when you realise everything is a projection.
This includes the situation with your house, apartment and/or property investment, which has been a lead weight, barricaded and surrounded by barriers, since Christmas 2020. It’s quite true. You can see it. And yet, how much of this has been your own state of mind, Scorpio?
It’s the same with wealth. Success – be it professional, unpaid or academic. It’s also the same with situations and people you find toxic, or threatening, or even haunting on some level. The more you examine your imagination, hopes, dreams, wishes and fears – the more you will realise that until you know yourself better, and face yourself, you will not really see that everything is just a quantum experiment.
The Tarot card I have drawn for you is the Seven of Cups, which shows a figure in silhouette, completely dark – confronted by a cloud showing seven cups. In each cup there is a hallucination, projection, dream or nightmare which seems real – and could become real – if it was popped into existence. That’s the kicker. The truth about reality is that it’s entirely possible that your state of mind can actually deliver.
Controlling your own mind is half the battle. And here is Pluto to help you do just that, as he goes in and out of Capricorn and your Third House, recycling February 3rd 2022 to August 4th 2022, then December 10th 2022 to March 23rd 2023. Willpower and self-control can help you shape what you imagine; what you long for; what you are confronted by (or whom).
You have very good grounds for wanting (say) a particular outcome with your house, apartment or property investments. As March 2023 will show you, you are on the brink of the biggest potential transformation of your life. It’s the same with success, or at least your definition of what success means. There are opportunities there to have a better lifestyle and better work, academic or unpaid work situation, until May 2023.
Equally, there are people, situations or organisations which you find very difficult to have in your head. He, she or they seem to be against you. Perhaps making you a target for something you call toxic. There is no denying it; you have lived with Uranus in Taurus in your Seventh House of opposition and opponents since 2018, and once again – you have good grounds for the way you feel.
Pluto is signing off from your zone of thoughts, projections, fantasies and fears, though. The way you talk to yourself, and the scripts you write, about your own life – are now there to be dropped. This could be a fascinating year for you, Scorpio, once you master your thoughts.
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There will be a change with work, academia or unpaid work in 2023 as Uranus (sudden events), Jupiter (opportunities) and the North Node (karma) all gather in the Sixth House of your horoscope. The Sixth House is ruled by Taurus and so the Taurus weather this year is likely to be quite dramatic.
The person or people at the top of the tree (this may include you) face all sorts of radical changes. Quite revolutionary in fact. To give you an example, Donald Trump went through something similar when he was impeached. Are we seeing that for your work place? Perhaps this is just a changing of the guard for less dramatic reasons. People resign, retire or are made redundant. The ‘King’ or ‘Queen’ of a particular profession, industry or business can be no more, for whatever reason.
My eyes are also drawn to the South Node in Libra in your zone of groups, the hive mind and all your allies, friends and acquaintances. There is karma here and it begins in July 2023. The people concerned are really a by-product of these quite tremendous professional changes, but they still matter. You have to figure out where you stand in relation to them, once the dust settles.
This idea of dust settling is also quite important as with any major alteration in leadership, there is a period when people have to adjust and adapt. I mentioned karma.
What happened from 26th December to 22nd June 2006; 6th April to 5th May 1986; 8th May 1986 to December 2nd 1987 will play a part. Back then the South Node in Libra was also with you, and you are now owed – or perhaps you owe – in terms of the group. This may be an ensemble cast or a jazz band. A book club or a trade union.
All eyes will be on your career, unpaid work or academic career from April 21st to May 21st 2023 when the Sun is in Taurus. The New Moon on May 19th 2023 suggests a new beginning. There is likely to be some chaos, with Mercury Retrograde in Taurus from April 7th to June 1st 2023 and so this idea of dust settling (it keeps rearranging itself, with rescheduling and reversed decisions) is key.
Sagittarius, this is an opportunity for you. It begins on May 17th 2023 and is over by May 25th 2024, but if you wanted to take the top job; take the crown; walk right away from it all; escape the situation – you are going to see a rapid rearrangement of destiny around you which enables you to do just that. Freedom is a keynote of Uranus in Taurus. Space, room to move – scope to experiment. That’s yours now. The Ace of Swords in the Tarot says it all. But whose is the crown? Yours, or somebody else, who no longer appears to be wearing it in 2023?
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If you are romantically involved with Libra, or wish to be (or wish not to be) this is an historic year for you, Capricorn. Make or break, sexually and emotionally.
Whatever signs are in your life, and even if you are happily single, you are not going to get away with avoiding major choices about marriage, divorce, separation, adultery or sexual partnership of another kind. This is the first time in 12 years that Jupiter in Taurus has moved into your Fifth House of ‘bedroom’ but also courtship. There he joins Uranus, a terrific symbol of liberty, liberation and freedom.
Some dates might be useful. Ever since May 16th 2018 when Uranus entered Taurus, you have been repeatedly confronted with questions about space (space, the final frontier) with lovers, former lovers or potential lovers too.
In 2023 this may be karmic. In fact, although the karma ends on July 17th 2023, you have to look back over your shoulder to realise you are owed, or you owe – spiritually. This cycle dovetails with all the solutions, opportunities and breakthroughs of May 17th 2023 to May 25th 2024, when Jupiter is also in this same chart zone, in Taurus.
I daresay people will sell tickets from March 17th to April 11th 2023, as Venus also moves through this same horoscope sector, and either you or the other person concerned will be dealing with the realities of passion. Chained or unchained. From April 7th to June 1st 2023, Mercury Retrograde is also here, so there may be nothing conclusive then, even though there could be rather a lot of talk. Or texting.
It looks as though the New Moon on May 19th is a new beginning, whatever the pair of you decide to do. The Devil is your card, here. Breaking free; being free – which will it be? It is entirely possible that one of you will do this alone, and the other will remain trapped. That can happen. You have some big choices to make, Capricorn.
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Having been met with obstacles, barricades and barriers since Christmas 2020, you can now be yourself again. The rather heavy atmosphere surrounding your social life, friends and groups ends when Saturn leaves Aquarius on March 7th 2023.
The impact of Pluto in Aquarius for the first time in 248 years is huge.
Aquarians with the Sun in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of groups and communities will stand out in 2023.
Pluto will be in Aquarius until January 19th 2044 so this is the first step into a completely different world. You will be pooling resources and working with one or more vital communities of people from March 24th 2023, on and off, for about 20 years.
Once you work out whose turn it is to play the star, or the centre of attention, you can shine. This is true from January 21st to February 18th 2023, and again from January 21st to February 19th 2024, when the Sun is in Aquarius. Your birthday will coincide with your Solar Return then. This is where the saying ‘Many Happy Returns’ comes from.
The New Moon in Aquarius on January 21st 2023 is a relaunch. We have another one on February 9th 2024. You are likely to see your name, opinions, ideas and words carry further from February 12th to March 2nd 2023, with Mercury also in Aquarius. This is useful as you have some complicated relationships with others in the group to sort out from January 4th to 27th 2023, just before.
Your role, as an Aquarian, is to supply a circle of people with what sustains them. This may be inspiration. Money. Your talent. Your time and energy. The dates when Aquarius weather rolls, suggest a launch or relaunch for you, with the club, team, society and so on, in the frame. The Star is your Tarot card for 2023.
Pluto enters Aquarius on 23rd March 2023 and you will become so much more powerful. He then disappears from June 12th 2023 until January 21st 2024, but something has been set in motion.
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You don’t see these financial cycles very often, Pisces, and they fall in your Second House of personal income (ruled by Aries) and your Eighth House of joint finance (ruled by Libra).
You will either be happily bailed out, or in a position to help others, when Jupiter goes into Aries just before Christmas 2022, and this cycle continues until May. There is also a suggestion here of karma from 18 or 19 years ago, Pisces, as from July 18th 2023 until January 11th 2025, the past comes back to you. You will either be helped, as you once helped others, or you will be in a wonderful position, so you can afford to be charitable. And then some.
The period in question, harking back to your past, was the last time we saw the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra. That was 26th December 2004 to 22nd June 2006. The 6th April 1986 to 5th May 1986. The 8th May 1986 to 2nd December 1987.
Just skip the eclipse in Libra on 14th October please, as there is something concealed then, or you’re just not seeing it. Choose another day well away from the eclipse to make financial, charity, property or business decisions.
The New Moon on March 21st 2023 looks like a solid new beginning for you, Pisces. Mercury in Aries from March 20th to April 3rd 2023 is when the paperwork, negotiations or signatures will roll. You have until May 16th 2023 to benefit the most from Jupiter with all his ‘biggest and best’ answers to your wants and needs. You can’t put a price on generosity or kindness. Nor can you price the right gesture at the right time. The Six of Coins is your Tarot card for 2023.
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