Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
October 9-15, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for October 9-15, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

F7taVkYWEAETOop 300x169 - Your Weekly Horoscope October 9th to 15thAstrology and Tarot Australia is free to join here. We have over 1470 members, and, in October, I launched Melbourne Astrology Walks.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – Mars and Ceres, symbols of the need for action – as well as deal-making – are now both in your Eighth House of finance and property. The situation will change, from ‘have not’ to ‘have’ rapidly if there is also a change in attitude. If the sleeves are rolled up, the pace more determined and the mindset more positive, what is currently a very difficult time, for reasons of health or pure economics, could be transformed. In fact, Aries, some organisations (banks) are set up to cover us and others (government departments, charities) exist solely to help.

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Taurus – Pluto direct in your zone of foreigners and foreign countries suggests people coming from afar to see you, or you are heading off to be with them. Pluto is a symbol of empowerment and in Capricorn, an earth sign like your own, he can be very useful when the time is right. This may be in motion this week or delivered later on, but there is a chance here to really obtain some solid ground beneath your feet with people, even if you are abroad, or if they are away from their home or workplace. The Ninth House, ruled by Capricorn, is also about publishing and academia and for some Taurus people, this will be the gate through which they enter, or you arrive.

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Gemini – There are a couple of key astrology events this week. One is Pluto direct in Capricorn, which rules joint finances and property. The other is Mars entering Scorpio, which rules your lifestyle, wellbeing, workload and daily routine. Pluto in Capricorn raises questions about how power is controlled and used. Often, it’s there because nobody is allowed to get close. There are no actual Keep Out signs here, but there is an attitude and mindset which isolates people in command, from everybody else. The price paid is isolation and a certain loss of reality. Can it be changed? Yes. There is a way out and way through here which would completely alter this set-up.

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Cancer – The key transits in Scorpio and Capricorn this week are really about the financial aspects of emotional security or the property situation which is really about feelings. Mars in Scorpio is in your sector of courtship, closeness, intimacy, children and young adults. Pluto in Capricorn, now changing direction, is in your sector of double acts, duets, pairs and ‘coupled’ situations. There is real power here. The power comes from tight control. It can’t be sustained because it’s too demanding. Yet, there is also a time to do some calculations and sums, based on your life budget. Being a water sign, you are invested in what you feel, not what the numbers say.

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Leo – The combination of Mars in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn sends a strong message about grounding, belonging, security and sanctuary. Similarly, there are questions here about control and power, as Pluto is in your sector of lifestyle, everyday routine, work, academia and unpaid work too. Mars is very much about the need to act, and now that there is enough money there, for something to begin (a little life gardening, perhaps) you can also start planning and plotting. Clearly you either need to negotiate with someone, or negotiate with yourself, Leo.

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Virgo – This week is about Pluto in Capricorn turning direct, in an earth sign associated with work and patience, both. It is also very much about Mars in Scorpio, with all its drive and energy, in an area of your chart where you attend to the internet; media; education; academia; publishing. Not everybody will find the latter is important, but the former message is about respect for dedicated hard work.

Mars in Scorpio is in your Eighth House, in terms of your natal chart, so there is an income stream here in exchange for being a working-class hero (or just a C.E.O. with workers’ values). You might say passion below the waist is equal to passion for a job well done. The natal chart also shows Pluto in the Tenth House of ambition. So, goal-setting can be measured in money.

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Libra – Mars in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn can be quite intense, together and they are associated with swift action that changes everything. From this comes the birth of the new. The whole Pluto story is about transformation and what ends, also triggers a beginning this week. You tend to get decisive final chapters and first chapters when Pluto changes direction and that is exactly what is happening. This tends to make the revival or resurrection – the rebirth – even more powerful, because it comes from a place of tremendous emotion. Core feelings, for you or another. Mars is about action, as I’ve mentioned, and it tends to be fast. Again, from this comes the intensity required to push somebody (you or another) into a brand-new start.

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Scorpio – Mars in Scorpio and Pluto direct in Capricorn, suggests tremendous power this week. Real power doesn’t shout, sing or dance. It emanates. There is quite a message here this week and it radiates across the internet but also in the real world too. Strong and silent just about sums it up, as sometimes it’s not necessary to say anything at all. There is a suspicion of sexual power here, as there always is when we see transits in Scorpio, as your zodiac sign is associated with what’s beneath the sheets or under the underwear. That’s part of the potency, though not the main part. In your natal chart, Mars is now in your Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships, past or present; even future. That is starting something you will finish later, one way or another.

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Sagittarius – This week Pluto turns direct in Capricorn and Mars in Scorpio arrives. So much is behind the scenes in your life that we have to go to the unconscious for answers. There may also be quite a deliberate mystery here; it may be religion, for example (Scorpio rules Christianity in your chart) or perhaps other kinds of beliefs, which involve a priestess as much as a priest. The real answers for you this week will involve going behind the mystery and using what is there.

Mars is an action sign, and nothing is really going to change unless firm action is taken. What is behind the scenes, or screened, covered or deeply private may be God, Tarot, mediumship, hypnosis, therapy, self-help or something more personal to you.

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Capricorn – Mars in Scorpio in your Eleventh House of friends and groups – and Pluto direct in Capricorn in your First House of image – tell the tale this week. The focus is far more on you, your title, your reputation and your profile. You already have quite a feather in your cap, Capricorn, having achieved something central to your image, on your C.V. in recent times. Now you have an idea, project or plan you’d like to plant. Be a realist about where to plant it. It’s quite clear that you have one, two, three more ambitions (or mountains to climb). What you have in mind has huge potential, but more research is required about where this should go.

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Aquarius, your week is set up by Mars in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn. Something waiting to happen, just about sums it up. Pluto is changing direction, and it can take a few days for the direction to take hold. Mars is yet to really get established in his new sign so again, it may be a few days of dangling this week before there’s real action. Of course, once Mars is unleashed, the action tends to change everything and be quite dramatic. Preparation and rehearsal need to be factored in, though, as nothing can really transform until someone (you or another) is ready to shift the equation.

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Pisces – Mars is in Scorpio in your Ninth House of academia, education, the worldwide web and publishing this week. This is also where we find foreign parts. Mars is the call to action on her hero or heroine’s adventure. This is a Joseph Campbell idea; he or she responds to the green light or bugle call. There is a real sense of preparation – getting ready, rehearsing, being poised to act. What is in hand here is quite special as it has vast potential when you find the right place for it. You obviously need to be across communication (even translation) or just online networking. The rest is. really up to you. There is either an extraordinary woman you must negotiate with, or you are that person.

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