What is in store for us in 2022? Astrology reliably predicts the future. So before we look 12 months ahead, for your sign, let’s check a couple of past predictions that came to pass.
You saw this on my website way back on 20th December 2017, three years before our world changed forever with COVID-19. Note the reference to cures.
Why was 2020 forecast on this website back in 2017? Because of a rare, historic line-up in Capricorn. This is what you read three years before it happened –
On January 10th, the first official death from COVID-19 in China occurred, followed by the 2020 stock market crash, from 20th February to 7th April.
You might remember I published this forecast about the crash on my website, on 26th December 2017:
“January 2020 Patterns – Uranus in Taurus – Share Market Shocks and the Future”
“Common sense says you need to look at issues like Wall Street and other share markets to get some of the ‘Why?’ questions answered about the big changes (especially involving the Euro and the European Union) in January 2020.”
“World economies are ruled by Taurus and Scorpio and of course 2020 brings the continuing transit of Uranus (the revolution) through Taurus (currency, taxation) across our skies.”
Forget what businessmen and politicians are telling you about Covid Normal or Post Covid or Build Back Better. There is only one word for 2022 and it’s total global economic revolution. We are going to see local people (your suburb, neighbourhood, town, city precinct) push back in 2022 and 2023. In fact, your smaller local economy is the future.
Whenever we see the North Node in Taurus and Uranus in Taurus (the global economy) we can learn from history. This radical change in trade, wages and property will transform the planet. Why? Same cycle as the Black Death. That’s why.
From November 18th 1351 until June 6th 1353 we saw Uranus in Taurus and the North Node in Taurus. The Black Death.
It transformed the 14th century world economy. This is exactly the same pattern we see from 19th January 2022 onwards. In fact, it holds in 2023.
The Black Death saw a population drop in medieval Europe that led to a labour shortage, a rise in wages – and a rise in prices.
There are striking similarities with this historic Uranus/North Node cycle in Taurus and today. The Black Death began near China (just as COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan). So it’s uncannily similar.
The virus migration on the Black Death astrology cycle, followed the sea and land trading routes of the time: The Silk Road. This reminds us that the Delta variant of COVID-19 also began in India. The Omicron variant began in South Africa and was taken to Hong Kong. According to the astrology, with all the variants, COVID-19 is not stopping until travel is controlled.
World trade deals changed during The Black Death. Wages went up. Property prices dropped as populations fell. Rents dropped. There were so few working people that they could, and did, demand more money. Better conditions.
We are going to see similar revolutionary changes in 2022-2023 with Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, the economy sign. It won’t be because of mass death where you live, thankfully, but it will be because of Covid. You will be able to ask for, and get, what you want from employers. A trade on salary with fewer hours is one example. Or just – working from home. The Great Resignation is showing bosses what working people want.
In total, the Black Death may have reduced the world population from an estimated 475 million to 350–375 million in the 14th century.
This resulted in Climate Change. Why? The forests grew back. Trees replaced abandoned farms and deserted villages. This made the temperature drop (this is the tactic many are trying to stop the world overheating now). In 2022 we have the opposite problem. Global heating. But it is the same cycle.
Just as they saw during the last cycle of Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, in 1350-1353 – prices are rising. Inflation is back. In America it’s at a 30-year-high as I write this in November 2021. We are going to see inflation continue, along with the Climate Emergency and COVID-19, in 2022 and 2023. Two big challenge years for us.
Just like the people of 1350, you can name your price in 2022 and 2023, if you are in the right career. Working a partial week. Job-sharing. Working from home. You can negotiate. We are also going to see the slow rise of – local cryptocurrency. Shared electric car and bike stations. New translation options for the web that make the internet global for girls and women in developing countries. And yes – you will be able to create internet versions of yourself, to walk and talk in new online spaces.
In September 2021, The Sydney Morning Herald reported that premium office towers that dominated Sydney and Melbourne’s skylines were “effectively empty, with occupancy hitting an all-time low.”
The end of skyscrapers is something astrology also predicted. I published this forecast on 4th April 2017 – do you remember seeing it?
Four years later, the BBC reported China was banning new skyscrapers on 4th November 2021. This trend will continue in 2022 as we see the end of high-rise city thinking and the start of down-on-the-ground local. Where is all this coming from astrologically? The end of Pluto in Capricorn. The slow build of the Gemini weather, which dominates from 2026.
The Uranus and North Node in Taurus cycle of the 1350’s accompanied the Little Ice Age. This meant supply shortages back then, and rationed food. We can laugh about the supermarket bans on bulk purchase of loo paper, but it’s back. And it’s more extreme in 2022-2023 – though this time it’s food. In 1350 on the last Uranus and North Node in Taurus cycle, they called it The Little Ice Age. Now it’s too hot, because so many trees have been cut down for…loo paper.
The comfort of astrology? We have see this before. Climate change and plague. That is why it was possible for me to predict the virus, twice, and even date-stamp it (on this website) back in 2019. Better still, we know what to do. It’s really simple. Stop tourism and business travel. Then control it. The generation born with Pluto in Sagittarius will do that – they are younger – some call them Millennials. They are here to transform travel and put serious brakes on Covid for the future!
So are we stuck with coal, petrol and gas in the future and the bushfires, wildfires, floods and animal extinctions? Absolutely not. 2022 and 2023 are really challenging, but 2024 will save us. It’s a good idea to see 2022 as part of a slow improvement.
The 2024 elections in India, America, the United Kingdom are all about a radical new world economy.
In 2024 we find Uranus (the revolution) and Jupiter (the solution) in Taurus (trade). That is rare.
You will see world leaders Narendra Modi (Prime Minister of India), Boris Johnson (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) and Joe Biden (President of the USA) transform their Climate Emergency policies by 2024 – or be replaced by then.
More good news. We also see the end of petrol from 2026. Uranus (the revolution) leaves Taurus (the world economy) and goes into Gemini (transport) and so the new commute will be in the new, shared, small electric car schemes – or on incredible new trains and buses. Clean, green and lean. It’s a slow build but you will see it in 2022, where you live. Electric planes. No more kerosene. And what does all this achieve? A smaller planet. Electric cars can only go so far. Nostradamus predicted that. The new travel will be travel in the mind, in online spaces with virtual versions of yourself. And yet, you’ll still take holidays overseas. Just – the way they did in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Less often, with more passion.
Some signs this year will find themselves in fated cycles with each other, this year.
Aries, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius are all concerned with projects, plans, ideas, opinions and above all else – the worldwide web – in 2022. If your sign falls in that group then two or more of the other signs I’ve mentioned on that list, will be involved with one crucial concept or point of view. You may be collaborating.
Everything will come down to communication, tolerance and clear understanding between both of you/all of you in 2022. Also, an awareness of where in the world you should be looking, with your ideas. Which part of the map? Location, location, location. And co-operation. This is a general message to you in the Aries, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius group.
There is a natural connection between these two signs and the world of education, academia, publishing and the worldwide web. 2022 is a crucial, central year for this, no matter if you are studying, teaching, broadcasting, writing, reading or publishing. Taurus may study with Cancer, for example, or Cancer may find that a book Taurus lends changes her life.
Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius will be deeply concerned with ‘the power of two’ in 2022 and this may be a marriage, professional partnership, business duet, or other pairing. A great deal will depend on the scales between two people being balanced and even. It takes two, for these signs. Most of the big questions in 2022 will be about fairness, justice and balance between two people. Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius will exchange notes. This is either about a duet you are in, or a duet you strongly affect.
These signs, together, have interesting challenges, changes and choices involving groups in 2022. Issues like peer group pressure; the hive mind; group psychology; team spirit – dominate 2022 for you, if you are in this four-sign collection.
It is very likely that one, two, three or all four signs will be involved together in a major question about a collective, community, political party, grassroots organisation, association, society, ensemble cast, board of directors, sports team or similar. Understanding how collectives of people operate, psychologically and emotionally, will help you. If you are watching Australian politics, the election will involve a Pisces, Labor leader Anthony Albanese. I find it interesting that the other signs show up in the ranks of the Greens and Independents. Not just his own party.
2022 Image: Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash
Jane Goodall, April 3rd
Gary Oldman, March 21st
Andy Serkis, April 20th
Johann Sebastian Bach, March 31st
Aretha Franklin, March 25th
Christopher Walken, March 31st
Is relaunching as simple as buying a new wardrobe? If only that was true. Of course, there may be good reasons why you develop a new style in 2022 and 2023. You may lose weight and need to throw out the old clothes in favour of the new.
That can happen on a double Jupiter and Chiron transit of Aries, your zodiac sign, as this unusual transit falls in your solar First House of image. You will be experimenting with ‘the metaverse’ as some call it. The new, virtual you (in a virtual space).
In astrology, Aries rules the First House anyway, so this is a double whammy. At some point, Aries, for the first time in 12 years, Jupiter – the planet of improvement and expansion – will cross your Sun. This is a signal for growth on the outside, so not just a new approach to your clothes and accessories, but also your shape and even your body language. Become who you are – now!
Having gone around in circles with your 2021 projects and plans, owing to repetitive and stuck astrological cycles, you are free to rethink your ideas from January 19th, 2022.
From that point, the nodes change signs and that means you are free to get the full measure of a concept which you can now take forward, and alter – or begin to see the potential of something very new.
The long transit of Ceres in Gemini, in your sector of internet, publishing, education, academia and brainwaves – will help. This takes place soon after that rather stuck 2021 cycle disappears.
In fact, Ceres will be on your side from February 10th to May 15th 2022, which is enough time to get this budding success story off the ground. More than that, though, you need to find the right place for it. Let me explain.
Your solar chart suggests there are still too many obstacles and hurdles in 2022, 2023 at home. By that, I mean your home town or homeland. Every 28 days or so, as has been the case since 2008, you have a clash in your horoscope.
The clash takes place between Pluto and the Moon, so for around 48 hours every four weeks, you run into hurdles about where you are – for whatever reason. Location, location, location. But it’s never been right.
It might be okay for work, but not for the domestic bliss you seek. Or, it might be smart on a real-estate or property level, but be far from ideal for your career. You see the issue?
Many Aries people have moved home and/or workplace more than once since 2008 when this Pluto cycle began, because it’s been so difficult to get the location for work or home right.
In 2022 you are being urged, by your horoscope, to find the right country, city or large organisation for your idea. It is very unlikely to grow, where you are.
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Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, April 21st
Audrey Hepburn, May 4th
Bettie Page, April 22nd
Adele, May 5th
David Attenborough, May 8th
Michael Palin, May 5th
Some people might say life is an education. You can spend years at a university and still not know, what others pick up in the School of Hard Knocks, or from the streets.
That is one theory, Taurus, but the more standard interpretation of the cycle you have this year (Pluto in Capricorn in your solar Ninth House) is that a degree or certificate is waiting. Academia might call you in 2022, or even call you back.
If you feel you left school too young, you may decide to enrol as a mature-age student in 2022. In other cases you may be turned off by the idea of a standard curriculum in a college, but be fascinated by short courses, or night classes.
Will you be teaching or learning at a high level in 2022? It really depends on what you have been doing with your life since 2008, when this long Pluto cycle began. Perhaps you are ready to elevate yourself into serious new territory as a lecturer, say, or a voice on the Zoom speaker circuit. The new ‘metaverse’ of education, with translation, may call you.
There is every chance you will be learning and studying as well, Taurus. So, combining incoming knowledge and passing on outgoing wisdom makes you something of a conduit for all we need to know.
Pluto is in Capricorn in 2023 so you may graduate this year, or next year, or watch successful students graduate and win new jobs, or just go on to the next rung of qualifications.
The Sun’s conjunction to Pluto on 16th January, as the year begins, is a classic sign of ‘Back to School’ as everyone begins thinking about the first term in a new year – or just, improving their C.V. or their knowledge base, by taking on part-time study.
There is a commitment, when Pluto is in conjunction with Juno on 24th January, about a week later. This is when you may find yourself becoming far more serious about your bookshelf, or the library, or the loftier end of the internet.
Taurus, you also have serious Saturn in your solar Tenth House of status, success, ambition, mission and position in 2022.This has not happened for around 29 years and if you were also born with Saturn in Aquarius (leaving your twenties and entering your thirties) this is your Saturn Return.
Your fellow Taurus Adele has already been through this, and it is classically a time when we get real – you might call it The Getting Of Wisdom.
Saturn’s call to action is really about slowing down and growing up. Forget the trivia and sheer speed of the worldwide web; this is a year to turn to those who have deeper vaults of information to mine. Saturn can lend a heaviness to the atmosphere, Taurus. This is not a year for lightweights. Yet, you could emerge with a degree, or higher degree, by 2023.
There are other kinds of qualifications, of course, and then there is the vast world of publication. This may be the point at which you feel you need to write a weighty tome. The combination of Saturn in your solar Tenth House and Pluto in your solar Ninth House (status and publishing) often chimes with a debut or re-entry in the book world.
Whatever comes out of this unusual cycle, Taurus, will carry a lot of weight. It also means you take quite a lot on your shoulders, but now is the time.
For some of you, the Pluto-Juno conjunction on 24th January will tally with the appearance of a female academic, author or teacher – perhaps just a highly-respected professional – who has a huge amount of experience to pass on.
If you notice owls turning up in your life in 2022, don’t be surprised. You have a highly unusual Minerva pattern in your chart. She is the Roman goddess of wisdom, represented by wise old owls, and turns up in a perfect conjunction with powerful Pluto, not once, but three times.
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Paul Weller, 25th May
Morrissey, 22nd May
Siouxsie Sioux, 27th May
Carey Mulligan, 28th May
Russell Brand, 4th June
Ian Fleming, 28th May
So many bands split up due to ‘musical differences’ don’t they? It’s become an amusing cliché of the music business. In 2022, Gemini, you will find yourself challenged by a varied group of people, to say the least. If you can make it all work, then amazing results will follow.
Do you have Aquarius factors in your natal chart? Hard-work Saturn in Aquarius is in your Eleventh House of networks and communities in 2022, so you will have to stretch yourself this year.
With transiting Jupiter (growth, hope, expansion, improvement) in Aries and your solar Eleventh House this year, there is fantastic potential in people power.
There is no shortage of faith and belief. There is no shortage of energy, people or enthusiasm. The issue for you, Gemini, will be playing your part in making sure everyone can reach agreement. Co-operation is hard to achieve in 2022, because of the sheer force of the personalities involved. It’s like The Beatles in 1969 and those around them. But – what stunning results.
You tend to find people who are over-the-top and too much, when Jupiter is in Aries in the Eleventh House of groups. Larger than life but also rather big in the frame.
You also have challenges when Chiron is also in Aries, again in the Eleventh House of particular circles, communities, clubs and team efforts. Chiron is a symbol of mavericks and outsiders.
How on earth do you make those two (and you may be one of them) fit into a wider plan? One old trick I have learned from astrology readings over the years, is to find someone else to pair up with you.
If you two can find common ground, then you can start working on 1-2 more people and so on. Do this progressively until so many connections have been made that it is not too difficult for all of them to join up. Together you can build great things.
It’s also terribly important to be on the same page with a shared vision. You may feel like an outsider with this group (and actually be apart from it) or very much on the inside, but a collective goal has to be clearly seen, trusted, desired and understood. Your shared vision of what might come is the key. You all have to see it in your minds.
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Diana Princess of Wales, 1st July
Alan Turing, 23rd June
Nelson Mandela, 18th July
His Holiness The Dalai Lama, 6th July
Larry David, 2nd July
David Hockney, 9th July
The unusual combination of Jupiter and Neptune both in your solar Ninth House of books, education, publishing, the worldwide web and academia makes 2022 an important year for you. It’s been 165 years since Neptune was in this zone of your horoscope and 12 years since Jupiter was there. Together, they suggest a year of some big highs but topsy-turvy progress.
A very good reason for this is that Jupiter vanishes then returns. You have him taking you higher until 10th May then he is gone from your chart, not to return until 28th October. You have a few more weeks of the usual solutions and opportunities, taking you higher – then on 20th December it’s over. This rather higgledy-piggledy progress with the planet of hope, growth and big answers, leaves you confused at times, Cancer. Are you going up, or going down? This is a classic outcome with Neptune, also in the solar Ninth House of your chart, which makes life rather hard to pin down. Yet, you won’t be bored. This rollercoaster with the world of books (this will have personal meaning for you) brings jaw-dropping highs.
Neptune can blur the picture, rather, and as he is in Pisces, in your zone of libraries, bookshops, writers, readers, literature, the MacBook Air and the humble notebook – you will have to work hard to keep things crystal-clear in 2022.
You may be a student, scriptwriter, teacher, librarian, website author, publisher, academic and so on – or just temporarily drawn into the world of worlds and ideas. If life feels random, in 2022, as if you are swinging backwards and forwards, you can thank Jupiter and his unusual vanishing act. This can apply if you are a bookshop owner. The trick is to keep your sense of humour and remain philosophical. Take the highs and the lows, and the bits in between.
Jupiter is associated with the eagle, and since the time of the Roman astrologers, the idea of a big-picture view, or a broad, all-encompassing outlook, is tied to this planet.
In transit, Jupiter encourages you to take a lofty view of what is happening to you, on planet earth. You will find yourself surrounded by intriguing points of view, and fascinating influences in 2002. Some will be Taurus people, who are experiencing their own adventures in publishing, academia or the worldwide web, with Pluto in Capricorn in their solar Ninth House. Others will be Leo, who have Jupiter in Aries in their solar Ninth House. Some will be Virgo, who have Uranus in Taurus in their solar Ninth House. In the Middle Ages, the Ninth House was associated with monasteries as places of learning. Today we associate it with Zoom. Perhaps other Cancerians, Taureans, Leos and Virgos will be central.
Still more influences around you, via the world of books, knowledge, websites or wisdom in 2022 will be Jupiter types – they have an elevated, highly evolved view of life and keep their feet on the ground by using favourite books (‘bibles’) as their foundation. The wise men and women.
You will find so many dramatically different points of view that you will be spoilt for choice in 2022. How can you avoid too much noise and pull everything together? Cancer, you may have to streamline and eliminate. You cannot possibly read every book or website on the planet, or take every course. The concentrated focus on ‘the word’ or ‘the bible’ will help.
Choose the universe that makes immediate sense to you, as a reader, writer or thinker – and enter that, at the expense of the others. That’s the message to you this year.
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Enid Blyton, 11th August
Kate Bush, 30th July
Reg Mombassa, 14th August
Beatrix Potter, 28th July
J.K.Rowling, 31st July
Joe Strummer, 21st August
This is a Robin Hood year, Leo. You will either be so wealthy that you can afford to give, lend or donate to people who have much less than you – or you may find things are on the upturn, as your low bank balance is helped by a generous person or organisation. Maybe both, at certain times. It depends on your natal chart, but if you also have Taurus factors and/or Scorpio factors, Leo, you could end up far richer in 2022.
Leo, what Paul Weller called the Money-Go-Round is the most important feature of this year. It may be a simple question of tax money, gathered from the rich, and paid out to the poor (which might be you). Of course, charity begins at home. “Let them learn first to show piety at home.” Perhaps this is a family member.
I mentioned it works both ways, though. You may well play the King or Queen to the needy in your life. This raises all sorts of issues which I will address in a moment.
Those with money have influence, don’t they? Money talks. We might also say, money is the root of all evil – people will do anything for money. You are going to learn so much about the nature of money, and what it can do (and cannot do) for you this year. Try not to buy into co-dependent financial relationships. That’s really important. Do remember, Leo is generous. This idea comes from the old association of your sign with royalty. Those who could give, did.
In 2022 we are living through a cycle when some will say that an easy job is ‘money for old rope’ or ‘money for jam.’ Profits for very little effort. It really depends on your values. This year will put you strongly in touch with your value system and that of others. What is your life budget? What is their life budget? How can you make it all work?
Perhaps what happens to these six countries – Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Luxemburg – originally in the EEC – will also affect your bank balance. Directly, if you live there, or indirectly, if this is part of your professional or business world.
Who benefits from charity, the recipient or the donor? This question digs deeply into the moral and ethical values of the donor for you in 2022.
You can see why an unhealthy co-dependent relationship can sometimes arrive with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces in the Eighth House of money and property (which you have, for most of the year). Try to use the financial reality to change that.
Beware of playing Lady Bountiful (a character in The Beaux’ Stratagem by George Farquhar) who patronisingly shows off her wealth by acts of generosity.
Of course, it is in Leo’s nature to be a patron. As you know, Leo is symbolised by Queens, Kings, Princes and Princesses – and nobility. Nobody wants to feel that their patron is patronising them, though!
The Medici family of Florence, allegedly became art patrons to cleanse their money, acquired from loans. Charity is sometimes a cover for filthy lucre.
There are so many moral and ethical questions about giving and receiving money in 2022, Leo and you would not be human if they did not cross your mind, because you are going to be giving or receiving. Maybe both. Get it right, though, and you will be extremely happy.
Of course, there are good causes who deserve patronage. Michelangelo, William Shakespeare and Leonardo da Vinci all had rich patrons. Perhaps, Leo, you will be in a position to give generously to worthwhile projects or richly deserving people.
You may become an Angel Investor or support others through Patreon, for example. Yet, this cycle also suggests that if you have fallen foul of Neptune in Pisces and ended up in 2022 with debts or low income – there will be a handout, a grant, an inheritance, a loan or a gift. For many different reasons, Leo, perhaps including property, you should be wealthy in 2022.
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Elvis Costello, August 25th
Brian Epstein, September 19th
Chrissie Hynde, September 7th
Roald Dahl, September 13th
Freddie Mercury, September 5th
Amy Winehouse, September 14th
It’s rare to see Jupiter and Neptune, both in your opposite sign of Virgo in 2022. Spiritual growth is the outcome for you and your opposite number. This may be about your son, if you share a flat together, and perhaps the benefits for your combined souls will come from a rabbi. The duet in 2022 is personal. Two gay men? A very new sexual relationship for you?
This may be a new boyfriend – and you both meet in a Tibetan Buddhist meditation class. Maybe it’s time to find closure with your ex-husband and go back to the priest (or the church) where you were married. Weddings also show up here.
Virgo, there are so many different kinds of pairs, couples and opposite numbers on a Seventh House transit of Jupiter and Neptune. Your duet matters less than the message, though. And the message is powerful, spiritual, legal and/or moral.
Classically, this is actually a vow, before a celebrant, or perhaps in a Roman Catholic church, and so it’s really about the ‘bible’ which rules the whole ceremony. Virgo, you can’t separate the two of you from a higher authority, power or guide.
2022 is also about the impact of religion, spirituality or perhaps other philosophies (astrology?) on an existing partnership. You may already be in a professional duet, for example, but ‘the word’ on that has to come from a superior.
What happens on the historic transit of both Jupiter and Neptune in your opposite sign of Pisces is likely to send quite a strong message, to both your souls. It may in fact be through the Pope, or a Bishop, or perhaps a Hindu teacher.
Jupiter is associated with blessings. Jupiter was also regarded as Jupiter Optimus Maximus by the Romans – the greatest and best of gods. There is a sense that 2022 will bring something, or someone, from on high, to visit you. It really doesn’t matter if we’re talking about the Vatican or the essential paganism of Roman astrology – it’s really up to both of you, and what you do/do not believe. The duet is about your twin souls, no matter if you are together personally or professionally.
Needless to say, this Jupiter and Neptune cycle does not last all year. It flickers on and off, which may mean that you are as likely to question ‘the truth’ or ‘the word’ coming from on high, as you are to fully convert. There is potentially great reverence for the sacred here, but also (even) a thorough rejection of what is being channelled or broadcast. It makes for an important 12 months, particularly if you are in a marriage, or a professional partnership. This year can be about the Freemasons as much as it is about yoga or meditation groups. It really depends on your beliefs.
If you are in a duel, not a duet (the Seventh House can rule rivals or opponents, as well as husband and wife) then it may be that you both turn towards someone who is spiritually elevated or well-educated in matters of the soul. This is a classic cycle for a marriage guidance counsellor, lawyer, judge or other authority to hand down the wisdom from on high.
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Libra, those whose ideas are so different to your own, or those whose plans and projects seem to be at odds with you, potentially benefit you in 2022. It’s creative conflict with potentially spectacular outcomes, but you’ll have to work at it.
You have Jupiter (great possible gains) and Neptune (escape) in your Seventh House in 2022. This is extremely unusual. The Seventh House rules the other face, or faces, on the opposite end of the scales.
In fact, Libra actually rules the Seventh House and of course, your sign is associated with the scales. You are identified with duets, pairs and partnerships, but it’s funny how often people forget that Libra is a terrific combatant. You do love a bit of verbal jousting or a gentle debate. It’s in your astrological D.N.A.
You are in the rare position of potentially ‘sleeping with the enemy’ or actually going over to the other side, or the opposite team, and so on – this year. Just as fascinating is the possibility that you will so thoroughly convince your opponents, that they will change their position and go to you. It’s more likely that you’ll take the former option, though.
Communication is tremendously important in this process. In fact, if you examine why you are so far apart from others, as the year develops, you will soon see that it’s about words and the way they are used. The situation is there because of a great deal of emotion, and not enough common-sense. Once you allow the words, ideas, attitudes or opinions to speak for themselves – you may even realise that you and they/he/she hold remarkably similar views.
This all comes from a prolonged transit of Gemini by Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde. Gemini is the zodiac sign which rules your Ninth House, so – the worldwide web, publishing – and particularly foreigners and foreign countries.
You also go through a tremendous change from 19th January when the North Node leaves Gemini, having been stuck there since May 6th 2020. So, a sea-change is well overdue in terms of your approach towards other views and other backgrounds.
Sometimes foreign notions or beliefs can arise in your own country, of course. Something else may be influencing your situation, though, and that’s the long-running transit of Pluto in your solar Fourth House, which began on January 27th 2008.
Pluto tests your self-control, your willpower and your personal power and influence. The Fourth House is about your town, your country, your roots, heritage and culture. It’s where you are on the map, and of course that can include your apartment or house as well. It’s about where you stand on that map. Where are you planted?
In 2022 you are almost at the end of this cycle and no doubt a great deal of emotion and a fair amount of empowerment, too, has been the result. There is a strong sense of “Me over here and you over there” about 2022 and this comes partly from everything you’ve been through. There is more to say about this, diary dates for 2022 and your Tarot reading for the year.
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Sylvia Plath, October 27th
Chris Difford, November 4th
Whoopi Goldberg, November 13th
John Cleese, October 27th
Anthony Kiedis, November 1st
Adam Ant, November 3rd
Scorpio, with your powerful ruling planet Pluto on your side in 2022, there is no doubt that you will be taking on the map and seriously considering shipping your most promising concepts (and even yourself) into new areas. This may be because of your website, blog, podcast – or something you can hold in your hand.
You have one, maybe two, really strong projects or qualifications to export. At the same time, you have a rare double cycle of both Jupiter (expansion, opportunity) and Chiron (maverick instincts) in your work zone. This also extends to unpaid work or study. Jupiter and Chiron are both in the adventurous sign of Aries, so there is a tremendous need to explore your options elsewhere in 2022.
You have some diary dates worth noting, in terms of timing. The entry and exit points of Jupiter, for a start, give you deadlines. You are obviously living with travel restrictions in 2022, but thorough research, preferably timed as close to departure as you can get it, will help you.
I am writing this from Zero Covid Tasmania where a great many people have their sights set on Zero Covid Western Australia or Zero Covid Queensland. Yet, things change overnight in our brave new world, don’t they? Sadly, the politicians have decided to throw that away in Tasmania, where I am now. What is the situation in your own local area? Your solar chart suggests you will need to use quite tight timing, as you decide if you are going to accompany your projects or qualifications, or send them out there, without you. So it’s a Covid year, 2022, but that makes you focus, successfully, on export. Relocation?
Having done the homework on safe travel and/or export, you’ll be in the best astrological position with your work, unpaid work or course from 10th May, when Jupiter goes into this new zone of your chart. He’s gone from 28th October, but back in again from 20th December, so perhaps your eyes are on 2023 in addition to/instead of 2022.
Jupiter is associated with optimism, high hopes and expansion in astrology and together with Chiron, a great symbol of ‘getting away with it’ there is a feeling that home turf is not enough for you any more. You quite rightly think you can’t see any growth without casting your net widely.
Your ruling planet is Pluto, as I’ve mentioned, and he’s been slowly travelling through your solar Third House of projects, ideas, concepts and brainwaves since January 27th, 2008.
The cycle ends next year, 2023, but not before you are tempted to take all the knowledge, all the wisdom, all the flashes of inspiration and take it somewhere, that it can all grow.
The Third House is about words, images and ideas. Being heard and read. It’s taken you a really long way to get this far and it is important that you understand the potential power of what you have. Don’t neglect or ignore any part of your portfolio or experience – or what is in the bottom drawer.
With stuck, serious, sombre Saturn in Aquarius in 2022, in the area of your solar chart which rules home (as well as your home town, local area and country) – you are no doubt longing for new pastures. There is no easy way out or through in 2022, but as 2023 rolls on, you will be in a very different position.
If you are a long-term thinker, you may even have your sights set on moving in 2022-2023 and quite rightly want to set something up before you go. That’s another story though!
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Clem Burke, November 25th
Tina Turner, November 26th
Jimi Hendrix, November 27th
Bette Midler, December 1st
Rick Buckler, December 6th
Jim Morrison, December 8th
Jane Birkin, December 14th
Sagittarius, you have spent two long years with circular karma involving a duet or duel in your life. Maybe both. This may have been a marriage, or the aftermath of a break-up, or a long period of professional rivalry.
The nature of the duet or duel itself, is less important than the bridge-building ahead. This may be with the same person, or a new face in your life, but you have been on a long and winding karmic road and now understand the nature of duets or duels so much better. Fantastic rewards are possible, if both of you are willing.
The North Node of stuck karma entered your Seventh House of marriage, professional partnership, serious relationships, business duets, and all kinds of double-acts or duels, back on May 6th 2020. The duel may have been with a family member, like your father, or the duet may have been a standard dating situation.
Having learned so much about two, or one-against-one, Sagittarius, you are now free to make the wheels go round in your life. If you ended 2021 miles apart from the other person, then in 2022 you may decide to pursue a reconciliation or peace treaty. It happens.
The North Node leaves your opposite sign of Gemini on January 19th 2022 and from that point forwards, your life begins again, either with the same person – or someone new.
There are two wonderful cycles ahead which suggest the potential for existing sons or daughters, new babies, adopted children or stepchildren – and a greater sense of home. This is down to your ruling planet Jupiter managing to spend 2022 in not just one, but two signs.
Jupiter in Pisces helps open the doors of new possibilities with your house, apartment, garden (or a new residence). Then, he moves into Aries, which rules the pregnancy or adoption plans, children, teenagers or young adults in your life. Everything is potential, but everything is also possible – far more than it’s been for years, Sagittarius.
A great many people born under your sign will get back together with their ex by 2023, and pursue both children and a home life together. If your marriage is on the rocks you may split, at last – but create a superior life around a child.
It is also completely true that a high percentage of Sagittarians will make this the year they become engaged, marry, move in together and/or become parents. As I said, we really don’t see Jupiter in Pisces, then Aries, like this very often. Call it your twelve-year big break. What happens for you is personal. Do you have Scorpio natal chart factors? Double that message.
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Kate Moss, 16th January
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge 9th January
Suggs, 13th January
David Bowie, 8th January
George Martin, 3rd January
Michael Stipe, 4th January
Pluto in Capricorn, in your solar First House of image, presentation, packaging, reputation and profile – suggests reinvention. Rebirth and relaunch. Yet, to get there, you need the point of no return.
The year begins with a traffic jam of planets in Capricorn, dominating January-March, which suggests you will rise again. It’s the same at the very end of 2022. A cluster of factors in Capricorn, your own sign. So at the start and end of 2022 you are reborn.
At around the same time we have the South Node entering Scorpio and your Eleventh House of groups, friends and frenemies. That’s unusual and it’s not happened since April 14th, 2003. This is really the driver of the situation.
That South Node in Scorpio transit is very important because it brings back karma from the past, either with the same group of people, or other friends, frenemies and groups – yet with the same basic theme. It may have been a political party. Rock band. Cast your mind back. Shared household? Secret society?
That was April 14th 2003 until December 26th 2004 (the first time) and depending on your age, the South Node in Scorpio would have picked up your solar Eleventh House of communities and social circles, September 12th 1984 to April 6th 1986. Capricorn, you can’t really change karma. But it is very important that you spend 2022 ‘making good’ or settling up as much as you possibly can with that group of people.
Thinking back to 2003-2004 and perhaps 1984-1986 this may have been a political party, As I’ve mentioned, a football team, a chamber orchestra or even a Facebook group that you left behind a long time ago.
It’s very common for Sun Capricorn people to have planets in Aquarius, and if you check your natal chart to find this is the case, pay attention to the challenging transit of Saturn in Aquarius, in your natal Eleventh House of groups, in 2022. This may be the story for you; obstacles to deal with involving a society, association, team and so on. Yet you’ll do it.
You never really escape the past with the South Node in Scorpio, in your solar Eleventh House of groups. Why? Because the South Node moves backwards.
Other factors in your horoscope go forward through the 12 signs of the zodiac. The South Node has a peculiar habit of pulling you back, so in your case, you had the South Node in Sagittarius in 2021, but in 2022 it goes back one sign into Scorpio. Astrologers believe this shows unfinished business from the past. That is why it is so important to make amends, to settle up, to balance the karmic books – with these people. As quickly and thoroughly as possible.
When the Moon or planets join the South Node in Scorpio in your sector of groups, you are more likely to see outcomes. It’s very important to be discerning about the networks and circles you move in, and are surrounded by, in 2022.
Watch for the Moon in Scorpio throughout the year (about every 28 days) as it will set the timing for developing stories within the political party, or the band, or bowls team, or environmental organisation – and so on.
Always be aware of the kinds of people within these groups or circles and the sort of relationship you have with them. Yet, you can’t have the brilliant rebirth, the stunning ‘resurrection’ if you like, or the personal renaissance – without the grit in the oyster. The grit that comes from others, will make your pearl. And you will turn the corner into 2023 with astonishing strength, self-awareness, power and self-belief. This is the famous Pluto in Capricorn relaunch, always at the end of a cycle. To make it easier and faster, make any issues with groups around you, smaller and less important.
Sun 13 Scorpio and South Node 13 Scorpio
Mercury 13 Scorpio and South Node 13 Scorpio
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Aquarius, the solar Fifth House of your chart, which rules children, teenagers and Millennials, shows a fresh start in 2022. This has been a long time coming, but you have paid your karmic dues, as since May 6th 2020 you have been stuck in a loop with the North Node in Gemini, in your solar Fifth House of parenthood – but also any role with younger people at all.
Now, you are set free to make a new beginning, as from January 19th 2022 the North Node has gone and your solar chart this year looks busy.
In fact, we have not only Mercury Retrograde but also Mars Retrograde (two backwards-moving planets) in this same chart zone, where you educate younger people, or raise them. When life pulls backwards like this, it tends to produce a process with a strong outcome. Why? Because you spend so much time pondering and preparing.
This may be a website for children, or a determined grip on your biological clock. Perhaps you want babies, or maybe you are thinking about a stronger role with godchildren, nieces, nephews or other people’s children.
With Saturn in Aquarius in 2022 this is your chance to step up, look like the leader required, and shoulder some serious responsibility. You know who you are underneath, but the next 12 months requires an authority figure – Queen or King to a younger court – and with sombre, sensible Saturn in your zone of presentation and image, it may be time to play the part.
Aquarius, you also have a rare combination of both Jupiter and Chiron in Aries in 2022, in your Third House of websites, books, scripts, courses, YouTube, academia, and so on. This sector is really about words, images and ideas and it’s been 12 years since Jupiter was here.
Jupiter is associated with the tiny acorn from which mighty oaks grow. Aquarius, it is tremendously important that you plant this concept, qualification or brainwave somewhere so it does not come to nothing. Really nurture it.
The timing for this marvellous proposal or plan takes off after Jupiter changes signs to Aries, on May 11th 2022.
It is possible that your firm gaze on a younger generation is connected to all that you have in mind; perhaps this is an art exhibition aimed at Millennials.
You may also be one of life’s jugglers, so while you are hoping to expand and explore through your son, you may want to do something concrete with a concept that you know could take off, if you only had the time to research a home for it. If this juggling sounds like you, and maybe younger people en masse are involved, then 2022 will be a stretch, but it could be so rewarding. You’ll see more of what I am talking about after May.
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This is the last full year of powerful Pluto in Capricorn, in your solar Eleventh House of groups. Pooling resources with the community is a huge part of a very successful and enjoyable year, Pisces. This may be a business project involving a board. A charity with a good cause behind it. A creative community, like a theatre cast, or an environmental movement which needs you. You have learned so much about friendship, real or fake, since 2008. Now, you can put it to good use.
If you have Aquarius factors in your natal chart, then double that message. Aquarius is the sign of community, diversity and equality and for the first time in around 29 years, serious Saturn will be in Aquarius, making your mission solid. This is an unforgettable year of people power, Pisces, and you will play a powerful part within that.
Along with empowering Pluto in Capricorn, in your sector of pooled resources and the community, you also have a rare combination in your chart. Neptune and Jupiter are both in Pisces, your own zodiac sign, helping you to shine in 2022. This is really an Oscars moment for you, typical of films where a large cast and crew were involved, but somebody has to step up and take a starring role. This is you in 2022.
There is a sense of escapism, wonder and fantasy about your role in the film of your life this year. Neptune itself is a symbol of an escape from reality, and in Pisces, your own sign, it suggests that you will be acting a role, or slipping into a star part – especially online. It may take on mythical proportions or have a fairytale quality to it. Life is a very far way from mundane reality when Neptune is at large, and here we have him in an historic conjunction with larger-than-life Jupiter on 12th April. Allow a day either side, but this unusual combination of two famous astrological symbols in Pisces will influence your whole year. Through the group around you, or the group you ‘feed’ you will find something special.
Once Jupiter (the oversized, biggest and greatest) has left Pisces, he moves into your solar Second House of cashflow and abundance. This means you have more to give, more to share, and more to take. Yet, you need to organise this very carefully, Pisces, as there may be a lack of attention to detail (especially the numbers) which results in wasted opportunities.
You will be pooling resources with the community, or the group, and shining very brightly this year, but keep an eye on your organisation, your routines and your grasp of boundaries. Pisces can so often end up everywhere, all the time, all over the place – you know the feeling – and it would be a shame not to tightly control the flow of money, or other resources, so that you make the most of it. The group may include you, very much, or be outside you, but you are central to it. Be careful that you do not waste what you have.
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