Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
October 24-30, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for October 24-30, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
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Please skip the eclipse on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022, for financial or property decisions. This is a good week to plan your career, academic career or unpaid work plans in December 2022 and January 2023. Expect reshuffles.

You are more than your career, or your social status, or your ‘position’ in the world. Of course, you are – and you have become quite skilled at overpowering any person or organisation trying to disempower you, haven’t you? But – for around two months in the near future, now, you are going to be seen purely in terms of your business card, your achievements, your success, and your mission. The same trends apply to you if you are retired, unemployed or have full-time home duties – but this cycle will be about the roles and goals you have on your own merits. Plan ahead.

Large organisations will do their accounting in the most intense way in November, so watch that. Out of this will come a game of musical chairs in your field or immediate workplace.

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Friends are often in the background of our lives, but not in this cycle. Jupiter joins Neptune in your sector of friends and groups from Saturday, October 29th until December 20th, 2022. That’s a good couple of months.

Within just a few days, you’ll feel as if you are watching an old episode of Opportunity Knocks, with one or more of your friends cast in the starring roles. That group of allies who always backed you may come good, or you may find an answer to an issue involving quite a different group, rolls along.

You’ll be thrown into situations which highlight exactly what you can bring to your friendships. Bigger, better friendship skills could do with some coaching, perhaps, or a club, team, political party, ensemble cast and so on may redeem and reward.

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Uranus is about what breaks up the past so that the new future can rush in. This is now ongoing with religion, Tarot, hypnosis, meditation, dreams, psychic experiences, astrology, counselling, therapy, or keeping a journal. It can happen through being alone by choice or by being made to live/stay/work in an isolated place – cut off from normal life.

March 2023 is a rebirth, next year. Now, you have to sort out the interior. You can expect to feel a much stronger, truer sense of how you want to be seen, and who you really are. Mars is also retrograde in Gemini. Your image, look, reputation or public face will go on the line now until March.

So, the interior spirit feeds the exterior self – all that time to book cosmetic surgery, photographs, haircuts – or to launch into anything that advertises or promotes you (a speech, a website, a job interview). You’re facing a new phase after March, in terms of your appearance, image, reputation, public profile or look. A new pathway will open up, this week, on the inside – and you can now put the past behind.

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What you feel spiritually about money, property and possessions – and what the rest of you really needs, to feel secure – will now combine. Not surprisingly, this is a wise time to make decisions about waiting longer, if required, if it’s about your valuables, your bank, your income, your debts, your lifestyle and your house or flat. You are almost at the end of the toughest cycle in 29 years with the end in March 2023.

Restrictions with sales, purchases, business transactions, rentals and other financial fettucine, will characterise this time but stoicism is a gift. Other people will be impressed by your strength, as you face up to situations or individuals you’d frankly rather avoid. It’s an odd time, when in order to protect your security (physical, emotional, psychological) you have to accept restrictions with cash, houses, flats and possessions now. Be sensible about your valuables and financial documents – just for a few more months.

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Leo, it’s all about the family from this point on. Skip the eclipse on October 25th, 2022, please. A parent-child relationship in your family circle now will dominate the atmosphere into November. It doesn’t matter who’s playing the parent, or who’s playing the child (you may be mothering your own grandmother) but what is important, is the property angle, which is either related directly, or off to the side.

November brings decisions so take your time. When it comes to the house, the flat, or your flatmates (or live-in partners) the issue is the same. This is a classic cycle for dealing with overdue questions with parents, brothers, sisters, Aunts, Uncles or other branches on the family tree. There may also be big new choices ahead of November, involving your house or flat, property investment or other residence, now.

A new path for the family will appear this week. Expect a strong sense of the past, present and future all colliding – and be prepared for the fact that this eclipse will conceal what would normally be seen.

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Pregnancy and babies, sons and daughters, grandchildren and godchildren, nieces and nephews – in fact, the world of children generally – will take you in a new direction in December, January with overdue decisions made. Your navigational co-ordinates for the future are changing, even now, as the compass swings from East to West and some historic Capricorn transits come up in your Fifth House of courtship, heirs and pretenders to your throne.

Your sexual relationship with a partner or lover, and your view of sex overall, will also move on, in December 2022/January 2023.

Pluto is so close to leaving this sector of your chart in March 2023, you see. That was then – this is now. Children can be tricky now, if you are still sorting out how much control you have (or lack) or you may find that issues involving the world of children, including Millennials, bring out controlling behaviour in yourself or another adult. The Fifth House rules babies and children (your own or other people’s) but it also rules courtship, too. The old lesson applies. Self-control gains you control; willpower empowers!

Get to March 2023 with your career and so much will be easier for you. Virgo, you are in the backwards/forwards Mars Retrograde cycle, but also the hard-work Saturn cycle too. Yet from March 2023 you will be offered real power and control for many years into the future. If you have a full-time or part-time job, expect an interesting encounter with someone who either tests you – or who makes it clear that if you do need a professor figure, they’ll do the examination.

It’s an odd game to play, in career terms, but this bond between you will teach you a lot, if you analyse it. When it comes to your health, well-being and lifestyle, you may feel more vulnerable at this time, and require special treatment. Alternatively, it’s time to apply some TLC to yourself, as your body may well be reminding you that you are more vulnerable now and require self-nurturing.

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Jupiter joining Neptune in Pisces, in your Sixth House of doctors, hospitals, alternative health and well-being, is a symbol of hope and growth, expansion and solutions. So – if you can get in to see your dentist or acupuncturist that may be a sign. Jupiter is here from October 29th until December 20th, 2022, giving you a couple of months to find the right people or approaches at the right time.

A new way of living, working and looking after your well-being will emerge at this time. The particular circumstances which take you to this point will owe much to the need for escape. If you do happen to hit a bumpy turn in the road, remember that the new pathway which is opening up (for your job, or your body) is meant to be – and there will be plenty of cosmic clues, signposts and green traffic lights, to guide you on your way. More commonly, the changes to your lifestyle, work and health at this time will probably be effortless. Part of you has been escaping for years. That won’t be so easy 2023-2026 so do all you can to use life until Christmas to find solutions for all of you, long-term. Consider future realities.

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I am always amazed at the number of people who marry on this kind of Uranus in Taurus cycle. I suppose it shows the need for liberty within commitment, that can often be involved during a more radical kind of wedding! In all honesty, though, this is about inner conflicts, about independence in the context of lifetime agreements, or issues for Libertines which emerge with your partner, potential date or ex-partner now.

The turning point you’re facing now (with your partner, potential date, ex-partner or enemy) is entirely natural. There’s no going back, though, so keep moving, and try to trust what is happening. Even if enemies or rivals are an issue now, this entry into November 2022 from October suggests a crossroads.

If you have a love-life rival, legal opponent, professional enemy (or any kind of enemy) then the answer is to ask what brings freedom from them, or freedom through them.

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The way forward with finance or property is now brilliantly clear from December, no matter what has gone before. So, if late October and November are hard work, so be it. If you have factors in Scorpio in your natal chart, double that message. When it comes to your money, business, houses, flats or possessions (or those which are inextricably linked to other people) expect a sea change in two stages.

December 2022/January 2023 is the sign-off choice and March 2023 is a revelation. For the first time since 2008, you will be able to make decisions without constant questions about how much control you have. Even as you’re planning the way forward, though, something about the circumstances which are taking you there, will always drag you back to the past – that period from 2008 to 2021 when you had to figure out politics with others, all the time.

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Mars backtracks in Gemini in your Sixth House of work, unpaid work and study. Your relationship with your boss, colleague or client will now show you a lot about the games that people play, as somebody’s reverse thrust is now operating at full force. If you don’t have a part-time or full-time job, but you have other important roles and goals, those will also be affected by this stop-start cycle.

Once again, you can expect some kind of backwards-forwards dynamic, where you either get to reschedule and rethink or others do. Watch and learn. It’s an instructive time. If a career issue is looming large, though, it will also be quite an odd period, until March 2023 anyway, when you take two steps forward and one back. A schedule that allows for that is smart. Capricorn, there is more to say.

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Pick another day than eclipse day, October 25th, 2022. to start your own business, apply for a job, sit for a scholarship, or resign.

And yet, you can’t duck and dive the Scorpio weather, as between now and November you are quite clearly going to launch anything major in your career – or with your other ambitions, roles and goals. The cover-up, distraction or diversion on the 25th won’t be obvious for weeks or months, Aquarius. Yet, this week will bring important, lasting changes in your career, or with your other roles and goals.

Whatever the astrological weather now, this period in November is all about moving on, and moving forward. One project may end, and another one may begin. Staff, clients and employers may exit stage left, or you may see other changes in your business, field or industry. You’ll typically feel a strong sense of purpose and direction as the Scorpio weather kicks in next month. Any new job or business now will owe an enormous amount to the past, though. Life as it was 18 or 19 years ago, actually.

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If you are part of a group, club, team or fixed circle of friends, then you will find plotting and planning now help you in December, January when there are huge decisions to be made. This also applies to a friendship. The usual chemistry between you will change in December 2022 and become more intense, so that you become much more aware of the ‘game’ that is being played. If, for any reason, a group involvement or a friendship makes you feel disempowered or even unfairly powerful, try to sort that out by thinking it through now, as November is closer. In any case, Pisces, the most complicated, difficult, demanding cycle of your life ends in March 2023. Just mulling over life since 2008 can be really helpful this week. The friend or group in question is on your radar and all too soon, choices must be made, Pisces.

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