Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
September 18-24, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for September 18-24, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, Scorpio patterns including Ceres and Psyche in your zone of finance, property, charity and business suggest a fair bit of compromise and deal-making, starting with yourself. They are both in the Eighth House of joint assets and savings, earnings and income. Ceres is about the four seasons. Psyche is about what lives forever. Put them together and this is about harvesting and planting in the interests of something that could outlive you. A business, for example, or a house you pass onto your son.

As you also have Pluto in your Tenth House of success, you have now reached a point where all this could be quite empowering. He is in the practical earth sign of Capricorn so the idea of farming your own achievements is important now.

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Taurus, Capricorn patterns are in your zone of travel and travellers, so there is a journey ahead for you or someone important this week. Pluto in Capricorn is quite powerful and empowering and there is a change coming, as you receive a visitor, or you make the trip yourself. Pluto is also quite passionate about what he does and so there is a sense of quite deep meaning to this visit or journey. If you are affected by the Scorpio patterns this week then you are going to meet your other half, or your other half is coming to you. This may be a long-distance relationship or reunion, for example.

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Gemini, Scorpio patterns are in your lifestyle and wellbeing zone this week and include Ceres the deal maker and Psyche who tends to complete her tasks. Ceres is about bargaining and compromising, so this may be giving up alcohol or taking up swimming. The planet Ceres is quite powerful, but always comes with a situation where it’s half and half (or two sides of a story), so you either have to do a 50% deal with yourself on food, drink, healing, fitness or you will be going 50-50 on agreement with others. Ceres is always about a new arrangement, and it has to involve handling the shared territory quite carefully and painstakingly.

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Cancer, Scorpio patterns this week are in the sensitive water sign of relationships, and as you are also a water sign you can be forgiven for feeling all the emotions. You also have quite a lot going on, actually, with Pluto also in Capricorn, which rules marriages and divorce, common-law marriages and separation, ex or potential partners.

The Scorpio part of the story involves Ceres and Psyche, and Ceres is about taking what’s gone wrong and doing something new with it. What you are currently left with is a situation where certain people or situations have fallen by the wayside. This does involve quite necessary emotional healing and it takes time. Yet there is so much potential here to do something new with something quite old.

Cancer, you have reached a real bridge in your year in terms of the relationships which have fallen over, and those you are yet to fully appreciate. There may also be a journey ahead of you; a new residence; a change in location. Sometimes the journey is symbolic rather than literal, so you do not pack your bags, but you do fully leave where you were.

I mention all this movement because you have the South Node in Libra in your sector of home and property, belonging and residency. That’s karmic in nature and is with you now through the end of 2024. You also have Neptune and Saturn in Pisces in your Ninth House of adventure and exploration. So, the bridge is really between where you are now – getting over things – and where you could be in future. Only you can decide who and what you are going to get rid of, or perhaps recycle and renew.

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Leo, Aquarius patterns in your Seventh House of pairs, duets and couples suggest you and someone who is the same, but so different, need to sort out which path you are going to go on. Will you both take the same path together or split up and go your separate ways? Maybe there is a third option.

For some of you, this is about a house, apartment or location as you do have Scorpio patterns this week in your sector of belonging. Hygiea in Aquarius is about protecting the future with or without this person. Taking care of things before they ever become an issue. Prevention is all. You also have Vulcano in Aquarius so there is something below the surface here and you both need to pay attention to it.

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Virgo, Capricorn patterns are in your Fifth House, which rules a younger generation. You have Pluto in Capricorn, so this is about who or what has control or the upper hand. You sometimes get this transit when teenage or younger men seem to have everything in their court, and you have to play the game their way. It can also happen when you get girls o younger women who seem to be in charge. Then there is a whole generation, plural, which can be a class of pupils you teach, for example. Pluto in the Fifth House is about sharing the controls not giving it all away.

I mentioned Pluto in Capricorn transiting your Fifth House of children, teenagers and young adults. Also, the generation gap as a whole. This may be your grandson, for example, or a class you teach. The issue with Pluto is always power-sharing but it can be very difficult when you are coming from such different places. You cannot control a certain generation or person. The more you try to strong-arm the situation the more you will feel how wrong it is; you may get what you want, unless they wriggle away, but actually, you will do something to this character; this personality; this soul. So that’s not the answer. But you cannot let someone, or something run the show either because it changes the whole atmosphere and may not be particularly helpful to anybody, given the potential. Find a way if you can. Find a way to get through.

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Libra, Aquarius patterns in your chart now are in your Fifth House of relationships. This is also where we find the children you did, or did not have, many years ago. You have Hygiea and Vulcano in Aquarius so perhaps there is a question about how to take care of something; how best to handle it. Hygiea is about taking care of the future before the future takes care of you. Vulcano is very much about passion, be it past or potential, as he was the husband of Venus the goddess of love.

The question is, how are you going to ensure that everything and everybody is looked after properly, including yourself? Aquarius is rather a hands-off sign, somewhat distant, so this may be the relationship you have with your daughter, say, or the state of play with your husband.

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Scorpio, Capricorn patterns involving Pluto your ruler are very much about the big idea this week. It’s quite powerful and it could make you or others powerful too. Be this a plan, a talk, a proposal or even a product, time is of the essence as Pluto doesn’t hang around forever. In fact, he is out of Capricorn in January 2024, so you have about three or four months to get this planted somewhere it can take off rather than have it hovering as an imaginary project. The question is where does this belong? And how can you make it real?

You also have Aquarius patterns in your chart this week which are very much about location, location, location so finding a home for what is on your computer or on your microphone is part of the journey.

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Sagittarius, Pisces patterns are in your sector of extended family, your house, apartment, holiday accommodation and belonging. I have seen these transits show up when somebody is suddenly offered a house-sitting position in their favourite country from a distant relative. It works in all sorts of ways; you may be about to purchase your dream home and find the children are as happy about it as you are. You have Saturn and Neptune, but also Aesculapius in Pisces, and this is very much about the escape from the real world. Aesculapius was a great healer and so perhaps this particular space is just what the doctor ordered, so to speak. Saturn does rather ask you to be practical, though. You get the bubble to ride around in with this particular garden, house, apartment, renovation, area – but then you have to come down to earth.

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Capricorn, Pisces patterns are in your sector of plans, ideas, courses and projects this week. You have Saturn, Neptune and Aesculapius in Pisces and this is really about planting what you have in your hand, on your mind, or on the computer. Unless you take this somewhere it’s not going to grow. You also have this terrific Jupiter and Uranus transit in Taurus, ongoing, which suggests this works for a younger generation. This may be your children, your children’s children, or just those who are already looking like the heirs to your brainwaves or those who succeed you, and also pick up your knowledge. In your natal chart Leo rules this sector of your chart, the Fifth House and there is a suggestion here that you are leading, a real authority, perhaps Queen or King to a younger court. But back to the idea! These Pisces transits in the Third House present you with the twin challenge. How can you enjoy this escape from the real world but also make it real?

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Aquarius, Scorpio patterns in your Tenth House of ambition, achievement, success and peak achievements need to be taken seriously, as does the whole system and the way it works. You have Ceres and Psyche in Scorpio, and this can sometimes present as deal-making or bargaining. So, you may be asking your boss for a pay rise or promotion, for example. Perhaps you are at the top, but you find others want to negotiate with you. You must then make a bargain with your own self. Ceres is quite powerful and there is a lot of power here. None of it rests easily or lightly. It has to be respected both by you and those around you.

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Pisces, the answer this week is relocation – a move or journey – for you or other people. You have Ceres and Psyche in Scorpio in your Ninth House, which rules the big trek or big mission. There could be all sorts of reasons for this, but it’s more than just ‘the grass is greener.’ Sometimes people are just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and this may apply to you, or to people who matter to you, because you are in a position to get involved.

You also have Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus, which rules short journeys as much as Scorpio rules long journeys, and as these two together show up as freedom from a situation, but also potential gains too, the solution for you or those concerned is to do some research on what is available at the other end.

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