Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
October 31 to November 6, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for October 31 to November 6, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Astrology eCard SCORPIO Happy Halloween 300x213 - Your Weekly Horoscope October 31st to November 6th


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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Jupiter changes signs. You can show off your grasp of the big religious picture now – but in a new way! If you are long overdue for special rewards and solutions with spirituality, psychics or psychology, then now is the time you’ll get it. Thus, one of those people who has something special to offer, like a very good medium or a therapist, can help. Aries, you can now pick up some credit too, for finding your own path. More importantly, you’ll know you’re on track – which will help you make future plans, too. The interior, not the exterior, shows all the improvements, until Christmas.

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Saturn shows you the barriers with your business card, your achievements, your success, and your mission. Are you a full-time Mr or Mrs, with a partner whose money, power and/or children defines your own status? That role too, will be barricaded.

If you’re getting it right or wrong, you’ll know about it, by March 2023 when there is a huge shift in direction. You can get promoted now, but you can also feel like PM Rishi Sunak faced with the task ahead (he is a Sun Taurus too). The same trends apply to you if you are retired, unemployed or have full-time home duties – but this cycle will be about the roles and goals you have on your own merits.

Everything about your performance at work will now be behind a wall, or on the other side of a wall. Projects, plans and people will come along which expose this require work.

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Chiron in Aries will reveal your own, experimental, performance as a friend – in an ongoing story. You’ll be thrown into laboratory situations which highlight exactly what you bring to your friendships. Are you getting it spectacularly right with the experiment? If so, you’ll feel like going further. If your friendship experiment could do with some work, though, a rather welcome solution will appear at Christmas.

In fact, Gemini, just near Christmas Eve until May 2023, you have every big answer for your social life, groups and allies that you could hope for. Your own version of The Beatles, Wings, The Smiths, The Jam or Oasis is just waiting to be reassembled or at the very least turned into an asset again. Social events will come along in your diary now, which throw you and your friends together before Christmas into New Year. That’s blessed.

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Mars Retrograde in Gemini in your Twelfth House is boomeranging. You’ll become more engaged with what you do behind the scenes, at church, or in the temple, now, or with your Tarot – than you do for the upfront stuff. This cycle is about the things you achieve privately, or by yourself – away from other people’s attention. So, seeing a therapist, or meditating. Hypnosis or dream counselling.

When Mars moves like this into the Twelfth House, back and forth until March 2023, it finds those parts of yourself, and your life, which are solitary. The bits and pieces in your personality, and in your world, which are about the soul. The fact that it’s all under wraps is irrelevant. Cancer, could it all do with a lot more effort and energy? Well, yes, but treat this as a process not an outcome.

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Jupiter is in a new zodiac sign, and you gain or save. You’ll either benefit with cash, business, property and possessions for this nearly three-month period, or find yourself feeling rather blessed by fate.

What you feel spiritually about money, property and possessions – and what the rest of you really needs, to feel secure – will now combine. You save or make money by Christmas, Leo. Not surprisingly, this is a good time to make decisions about your tax return, your valuables, your bank, your income, your debts, your lifestyle and your house or flat. Your more optimistic feelings about sales, purchases, business transactions, rentals and other financial matters will characterise this time.

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Scorpio weather. The state of play with your cousin, brother or sister will now trigger feelings in one of you. The ‘baby’ in the situation will teach the person in charge quite a lot! This could be a significant time for sibling chemistry. A parent-child or sibling rivalry dynamic could also exist when it comes to your cousin. This is a separate issue, perhaps, but it may be oddly connected:

When it comes to your car, your bike, your boat, electric plane, yacht or your short journey habit, you’ll now be in the right place, at the right time to make decisions. Decisions which suit your comfort zone, as well as your common sense, are now ready to be made. Your brother or sister is also likely to be on the agenda for other reasons, as I’ve said, but there may be a link.

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Pluto in Capricorn rolls on. A parent-child relationship in your family circle now will dominate the atmosphere of your week. It doesn’t matter who’s playing the parent, or who’s playing the child (you may be mothering your own grandmother) but what is important, is the lessons this experience brings about power and control. When it comes to the house, the flat, or your flatmates (or live-in partners) the issue is the same. It is about who is top dog in the kennel.

As this cycle ends in March 2023, if it is the property that is the issue, you could go ahead and buy or rent your new home then. The place would accommodate your need for control, as well as your more practical needs. It’s also a likely time to choose a new flatmate – your radar will be right, and you’re much more likely to find someone you can feel empowered by.

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Jupiter’s back in Pisces. A baby or child in your world now needs special attention – but in exchange, this small person will teach you something extraordinary. If you become pregnant at this time, the soul who has just arrived in your world could bring so many rewards until Christmas.

The Fifth House also rules sexual courtship and also courtly love, with no sex involved. An intimate relationship now will spell progress. Solutions, too. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically, you will now reach an unusual state of hopeful expansion when it comes to children (your own or other peoples), your sexuality, and the involvement you have with the young.

Just be aware that 2023-2026 is hard work, a test of patience and an obstacle course and it starts in March. So, you can happily pursue a pregnancy, adopt a child, begin a relationship, change your sex life, or start tutoring teenagers now – but think realistically about the long-term.

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Children can be an ongoing experiment now, or you may find that issues involving the world of children, bring out maverick behaviour in yourself or another adult. The gadfly years. The Fifth House, where we now find Chiron, also rules babies and children (your own or other people’s) but it also rules sexual courtship and platonic courtly love, too.

At best, this week can bring a real ‘life laboratory’ feeling – and yet it could be even better than that. Think about Christmas to May 2023 to hit your goals. Finally, this cycle influences hobbies and interests, passions and part-time pursuits involving the young, or a paid role (like teaching). Experiment now, use your luck later.

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Mars Retrograde in Gemini in your Sixth House. This week will remind you that you’re not just a body, you’re also a soul. Equally, if you have been forgetting that you exist below the neck, various cosmic signposts will turn up, that put you in touch with your physicality. Round and round you go, in circles, but this is still a useful time to sort your health and well-being out if you can accept this as a long process, not an outcome.

This cycle, which ends in March 2023, is also about your job, your daily routine at home, and the regular tasks and chores you do – for a salary, or to keep everyone else happy. Here, too, you should be able to reach an unusual point of equilibrium, when you feel quite centred, after March – having gone around the houses until then. Whatever happens in March 2023, no matter if you sign off from pregnancy forever; take on a new role; reorganise your eating – is foreshadowed now. You have some research to do.

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Scorpio weather is about your success, prestige, ambition, achievement and place on the mountain. If you do happen to hit a bumpy turn in the road, near 8th November, it’s the eclipse. So, drive carefully and avoid decisions then. Do remember that the new pathway which is opening up (for your job, or your academic career) is meant to be – and there will be plenty of cosmic clues, signposts and green traffic lights, to guide you on your way. They will all tell you the same thing: skip decisions or judgements.

So, great, just what you need in your working life! However, you’ll have more lunatic episodes to deal with, than the rest of us if you trot off for your award application or fix your big career pitch then. Allow a day either side.

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A maverick experiment with a financial matter that cannot be easily branded, pretty much sums up this cycle – as far as cash, property, business and possessions are concerned. By rights, this should be a time to see what you can get away with.

To do the one thing that throws you out of your comfort zone (or his, theirs or hers) is typical of Chiron in Aries in your Second House of personal income. It may be meeting your bank manager. It may be confronting your relative about the family will. The possibilities are endless, but the situation is always the same – an arena for experimentation.

As Jupiter benefits you from Christmas until May 2023 with tremendous savings or gains, you stand to profit too. Double that message if you have natal chart factors in Taurus, as May 2023 is the start of something big.

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