Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
September 12-18, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for September 12-18, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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If you make a new friend now, undo an old friendship, or take a heavy test with a friend – this rather interesting man or woman could turn out to be of lasting importance in your life. It all depends on how much you are prepared to give to the situation, or the person, in terms of time, tolerance and tact. Patience is useful on a Saturn transit of your Eleventh House, Aries. Yet, it’s going to take more than that, to get you to where you both need to be. A true friendship is the prize (and it could be there for years.) The Saturn rules, though, are strict.

A challenging phase in an old friendship can also begin now. Even if you’ve been with this person for years, Saturn will throw you together for a few months, with tests and trials, so that you can join forces in a different way, next March 2023. Or not. Some frenemies or fading friendships have no place in your future.

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It’s amazing how Neptune teaches us about boundaries in this cycle. Just in case you think you’ve got the friendship or group sussed from the start, you’ll hit days when it’s blatantly obvious that you’re not all dealing with the same reality. Drawing a firm line in the sand, again and again, is the key.

The friendship may just hit a phase where everything suddenly has to become far clearer. Or you could begin a new kind of connection with someone, who enters your life at this time, to help you move forward on The Boundaries Project. You may as well call it that. Taurus, you get the picture. As this cycle reboots, you’ll find your attention is increasingly being drawn to goals that are firmly about being – firmer. In order to move forward, though, you find yourself being paired up with someone who is rather different from you – or at a different stage of his or her understanding of boundaries. The sooner you sort it out the better Halloween-Christmas will be.

Find what draws you together, not what separates you. Locate the middle ground between you and stand together, at its centre, and you will realise this is karmic. Around 18 or 19 years ago the South Node was in Scorpio in your solar Seventh House, just as it is now. The story then with a duet or duel is thematically repeated now. Your aim is closure which will come by July 2023. Until then, you and he/she must dance backward steps, Taurus.

You owe, or are owed, and you have to loop the loop. What matters to you now is undoubtedly the whole story in October and November 2022, to the point where you must exclude almost everyone from your most personal plans and concerns. The remaining karmic challenge is now the person you must negotiate with, as you go forward. You’ll need to check in with each other frequently, to make things do spell balance, completion and karmic debts paid.

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Mars Retrograde in Gemini is a very long process.

The focus of attention now is you. Your name, your face, your body, your ‘packaging’ – everything from your hair to your clothes, to your business card. It’s about how the world sees you, and how you present yourself. Mars in the First House also influences your feelings about your reputation. That means your image, your persona and your public face. This cycle is all about what you look like to others – on the outside. It’s a very self-involved time!

Not Selfie Stick Instagram Narcissism. Just a crucial question about your hair (say) or your title. It will go backwards for month so have Plan B and C and treat this as a process not a goal reached in a few weeks.

You’ll be fired up about these issues now. Mars often brings heat. Box clever about your personal appearance, name or image. Be like Henry Cooper and dance backwards around the ring if you must.

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Cancer, the next few months until March 2023 will make or break your financial, business or property progress for the next few years. You have a lot of cycles going on now, I know, but make this one your priority, in terms of managing your life. Saturn is transiting your solar Eighth House of shared cash, security, lifestyle and all the things that make us feel rich or poor – usually in the context or relatives or partners. Possessions, business and charity, too. That means your wallet or purse, as well as your car, favourite jacket, antique piggy bank or property. Houses and flats also matter in this cycle, for obvious reasons, and so do other valuable assets.

Saturn has put you on a tiresome obstacle course since Christmas 2020 and it’s nearly over. These things take time, as admirers of The Smiths will know. Cancer, if you are making decisions, or making statements, which are not properly thought out, you could create more obstacles – either for yourself, or just as importantly, other people. See the finishing line as March. That month will utterly change your future. Perhaps you know why now.

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The South Node in Scorpio brings karma from 18 or 19 years ago, Leo. Your family relationships, flatmate relationships, house, flat or temporary accommodation will be shaped by what happens next – with long-term results! Take your time as you navigate. The cycle is not over until July 2023.

Whatever else is going on astrologically, your mother, father, brother, sister and other close relatives (passed to spirit or alive) will be a karmic issue now. So will your relationship with a partner, if you live with him or her, and any flatmates or roommates in your life. People who have a direct influence on your home life, like neighbours, builders or co-tenants will also go to the top of your karmic list now. You owe, or are owed, from life as it was 18 or 19 years ago.

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Pluto reboots. The world of heirs and pretenders to your throne, and courtship, intensifies, as Pluto is spending a long time in the Fifth House. Let’s look at the world of children first. Children in this context means your own sons and daughters, or other people’s. It also covers pregnancy, fertility, abortion, miscarriage, adoption, and so on. The world of children and babies is far too important to let yourself be swayed by Pluto and all the control and power issues. Teenagers, too. And Millennials. As with the world of children and babies, Pluto can result in twitching fingers or some kind of total conviction. That’s frankly not enough to make it worth it – so pull back, then judge. Astrology can help, by making you aware of issues. Courtship is also where power or control sagas can be played out. Willpower is your empowerment.

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People who are against you will turn up now, or even become issues again, no matter how long they’ve been off your radar. Navigate optimistically. Baroness Thatcher, Libra like you, had the weakest opposition of her life on this cycle and won a thumping victory.

What happens next could start a battle that ends up becoming richly rewarding. That’s your challenge. Sometimes your opponent, rival or enemy at this time is your partner, or an ex-partner. Jupiter and Chiron in Aries in your solar Seventh House can deliver. The great debate or the fierce contest can now benefit you. And it happens again in 2023.

Happy with your partner, ex-partner or the prospects with a future date? That person will also be at the top of your list now. Fabulous opportunities wait.

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This rebooted Pluto cycle will strongly influence how you feel about your planned short trip, and a connection to someone from another neighbouring area. It will also trigger issues connected to the world of local or fast internet publishing, and education and academia in the context of writing, speech, computers or digital. Depending on your own life and situation at the moment, you’ll find one or two areas on this list become a more urgent priority than the others – but they all matter. You’ll finish the cycle next March. You’ll have strong convictions, firm beliefs, big missions, or huge issues. Do ask outsiders for their angle. Your agenda (or other people’s mission) might be right or wrong but unless you remove the power and control agenda, you are unlikely to travel in the right direction, in the right way. Just control your own world.

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Mercury Retrograde in Virgo spins his wheels. If you are retired, have full-time home duties or are unemployed, Mercury will deliver the same ‘life lived backwards’ scenario, but channelled through other areas of your life which relate to your role, and your goals. This planet typically makes people feel as if everything has to happen now. Ask yourself is this is actually the case. Cancellation, delay or change is far more likely, from now until October. If life is one long domino effect, is your domino a good domino, or a bad domino? Actually, Mercury Retrograde is neither good nor bad. It just is, what it is. In Virgo and your Tenth House it forces you to slow down. Sit on your hands and ponder the options. Treat September, October as a first draft or dress rehearsal and there’ll be less teeth-gnashing.

Mercury Retrograde in Libra spins his wheels ahead of the Sun’s ingress in Libra. There may be a group around you (a book group, a website forum and so on) where one or more people are feeling the backward thrust. They’re all revved up and ready for a reverse entry. Or they’ve got some vision or other about taking on some demanding target, back to front. Keep an eye on the networks, teams, clubs, associations, organisations, classes and other assortments of people who are in your world, or on the fringes of your world, at this time. What’s the intention here? And the likely outcome? This is a rehearsal or beta test. Friends can be made or remade backwards, in this cycle.

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This week is about your workload and your wellbeing. As with all Mars Retrograde in Gemini cycles, the fact that you feel psyched about something is not necessarily a reason for charging ahead. Don’t let Mars running backwards colour the picture. Why pay too much attention to a temporary transit? It’s over next year. And remember, this also applies to anyone else who may be turning up the heat. This high-temperature matter with your health or workload, could easily trigger a spot of backwards planning in someone else at this time. This too shall pass! Mars is action. In your Sixth House, it’s about acting on work or wellbeing issues. Mars Retrograde is the ‘re’ prefix so expect rescheduling, retracted statements and all the usual malarkey.

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Some things will be beyond you now, locally, or with neighbours. Others, however, will prove to be worth the optimism. How will you tell the difference? Start with your September-October plan, just one more time. Jupiter rules the expansion in your life, and in this cycle you may find your radar is unusually attuned to life’s bigger options. Do be prepared to learn as you go. The cycle reboots from around Christmas 2022 until May 2023 so you have a second chance at a terrific outcome with those next door, or in neighbouring areas.

Two outcomes are likely now. The first is purely local – for one reason or another, you’ll have more to play with. In turn, this opens doors and expands your usual horizons, allowing you to do much more with your life without going far. The second outcome is equally good. You may wake up to find a new connection with the world of digital, or the media. Publishing or education.

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The time has come to liberating new ways to get your message across now. A foreign language class could do it. So could new technology – and the latest thing from the edge of the web, could give you much more freedom to explore the written or spoken word. Your ideas and opinions could set you free now. That speech, poem, blog, script, manuscript or so on, could be your key to the most exhilarating possibilities. Uranus in Taurus in the Third House of your solar chart acts suddenly, often in the most surprising and unpredictable way. Stay open to it.

Are you taking a car ride from London to Dublin, or sailing from Melbourne to Auckland? An overland camping trip from Glastonbury from Manchester can be just as life changing as a Zoom event connecting New York to Spain. Same principle. Freedom.

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