Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
September 30 - October 6, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for September 30 – October 6, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Astrologyshow Substack 300x218 - Your Weekly Horoscope September 30th to October 6thNew Moon and Full Moon videos are now available to subscribers at The Astrology Show on Substack here for US $5 per month.

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Hosted by Alicia Fulton.


Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – Another revival or resurrection, in terms of your money, house, apartment, business, charity or shares – is on offer. It’s rather like assuming a wave has passed, when it returns. Aesculapia and Uranus in Taurus suggest a forthcoming miracle – who or what you assumed was over, is not over at all. Try to move your mind as far away from 2017 and the preceding years as you can. This is not that. This is an ongoing revolution.

If you can treat your situation like a day in the wildest and most unpredictable surf and keep the board moving as you twist and turn, you will be finding even more freedom. Aries, try to read the currents as they come towards you now and stay on top of the wave until July 7th, 2025, when this unpredictable, exhilarating, unprecedented journey ends.

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Taurus – Because of your radical change of image, title, appearance, role, reputation or profile since 2018, not much shocks you about yourself anymore. You’re going to see twists and turns in the tale of your relaunches until July 2025. Nobody has anything on their Bingo card about you in 2024, 2025 and reputation, look and branding is an unpredictable game. Be prepared for the old cameo to alter, yet again, or for a complete rethink of title, projected personality, portrait and so on.

It is quite common on this cycle to relaunch, then relaunch twice more. You have no restraints now and in fact what happened this year set you very, very free, which is no doubt why you caved in to it. Aesculapia paired with Uranus in Taurus suggests something about your appearance or online identity which you assumed was virtually defunct will come back.

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Gemini – Your ruler Mercury has not been functioning normally in an area of your chart which rules your internet life. It has also gone backwards in your home, family and property zone. As you know, this is not a regular path. It will take you a while to recover from all this backwards and forwards motion with long pauses as Mercury takes its time to recalibrate.

Apollo, Vesta and the Moon are here in your home, family, household, real estate and homeland zone to alter the story. It’s certainly a matter for your diary, if you keep one. You have been forced to ponder, peruse and contemplate decisions. Now, Apollo suggests something or someone to follow or imitate. A leader or leaders, plural. This might be a commanding local councillor on the topic of your own town, or a builder who sets an example. It might be a leader within the family circle who is a multi-tasking renaissance man or woman.

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Cancer – Normally you would begin writing a new chapter with the media or internet now and move on. Instead, you must be a realist about the ongoing effect of recent delays, reversals, schedule changes and computer or web issues.

You begin the week with the Moon in Virgo in your house of communication and connections – locally and regionally. Cancer, the bigger picture is about your collective interests, social media, and digital group involvements. If you want to be free through groups or free from groups, you can do that now – though you are unlikely to plan the revolution too far ahead. Better to liberate yourself consciously, though, than not admit to yourself how trapped you have been feeling.

Of course you can connect and communicate without Facebook (perhaps you already are) and other social media circles. This question of friendship and your message may be quite separate. The project or plan you have in your hands now is rather important as it involves a leader or leaders (plural) you find inspiring enough to imitate.

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Leo – Uranus, the planet of revolution, suggests success is independence. Even breaking away from your usual way of working or studying or volunteering is a sort of freedom. Given that the last thing you expected happened professionally (twice) since 2018, perhaps it’s time you set about a new U-turn. The planet Uranus spins on its side. Despite the upheaval (another U-word), do go for what is unique, unexpected, unusual, unlikely, unconventional, or unprecedented if you think it would give you oxygen.

Now that Mercury has well and truly passed his final shadow as September rolls past, it is also time to call anything financial or related to property – fixed, firm or final. Goodbye flux. The Moon in Virgo begins the week in your sector of money, houses, apartments, inheritance, business, sales, purchases and so on.

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Virgo – Mercury Retrograde in Virgo spent weeks in August 2024 delivering flux with the internet, your daily commute, travel as well as travel in the mind. Multimedia, information, communication, transportation and negotiation, in short, as Mercury is your ruler, and he had been going backwards in the same house as your Sun in your natal chart. You can assume that the change in direction with your projects, courses, plans (or the way you get from A to B) is now firm, as your ruling planet Mercury is no longer busily going backwards and forwards (when he is not standing still).

In fact, the Moon in Virgo from Monday does rather suggest ‘That was then, this is now.’ These are likely to be branded projects or plans which really articulate who you are – your packaging or presentation. Meanwhile, do think about who or what is so foreign. Thanks to faces from other places occupying other remarkably different head spaces, you are now in quite a different place yourself. It’s as well to keep your options open here as the last thing you expect to happen with foreigners or foreign countries is usually the first thing that happens on a Uranus transit.

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Libra – Forget the old way of dealing – financially or with property – and experiment with all that is new and (literally in some countries) revolutionary. Repeatedly, Libra, you have been pushed towards new pathways which would liberate you. It takes great insight to see that, when all that appears is a chain of sudden offers and equally sudden rejections since 2018. One way to think about this week is to see the ground being broken up in order for new shoots to spring forth. King-size cucumbers in the conservatory of life are possible.

Uranus in Taurus in your Eighth House of both inheritance and mortgage tends to deliver the highly unusual, unique, unprecedented and, often, the unorthodox. Leave the situation open with the house, money, business, charity, possessions, apartment in order to accommodate the usual U-turns of Uranus in October.

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Scorpio – Something here with a duet or duel in your life has held you back or tied you down for far too long and the cycles of astrology are urging you to rethink just about everything about him/her. This is the first in a long sequence of Uranus transits, over many years, ending in July 2025. But you might say the process of mutual freedom is in motion through fits and starts.

Aesculapia in Taurus is also here, so a person or situation you had given up on is ready for revival. A decent percentage of Scorpio women will be reconciling with a former partner, ahead. The last thing you ever expected is the first thing that happens with Uranus in your Seventh House of prior separation and divorce. However, it is true of astrology that Uranus will always shock us in the end. So, even giving an example is misleading. Basically, with your other half, or the other side, the world is always poised to invert.

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Sagittarius – There is something Uranian going on with your daily routine, workload as well as your health and wellbeing which can no longer be predicted, ironically enough. It may be your housework, gardening, unpaid efforts, university or college degree, part-time job or full-time career. Life is now about accepting the obvious need to meet change – with change. You already broke away from the norms a couple of years ago, but it will not be until July 2025 that you really realise just how radical a recent decision actually is. Talk about catching up with yourself. And, yes, this may have just been about your mental or physical health, too.

Uranus in Taurus in your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing shows a great deal of room for another revolution. You’ve already had a few. Aesculapia, also here, suggests a revival or spectacular repair, both with work and health, as he circles your Sixth House. This is an ancient symbol depicted by the Rod of Aesculapius. Never write anything off when this asteroid is circling. Nothing and nobody is ever over in the Sixth House of wellbeing and service to others at the moment.

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Capricorn – Uranus changes your life and changes it again. Babies? Pregnancy? We’re talking about a possible future role as stepfather/stepmother here – or maybe a younger generation of inherited nieces, nephews, godchildren and so on. Your own growing son or daughter may be the more obvious focus, if you are a parent. Then, there is a younger generation known as Z or Zoomers connected to you through work – paid or unpaid.

You have broken out and broken away in all sorts of new directions this year – and feel far more enthralled by life as a result. Now, there are more breakaway moments. At core level, this can even just be about sexual relationships full stop. Aesculapia accompanies Uranus in Taurus this week in your Fifth House of offspring and intimacy. Something or someone you had written off could come back very easily. This can occasionally be a former boyfriend. It may also be a plan to foster a child. Your natal chart or Tarot will reveal this highly personal story, Capricorn.

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Aquarius – Your ruler Uranus is still at large in an area of your horoscope which describes home life, family, hometown, homeland, shared household and heritage. Ancestors and the family tree. Town and country, too. Out of this, comes a new beginning which will take until November to finalise as you are waiting for the opposition of the Sun in Scorpio to Uranus in Taurus.

Along the way, there will be twists and turns, as you rightly anticipate. Yet, Aquarius…Your home life, family, household, town, country or property situation is also a revival story. Why? Aesculapia joins Uranus in your Fourth House of family, home, household and real estate. Who or what you assume is finished, is not finished at all. The impact is long-term, liberating, unprecedented, unique and unusual. Ask, ‘Who or what prevents me from being free, in my life?’

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Pisces – If you get the feeling that you are being encouraged to think (extremely) differently when using the web, you are correct. It may be the way you handle newspapers or television, too – or radio. The symbol of radical and revolutionary change, Uranus, is writ large in your communication house.

Aesculapia is also in Taurus, alongside Uranus, so something or someone you had written off will be revived. This may be a podcast or a telephone in a shoebox. Uranus and Aesculapia are quite potent symbols coming to use from Ancient Rome. One is about rejection and the way distancing and outright rebellion can prompt exhilarating new freedom. Apply this to the internet and you’re halfway there. The other symbol is about quite miraculous turnarounds when nothing and nobody is over. Again this may be the web this week or, perhaps, the media.

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