Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
September 23-29, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for September 23-29, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

RunningPress Birthday 300x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope September 23rd to 29thWe are now a few weeks away from the release of ‘Your Birthday‘ on October 15th, 2024.

Thanks to American readers for making this #9 in the Amazon US horoscope chart, two months before publication. My co-author Rachel Wells and I hope you enjoy it. It’s one to keep.

You can pre-order it here.


Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – All eyes (and ears) are pointing towards your work ethic, daily routine, lifestyle and relationship with your body as the Sun departs Virgo. And you will gain, either by nailing an issue once and for all, or taking a wonderful new insight.

Your former, current or potential partner is also at the core of a karmic commitment choice between now and January 2025. It’s so obvious now. Alternatively, this big soul-level undertaking may be about your enemy, opponent or rival. Just remember what is under discussion will not reach closure by the end of October.

The South Node in Libra, now accompanied by the Sun in Libra for the first time in a year, shows backwards traction on a spiritual debt or credit first created with this person (or quite another) some 18-19 years before.

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Taurus – It’s rather different now that new light is shed, with your lifestyle, work and body. You will go around the spotlight for another 3-4 weeks so factor that in before you assume anything is completely clear.

If you have Virgo natal chart factors, then August/September was in flux with your wellness. It is true that nothing is ever fully in the bag on Mercury Retrograde. Even if you don’t (or you don’t know) the option to commit to a new approach to your food, doctor, drink, medication, fitness or healing will be on full display as the weekend arrives, and this would make a big difference to how you work, live or look after your body. Still, see this as a process not an outcome (yet).

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Gemini – Karma rolls with younger faces as the Sun joins the South Node in Libra. Your sons or godchildren? Your grandchildren or your babysitting charges? If you don’t have a personal interest in younger people, this new cycle of karmic understanding applies to youth projects or children’s organisations. Allow until the final week of October to get all the facts with any of this – as the Sun needs to shine a bright spotlight on every detail, in turn. You will sign off from life 18-19 years ago in terms of karmic pull, in January.

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Cancer – It helps to have other people peering at your house, family, apartment, household, town and/or country. This is how you make accurate judgement calls! In comes the Sun in Libra to help you do that. You are going for karmic closure, though, with (say) a relative, landlady or tenant. Maybe with a real-estate agent. Not with any final certainty, though, as there are still delays until January.

Meanwhile, you can now sign off where your digital or media projects, concepts, ideas and communication HQ is concerned, once the Sun changes signs to Libra. In addition, as Pluto is now retrograde in your opposite sign of Capricorn, too, you need to consider your opposite number in life, or even your opponent, and figure out closure there too. This is like Europe after the war. Or Cathy and Heathcliff with an optional window. What are you two going to decide? November, December calls it final.

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Leo – The questions remain with your money, property, tax, charity, possessions or business as the week develops, and yet you know 2025 is the last time. Or you should do! Your ruler the Sun also goes into your media and web zone next. Your way with words, ideas and images is in the spotlight as your ruler the Sun changes signs. Multimedia, publishing, debating, singing, song writing and digital all come under this umbrella.

Pluto keeps on keeping on in Capricorn too. This is a practical sign. So be practical about the carve-up of territory, time or control now necessary with the shape of your working life, your university degree or your unpaid work. Your gardening, say, or the housework – volunteering as an activist and the rest.

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Virgo – The Sun is now in Libra alongside the South Node of karma. You owe, or are owed, and it is a soul or spirit settlement though it may appear in the form of money. You only get insights like this – every 12 months – into your banking, cashflow, taxes, house, apartment, charity or business.

With Neptune and Saturn in Pisces in your zone of former, current and potential partners you are also being reminded to contain and control what flows and floats. Unless you consciously do this, you end up all at sea. Neptune is so random. Everything is fuzzy and people who are hazy about demarcation or boundaries prevail. The internet is a good example of this peculiar situation where warfare is conducted by people with no name or face. No matter. You can actually control this if you want to, Virgo.

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Libra – The Sun shines a spotlight on your title, reputation, image, label, name, face, style shape and all the rest. Not to mention your brand as a whole. This situation rolls into October. You will see a mirror reflecting ‘Me’ back to yourself on the internet this week and a moment in the sun will appear between now and next month.

The South Node in Libra in your profile zone also suggests backwards traction from karma created 18-19 years ago. A quick look back at your emails then will show you why the universe must make good with you, or you must make good with the universe.

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Scorpio – The Sun goes into Libra now. Light will be shed on your big secret, your uncredited work, your cover-ups or classified information this week. This may involve God, alternatives to God, therapy, counselling, hypnosis, the Tarot, mediumship or similar. Invisible to all but you. No doubt you feel you should be following up but allow until the final week of October for the stuff below the surface of yourself – and your life – to sort itself out.

Your ruler Pluto is also retrograde this week. An internet, publishing, multimedia or other communication issue also stands still. And intensifies. One way or another you’re going to have to move on a new set-up in December, Scorpio, when you make a deal. Could be Elon Musk. Could be Apple. Could be Google. Might be someone at work who uses lack of communication to control things.

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Sagittarius – Radical and quite liberating possibilities with your career, university life or other work continue. As the week draws to a close, you have very good reasons to get moving. In fact, the best reasons in weeks.

The Sun also changes signs to Libra. Everyone will be talking about (or looking at) your friendships, social circle or specifically, your group this week. This helps you see him, her or it from the outside. There is karma with friends or groups from 18-19 years ago. The same faces perhaps, or different faces but with similar issues for you. This may have been Arsenal or a Status Quo fan club. You are owed, karmically, or you owe. It sorts itself out in January.

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Capricorn – The Sun in Libra in your Tenth House makes your version of success a spectacle for public inspection into October. There is nothing like feedback and reaction from other people when planning your next career, purely vocational, voluntary or university move. If we step back from pure achievement and social mountaineering towards actual duty – you’ll have your dream job, award, or fantasy result by June 2025. So, if this is about work, work, work – then you will be given incredible opportunities and big outcomes by mid-2025 thanks to Jupiter. Snap to grid. It’s time to dream bigger.

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Aquarius – This dual Saturn and Neptune transit of Pisces in your Second House continues to really stretch you, with your money, business, taxation, company, house, charity, possessions or apartment. Promise yourself you will contain and control what has become so confused with this. Where are you headed? A system or a necessary update to the system you cobbled together in 2023. The Sun also changes signs now. The full picture with your travel, foreign, internet, publishing or education agenda will also be clear to you as the week goes on.

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Pisces – If you get the feeling that you are being encouraged to think (extremely) differently, using the web, you are correct. It may be the way you handle newspapers or television, too – or radio. The symbol of radical and revolutionary change, Uranus, is writ large in your chart, yet again. This has been going on since 2018 and the whole idea has been to get you to think in radically different, quite new ways – that set you free. We have to ask, ‘free from what’ or ‘free from whom?’ Uranus rules new inventions and innovations and you’d be mad not to look at utterly different ways of using a computer or phone.

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