Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
October 2-9, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for October 2-9, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

product 64da4bbe833a91692027838906329 225x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope October 2nd to 8thThanks to all of you bidding on a Zoom reading with me, signed book and other rewards at the BBC Children in Read auction, which benefits BBC Children in Need in 2023.

The latest bid at the time of this writing is £1850 or US $2255 here.

You can also bid on signed books from Nigella Lawson, Neil Gaiman and a special lot with my writing partner, Sunday Times bestseller, Rachel Wells.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, you are juggling money but actually need a new budget, Aries. The economy is unstable because of all these Taurus and Scorpio patterns, but rather than just react to it, this is a good time to invent a new way to handle it. This may be two amounts of money, incoming and outgoing expenses, two people or companies and so on.

Uranus is in Taurus, and this is the sign of bull markets and also gold bullion. Uranus is about all that is hard to predict, unstable and changes from day to day. So, the trickle-down effect on you is pretty direct, as Taurus also rules your money.

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Taurus, the idea in front of you is really striking and it could produce so much, Taurus, as you have this powerful Pluto cycle in your zone of brainwaves, concepts, plans and projects. The trick is understanding that it has to be cultivated over time. For example, Pluto spends a long time in Capricorn, the other earth sign like your own, and if you want this to take hold in 2024, then you will need to do something practical about it in the first week of October 2023. Fortunately, as an earth sign yourself you know how to ground things in the real world.

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Gemini, the world of babies, children, teenagers and the next generation is really important this week. You have the South Node in Libra, which rules youth. You are obviously owed some good karma from 18 or 19 years ago, Gemini, because the South Node is about being owed. Whatever you were up to at that time is now rewarding you. This may be a godson. It may be a star pupil or class of students. It may be your own daughters. I’m also mindful of your ruler Mercury in Virgo, which rules the extended family, finally coming out of retrograde. So maybe something or someone is about to take off as a result of that.

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Cancer, there is no doubt that good ideas need to be taken into other regions or countries. Strong concepts or projects have to be planted elsewhere. That’s typical of this cycle, when Mercury the messenger of the gods is finally out of retrograde. You also have Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, which rules foreign people and places, and anything and anybody foreign to you, in your own country. The issue is focus. There is no point in you or anyone else going full speed ahead with Mercury unless there’s a plan. There needs to be a clear vision and preferably a bit of research.

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Leo, for the second time in just a couple of weeks, there is a big message about needing to find the same path with someone, or for the pair of you to create two different paths. This is about two people who are from the same species yet a different breed. In other words, these Aquarius transits you have been having, have put you and another person who is equal to you, but not at all like you, on the same spot. There is again a question here about locations. West or East, or just one? Or even North or South? It’s like trying to create a map or plan that will work for both of you. These Scorpio cycles won’t let you hang around either, they chat to you directly about houses, apartments or location, location, location. You also have these Neptune and Saturn transits in Pisces which are about joint finances.

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Virgo, whenever you get Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Taurus too, you tend to get a bit focus on the message or the lesson. There may be a bible of some sort here; there often is. So, this may be a good book, but not necessarily religious. It certainly looks like a week for rules and regulations, or messages, and there’s a fair bit of authority here. Maybe a whole system. And of course, I’m not discounting that this would actually be the church for some Virgo people. Uranus is about freedom, though. It’s about independence. So, the question has to be asked about how much room there is, to move. I don’t think anything’s going to happen this week, but you need to be aware of the questioning that could go on or may secretly be taking place. There is also room for the unorthodox on a Uranus transit.

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Libra, you’re all for unity, harmony and balance in life but there’s a situation which needs correcting this week. In your natal chart or birth chart, we have had some important Aquarius cycles, and Aquarius rules the group. There are big questions here about the group and anyone who is set apart from it. This may of course be you, if you identify as the outsider, or perhaps you are one of the circle and you are collectively figuring out what to do about another person. We could say time is the great healer here and of course that’s true. However, a lot can be done to sort this out, without the need for it to take all of October to get started. This is basically about communication, isn’t it? And ironically you are all so similar in terms of your ideas anyway.

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Scorpio, Hygiea and Vulcano in your family zone suggest something and someone is about to come up from under. This may be your family in the spirit world, Scorpio. Not necessarily here with you on planet earth. These two asteroids are going through Aquarius, the sign which rules your extended family, so not just the relatives, but the whole circle. What happens to them, affects you. And what you do, affects them.

The Moon is also going into Gemini this week which rules your Eighth House of legacies and inheritance. So, they have something to pass on, spiritually. The Moon is about tremendous feeling and emotion, so this is something you have to make time and space for. Or they do.

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Sagittarius, so many factors in your zone of wellbeing, lifestyle, work life balance and better health is pretty encouraging. It’s not just Uranus and your ruler Jupiter, it’s also Panacea, Minerva and the Moon. Minerva is a symbol of wisdom. There’s a lot of knowledge and insight here about your situation, no matter if it’s a dietitian or a doctor, a swimming instructor or an herbalist.

Panacea is another important symbol and in fact since antiquity she has been associated with the healing process. Cures and remedies, be they exercise or potions, are really her domain. This is an important week. It’s a turning point, Sagittarius. Some people born under your sign will be giving up alcohol, for example.

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Capricorn, the finance zone of your chart is ruled by Aquarius at one end and Leo at the other. This week we have Vulcano and Hygiea in Aquarius, so there’s a need to mind the future and anticipate what’s likely to come around further down the track.

Apollo, Juno and Venus are all in Leo and your sector of joint finance, so there’s a leading gesture. Maybe you are showing leadership with money management, business or property. Even charity. Perhaps somebody else is playing Apollo and there is an example to copy. Juno is a commitment. What comes out of this is really important, it’s not just an exchange of funds, or a generous gesture. It’s actually psychological and emotional as well.

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Aquarius, there is a trip to take, make or put into your plans this week, Aquarius. Both Libra and Aries are triggered in your chart, so this may be somebody coming to you, or you going to them. Libra rules foreign parts and here we find the Sun, Mars, the South Node and Ops. Aries rules short journeys and here we find Salacia, Chiron and the North Node. Normally, the distance wouldn’t be such a big deal but in your case, it’s part of the story. There may literally be a bridge to cross, emotionally or spiritually. A barrier to overcome or a boundary to cross. So, what’s on the map is just a symbol for what has to happen in the heart. With so much going on in your opposite sign of Leo, too, maybe this is about your relationships and the phrase ‘meet you halfway’ springs to mind.

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Pisces, freedom, space, independence and above all – liberation – show up in your chart this week. They are flagged by Uranus, a symbol of quite radical change that sets you or others free. So, if this all happens, as it should, then it’s quite revolutionary. In astrology Uranus in Taurus is in your zone of short journeys. So, this is about somebody else making the move, or you deciding to do it.

This is so much more than just going from A to B, it represents a completely fresh start, leaving the past behind. Nothing comes without effort, though. Yet, the stellium in Taurus, featuring Minerva, a symbol of wisdom, suggests a strategy is close. Minerva represents clever plans if not actual cunning plans in astrology so with a bit of thought all things are possible. It’s very clear that neither you nor anybody else should stay tied down, though.

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