Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
September 5-11, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for September 5-11, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Astrology Runs on Multi-Cycles

It also happens to be the oldest timekeeping. Here we have public health disorder (Mercury Retrograde in Virgo) and domestic airline, public transport and commuting disorder too (Mars Retrograde in Gemini). If you are not already in possession of a HEPA or UVC unit; or a DIY Corsi-Rosenthal Box, it’s time.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Leo weather rolls on with Ceres in the sign of the lion, in your solar Fifth House of heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. The world of children (your own, or other people’s) will be in focus now. Learn to be a parent who says no, yes and no, but also yes – at this time – if you do not, you can expect resistance at best, and a stand-off at worst. Your sense of boundaries, or your child’s, are under the gaze of Ceres, now. Compromise is coming by the end of September. Try to be utterly realistic about what Kate Bush would call ‘the deal’ you are making regarding adoption, pregnancy, IVF, abortion, miscarriage and all other aspects of childbirth – and the world of children. Young adult offspring too. Of course, you may be a godmother, aunt, uncle, grandparent or teacher. It may reach you that way.

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This Saturn cycle is about your profession, but also about your part-time or full-time job – and if you aren’t in the workforce, it’s about your duties at home, or the study you do on a daily basis.

You’ll pull someone towards you now as your teacher. It will probably be a colleague, client, boss, customer or other workplace connection. If you have full-time home duties it may be different. Your critic can be your teacher. An elder can be your teacher.

Stand back from this situation on this Saturn transit. What or who is the burden? That answer is neither good nor bad in itself, but the association has to be productive; educational; instructive. If not, it’s time to pull away. No matter if you have a full or part-time job, it’s time to ask other people if your take on this (or those takes of a colleague, boss or client) are actually teaching you something or just a burden.

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The Eighth House of your solar horoscope, ruled by Capricorn, covers money, business, property and possessions which depend on the involvement of other people. The Eighth House is basically about in-depth, complex financial matters. It’s also about in-depth, complex aspects of human existence, like death, dying and sex. Pluto is here until March 2023, and you are already very familiar with questions about wills, legacies, dowries, mortgages, child maintenance and the rest. He’s been here since 2008. Now, here’s another circuit with Pluto, ahead.

You can be easily disempowered by financial; business or property matters now unless you use willpower to find the empowerment. Do get external advice and get as many opinions as you need. Self-control puts you in control, largely or at least in a fair way. This transit commonly unfolds with marriage, divorce or family money.

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There is something very 1960s about this Neptune in Pisces cycle! It’s about taking a trip, or a head trip, and it will go on until 2026. You don’t have to Janis Joplin or The Byrds to enjoy its effects, though – just reasonably in touch with reality. Neptune is about escapism; the Ninth House (where he passes through in Pisces) is about foreigners and foreign countries.

The Ninth House covers experiences, places and people which expand your horizons. Travel is first on the list, along with emigration and Zoom exploration (usually to online places which represent an escape of some kind.) Of course, a culture foreign to you, in your own country, can also be a way out of reality. This becomes ever more promising from Halloween to Christmas when Jupiter also enters this zone.

It may be a part of the world that you fantasise about escaping to, full-time or part-time, once the tourism and travel industry is under control. Or it may be online, but way over there. Time to look at the practicalities and realities too because something is a growing concern.

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Uranus in the Tenth House puts liberation, independence, space and room to roam at the top of your list. It encourages you to use your position, your role, or your career, to bring about your most exhilarating ideas about being free.

You will not want a restraint in these next few weeks. Particularly in relation to your job, your role, your mission, or your ambitions! Uranus is about new technology, invention (necessity being its mother) and all innovation in your chosen field, or a new one. When it comes to your achievements in this cycle, the potential for something rather special, and completely out of the ordinary, is definitely there from May 2023 to May 2024. Your ambitions must bear some relationship to the unpredictable dance of life, and your real need to be a free agent, if you are going to see your ideals come to pass – or if you are going to make it in that career.

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Duets and duels entice with their escapism. People or situations which represent a complete escape from the real world, will now lure you, yet again. The more these people or situations offer you the chance to lose yourself and forget who you are, the more lost you will be in the partnership or the battle. As Neptune is now alone in Pisces, you will be utterly blind to reality at this time. You may not even be fully conscious of what you are doing – ‘forgetting’ or ‘unconsciously’ not remembering. Neptune says “Know yourself well now. Who are you when he or she is not in the film?” What does Neptune do? It makes us so blind to the effect we are having on ourselves and others, that we go where we should not. We do what we should not, too. And if you are not careful, the real world out there will have to stop you. Boundary-free living is common. The solution will appear from Halloween.

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You will do extremely well in the money, property and lifestyle game from May 2023 until May 2024, with Jupiter in Taurus in your solar Eighth House – so plan a long game. This cycle can bring millions or save you thousands; it depends on your natal chart. In both cases, though, the purpose of this cycle is the same. Rich or poor, the time to dig deeper and find out what and who you value most – and what is really priceless – is now. I am sure it is no surprise to you, to hear that you are in the most radical, revolutionary, demanding cycle of your life. The property, money, business or charity has been quite the saga since May 2018. Other people’s values will dictate your life now. Their idea of what (or who) is most bankable will sweep you along or find you challenging the numbers.

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Mars Retrograde in Gemini is about stuck, slow and sometimes cancelled financial moves, and it’s with you until March. It’s irrelevant if you speed up or slow down, in the money, business or lifestyle game in these next few months. In all cases, it’s an excellent time to ask yourself what you value most. As you cycle backwards, you’ll have time to ponder. Look at partnership or family property, finance, business, charity. It’s where your buried treasure is. Once you uncover it, you will be in a great position to know yourself, set your terms, and create your world according to your own value system – never mind other people’s. This will take time, Scorpio, because Mars Retrograde is ‘action backwards’ so the film is on constant rewind, pause, rewind, pause until March. Yet, just knowing that can help you set a more realistic set of expectations.

Light is now shed, like sunlight, on the Third House of your chart. The Third House rules your brothers and sisters. It rules the written and spoken word, and how you communicate in other ways – through symbols or images, for example. Finally, it rules short journeys, so cars, yachts, bicycles, motorbikes and Shank’s Pony are in focus. Pluto, making his presence felt in the Third House again, is the planet which changes your world in the most dramatic way, offering a strange combination of decisive endings, and powerful new beginnings, all at the same time. It delivers critical moments, with an overload of passion and emotion. At this time in your life, you will experience Pluto’s impact through all three areas ruled by the Third House – your brothers and sisters; the plans, projects and ideas which use your communication skills, and finally, through the local journeys you take or commuting you do. The cycle ends in March 2023 but until then you have big choices to make, Scorpio.

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Property will be an escapist business in this cycle, no matter if you are renting or owning. When you do escape, yet again, you will make your own reality. The house, garden or apartment becomes the bubble. Your newfound escape route, now, in the property game will have a far-reaching impact on other options which arrive, Halloween to Christmas. Try an alternative property strategy then, that better suits who you actually are. Your ruler Jupiter will be in charge of this area of your chart from October.

Where you live, and how you live, is your key to another world, now. And you’ll get up there, too. Your lifestyle, your address, the look or feel of your home – it all adds up to Bubble World. You’ll end up with the kind of home life which makes some people wonder what’s so realistic anyway!

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Your relationship with the world of babies and children, will go through a radical change during this cycle. Your son or daughter may move from childhood to adolescence – or adolescence to adulthood – at this time, which is one obvious cause of big change. Another possibility? You will deal with the realities of abortion, adoption, miscarriage or IVF treatments, and find that your old attitudes and expectations fall away, to be replaced by a new outlook. There are many different ways in which the changes involving children will manifest now.

Your connection to children may be less personal now – you may experience this cycle through your job (for example, if you nurse or teach infants or teenagers) or through your interests outside work – or the young people in question may be godchildren, nieces, nephews, stepchildren or grandchildren. Uranus in Taurus is about a sequence of revolutions (it began in May 2018) which until 2026, liberates you and those around you so that independence is possible.

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This property, family, household, hometown and homeland cycle will strip away what is unnecessary and encourage you to get rid of ideas, habits or set-ups which aren’t appropriate anymore. Not surprisingly, this cycle often sees dramatic changes in the way you rent, or own, or invest. It runs until 2026. This cycle is about discovering what will help you be free, above all other things. What didn’t work out for you, or even who didn’t work out for you, is not important. What matters is your ability to sit quietly with yourself long enough, to discover what it is about yourself that is liberating! It may be forgetting about other people’s ideas regarding property. Or family.

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This Mercury Retrograde cycle is all about your marriage, relationship, former partner or current/ex work or business partner. It is also about anyone who is against you – an opponent, rival or enemy. The effects are the same no matter if you are madly in love, getting married, divorcing, dealing with bereavement, or managing a feud. You will go back and forth, with him (or her) so treat this as a rehearsal. The cycle runs from 24 to 29 degrees of Virgo, so ever since August 21st you have been looping the loop, with the final loop set for October 11th or thereabouts. As the partnership changes shape, for this or other reasons, you realise it’s all a rehearsal. Other variations on this theme include a dramatic shift in the dynamic of your relationship or marriage which makes you feel as if you’re rewriting the rewrite. It is the same with a work partnership or even a dispute.

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