Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
September 2-8, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for September 2-8, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Your Birthday Coming Soon 225x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope September 2nd to 8thThank you for making the new book, Your Birthday, a #9 bestseller at Amazon USA on pre-sales.

It’s always great to be in the New Age Horoscopes chart and, this time, it’s with Sunday Times bestseller, my brilliant friend, Rachel Wells. The book will be with you on October 15th, 2024, around the world.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – Mercury has you rethinking a sexual relationship at this time (or a new phase of your old relationship) which finds you learning more about your needs in the bedchamber – whether you are single or with a partner. Yes, it’s the Leo Mercury Retrograde weather in your house of courtship. This could see a very recent chapter being rewritten; alone or with your King/Queen/Courtier.

The world of children (your own or other people’s) will also be in focus now as part of the rethinking following what now appears to have been a rehearsal. The declarations, proclamations and online arrangements now slowly start to reveal themselves with some finality regarding adoption, pregnancy, IVF, abortion, miscarriage and all other aspects of childbirth – and the world of children.

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Taurus – What was supposed to be in the bag or a done deal with your family, house, apartment, town, country, or household was actually on a long rewind. Even as you were seeing things go in writing or others were ‘settling’ something. Not so. Mercury Retrograde can do that to a chap or a chapess.

Now, about the repetition, recycling and rethinking you experience – with all their circuits – and the process of restarting. You think about onlookers who don’t really understand why you are now in reassessment mode…Well, how can they understand? You just didn’t know. And now you do.

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Gemini – You are likely to be tempted by goals and roles which allow you to escape reality on some level. Saturn joins Neptune in your success zone, though, so reality checks actually have to come with the alternative realities too. The Tenth House is loaded until 2025. Yet it requires some preparation now.

Thus, with all the muddles of previous years, you know what not to do. Neptune often leads people into situations where there are no boundaries and no concept of what is realistic, practical or even possible. What is really odd, though, is that despite the free-floating, there are still heavy rules.

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Cancer – Let’s talk about foreigners and foreign countries with Neptune in your solar Ninth House. Nobody is going to want an ordinary, normal, life now. This transit can be confusing and confused. With Saturn here too, boundaries are required The Ninth House covers experiences, places and people which expand your cultural, academic or geographical horizons. Travel is first on the list, along with emigration and relocation or foreigners who draw you in. Again, you have to be a realist when Neptune is transiting this house with Saturn too.

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Leo – Your Independence Day is close – professionally, academically or in your world of volunteering or unpaid efforts. With enough commitment to freedom by 2025, you can liberate yourself. When it comes to your achievements in this cycle, the potential for something rather exhilarating, if wildly unpredictable, is definitely there every time you have transits involving Uranus, so that’s now. Various experiments with side hustles or new ways of doing the old tasks have succeeded since 2018. You have woken up to surprise even yourself in an area of life, expertise or ability you never really banked on before 2018. Now start as you mean to go on, Leo.

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Virgo – Neptune in your Seventh House? You are almost used to this, but not quite. It’s about distortion, the duet or the duel. You can also lose yourself in the ghost of a haunting lost love. Or, perhaps, lose yourself in a mighty battle with an enemy who assumes mythological proportions. It’s all Neptune.

You can also deal with reality-impaired former partners on this transit, if there is a duel. The possibilities are endless, and you also have Saturn here too. People or situations which represent a complete escape from the real world, need to be anchored and roped in, signposted, flagged and handled with realism.

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Libra – Neptune is distorted vision. You now have it with your work, housework, unpaid work (being a carer or volunteer). You have it with academia. Neptune says, “You’ve got your angles now. But you need other angles too.” None of these remotely resemble reality. The point at which your life invites fish-eye lens vision, is the point at which you must own the situation, Libra.

Do you have Virgo factors? Well, this is personal. This is a long, long Neptune transit in Pisces, and sooner or later the oppositions to Virgo (work, routine, mental health, physical health) will appear if they’ve not already done so. Whatever your natal chart, though, keep the unreal real. You have to when Saturn is alongside Neptune.

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Scorpio – This is a great time to privately set your own web agenda. This Pluto Retrograde cycle with the internet, the media, publishing, and/or education also brings a decisive and dramatic final chapter which accompany new beginnings in November. Typical Pluto stuff! It may have been Facebook or X-Twitter which got you last time. Sometimes the issue is fundamental communication, so less about moguls online and more about your hearing, eyesight, speech and comprehension.

If you have anything in Gemini in your natal chart, this is an historic transit which brings dramatic and life-changing closure with the media and web in November. No such factors or don’t know? In any case, you must now spend September to November going backwards with old digital issues in order to go forwards.

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Sagittarius – Pluto is now in your Third House, on and off, until November when he is definitely on – he’s back again. The Third House rules your brothers and sisters. It rules the written and spoken word and how you communicate in other ways through symbols or images, for example.

Finally, it rules short journeys, so cars, trains, aeroplanes, ships, boats, bicycles, motorbikes and public transport are a big focus now too. Self-control works with the Third House – your brothers and sisters; the plans, projects and ideas which use your communication skills, and finally, through the journeys you take. Willpower is empowering.

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Capricorn – This Pluto cycle in your finance and property zone goes backwards now but resumes in time for Christmas. Try an alternative property strategy for 2025 – even in your mind – that better suits who you actually are. Where you live, and how you live, is your key next year to experiments which may be directly connected with your bank account, your holdings, your debts or credits. You’ll find you can get up there into alternative realities with real estate or your home in 2025, too. Your lifestyle, your address, the look or feel of your home – it all adds up to total escapism next year. This is hinted at now. So, this week is about the future. Very much so.

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Aquarius – Closure comes slowly with a long look back at religion, therapy, Tarot, self-help, mediumship, the I-Ching, hypnosis and your inner world. A new order is coming in November. The world of God, perhaps, will bring empowering new beginnings now and dramatic endings which force you to find your inner power too. Do use this new Pluto Retrograde period to find out who you truly are, then set yourself a different course – one which actually empowers you. This will also trigger a few new beginnings and final chapters. This is sign-off time. Signing off from a situation which has been there forever, gone and now comes rocketing back is typical.

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Pisces – Trawling your chart for something – anything to explain the intensity of self-help, God, religion, Tarot, mediumship, therapy, soul-searching, hypnosis and the rest – we find Pluto. You get some relief now as Pluto quits Aquarius and goes back into Capricorn. At last, a break from the depth charges!

Yet, Pisces, this comes back in late November with a deal in December and a new start in January, February next year. So, you may as well park whatever emotions, need to be parked, but come back to them later. There will be a change, though. Big, big change.

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