Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
October 23-29, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for October 23-29, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

product 64da4bbe833a91692027838906329 225x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope October 23rd to 29thThe bidding for a reading with me (and extra gifts) is now at £3000+ in aid of BBC Children in Need in London this year.

You can bid on a paw reading for your cat as well – the last cat I read for, happened to belong to Holly Willoughby on This Morning (ITV).

In addition, my co-writer Rachel Wells, the Sunday Times bestselling author of Alfie, is offering a signed book along with my Zoom analysis of your moggy.

Please bid here and help a fantastic charity.

Thank you.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – With Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, reality is an illusion. What you want so much with a house, apartment or money will not be in your hands by May 2024 unless you realise you have to know yourself better first.

What or who you find toxic or even spooky is also not real. All of this is a projection. It is in your imagination, or just what is in your mind, that you are throwing onto life itself.

Avoid the eclipse please on October 28th as you will be in the dark, well and truly, about the money, business, insurance, bank, shares and the rest of it. You can read more about that eclipse on my website here.

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Taurus – Vulcano in Aquarius suggests you or the person at the top is sitting on a volcano. This is your career, unpaid work or academic career. Vulcano is a symbol of people who are very self-controlled. They cover up their emotions and are stronger as a result of that. This may be your male boss who is older, repressed but successful. It may be you if you are at the top of your profession.

What happens with Vulcano is a big message about the need to plan ahead. You see, Pluto is here from January 2024 and by February 2024 I don’t think that volcano can stay dormant forever. What do you think?

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Gemini – Complicated relationships are normal with Fortuna in Sagittarius. She is in your zone of challenges to the heart and soul. This may be your marriage and a third person. It may be your marriage and one child. It’s usually about three people.

The best way to get out of this stuck situation is to leave. This will cause huge disruption to the system or set-up. But it will heal. And you will have withdrawn your energy from what is going nowhere. These kinds of triangular or even more complicated situations can go on for months. Years. Of course, it may be that two withdraw. Or maybe you all do. Miracles can happen. And hearts do recover.

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Cancer – Neptune and Saturn are in your international zone. This is a classic situation where you need to rein in the random. You may find your choices about Europe, the Americas or Australasia are all over the place, all the time. That’s Neptune.

You are in a nice bubble here insulated from reality. Yet at the same time if you want to break out of your protective bubble, you do have to choose from the nationality or the country. So, the person, the people, or the place. The Saturn part of the situation is the boundaries. Saturn has rings around it as you know. So, there are barriers or restrictions to get over before you travel, emigrate, or access these foreign faces from foreign places. Even in your own country.

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Leo – Your ruler the Sun is in Taurus in your sector of career, academic career and unpaid work. The towers of power you might say. Meanwhile the Sun is in Scorpio which rules the family but also your apartment or house.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse right opposite the Sun is on the 28th of October. So, there is a lot here you cannot see and do not know. There are blind spots or obscured situations all over the place. Thus, you might want to wait until the eclipse has gone and the Full Moon with it before you get the lay of the land.

You have a choice here to either go back and restructure or walk away and start again. That can be quite liberating. In the light of day restructuring may also seem like a good option.

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Virgo, you will be by yourself this week and find some answers too. Apollo is in Leo one sign behind yours.

The leadership you are looking for on the most private matters is there. It may come from yourself. You may lead yourself out of the search towards the answers. You may also find it from, say, a priest or a psychic. In fact, Apollo is in your zone of religion, spirituality, the meaning of life, the universe, the Tarot, mediums, hypnosis, therapy and the like. You cannot find any solutions with the noise and distraction of other people, so it is time to be alone, for whatever reason.

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Libra, it’s all about ideas, concepts and brainwaves this week. The issue is how to get them planted and how to make them grow. This is a big concern for you or a person close to you. It is probably at work or at university.

You have Fortuna in Sagittarius in your Third House of internet, the media, publishing, academia, education and above all, communication. So, this is something that is already on the computer or in a notebook, but it’s all held up. The delay won’t end until you and someone else make a move in the same direction. There is so much potential here, Libra.

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Scorpio, Vulcano in Aquarius is in your sector of property, home, family, houses, apartments, holiday homes, your extended family network and people who feel like family. This is one of those weeks when you realise how empowering this could all be in the future.

This week, something to remember about Vulcano is that you are more powerful when you cover up your feelings and act the part. And sometimes that has to happen with family, doesn’t it, or even where a particular gathering is concerned, around a house, apartment or other place which sends a big message all by itself.

By that I mean January and February 2024 when Pluto goes into Aquarius. This could deliver later and give you far more influence and a bigger sense of control and empowerment than was there before.

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Sagittarius, Saturn and Neptune in your zone of real estate, the home, the extended family, accommodation, town or country send a big message about wonderful things that might not be completely real. This is rather like a rainbow over your house or apartment, or over the garden. You can follow it and never find it. It’s an illusion. And yet of itself it is a thing of great comfort and joy. So that’s really Neptune in your home zone now. You couldn’t say much of this was really, really, real and yet it is.

Saturn is the other half of the transit. And you have Aesculapia in there too, all in Pisces. Saturn is about boundaries. It’s about the rings around the planet. So, for all that this is a picture in a snow dome shaken up it has limitations.

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Capricorn, the question about the family tree, the local area or even the country this week is, what is it possible to get away with? This may be for you or someone who very much has their eye on the family, or a couple of branches of it anyway. This is a week of shifting sands. Nothing and nobody is stable, fixed or permanent.

So, the town or country concerned may be going through tremendous upheaval, for all sorts of reasons. The geography is articulating the symbolism of Chiron. Chiron is always about changing conditions, shifting sands, altered circumstances.

In Aries, which is an action man or action woman sign, clearly something is about to happen. Maybe you want it to happen. Maybe you don’t. But things will move fast.

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Aquarius, Chiron in Aries is in your zone of short journeys this week. Someone is coming to see you, or you are going to see them. Chiron is always about seeing what you can get away with. And this can be true for you if you are the traveller or tourist, or very true for the person setting out across the map. Chiron changes everything. He was found in 1977, a year when everything did change.

There is usually a sense of audacity or chutzpah with Chiron and so this may be you who is attempting what takes enormous self-belief, or somebody else who is crossing all sorts of boundaries. In fact, Chiron is an astronomical boundary crosser. This is about deep feeling, true emotion and something that is quite hard to resist.

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Pisces, your zone of short journeys receives an eclipse this week. You or somebody else is on a mission and can’t see straight. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is on the 28th of October. If you are on some kind of rush to get somewhere, be very careful.

It is also possible that somebody who affects everything is on the move. Too fast and perhaps again, not seeing straight. This is likely to be your brother, sister or cousin as the Full Moon in Taurus falls in your sector of siblings and close relatives. I wouldn’t discount neighbours either as Taurus also rules that. This seems more like family though because some branches are so affected. When in doubt slow down, cool down and focus. And that goes for him, her of you.

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