Welcome to your annual astrology prediction for 2020. Premium Members please login for your extended psychic forecast for you – plus complimentary journals, horoscope guidebooks and Tarot cards, to help you plan your year.
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Aries, you will work miracles this year, as you help to make the peace between people who have been at war. These conflicts may date from 2016-2019 or arise in the first part of 2020. They have involved your friendships, or career politics. This year, your ruling planet Mars will be in Aries for an unusually long time, to help.
The future looks very bright for group involvements of all kinds, your social life, social media and friendships. Yet, to arrive at this happy place in the year 2021, you must put in a great deal of time and effort in 2020. The very heavy Capricorn weather we have seen in recent years classically produces breaks, rifts, battles and feuds.
This may be a divorcing couple you know, or two friends who are no longer speaking to each other. You are in a unique position to take action and remove any further potential for problems. Chiron and Mars, both in Aries between Monday 29th June 2020 and Wednesday 6th January 2021, will put you centre-stage in this.
Aries is a fire sign and Mars is the red planet. Thus, we associate you with leadership and energy. Initiative and courage. The astrologer Margaret Hone associated Aries with ‘the firebrand’ who forges her/his way through life. You will come into your own in 2020 as you are prepared to courageously wade in and act.
Your reward will be a bigger, better, brighter future involving new and old friends – and particular clubs, teams, associations, societies and so on. This begins when Jupiter changes signs to Aquarius on Sunday 20th December, 2020. It may be that all concerned, including yourself, can join forces then, no matter how big a rift.
By then, any storm clouds on the horizon will well and truly have disappeared. Aries, you are the one to watch in this heavy astrological weather – the end of a long Capricorn season. People have been testing their power against each other, but the real power is yours. You are uniquely placed to bring an end to battles. This may be about a band, political party, charity or art collective.
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Taurus, you are an earth sign. Grounded and practical by nature, you know how to build. You also know how to rebuild. In the year 2020 you must decide which you are most inclined to do. We are seeing the historic combination of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Ceres and the South Node all in another sign, Capricorn, in January.
This begins the year on a note of common-sense. Life must be reshaped. Capricorn is associated with the mountain goat, just as Taurus is associated with the bull. The mountain goat climbs to the top, and so we associate this extreme Capricorn weather with the upper classes, management, the top of politics and business.
Capricorn is an earth sign like your own, and the time has come to take a down-to-earth approach towards the next 12 months. You are living in a period of tremendous change, not seen in your adult lifetime. Not only do you have tremendous questions raised about all the solid structures in your life, it’s also time for a fresh start.
The planet Uranus is associated with any new order in your life. New beginnings. Uranus is in Taurus, your own zodiac sign, at the same time that you are dealing with this intense, dramatic, Capricorn weather – and so the focus is very much on you, and your capacity to adapt and adjust to challenges and opportunities.
Only you can decide if you want to start something entirely new, or if you would rather return and recreate what was there before. Uranus in Taurus is rather like the coming of the Industrial Revolution (the planet Uranus was in fact, discovered in 1781). Going back to the dim and distant past is no longer an option.
This year can be tremendously liberating, despite the need for great change. It takes insight to appreciate that something that was so solid, for so long, might also have been so confining. So restricting. If you are a Premium Member, I’ll talk more about that, as we look at your Tarot card for 2020, which holds a few answers.
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Gemini, we are seeing an unusual year for you, in terms of your social circles, group involvements and friendships. Not only Chiron, a powerful horoscope symbol, but also Mars (for an unusually long time) are in the sign of Aries, which rules the community of people around you, with so much potential.
This may be a charitable trust, rock band, ensemble cast, trade union, political party, secret society, professional association or other group effort. It is possible this community of people is less formal or organised, but very close-knit, in terms of the trust, co-operation and collaboration. It may use Twitter, but go beyond it.
James for premium members I’ll look at the impact of The New Age of Aquarius, from December 20th this year, into the distant future. Aquarius is the sign that rules people power in a circle. For now, let’s take a closer look at Chiron the Centaur, who joins forces with Mars, in an unforgettable six-month period for you.
Chiron ‘has a soft spot for buccaneers, entrepreneurs, hustlers, pranksters. Politically and socially he lends his weight to dissenters, activists, gadflies, heretics, agitators, and other who challenge the system’ (Dennis Elwell, Cosmic Loom). What you set up in 2020, in this regard, will take off in a substantial way in 2021.
Chiron was discovered in 1977, the year that Punk broke. He was found by an astronomer who also challenged the system. Throughout 2020, Gemini, you will find tremendous healing, relief, release and even necessary repair work – through groups. People who pool their resources and are in it together, suit you.
Within this, we get the sense that there is good karma between yourself and the other side of a duet. Perhaps, a partnership on a personal or professional level. From Wednesday 6th May, the South Node moves into your opposite sign of Sagittarius for the first time in almost two decades. This is about two people – too.
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Cancer, the year ahead is quite unusual, as we see Mars remaining in your zone of success, status, achievement and ambition for around six months. Mars will be in Aries between Monday 29th June and Wednesday 6th January, 2021. You may know that Mars comes to us from Greece and Rome, as a horoscope symbol.
The Greek word ‘marnamai’ (to fight or do battle) is helpful in understanding why you will need a strategy with your employer, rival, husband (perhaps, if you are a full-time housewife and mother), employee, colleague, professor, fellow student or volunteer. In Latin, mas means virility. This is an old-school male.
In Rome, the wolf and the woodpecker were sacred to Mars, which might give you some more clues about this man, who dominates your life so much this year. He’s leader of the pack, or a tough bird. Mars gives his name to the Campus Martius, a field where Roman men practised warlike skills. It’s time for a strategy, Cancer.
You need this man’s respect, his co-operation, his backing, his agreement. Your own ambition to get to the top, depends on it. This may be about your career, your social position, your unpaid work or your life at college/university. The Red Planet has iron minerals in its soil, that rust. This man is red-blooded. Iron-willed.
The Moon, your ruler, passes through your zone of ancestry, culture, roots and heritage right opposite Mars, on a recurring basis in 2020. It’s time to remember the soldiers, sailors or pilots in your history, on both sides of the family tree. The warriors or conscientious objectors (that takes strength, too). The battlers.
As a Sun Cancer person, your background and origins describe who you are today. The Moon and the Fourth House belong to your sign, and they are associated with your mother’s side of the clan, as well as your father’s side. The message in 2020 is to remember who you are, by remembering where you come from.
You may be applying for a job this year, facing scholarship interviews, or requesting a promotion. For premium members your personal birth chart will show the bigger picture. You may be dealing with a fierce competitor in your chosen field, or just asked to explain yourself to your C.E.O. or biggest critic.
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Leo, this year you will gain from people who are teachers and travellers. Chiron the Centaur has well and truly arrived in your life education zone. Near Wednesday April 8th (and despite obstacles around Thursday 10th September) others will instruct you and guide you. These men are naturally adventurous.
This is an unusual year, because Mars – the planet which rules men – spends a long time in the same area of your horoscope, associated with learning. Mars will be in your Ninth House of study, ideas and beliefs, from Monday 29th June until Wednesday 6th January, 2021. This may be a six-month course for many Leos.
On Tuesday 14th July 2020, Mars will be conjunct Chiron in the bold and fearless sign of Aries. This explorer and adventurer will be centre-stage in your life, then. He is here to help, on whatever level you are ready for it. Chiron the Centaur had ‘a practised and steady hand’ which is the Greek translation of his original name.
2020 is very much about expanding your world view, if you are willing. There may be just one teacher, or a series of them, but it is time to open up to all that can be found in other cultures, countries, regions or nationalities. The lessons may be informal. This person’s wanderlust is contagious. You may be fascinated.
If you are prepared to play the seeker, in 2020, then one or more men will pack their bags, or boxes, and head your way. Chiron describes men who believe nothing is impossible. Audacious. Daring. Bold. ‘Chiron rubs his hands with especially pleasurable anticipation when people say this or that simply can’t be done,’ writes Dennis Elwell in Cosmic Loom: The New Science of Astrology.
So, what will you learn, Leo? Chiron was well-versed in medicine and all the arts – especially music. He was also skilled in clairvoyance, archery, sculpture and seduction. This minor planet, found in 1977, will have a major impact on you in 2020. Chiron will be with you until the year 2027. He may be a world traveller, outdoors type or immigrant, but he has so much to offer you.
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For the first time in almost two decades, the South Node of good karma (if you have earned it) is returning to Sagittarius, which rules your garden, home town, apartment, house, lifestyle and place in the world. You were given opportunities in 2019 and acted upon them. Now, you can enjoy an unforgettable year of harvest.
The Fourth House of your horoscope, ruled by Sagittarius, is not just about your own sanctuary or retreat. It is also about the natural surroundings. The River Thames if you are in London. The Australian bush, if you are in Brisbane. It is also very much about your family tree, and every branch that stems from that. It’s home.
In 2020 you will redecorate, renovate or even move – if your surroundings are not as luxurious, comfortable and beautiful as you require. Changes are easy to make in a year like this, if you are sure you need to do that. In other cases, you will simply feel that you have reached a stage where you can relax and enjoy rewards.
You may have been born with a silver spoon in your mouth, or a plastic spoon (if you are like your fellow Virgo, Pete Townshend). Perhaps you call the Welsh valleys home, or your ancestors did. Virgo, wherever you come from, and whatever your D.N.A. might be, it will support you and surround you in the most natural way.
We also find Venus, the planet of relationships, dominating your chart in 2020, along with patterns in the Seventh House of your cart, which Venus also rules. A second honeymoon, revived romance in a marriage or even a reconciliation between separated or divorced partners is not impossible. Some things are evergreen.
The fact is, you did a lot of hard work when Ceres and Jupiter were in Sagittarius, in your home, family and heritage zone. You did this between November 9th 2018 and December 2nd 2019. Your instinct was to use your earth sign qualities, to help ground you, secure your situation and establish your place in the world.
Everything comes to she (or he) who waits, and 2020 is proof of that. Yet, there is more to this year than just the effort you applied between November 2018 and December 2019. You are receiving a karmic settlement from South Node cycles going back in loops of 19 years. Some of these involve past lives and reincarnation, Virgo.
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Libra, in 2020 you will experience the beginning of The New Age of Aquarius, which starts in December and is a fact of life from the year 2023. This year will bring new arrivals, births and the rebirth of all that matters to you as a parent. As a godparent, aunt, uncle or grandparent. As a guide, teacher, mentor or senior influence on younger people.
As early as the New Moon in Aquarius on Friday 24th January, you will begin to see the future. Something (or someone) is ready to be Christened this year and the situation will be set up then. By Christmas 2020 there may be a pregnancy, birth, adoption or new relationship with a person who has children from a previous marriage.
The revival of a parent-child relationship is also possible as you may find everything old is new again. The connection between yourself and a baby, infant, schoolchild, teenager or young adult may be reborn.
Even if plans or discussions go in circles when Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius surrounds you (Sunday 2nd and Monday 3rd February – and Thursday 5th to Monday 16th March) you will get there in the end. In fact, the inevitable delays or changes involved (perhaps in your child’s new school year) will only add to the rebirth of the relationship, or the re-entry of a son or daughter.
One of the reasons for this tremendous emphasis on the next generation (and perhaps, the one after that) is Ceres’ arrival in Aquarius. She is a powerful horoscope symbol and is particularly associated with mothers and daughters. Ceres moves into your house of pregnancy, babies, infants, school children, teenagers and young adults on Saturday 1st February.
This is very close to that peculiar Mercury Retrograde twist in the tale, which begins around Sunday 2nd February. Ceres stays in this area of your chart until Thursday 23rd April. Thus, the year as a whole is set up in the very first quarter.
We sometimes see this cycle take place when a cousin has a child, or a sister begins dating a man with a child. It doesn’t really matter what the relationship is; the particular branch of the family tree is less important than the feeling of new opportunities and fresh possibilities. The beat goes on. The baton is passed from one generation to another.
This cycle is very much associated with giving new arrivals a new identity. Placing them in the grand scheme of things. Giving them your blessing. It is also about rebirth; being born again. It is possible that in 2020 this will have spiritual or religious meaning for some Libra people – be this Christianity or Buddhism, for example. We are seeing the North Node of karma move into an area of your chart which is all about your soul and beliefs.
I mentioned that a lot of your year is set up in the first quarter. For the first time in 29 years, Saturn moves into Aquarius on Monday 23rd March. He is followed by Mars in Aquarius on Wednesday 1st April, so these trends in your horoscope are moving quite swiftly from Saint Valentine’s Day through to Easter.
What you are really waiting for, though, is the arrival of Jupiter in Aquarius, into your zone of parenthood, teaching, guiding, mentoring and substitute parenthood. This happens on Sunday 20th December, just in time for Christmas.
The unique combination of serious, sombre Saturn and joyful, abundant Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Aquarius takes place on Monday 21st December. Seldom has a New Year felt quite so new, and 2021 will really feel like the new age, that it is. This is The New Age of Aquarius, as the slow-moving outer planets Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all gradually follow each other through this sign.
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Ever since Uranus moved into your opposite sign of Taurus in 2018, you have been dealing with difficult people or organisations. Shakespeare’s ‘slings and arrows’ springs to mind. Whenever you have a slow-moving planet like Uranus going into the zodiac sign which opposes you, there is usually a pretty challenging period.
The good news is, in the year 2020, you can break free of a situation where you have been embattled. This has not just been about one person. It has been about several voices and faces, which has brought you to a point where you may feel quite trapped and restricted. Your hands are tied.
If you are in a political party like the Democrats or the Liberals, for example, it may be within your own ranks – or the opposition may have been particularly sharp in 2018 or 2019.
That’s just one example. Your own personal birth chart will tell the full story, Scorpio. In any case, 2020 is about liberation. You have to make it happen, but the means of escape is there. It is very important that you realise you are free to walk away and begin again. This may literally involve shifting to a new home. A new place to work. Perhaps, even, a completely different region.
I mention this, because at the end of the year, we begin to see the first signs of an important opportunity to relocate. You honestly don’t see both Jupiter and Saturn in your home zone very often, and although it is really the years 2021 and 2023 (when Pluto also moves there) that matter most, the suggestion is here in 2020.
The fact is, Scorpio, somewhere new is waiting for you, if you are prepared to put in the time, effort and energy. Most of the work, however, will have to be done on yourself. There is no point in playing the victim here, or hoping that a saviour will read your mind and come and rescue you. There is nothing to be gained, really, from acting like a helpless soul in need of a rescuer. There are no guarantees at all that this kind of help will ever come.
No, your horoscope suggests that if you are to use this Uranus in Taurus transit to break out and move on, you must be proactive about it. Part of the problem for you in 2020 is that you are not seeing clearly. There is a lot of guesswork and imagination taking place, because you have been affected by a chain of eclipses.
Eclipses are always blind spots. In fact, if you stare at an eclipse without the correct glasses, you risk blinding yourself. In 2019 we had an eclipse on January 6th, another on January 21st, then on July 16th and December 26th (quite recently) which particularly affected you. If you could see yourself, and your situation, as others see it, then you would realise just how little true vision you actually have.
The fact is, nothing and nobody is stopping you from summoning up all your courage, using every one of your six senses (including your natural psychic ability) and making a break for a new life. Perhaps you want to travel, seek new work or just a different lifestyle in a completely new environment. All that is possible.
Scorpio is a fixed sign. You can become very stuck, but half the time it is your own attitude or beliefs which keep you marooned. Use who or what has threatened you, or surrounded you, to liberate yourself. The remains of old opposition or (even) attacks should be left behind in 2018 or 2019 and you should move on.
Moving on, means gritting your teeth, trusting your own sense of timing, and choosing your moment. Deal with who or what posed such a potential problem for you, and use it to motivate yourself. There was never any rule that said you had to be kept at bay by anyone, or anything. Empowerment is yours this year, as your powerful ruler Pluto in Capricorn joins Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, three times.
Capricorn is the sign that rules your Third House of thought, self-talk, mental processes, affirmations and your life script. This cycle reveals how you speak to yourself – what you tell yourself. If you are willing, you can harness your own mind and drawn on all your potent self-control, to unshackle yourself and see clearly at last.
Some things may never happen. The past may not necessarily repeat at all. What is the alternative? To stay stuck? Fixed sign though you are, there comes a time in every Scorpio’s existence when the only thing to do is break free and move on.
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Sagittarius, in 2020 you will experience a rare phenomenon in astrology. Jupiter, the planet of breakthroughs, healing, opportunity and growth – will visit your sector of the mind.
This is ruled by Aquarius in your solar chart, and associated with meditation, Reiki, mindfulness, yoga, and so on. It really is a case of whatever works for you, Sagittarius, and you will discover that as the year goes on. It may be hypnosis. Dream interpretation.
On a physical level, this year ahead may be about a different way to sleep. A new way to exercise or relax. A different way to eat or drink. Drugs, alcohol and cigarettes also fall into this category.
The fact is, Sagittarius, not only do you have your useful ruler Jupiter moving into your sector of thought processes, you also have Uranus (a symbol of radical change and freedom) moving through your zone of mental health and physical wellbeing.
What gets you to that point is unlikely to be a simple choice. Before you reach the point when Jupiter, with all his answers, appears in your chart – Saturn gets there first. This happens on Monday 23rd March.
One of the issue for you is the opposition you have experienced in the past, or the opposition you feel might come in the future. I use this word, because you are also experiencing the North Node in Gemini, your opposite sign, from Wednesday 6th May.
The North Node moves in a strange time-loop, going back in 19-year cycles, but also forwards at the same time. The North Node is associated with karma from past lives, as well as this one, and the karma you create for the future.
As we can see it is in your opposite sign of Gemini, associated with who/what is pushing against you, there is another very good reason for you to seize the day, and take the opportunity to completely rethink the way you think! Perhaps this is a sweeping lifestyle revolution, just waiting to happen.
What you pursue may go beyond meditation, into a completely new philosophy. Sagittarius are great believers. Maybe your old mindset, world view or attitudes need to be swept aside.
Astrologers see this cycle when people give up sugar, cocaine and late nights in favour of a new way of living, being and thinking. Sometimes it happens because the alternative is something they cannot go on accepting. This cycle can also turn up in connection with separation or divorce – and its aftermath. There is a lot to process, but for some reason, it is not going anywhere. Again, a deep change in thought processes or lifestyle can help.
Battles or conflicts can sometimes show up when we see the North Node going into your opposite sign, too. Again, they may be long ago or anticipated by you. Much depends on how you see them!
Something you need to remember about 2020 is that your home should be your escape. A sanctuary. You have been living with quite a long Neptune transit of your house and apartment sector. Neptune is very much associated with sleep and dreams (thus the bedroom) but also with drifting, floating, cruising and so on. He is an ancient symbol for the ocean, as you know.
Sagittarius, it seems crazy that you should allow your headspace to over-rule your actual living space in 2020. Your horoscope suggests you have created a really lovely escape zone for yourself, within your home or accommodation. Once you also create a peaceful, soothing and comforting environment in your inner space – your mind – you will change your entire year, and yourself, for the better. These kinds of changes can help you for a lifetime.
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Capricorn, sometimes your horoscope turns in your favour, as the cycles of time cross over, in areas of your chart associated with money and home. In 2020, your ruler Saturn enters Aquarius for the first time in 29 years, which rules your income, savings, investments, cash flow, shares and the valuable things of life that money cannot buy. Jupiter, the planet of abundance, follows – just a few days before Christmas.
At the same time, we are witnessing both Chiron and Mars, in the zodiac sign of Aries, which rules your house, apartment, accommodation or holiday home. Your garden, land, property or allotment is also ruled by this sign.
Your family tree on both sides is also ruled by Aries, and this combination of Chiron and Mars, spending the final six months of the year in this horoscope zone, suggests a useful period when you can do so much more, to make the most of your relatives, on your mother’s side, father’s side – or even both.
It is very important that you manage your money and investments carefully. You may feel as if you have woken up as Charlie with a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, but nothing lasts forever in this world. As a canny Capricorn, ruled by sensible Saturn, you must know that. You are an earth sign, too. Grounded!
If you own a business, putting money straight back into it is a time-honoured way of ensuring onward good fortune. Of course you need to consult your own accountant or financial adviser to make the most of this cycle. How often do we see Jupiter in your sector of abundance? Only once every 12 years. How often does your ruler Saturn turn up there? About once in three decades.
This suggests that you are quite right to be thinking about life in 12 years’ time, and 29 years’ time again. This is going to involve rather a lot of hard work on your part. You may be dealing with ‘money saved’ here so you are very much getting something for nothing. In other cases, you are seeing the fruits of your labours and previous energy invested is about to pay off.
Remember Saturn moves very slowly – at a snail’s pace. There is a strong message in your chart about enjoying the moment, just for a moment – and not a moment longer. Be wise about your next moves. What needs tidying up? What about particular ambitions for a house, garden, apartment or business? For a property investment? As an earth sign, in an earth-sign friendly year (Jupiter in Capricorn, your own sign, and Uranus in Taurus, another grounded sign) it is time to put your gloves on and roll your sleeves up.
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Aquarius, in 2020 you must sort out the group you have broken away from, or will break away from. In other cases, this is a circle that you move in and out of, going back and forth. The reason for this is the arrival of the South Node in Sagittarius, the zodiac sign which rules your rock band, political party, environmental charity, trade union, astrological organisation and the rest. Sometimes it’s less formal, so it’s a Twitter tribe.
This may be a group of friends that you have decided to leave, or may feel set apart from in 2020 (the split is something you could see now, but it has not happened yet). There are all sorts of feelings going on here, which makes sense. To the true Sun Aquarius, friends and even faces on Twitter can feel like family.
The South Node moves into Sagittarius on Wednesday 6th May. This is part of a really long cycle of different planets and points, all weaving in and out of this sign, which rules the community. In fact, a great deal of what you are experiencing in 2020 is the outcome of 2019, when you experienced both Ceres and Jupiter in this sign.
You are stronger together, than you ever are by yourselves. In fact there is the potential there for something new and fertile to emerge. Something that could grow, and grow – all the way to the next South Node cycle in about nineteen years from now.
Sometimes the tremendous emotional weight attached to situations which just aren’t that deep, can come from karma. In other words, you and your friends or acquaintances have form. You have made soul contracts in between lives, and may have reincarnated from a point in history which was critical for all of you. This may have happened towards the end of World War Two for some Aquarius people. We saw a South Node cycle in Sagittarius then, too. In fact, it began on the 3rd December 1945.
In India, the Node cycle is associated with karma as a matter of fact. The Nodes are called Rahu and Ketu. They move backwards in time, in Western astrology, which is peculiar. So peculiar, in fact, that this cycle is always associated with the debts and credits we chalk up with each other in a previous existence.
Even in this lifetime there may be karma to sort out. Perhaps, in 2020, you will be asked to confront your ideas, theories, opinions, arguments, debates and the rest. Your blogs, websites, columns, books, theories and theses.
I mention this because this year, you also have Chiron and Mars both going through Aries, the sign which rules your communication (both with the group and the world) for a very long time. In fact, it’s downright unusual. Chiron and Mars will both spend the second half of 2020 in this zone of your chart.
Mars is always up for a fight and you may feel as if you are on the attack or defence with a group. In a very few cases, you can end up in a situation where you were never, ever part of a particular collective of people, yet find them all lined up against you. Oddly, you have remarkably similar ideas and opinions, but are on different sides! We find this happening in politics rather a lot.
No matter what the situation is, after Mars changes signs on Monday 29th June, the stage is set for action. Chiron has a reputation in astrology for healing, and although this is not his only function, he is always here to help.
Saturn in Aquarius from Monday 23rd March (for the first time in 29 years, in your own sign) suggests time will help. In fact, the slow passage of time may bring about a natural kind of healing, that enables you to slowly but surely see the merits of reconciliation.
This may mean going back and regrouping. In other cases it may mean realising that you are all essentially on the same side, intellectually, and deciding that you are better off as allies.
Aquarius, we are about to see the historic arrival of Jupiter as well as Saturn in your sign. The year 2020 is ultimately all about people power within a collective and the great things that can be done, once people join forces with their shared ideals and visions. We will see it in a global resurgence in conservation, for example.
You have your part to play in all that. Did I mention your other choice, though? You can walk away. Leave a gap, where you once used to be (or where you might have been) and find your own pathway. That is also an option for you.
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An astrological event not possible in 19 years takes place in 2020. The North Node of karma leaves your zone of parenthood, potential parenthood – and substitute parenthood. A huge cycle is over and you are free to make some important choices.
Ever since the North Node entered the zodiac sign of Cancer and your Fifth House, back on November 7th 2018, you have been caught in something bigger than yourself. In fact, the Node cycles goes back in 19-year loops, all the way to the end of World War Two, if you believe in past lives. We saw it again in 1925-1926.
For you and a certain someone, in the year 2020, there is no more karma to play out. You are both free to do whatever, must be done. The time has come.
Separate or divorce? Remarry? Get back together? Go from dating to engaged? Engaged to married? Married – to parenthood? We are seeing a great deal of activity in the zodiac sign of Cancer this year, and this is an emotional water sign like your own. You will be making your choices based on feelings, and particularly sexual feeling – which only you know, because you know yourself best.
The karma of this and many lifetimes, breaks on Wednesday 6th May and it may be this date (or close to it) that marks a watershed moment for you.
Relationships are complicated things, as you and someone else knows very well. Perhaps this is a former lover who is looking for an apology. For payment, on some level. For revenge? It can happen, even in the Garden of Eden.
Venus, the planet we associate with all the twists and turns of love and sex (past, present or potential) goes retrograde in 2020. She spends an unusually long time in your domestic, home life and family zone. Venus enters this area of your chart on Saturday 4th April and stays there, going backwards and forwards (often rather stuck) until Friday 7th August.
This may of course be your marriage, or former marriage. What God hath joined, let no man put asunder – and all that. If you are a Premium Member, in a moment I will look at your Tarot card for 2020 (The Lovers) and discuss your choices, which are many.
The other karma in your chart this year begins as the North Node goes into your family, home life and domestic zone. The typical Pisces is psychic. If you feel you have been here before, or you have known each other before, you are probably right. There is nothing new under the sun.
We can see adultery on this cycle, so someone is tempted by an affair that would break up the home. That can happen, about as often as a single Pisces woman meets a man with intense sexual chemistry with her – and must make one of the biggest decisions of her life. No two Pisces people are alike and only your personal birth chart can tell the full story.
We have quite a long Mercury Retrograde period in Cancer, in 2020. This water sign, so emotional like your own, is about next steps in the discussion about pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, adoption, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers or adult offspring. Sometimes it’s about young in-laws.
The narrative during this time (Tuesday 2nd June to Monday 27th July) may take you back to the past. The parents you once were, or the marriage that was once there. It may take you rocketing into the potential future. What if one of you wants pregnancy and the other one does not? Think of just about every question, though, not just these two scant examples I am giving you!
Mercury is about circular discussion or minds (not) made up, so please allow for that from 2nd June-27th July. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere this could be quite a long, hot summer. Yet, you would have to say the hesitation or communication disconnect has its part to play. These things take time, as Morrissey once said.
This may be a year for tying your tubes or tying the knot. It’s momentous, though, because we’ve not seen these cycles for 19 years and will not see them for another two decades or so, Pisces.
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