Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
September 11-17, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for September 11-17, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, your ruler Mars in Libra shows you two directions, two sides of the story and one way or the other. Meanwhile nothing is happening as for various reasons you are caught in the middle of both. You also have Ops in Libra too and so this is a waiting game. It’s about ultimately and eventually figuring out if you’re going to go left or right, West or East or even find a way of sitting in the middle. Libra of course is the scales and there is never a perfect balance, which has to be accepted.

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Taurus, Jupiter, Uranus and Minerva are all in Taurus, your own sign, this week. They go through your natal Second House of property and wealth, showing you daydreams, hopes and wishes or fantasies. Can any of this be made real? Of course. The fact that it exists in your head in the first place is a good indicator of what might happen. In fact, you have Jupiter and Uranus in a classic combination next April 2023 when they are in a conjunction. Cue freedom and growth. The trick is ‘Know thyself’ Taurus. Until you bring the focus back to yourself, who you are, where you’re at and what you can do, this is all going to remain a projection. Unrealised potential, we might say.

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Gemini, the transits in Leo this week are in your zone of ideas, plans and projects. One of them is Venus still going backwards and forwards. This suggests hesitation. Procrastination. There is some doubt here about how a brainwave is to be planted, where and when. It has huge potential, but the reality is that if nothing happens by the end of this week it may never take off as it should. You also have Juno in Leo in this same chart sector, which we link to the internet, publishing, education and academia. Communication linked to business, too. Juno is about commitment so perhaps there is some fear of that here.

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Cancer, the transits in Taurus this week are in your Eleventh House of groups, teams, clubs, societies, unions, associations and so on. The reality of these things is that one person always has to be upfront. Front and centre. This tends to make everyone else look much the same, but that’s not so. In fact, despite appearances, the individuals within the circle are coming from different places and who knows where they might end up, too. This is not a particularly fixed, stable, unchanging bunch of people and attention has to be paid to everyone as an independent entity, never mind the group. Without that focus on the one, rather than the many, it may well be that the many is reduced in number.

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Leo, all this traffic in Leo, your own sign, draws your attention back to yourself and how you look to yourself, too. You have to be alone to do this. You may find yourself being a bit of a hermit this week, which is what the Tarot is saying. The reflection in the. Mirror, or the reflection on the computer screen, is something worth bearing in mind. Nothing is really ready, though, as Venus in Leo is still going back and forth. So, this feels like a process not an outcome. Leo in your solar chart rules the First House of reputation, appearance and title, and you need to see where that’s at. Juno is also in Leo so there is a question here about what you’re going to commit to.

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Virgo, all the transits in Libra this week are in your finance zones and there is a lot of juggling going on. It’s really about the national economy or international economy actually. While we have this quite unpredictable and erratic transit of Uranus in Taurus the bull, which rules bull markets as well as bullion, nobody knows where anything is going to land. What is required here is a new way of dealing. A flexible and highly adaptive system which allows ever-changing responses to ever-changing circumstances, Virgo.

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Libra, well, you were born with the Sun in the sign of Libra the scales of justice and this week may see a legal process. There may also be a different sort of balance achieved, which has nothing to do with lawyers or judges and everything to do with what is actually fair. This may be a marriage or a professional partnership. It may be a conflict. There is something so harmonious and symmetrical about a balanced set of scales. Two completely different sides who come out the same, for whatever reason. The transits in Libra this week with Mars and Ops are in your natal Seventh House of fair play and that of course is where your Sun shines best, either accepting it or making it happen.

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Scorpio, the sight of Venus in Leo still spinning around in your zone of hierarchies, success, career structures, academia, goals and roles is worth a second look. This goes around and around, rather like a Wheel of Fortune and in fact that is your Tarot card this week. The squares between Taurus, your opposite sign, and Leo both suggest that a situation cannot be squared while it is still spinning. Keep your sense of humour about it because this makes a philosopher of you. Every high is a low and every low is a high.

There is also a big hint in your chart about the media, the worldwide web, publishing, academia and the world of writers and readers. You might say that’s surrounding this situation. The best thing to do when you hit a week like this is to enjoy the high points and remember any low points become high points the next time you look. You may actually see a roundabout in your industry or field.

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Sagittarius, your ruler Jupiter is about a feeling of abundance and this week he is in your lifestyle zone. Jupiter is in Taurus, a grounded earth sign, along with Uranus, which is really about freedom. Put them together in the sector of your work which rules your eight hours off too – or your holidays – and you are being shown what can happen when you balance the books and also put your own wellbeing first. We also have Diana in Cancer now in your zone of finance and property so there’s a fair bit of freedom there.

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Capricorn, time to look at the younger branches on the family tree, Capricorn, as you have transits in Taurus, which rules the next generation. This may be your own children or young relatives. There may also be questions here about how the family tree is to grow in future; how will it keep expanding into tomorrow? Taurus in your chart rules the heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. The great planet of change, Uranus, is in Taurus so the situation is unstable, and you may feel it’s written on shifting sands. Yet, without this kind of instability you wouldn’t get the necessary trimming and pruning of some branches. Someone, possibly you, thinks it could be done. Perhaps it feels like it’s going to happen anyway, quite naturally.

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Aquarius, you and your other half of potential partner have a momentous decision to make this week. You can thank Juno in Leo, a symbol of possible commitment in your zone of marriage and romance. You also have Venus there in opposition to Vulcano so there is something explosive and well buried here. Dormant, like a volcano. You may be in a position to split or commit, actually, or make some kind of promise to stay or go, or just get in deeper. There is something bigger than both of you and it’s called Venus and Juno in Leo, in your Seventh House of ’Should I Stay, or Should I Go?’ It’s also the house of ‘How Deep Is Your Love?’ Finally, it’s your house of ‘Let’s Go to Bed.’ You have epic decisions.

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Pisces, you tend to get complicated relationships when Venus is around and she’s in your zone of work, daily life, routine, academia and unpaid work at the moment. Venus is also about reconciliation, too. So, you tend to get the whole cycle of difference or conflict and then there’s the making up part. Venus had issues with her daughter-in-law, with her husband and just about everyone else so this may be personal. However, as she is up to her old tricks in your everyday life zone, this may be your career too. Juno is here in the same chart zone so there is a feeling of a commitment or promise brewing. A treaty can be like that.

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