Welcome to 2021 when Jupiter, the planet of solutions, hope, breakthroughs and optimism, will be with us twice. He will be with Saturn in Aquarius first, giving big answers to every serious question – in one area of your life. He will then join Neptune for a short time showing you where the holiday from the real world is.
Image: Moritz Knöringer/Unsplash
Christmas was a preview of a Support Bubble, a new Zoom circle, a Meetups or Twitter online gathering, or just what a particular political party, good cause, sports team, social club or similar could do for you. Now, you go into 2021 with a serious challenge from Saturn and a fantastic answer from Jupiter. This quote comes from my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars.
You will make some remarkable new friends over the next 12 months, Aries. Some of them will be from other countries (they will hold foreign passports, or have noticeably different accents – even be bilingual.) Their experience of life, or their network overseas, could be the beginning of something big for you, taking you into undiscovered territory – spiritually, intellectually or globally.
New friends who are larger than life, big characters or actually quite tall or wide, may turn up. They will appear to be Jupiter in the flesh. This planet rules comedy, so natural comedians may feature in your social life.
Your friends could also be from the city (if you live in the country) or from the country (if you live in the city.) They may come from other states or regions. In this case, you’ll have the same passports, and speak the same language, but despite this, their background will be so dramatically different to your own, that you’ll feel as if you’re on a major learning curve about life, every time you get together.
At least one new friend will be an insatiable traveller, or have spent large amounts of time working and living overseas. He or she is your key to much more knowledge, and a lot of your ideas and beliefs will open up as a result of their influence. The difference in you, once this cycle is over, will be quite noticeable to other friends or family.
Your existing friendships, which were there well before this cycle began, will also go through changes. Some people in your social circle will go to the next level with their education, career, or spirituality and this will also have an influence on you. Through their growth and development, you will also be forced to grow.
The people you meet now could be quite elevated in High Society, or live it large in other ways, which benefit you. It is a classic cycle for being invited to join a group venture which helps your success in life, but also for making new friends who are generous with their time or energy.
If you have the chance to commit yourself to a group, band, team, club, charity, association, committee or other network of people now, it will open up a whole new realm of possibility for you.
There could be some glittering pay-offs, if you are adventurous enough, optimistic enough, and lucky enough. This is a rare chance for you to become a part of something which is bigger than you, in every way! Who knows what’s out there for you, as a result of your subscription fee, or your willingness to keep turning up to meetings? Only Jupiter knows, but you should see the potential benefits within just a few months of this cycle starting.
Groups you are already involved with will also hit breakthroughs over the next 12 months. There may be departures or arrivals which reshape this circle of people, giving you much more room to move, and some big, new possibilities. Alternatively, the faces will remain the same, but what happens for this group will mean amazing journeys (or life journeys) for you.
Aries guitarist Angus Young had this cycle on December 31st 1973 when he played his first gig with the Australian heavy metal band AC/DC. Thirty years later, Young is still rocking and AC/DC’s success is a phenomenon. All from one solitary day in 1973 which changed his life forever. Never underestimate what Jupiter can do.
Aries, this New Age of Aquarius is really important in the 2020’s as the groups and friendships you have in 2021 will change your life in 2023 and beyond. You will see every question met with an answer in 2021. In 2022 you will use every lesson you learn with and about friends and groups, to go further. From 2023 you realise that far beyond the year 2030, certain collections of people power will also empower you and give you real control in your life. I have a Tarot card reading for you next, if you are a Premium Member.
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Taurus, by the end of 2021 you will have been promoted, offered a new position in a much easier role, accepted the most prestigious unpaid appointment, or excelled as a full-time or part-time student. All you have to do is take the sign post you see, as Jupiter and Saturn go through Aquarius. Even if January-March brings delays, reversals or rescheduling, trust the process. By April you will see that a big new door is open and it will be a way in, or a way out, if you need it.
I will quote from my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars, so you can have the fullest detail on what is in store in 2021.
This cycle, which can only happen every twelve years, is going to open up new possibilities for success and achievement. If you work, then your professional horizons will expand dramatically now. Expect an invitation to go forward, explore and trade on your gifts which may be almost impossible to refuse. New career territories, new jobs, new projects, new places and people…almost everything which is on offer now promises to take you away from what you know, and introduce you to possibilities which offer more of almost everything.
Saturn is also in Aquarius so for every serious question, there is a big answer. For every puzzle to solve, no matter how heavy it may feel to you, Taurus, there is a magnificent end picture.
If you don’t have a job; if you are a full-time parent, or if work is secondary to your other mission in life, then this general message of hope and expansion will apply to your overall potential for success, rather than any fixed professional circumstances.
Jupiter is passing over the Midheaven, or the highest point, of your solar chart now. Symbolically and literally, it is telling you to look up, and then look out. If you stay where you are before this cycle begins, or even attempt to go back, you will be turning away from a unique set of circumstances which may never be there for you, in quite the same way again.
Gaze into your crystal-ball and look for the possibilities. A sense of vision, hope, faith and optimism could take you to much higher ground now. Draw on your talents, your experience, your heritage, your connections – every gift and asset that you have. Some of it is on your CV, some of it is not, but all of it is in your basket for the year that Jupiter is operating in the Tenth House. You have a lot to offer now, and a lot to trade, as well.
Jupiter will expand your view of yourself and your chances in life by introducing you to places and people which are foreign to you in some way. Those from other regions, countries, backgrounds, belief systems and cultures will have their part to play. Consider them as tour guides in the bigger, wider world you are now being asked to discover.
In other cases the solutions which come to such heavy questions, will come from people who have a broad academic history behind them, or massive experience in the school of life. They may be larger than life or the company or organisation may be massive.
The more ambitious you are now, the more faith you will need to have. However, this cycle is also about learning, growing and gaining ground. No matter how far you now believe you can actually travel, in terms of success, professional achievement or status, what (and who) appears in front of you now will show you that with a little luck, almost anything is possible.
What is your chosen field? It might be politics, sport, music, the arts or something altogether different. Here is an example of what this cycle can do:
Aquarian singer Justin Timberlake had this cycle on September 12th 2006 when his album Future Sex/Love Sounds was number one in the charts in the USA, the UK, Australia and Canada, making it his biggest global success.
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Well, Gemini, you are now looking at a different part of the map, and its residents, and wondering why so much is coming together, so quickly. This is a year of travellers, either the real thing (even in a pandemic) or we are talking about people with tremendous plans, projects and ideas who are keen to engage you online. Their travel will be digital.
This is such an important cycle for you that I will give you more detail from my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars.
Education, travel, travellers, academia, the worldwide web, publishing – and even a new life in a new place – is on offer to you, at the biggest and best level possible, for the first time in twelve years. You will have serious questions and huge answers, for those serious questions. Make sure you have Plan A, B and C between January and March 2021, though, as the initial phase of this tremendous opportunity and very weighty challenge, will not run as you thought. Expect delays, changes or even reversals, but by April you will see the massive potential start to be delivered.
Of course, you have chances to travel (or study, or reach an audience online, or pursue a fantastic project or course) all the time. Yet, what is unique about this twelve-month period is the remarkable way in which a course, trip, book, website or move can open up your life. It will feel like going from tunnel vision to cinemascope.
The educational process now might be formal, so you may be attending workshops or seminars, or taking evening classes, or making a commitment to a degree course. Alternatively, you will learn in your own way, at your own speed, and this will probably involve much reading in your own time, and a sizeable amount of Zoom surfing or discussion.
If someone turns up now who appears to be a teacher figure, it’s no accident – he or she is here to take you away from everything you knew to be true or ‘real’ before, in order to show you a universe which is bursting with possibility.
An opportunity to travel or move will appear now, more than once, even if we are living with new border controls. It is amazing how local travel, interstate, into other territories or counties, can seem exotic in 2021.
You will have to weigh up the cost, in terms of time and money, but once the door is open, you need to go through it before this cycle ends – it is unlikely to appear in quite the same way again. Grow and learn, and don’t miss this chance.
Publishing (and associated areas, like the mass media, or the web) will also offer you a chance to move forward now. You could touch a great many new faces in a vast range of new places, if this is the case. I don’t think the challenge or the burden that comes with the solution, is necessarily easy, but you will realise by Christmas 2021 that you were right to go through the open door.
This is the University of Life cycle, Gemini, and you will end this cycle with a new angle, a new mindset, a new perspective. Foreign people and places, or regional differences, will educate you, but there is also a knowledge exchange waiting that will change your life for the rest of the 20’s.
Libran author Graham Greene used this cycle to resign from his job at The Times newspaper, in order to become a full-time published author, on October 7th 1929.
Pisces musician George Harrison organised a benefit concert for Bangladesh with Indian musician Ravi Shankar during this cycle on 1st August 1971 and put India on the map – also cementing a lifelong connection with its people.
Leo Charlotte Hughes, aged 110, became the oldest aeroplane traveller in history during this cycle, on August 1st 1987.
Cancerian Virgin boss Richard Branson also had this cycle on the day he beat the Atlantic speed record in his powerboat, on June 29th 1986. This famously big trip also helped him further his US business profile.
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In 2021 you may inherit, make a fortune for a good cause, or do well from your shares or investments. This is a year for saving or making money, Cancer. This will unfold in connection with a former, current or potential partner (most likely) or a family member. Sometimes it is about pure business, but the involvement will feel intensely personal. For every heavy question you have in 2021 there will be a fantastic answer. For every serious obstacle, you will jump across to find gold.
If the paperwork involves commitments in 2022 and after 2023 get a second pair of eyes on it, and a professional you can trust. Long-term you need to have the best advice you can afford. To give you more detail I am going to use my new book The Secret Language of the Stars, Cancer.
The money, property, possessions or assets which belong to people in your immediate circle – or big organisations or government departments – is now your key to the future.
What is given, paid back, lent or shared could now give you enormous scope, and offer you a new pathway which simply was not there before. What’s out there for you now? It really depends on how optimistic you’re feeling. Don’t underestimate your faith, though. It can take you a very long way now, and even move mountains. Lucrative possibilities await!
You may well feel inexperienced or unprepared for the big opportunities which arrive now unless you remember life 12 years ago, when you planted a seed (or someone else does) that is ready to bloom.
Others have a great deal to offer you now, and it is through taking advantage of this, or pooling resources, that you will be able to move forward.
If you’re prepared to learn rapidly, try everything (within reason), and exploit each deal, arrangement or offer as it emerges, you should take giant leaps into your own financial future now.
What seemed beyond your imagination, or even outside the realm of possibility, just 12 months before can now become a reality. You will not have this fork in the road, in quite this way, for another 12 years, so it’s wise to follow all the clues, signs, tips and lucky breaks now. For all that Saturn poses you the biggest challenge, you will find optimism and sheer luck helps you pursue the biggest and best of all possible outcomes. In fact, by Christmas 2021 you may come to see it as a remedy. A solution. Broad financial healing.
From marriage and mortgage, to legacy and wills, or family trust funds, this cycle will broaden your horizons and give you a chance to develop your understanding, and become much more worldly about these vast, complicated areas of human experience.
Your former, current or potential partner will probably be at the heart of the most intense questions about who has the upper hand, the power or the control. You will find, despite this, that you have a vast answer for a challenging question. Sometimes it is relatives, but the same applies. Saturn’s demanding obstacle course is undoubtedly a big burden to take on in 2021 but you will be given everything you need to complete it and end up victorious with a win-win solution.
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Christmas put a former, current or potential partner right at the heart of your future, and 2021 will show you what is possible, Leo. The partnership may be personal (most likely) but sometimes the duet is professional. What you are moving into is a year of heavy questions and wonderful solutions. A big new puzzle to solve and challenge to face, with this other person (or through them) but also, the emerging picture of what you need. A way in. A way out. A way through. It’s been 12 years since this was possible.
I am going to quote from my new book The Secret Language of the Stars to give you more detail.
If you are single, and open to a new relationship, you will now team up with someone who can teach you about the world, or give you a much larger angle on life – never mind love.
H/she may be from a different region, country, culture or belief system, or better educated than you, even if it’s just in the school of life. You’ll realise what a tiny world you inhabited before! Alternatively, you’ll end up with a partner who is keen to move or travel – or study. His or her momentum will also carry you forward. Just say yes. Even if Saturn gives you the challenge to end all challenges, by Christmas 2021, Jupiter will give you a sweeping solution that is best for everybody.
If (for whatever reason) dating and relationships are not possible, you will team up with a person who will be your guide in other ways. This man or woman will open the doors, hand you the map of life, through work or business teamwork. So, this may be a professional duet. A work partnership.
If you are already in a partnership which is basically good for your growth and development, it will take you even higher now. Travelling, having children, moving, starting a business, marrying or moving in together, are all common outcomes. There may be a very weighty question or issue in December 2020, January 2021, but by April 2021 you two will feel as if you have successfully answered it.
If your marriage or relationship is keeping you stuck, or stagnating, then three things will happen. Firstly, it will break up and leave you flying solo. Don’t be scared. Start exploring. Your recent life will soon seem impossibly narrow as Jupiter shows you just how big your world can seem without a duet that was all wrong for you.
The second scenario in a rocky relationship? You’ll get successful counselling, or make breakthroughs thanks to self-help courses, useful books, astrology, religion – whatever it takes. In this case you may end up blessing the problem you began with. Jupiter-Saturn cycles can be like that. You end up feeling happier with both your new partners and the blended family visits, than you ever did when it was just the two of you.
The third scenario is the stuff of which Hollywood films or great romantic novels are made. You meet someone new who gives you your PhD in Life with a capital L. If so, Leo, the path of true love will not run smooth, and the first quarter of 2021 will show you that, but by April you will know it may be big.
Virgo actor Sean Connery married Diane Cilento during this cycle on November 30th 1962. James Bond met his match. People who are forever single often pair up in cycles like this. It’s not always easy, but it’s rewarding, like digging for gold.
Gemini singer Stevie Nicks married in this cycle, on January 29th 1983.
Taurean actor Sir Laurence Olivier had this cycle when he met his future wife, Scorpio actress Vivien Leigh, for the first time – on June 17th 1935. First dates in this cycle often lead to more than anyone ever expects.
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Well, here we are in a pandemic, Virgo, when a strong immune system is gold. You have landed in a rare cycle of both Jupiter (opportunities, solutions, progress) and Saturn (challenges, tests, obstacles) are both in that zone of your chart. So, the year 2021 is going to be heavy, in terms of your body, mind and spirit. Yet, everything and everybody you take on, will have spectacular long-term outcomes. By Christmas 2021 you could have done anything from dropped dress sizes, to given up smoking, or gone vegetarian. Become a meditator. A Reiki healer. A yoga professional.
To give you more detail about your year I am going to use my new book The Secret Language of the Stars.
Tremendous new options for your body, health, wellbeing and medical situation will appear in this cycle. Don’t miss a trick. That ‘random’ website which turns up on the Internet – but also happens to talk about a new way to lose weight – will be anything but random.
The Reiki healing course your new girlfriend takes could be the key to melting away the discomfort of your arthritis symptoms. The private healthcare fund advertisement you keep hearing on your car radio could be the financial solution your bad teeth have been looking for…
I know of no other cycle which opens the doors to new possibilities for healing, treatment – even cure – of conditions you have been stuck with for years. Seek and ye shall find, even in a pandemic.
Sometimes you just need time or money to deal with your problems; if so, that may appear now. Alternatively, you just need medical breakthroughs, scientific advances, hi-tech inventions or new people in your world, who can improve your quality of life.
Jupiter says “Have faith, think big, don’t waste this chance.” If you’re in Australia, look to Asia, Europe and the USA for news on your condition. If you’re in the USA or Europe, branch out and discover how people in Tokyo or Sydney are dealing with your medical, dental, diet, lifestyle or health issue.
People who have been stuck with depression, chronic pain or chronic fatigue wonder when there will be light at the end of the tunnel. In this cycle, it will appear in a multitude of ways. So…explore, experiment, learn, grow.
Your options, all this time, may have been far more limited than you realised. It may be your mindset that’s been holding you back, or just the narrow parameters of your old doctor, your old hospital – whatever. The more open-minded you are about what the world can offer you now, the better the results will be. And remember – there is no luck in this cycle. Only fate.
Virgo, this cycle also rules your paid work, unpaid work or life as a part-time or full-time student. It is about your life-work balance.
You will get a new job in this cycle, retire, resign, accept job-sharing, furloughing – or find your current position is reshaped in an amazing way. You might pivot into a different role which is much better for you, or hit the heights with your existing professional commitments.
Virgo, you would find that January-March is full of delays, reversals or rescheduling, but as March turns into April, things begin to make sense and you can get on with your plans for success.
If you have full-time home duties you may enter the workforce, or just find that there is a new spin on your life at home which massively expands your horizons. Gardening is very much a Virgo preoccupation. Yet, it may be study that turns things around for you.
If you want to work in new industries or areas (full time or part time) then start looking almost as this cycle begins. Your chances of relocating, or exporting your ideas/skills, are excellent. Across the country, or across the world, your chances have not been this good (in terms of work) for over a decade. Your workstyle/lifestyle will open up and expand in this cycle. I said the challenges are heavy and they are. Yet, in 2021, the answers are so broad in scope, so satisfying and so lasting in their impact, that you will want to take every obstacle.
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This cycle will bring hopeful new possibilities linked to children, sex and passions or enthusiasms, involving younger people. So, 2021 will be great for life with/for your son or daughter and may bring in godchildren, nieces or nephews. If you have paid or unpaid work with younger people, this year could be a boom period.
Your children could do extremely well in 2021 and turn the corner into what is a triumph for you.
For every hard question you have with Saturn, Jupiter gives you a fantastic answer. I will use my book The Secret Language of the Stars to give you a longer and more detailed reading.
Let’s look at children first. What happens in terms of your own, or other people’s children, will help you to learn and grow, now, in the most amazing way. A confirmed pregnancy, or a big leap forward for (or with) your son or daughter is a very common outcome. Grown-up children could make big life decisions which expand your own horizons. Often, they get you travelling, studying or moving. Adoption or step-parenting could be in the mix too.
Other people’s children will powerfully affect you now, if you do not have children of your own. A friend of mine found herself on an overseas trip, thanks to her involvement with a children’s charity, in this cycle. If you babysit, it could be your friend’s teeangers who open the doors. All things are possible.
Sexually, you’re ready for your wake-up call now. Your previous sex life may be good, bad, indifferent or non-existent, but for the twelve months or so that Jupiter is in your Fifth House, you will be handed a new erotic menu. If you are single, destiny will line you up with a new lover (or more than one) who will take you to the next level, if you are willing to explore. You may get pregnant though so be aware of that.
This cycle is about the hard and heavy question and the huge and wonderful answer. I have seen it turn up with accidental pregnancy and a welcome baby, but I need to mention it, because we are seeing this cycle become quite heavy in 2022!
Creativity and passions of all kinds, from theatre to swimming, could involve children, teenagers or Millennials and may become a big, lucky part of your life now. You may be into judo, ballroom dancing, oil painting or hip-hop…whatever. Just take what you can do, and use it to transport yourself and your abilities to new faces in new places. Miracles can happen now – you may end up rich or famous. At the very least you’ll find massive new lust for life.
Gemini musician Sir Paul McCartney had this cycle on 12th March 1969 when he married photographer Linda Eastman, who had a daughter from a previous marriage. Teenage fans turned out to be a huge asset, giving the wonderful Wings – wind beneath its wings.
Virgo comedian Lenny Henry also had this cycle on October 20th 1984 when he married Libran comedian and French and Saunders star, Dawn French. Their marriage opened the door to adoption. Comic Relief, for children, followed.
Gemini chef Jamie Oliver had this cycle on March 30th 2005 when his campaign for children – Feed Me Better (inspired by his show Jamie’s School Dinners) – resulted in a 280 million pound government grant for schools.
The children who turn up in this cycle often belong to other people. Boy Scouts founder Robert Baden Powell, a Pisces, had Jupiter in the Fifth House when he organised the first-ever scouts camp on Brownsea Island.
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What a year 2021 will be, with the family, your house or apartment, home town or homeland. Perhaps, with property investment, your household, or live-in partner. It’s all about home, and you are now seeing very heavy new questions, which also offer stunning, sweeping opportunities and satisfying delivery, if you stay the course. To give you more detail I will quote from my book The Secret Language of the Stars.
Opportunities to make much more of your home life will appear now, and you could easily move, build, emigrate, make home improvements, decorate or renovate. Whatever gives you a bigger picture in terms of your domestic life (even a more adventurous approach to family or flatmates) will suit your lifestyle now, as Jupiter encourages you to look for more possibilities in your life.
When it passes through the Fourth House of your chart, you will be amazed at how much bigger your options seem, in terms of your lifestyle, property situation, and family life. Every few months, it seems, there will be another new possibility to explore – and each time you do it, life opens up. Saturn will give you the question. Jupiter will give you the answer. Saturn will give you the obstacle. Jupiter will give you the gold cup.
Do not overlook options like house swapping or house sitting at this time; it could work out extremely well for you, and could broaden your horizons in all kinds of ways. If you do move when Jupiter is in the Fourth House, the new area you move to will teach you all kinds of new things about the big, wide world. Any new home now will offer you more space/features/advantages!
Your family background or roots will benefit you now. You may find you have inherited certain family talents or abilities which will help your progress – or changes in your family situation may place you in the right set of circumstances to move – or at least explore a new kind of home which offers you more from life. Where you come from will now help you get to where you need to be. Your family can also expand at this time, thanks to new babies, or the arrival of an entire network of in-laws (along with a new partner.) It’s usually good news!
Jupiter will give you the opportunity to holiday in (or move to) places which expand your understanding of life, and give you a much fuller picture of the world. You don’t have to go, of course, but the chance will be there.
In order to make the most of your new home, domestic situation or temporary residence, though, you’ll need to expand your perspective. Sticking with the same attitudes, habits and rituals is not going to help you. Try to be open.
Sometimes this process of expansion can take place without you leaving the sofa! People may move into your home – or enter your circle of family or flatmates – who educate you massively about all kinds of new ideas and possibilities. People from radically different regions, countries or cultural backgrounds can act as a catalyst now, opening your eyes to what’s out there. Inevitably, too, it all happens around the kitchen table at home!
Finally, this cycle is about living for the future – moving towards tomorrow, rather than staying stuck where you are. It’s about growing…and growing. Remember – home is where the heart is in 2021, but it is also where the heaviest and most complicated questions are. Yet, when you answer those questions positively and hopefully, and make it your intention to end up with win-win outcomes, you will be thrilled at what unfolds.
Scorpio artist Pablo Picasso had this cycle on 19th April 1949 when he became a father to daughter Paloma, expanding his family circle. Jupiter often turns up in the Fourth House, when babies are born.
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What a year to come. Your ruler Jupiter is in the Third House of your chart and you have so much to gain, Sagittarius. I will go into longer detail for you, with my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars.
The Third House of your horoscope rules brothers and sisters, cousins, communication (typically, the written and spoken word) and the short journeys you take by car, aeroplane, public transport (or anything else you care to name, from bicycles to yachts.)
Your brother, cousin or sister could be your passport to a bigger, potential-packed world this year. Alternatively, your relationship with them will offer you much more scope for improvement if there have been issues.
The relationship with your sibling or cousin may be close, distant, good, bad or indifferent. Jupiter doesn’t care! Instead, it just wants to open up your options. The sibling relationship to date has followed certain patterns or pathways – but over the next few months, all that’s going to change. Jupiter will introduce a whole new set of possibilities into the equation.
Saturn is there too, so there are serious new questions. Heavy challenges with or for your sibling or cousin. Yet, for every one of these, you find a magnificent answer. A sweeping solution.
The time has come to explore bigger, better ways to get your message across now. A foreign language class could do it. So could new technology – and the latest thing from Sony, Microsoft, Apple or Google could give you much more scope to explore the written or spoken word.
Your ideas and opinions could travel a very long way at this time, and open up all kinds of doors for you. That speech, poem, blog, script, manuscript or petition which has your name attached to it could be your key to the most intriguing possibilities. Zoom education? It’s all out there. The heavy commitment of a degree will tempt many Sagittarius Sun people in 2021.
I tend to recommend that clients take every short trip offered to them, at this time – and there will be more than one. Of course, defining ‘short’ really depends on where you live! Are you going from London to Dublin, or from Melbourne to Auckland? The important thing to remember now is that time and money are actually irrelevant. It’s the ‘getting away’ that’s the thing, so a car trip to Glastonbury from Manchester can be just as life-changing as a cruise from New York to Spain.
We are in a pandemic cycle when the most incredible new inventions and innovations will be offered to you. The new spaced-seat trains. The new electric car share. Walking maps. You are also going to see incredible options with your holidays and local area. Local will become more exotic to you in 2021. It may even feel foreign. Like a really good overseas trip in the old days.
These short journeys will introduce you to people, ideas and concepts which are so alien to you, that you may feel vastly inexperienced and under-informed. It doesn’t matter. Jupiter wants you to drink in life and all its wonderful possibilities now.
Of course you can stay at home if you want, but you will not get a chance like this again – for at least another 12 years. You will grow and learn more than you ever imagined, through your getaways now. You will face a serious, heavy question with another region – at the same time that you realise there is huge hope for a sensational outcome.
Whatever needs to happen to get you travelling, Jupiter will provide. Bus or train companies might start marking down fares, or you could be loaned a car for the weekend. The local bus company might offer a faster, cheaper route to where you want to be.
Gemini astronaut Helen Sharman became the first Briton in space during this cycle on May 18th 1991. Your own expedition may be to the beach, rather than the galaxy, but Jupiter will still expand your usual horizons.
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Your ruler Saturn is in your finance sector in 2021 along with Jupiter, the planet of solutions, opportunities, abundance and pay-offs. To give you more detail about the options ahead with the house, a charity, an apartment, shares, business and the rest, I’ll use my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars.
Your old way of earning, saving, investing or managing money will be left far behind in this cycle, as more intriguing possibilities open up. In fact, by the time this cycle is over, and Jupiter is on its way into your Third House, which will bring incredible opportunities for you to teach or study – you could be on your way to vast business, property or financial possibilities.
If your high hopes are backed up by practical strategies and a sound approach, you will end up richer – or just feeling that way. Capricorn, there are heavy questions and big answers with money in 2021. Do look at the paperwork long-term though as from 2023 everything will be about power or control and you need a good third party to look at that for you.
You’ll have dozens of options to explore in 2021. Space does not allow for me to list of all them, but within a few months of this cycle beginning, you can expect some or all of these choices:
a) A new income source, either through investment, a part-time job, a business scheme, or even a new job.
b) An alternative way to manage your banking or accounting which would open up a lot more options – for example, by switching your mortgage type, or by changing accounts.
c) A chance to explore the stockmarket, locally or internationally, as influential people, books or publications begin to educate you in what’s possible. If you have shares, potential gains.
d) Lifestyle options which allow you to reject your old way of life, and drop out (financially at least) in favour of a more meaningful existence which has nothing to do with money or status symbols, and everything to do with your personal values. Philanthropy? Maybe.
Some things will be beyond you now. Others, however, will prove to be worth the gamble. How will you tell the difference? Start with your intuition if you can. Jupiter rules the future, and in this cycle you may find your radar is unusually attuned to life’s business, financial or property options. You can use the Tarot on this website to help you with that, or if you are a Premium Member, The Astrology Oracle cards and book.
Jupiter is also about self-education, though. So be prepared to learn as you go. Saturn is the teacher. Jupiter is the solution. Saturn sets the financial life exams. Jupiter comes up with the answers.
Two outcomes are likely now. The first is purely financial – for one reason or another, you’ll have more cash to play with. In turn, this opens doors and expands your usual horizons, allowing you to do much more with your life.
The second outcome is equally good. You may wake up to find that your skills, talents or abilities are commanding a much higher price. In other words, you are your most valuable asset! This in turn will allow you to branch out and be much more adventurous.
This cycle can only happen once every 12 years so don’t waste it. Money is on area of life where we tend to focus on our fears and need for security. In this cycle, however, you’ll be given several chances to cut loose and explore.
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Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius precede your relaunch, rebirth and renaissance in 2021. Even if you get off to a slow start in January-March, by April you will be on your way. The questions about image, appearance, title or profile will be heavy and serious, but the answers will be fantastic and life-changing.
I will use my book, The Secret Language of the Stars, to go into more detail for you.
For the twelve months or so that this cycle operates, you will be able to do more with/about your name, face, image and reputation than you know. In fact, it’s been more than a decade since you had this kind of opportunity.
Trade on your outer packaging now, because it’s your passport to all kinds of people, places and possibilities. That means focussing on your CV, photograph, blog, website profile, personal style, presentation and appearance. Of course you know there’s more to you than all that, but in this cycle, Jupiter is telling you to squeeze more mileage out of your surface, as well as your substance.
I said there were serious questions. Well, there are. You may need to lose a lot of weight. You may need to do something really big about your reputation, because of your concerns about the worldwide web (or posterity: much the same thing). You might be about to accept a new title and role which is very challenging. And yet, and yet…the answer to every question is wonderful.
If there are issues about your face, body and hair then you will be amazed at how many possible solutions appear now. All you need is the faith to follow them through. Some of these solutions will come from other regions or countries, so update yourself on what’s happening globally in the Looking Good industries. Capital cities miles away from you, may hold amazing answers. Big-thinking people or larger-than-life organisations may help.
You can take up more space on the stage of life during this cycle. Some people become better-known when Jupiter passes through the First House – even finding fame, or a different sort of fame, if they are already household names.
You can export yourself around the country, and even around the world, as if you were a package. Your name, face or reputation can be your calling card, taking you into areas that were previously off-limits.
If you’re already well-known, then your ‘reach’ may go from Rwanda to Russia, if you are opportunistic enough. New territory for your image and brand.
The world will be more receptive to you in this cycle. It’s ready to take you as it finds you. It wants to listen to you, watch you, read you, and welcome you in…and this time, it could be cutting-edge technology, like Apple TV.
Around your birthday, Jupiter will form a conjunction with the Sun, as both planets travel through your own sign. It’s a positive time, full of big thinking and a lot of hope and faith – not just for you, but for everyone around you.
The world will get a lift at this time, and if you’re smart, you’ll be able to catch this enormous wave of optimism and surf to success on top of it. An astrologer can tell you the exact date of this conjunction in the heavens, but as a general rule, expect it either right on your birthday, or 1-3 weeks either side. There may be a bumpy, slow or stuck start to 2021 but by March you are on your way.
There may be honours, letters after your name or a special corner of the web for you by Christmas 2021. Aquarius, it’s all out there.
Put yourself out there now, too, even if you’re shy or retiring. Destiny will give you several chances to take yourself onward, upward and outward – where a lot more people can find you. The internet is an obvious route to this kind of exposure, but so is a party packed with guests, or a work conference where you’re required to make a speech in front of hundreds of delegates.
This cycle is often about the power behind the throne, or the backroom worker, finally getting recognition.
Libran musician Midge Ure, one of the quiet forces behind Bob Geldof’s Live Aid, Band Aid and Live 8, was made an OBE when Jupiter was in this cycle, on June 10th 2005. That’s just one example in my files.
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Well, Pisces, Saturn and Jupiter are now in your Twelfth House and thus your inner world and inner space, is where the growth is in 2021. That all sounds rather mysterious, but most Pisceans have a relationship with the Universe. It may be religious. It may be scientific. It may be spiritual. Christmas this year was not like any other Christmas, as we saw Jupiter and Saturn form a dazzling light show in the heavens. What an omen. To give you more detail about 2021 I will use my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars.
You will explore your inner self now, but this will mean keeping some things secret (your therapy? your psychic readings? your diary?) so be prepared to live a double life for part of the year that this cycle affects you. Your God is central to you this year, or your attitude towards ‘all that is’ whatever that might be; a parallel universe of unrealised possibility or just deep space. And science.
You may have peered into your soul before this cycle, or you may not even have known you had one. It doesn’t matter. It’s the private, secret core of yourself which now offers the most room for exploration, discovery and achievement. It has nothing to do with money, sex or work, and everything to do with who you really are, when nobody else is watching.
Therapy could change your life in 2021. Self-help or a psychologist, perhaps.
Meditation, which encourages you to turn inwards, can permanently change your life for the better, now. So can yoga. Any discipline which encourages you to turn in on yourself (writing poetry, making deeply introspective art or music) will help you grow, develop and learn at an incredible rate.
You will be absorbed in a project or plan which means you must hibernate at this time. It may take weeks or months, but it will be impossible for you to share it, or involve others very much. Keep at it! There is more to this than just the pandemic.
Even if this period of your life is anti-social, what you do behind the scenes will now accomplish more for you than a round-world trip, and a degree at Oxford, all at the same time. This is about your soul or spirit, perhaps your unconscious mind, channelled into a private plan. Maybe, a solitary quest. Hypnosis? Dreams?
Give your ‘Project X’ as much time and energy as you can, even if it means turning off your mobile, and leaving your e-mails unanswered. It’s what you don’t talk about or show off now, that has the most amazing potential to channel your unconscious mind, or God, or the spirit world, or whatever else you are feeding through.
The Twelfth House is about your relationship with yourself. It’s about looking in the mirror, or disappearing into inner space (the inner space of dreams, or tarot readings, or horoscopes) and finding out who’s in there. What are you all about, and who are you, really and truly? The search for those answers may take you the entire twelve months of this cycle, but you will discover that there is an awful lot more to you, than you ever knew was there.
Taking a voyage around yourself can be a mind-blowing experience at this time, and one not to be missed. You will never see yourself or other people the same way again, if you allow yourself the time to take this inner journey.
Have you ever analysed your natal (birth) chart? Asked the Tarot the purpose of your time on earth? Decoded a dream over six months? Met yourself in meditation during a whole year of it? Felt your spirit move, and discover automatic writing, during yoga? Encountered your true self and spiritual connection – through what you write, or draw, or sing, or play? If not, Jupiter says “For God’s sake, turn off the TV.”
What or who distracts you from your inner world now? Take a long look at the people or situations which are calling you away. It’s time to look inward. On a very basic level, Pisces, you can turn to counselling now and transform who you are.
English Sagittarian politician Charles Kennedy had this cycle on January 5th 2006 when he publicly admitted seeking private professional help for his drinking problem. Jupiter in the Twelfth House often cures hidden issues like this.
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