Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
September 25 - October 1, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for September 25 – October 1, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Photo Courtesy of Alicia Richardson

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, children, young adults and their world is center-stage this week. This may be your son and his girlfriend, or godchildren – perhaps teenagers that you teach. With Juno and Venus in Leo, there are questions here about what commitment actually means. Juno is Jupiter’s wife in astrology and a symbol of pledges and promises. Of course, you can have this even if someone is out of the picture or leaving the scene.

Sometimes the commitment is between the children themselves or the young adults. Venus shows what is complicated. She forms a pentagram or five-pointed star in the heavens. It’s also called the five petals of the rose. So, something about your situation is as complex as that. And it takes a fair bit of fathoming and working out.

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Taurus, some people drift and float. Some people are down to earth. This week you are all too aware of the drifting and floating. You have Aesculapia, Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, the sign of the two fish, actually ruled by Neptune. You may be all at sea. Somebody else may be.

The solution is a big journey. The only way for any kind of reality to enter into this is through departure. Yet, you can’t force yourself into it. Nor can anyone else be forced. Pisces and Neptune are associated with a detachment from the normal and every day. The escape artist in you, or the escape artist in someone else, does need a firm judgement.

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Gemini, we have Mars, the action planet, in Libra this week along with a Full Moon in Aries, the sign of action men and action women. Things are too fast for you, or others, and the pace needs to drop. There may be a mission here or even a battle of sorts. You tend to get that on a Full Moon when the Moon is against the Sun.

In any case, slowing down and cooling down is a smart idea. There is a saying that you have to pick your battles and that may be the case here. There is also a really, really good case for a plan. A strategy which is well thought out, carefully researched and measured is very wise when we have this sort of Mars and Aries pattern in the chart.

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Cancer, healing, therapy, help or even a cure feels so much closer this week. The powerful asteroid Cupido is in your sector of dentists, doctors, therapists, counsellors, surgeons, masseurs and the rest. Of course, sometimes the process is not professional. It can be more spiritual or psychological and nobody need get paid for it.

Bacchus is also in the Sixth House of the chart, which is where we find mercy missions for those who need it. You could call it a service or. a duty but actually it’s more than that, emotionally. And you are an emotional water sign.

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Leo, with Juno in Leo, your own sign shows the ties that bind. When it gets to this stage, the ties that bind can feel impossible to escape from. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. As you or another is about to sense, this week, breaking free is down to instinct. You could call it intuition or the sixth sense.

The other chart factor now is Ops, who is a symbol of can-do thinking. Getting out of situations which have gone too far is down to being practical. Ops is really about strategy and if ever there was a time for high strategy, it’s this week, Leo. This Full Moon is bringing things full circle and it’s a now or never moment. Nothing and nobody can move in any direction until there’s not only a plan, but the will to carry it out.

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Virgo, the Sun is opposite the Moon this week. The Sun is the father, or a father. It’s also the leader or chief. Appropriately enough, things revolve around this man. You can be a woman and have this old-school, masculine side of your personality at full force.

The Full Moon in Aries opposite the Sun in Libra does rather suggest an employer, husband, CEO, father or grandfather, though. There’s a fair bit of push and pull here. Or push back. How you or anyone else breaks this kind of deadlock or stalemate is down to two things. Time and strategy. Whenever you get Aries in the mix you look for a battle plan, or action plan, or strategic approach.

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Libra, this week is really about musical differences, which is the polite term used by bands when everybody wants to be the lead singer or star and the rest of the group have to figure it out. You could say, too many cooks spoil the broth, or birds of a feather flock together. Libra, this is fixed when two of you join forces, meet in the middle, and then approach another one or two people and so on.

You are nothing if not the great balancer of astrology, but then again you won’t bother with balancing the scales unless you feel a situation can be rectified. There is in fact something asymmetrical and lopsided about what is going on. I dare say the Full Moon in Aries, opposite the Sun in Libra, will bring things to a head. The real story here is Juno and Venus Retrograde in Leo, though. That rules teams, clubs, charities, trade unions, societies and so on.

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Scorpio, real leadership is leadership of a younger generation or generations to come. With both Juno and Venus in Leo – the sign of heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne – you may find big questions about how children and teenagers are to be guided. Perhaps the question is also about babies yet to be born.

Whenever you get a strong Leo statement in the chart, you find dignity, authority and a natural sense of place. There is huge influence here but of course nothing can happen until a particular idea, concept or plan is planted properly. It’s really not enough to look the part, one has to act the part and follow through and that is going to require action, not just ideas or inclinations.

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Well Sagittarius, a Full Moon opposite the Sun in your zone of the hive mind, groups, circles of people and the rest, is always a reminder. This is a reminder that following a Full Moon opposite the Sun, comes the dawn. A brand-new day will dawn after this, if not a whole new beginning and big fresh start.

The sign of the Full Moon is Aries, which is short, sharp and straight to the point. Aries is ruled by Mars the god of action and sometimes battle, so this week is not exactly a spa retreat. At the same time, a Full Moon is always the full stop before the new chapter. So, from this comes some kind of rebirth or relaunch. I think it’s fair to say that this is a decisive chapter, an unforgettable chapter, for one particular bunch of people and you may on the inside here, against someone, or it may be you who is very much on the outer.

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Capricorn, whenever you see Juno and Venus in the finance zone like this, there is money to be made. Juno is a commitment. The commitment is to whatever is solid gold, which is the Leo metal. Of course, nothing comes out of the sky and money does not grow on trees. It has to be earned through sheer hard graft and applied effort.

You also have a Full Moon this week against the Sun in Libra in your zone of career, unpaid work and study. This is usually a bridge to cross, and you now seem to be at a point where decisions must be made about how to manage everything. This may be time management or just a rethink about how to handle what is essentially a nice steady income.

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Aquarius, with Neptune in the business, money, valuables, land, charity and property zone, there is always a bubble. Bubbles can be quite a nice distraction from reality, but they can only float for so long. At some point the imagination or the visualisation has to stop, and things have to be made real.

This is where you’re at this week as Neptune aspects Ops, a symbol of practical action plans. In fact, Ops is a big can-do signal which should fix any questions about drifting or floating – escaping, essentially. You can see why escapism is so tempting because the challenge of making a lot from a little is quite hard work, mentally and physically.

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Pisces, your ruler Neptune is at large this week, so keep it real. You are currently seeing, or “seeing” in inverted commas, visions of houses or apartments, property investments or holiday homes. Perhaps, a certain kind of shopping. Victory and success. Yet, you are also seeing people, organisations or situations which are toxic. None of it is real. All of it is a projection.

Of course, you have to project your own slide show onto the blank screen. Life is really just a lot of atoms and molecules, and it requires you to throw something onto it. That something now needs to be questioned, Pisces, because it’s keeping you stuck. Most of all remember who you are and if you have forgotten, find out again.

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