Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
October 21-27, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for October 21-27, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

product 6700bea48bc331728102052971417 225x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope October 21st to 27thBid on signed lots from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children in Read 2024 auction benefitting the BBC Children in Need Fund here.

In partnership with Rachel Wells – I am offering:

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* A signed poster for The Aries Billionaire by Rachel Wells.
* A free audiobook – The Aries Billionaire read by Oliver Chris (Audible UK).
* A signed edition from Rachel Wells’ Alfie bestseller series.
* A signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday (Hachette) by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells. This is the only one in the world. The manuscript can be dedicated to anyone you wish.
* A limited-edition Your Birthday tote bag.

Thank you for helping the BBC Children in Need fund by either bidding or passing the message on for this excellent cause.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – Proserpina, Mars and Panacea are in Cancer. This week is about the property, real estate or one side of the family tree or the other. You may be affected in terms of location (town or country), people (the relatives), culture (history and heritage) or more spiritual reasons. Mars is about action, not words. This may be your mother’s side or father’s side. Your side, or your partner’s side.

Cancer is the zodiac sign which rules your place in the world. Your roots. Where you belong, or which two places you might go between. Huge opportunities and solutions will appear from June 2025, based partly on what starts to happen now. That is further ahead but you need to be aware of it with pre-planning as you may move somewhere bigger and better, acquire a second home, or bring people into the family circle – a partner’s godchildren, for example. Expect a go-between with your family, house, city, country, apartment or household – a bridge between two sides or a piggy in the middle with a family vacation, relocation, holiday, home repair/renovation and so on.

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Taurus – Well, you now have Neptune in Pisces in your zone of friends and groups. Debbi Kempton-Smith wrote of Neptune that he symbolised the Rolls Royce of human endeavour: “Honesty, causing hurt to no one, compassion, service, sacrifice, empathy, humility, and subtlety.” At its best, that is what a Neptune cycle in the Eleventh House can produce with your allies and circles. At its most confusing, it can remove all the boundaries, so everybody is all over the place, all the time. If you need to pull this all back into line again, do it this week.

There is also unfinished business with foreigners in your own world – major connections overseas, interstate or out of town. And these are heavily indicated until November and December 2024 when you sign off.

Meanwhile, keep an eye on the money you could be saving or making this week. Richard Sterling, way back in 1968, was describing Jupiter as “the planet of good fortune, expansion and opportunity” and nothing has changed. It’s out there for you until June 2025 – or coming in the other way. You see, you are also in a position to welcome some kind of exchange sale or payment. Or a really big saving.

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Gemini – Soon after Pluto changes signs in November 2024, foreign visitors, tourists, travellers or migrants become a power story in your life. The faces behind the import and export have the clout. As much as you are on the inside staring out at Europe, Asia, New Zealand, Canada and so on – others are looking in. This raises all sorts of interesting questions about home exchange, but that’s another story.

Ops and Psyche are ahead of Pluto this week in your Ninth House of all that is foreign. So, there are solutions here. And there is an everlasting story as well. If your life revolves around foreign trade deals, out-of-town agreements, export, import, local currency exchange and so on – 2025 will be a really huge year for you. Not just in terms of you stepping out with your bags packed, but also because of who wants to come in or is already here. You’ll be teaching others about the controls with culture, background, beliefs, language – just as much as they teach you, Gemini.

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Cancer – As 2024 ends, we find Ceres and Pluto both taking their turn in Aquarius in your house of finance. Meanwhile, you have Saturn in your house of foreigners and foreign countries. Richard Sterling described Saturn as “the planet of Destiny” back in 1968 and so it is. There is a strong feeling of ‘now is the time’ about 2025. However you choose to play it financially or with people from another culture.

With Neptune in Pisces also timing situations abroad or with other nationalities at home, we find you (according to Margaret Hone some seventy years ago) with your head in the clouds but also at your most inspirational and perhaps spiritual. These are all key words for Neptune. Margaret Hone likened Neptune to “acting under inspiring urges from the intangible” and that’s where we find you this week. This sector of your chart is also about learning and teaching. You will embrace what there is to learn, know and pass on in 2024 and 2025 but with knowing just how responsible you have to be.

If you do happen to be a teacher, 2025 will be an unforgettable year for you as you end a very long cycle. Of course, there are many Cancer people in the media or on the internet who also transmit and broadcast without needing a desk. For you, as well, next year is a sign off.

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Leo – She (or He) who matters so much just about sums up this week. Ahead of Pluto in Aquarius, you have Ops and Psyche in Aquarius. You also have Venus and Bacchus in Sagittarius. This week – you are setting up next year. So, in 2025, February finds you taking stock of January when so much will take place involving your former, current or potential partner. You are being given a chance to absorb and process, now Leo, ready for the next stage. And, of course, it’s Saint Valentine’s Day next February which has a big pull for so many people born under your sign.

From November 2024, there is huge focus on duets, double acts, and partnerships. And also it has to be said – separations, divorces and partings. It really depends on your personal birth chart and how you have been dealing with the recent Libra transits. Leo, Pluto is the transformer. You are weeks away now from just that kind of transformation.

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Virgo – With Saturn and Neptune still in your Seventh House of pairs and couples and also disputes and duels and Pluto and Ceres still in your Fifth House of intimacy and children – let’s look at what is going on with the other half of your equation. This may not be sexual or romantic at all, anymore. It may be a platonic partnership which is now reaching an amicable close. You two would still be tied but not connected. More commonly, after you have been dealing with many years of transits in your Seventh House, Virgo, you may find yourself with a parting of the ways in a marriage or common-law marriage next January.

Why January 2025? The lunar nodes of karma then go through this same chart zone. If you two are to bond more tightly beyond Saint Valentine’s Day into 2025, it would be with a very different structure in the relationship. Next year, you end the boundary issues with a marriage or partnership. It may be that you move further apart, this week, in order to stay more fruitfully connected later on. This also throws open the doors to the new importance of boundaries with any enemy, rival or opponent too.

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Libra – Uranus in Taurus is about finance, property, charity and business. Agents for change now actually seem central to the whole business of a new arrangement. And they’re not the usual suspects as Uranus in your zone of socialising suggests those who are unusual. “The urge towards freedom” wrote Margaret Hone many years ago and there is a great sense of space, financially or with property, showing in your chart. The welcome mat is out for this very different kind of life.

Hone did not use Ceres (she was only promoted to planet in 2006), but this heavenly body is also very important as she enters your property and real estate zone in December. Ceres describes division, sharing, or carved-up territory. And that is why 2024 seems certain to end with just that sort of understanding between you and a key family member or household member. You’ll both figure out the turf between you and find that the distance opens things up for you with a particular house or apartment, land or other residence. We’re going to see this dwarf planet move through your life with even more focus as November ends, so the numbers are a big part of the discussions now and part of a deal by December 7th.

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Scorpio – Ever since the North Node, Salacia, Chiron, Fortuna and Hygiea began gathering in Aries, you have been sorting out work politics or questions about who is top dog in the pack with your profession, university, college, industry, business or with your unpaid work. Now, you are moving into the adjustment/acceptance zone, as from January 2025, a seriously stuck situation ends.

Minerva in Leo – in your other work, academic and unpaid work zone – gives you clever answers this week. They may come from a clever woman. It may be that your entire field of digital, telephone or perhaps media operations has been hit by someone who tried to take over your turf specifically in 2018 or 2019. This may be part of the story with your working life.

With so many factors now transiting your sector of workload, but also health, there is quite a story unfolding. As you are obviously planning your diary for the year ahead, already, it is worth knowing more about work next January 2025. Perhaps, too, your voluntary involvements or your studies. Essentially, the nodes change signs, and you change over from a circuit or loop where everything is on rewind and repeat to a genuinely different sort of year.

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Sagittarius – You are still dealing with long-lasting challenges and changes regarding your place in the hierarchy of your workplace or profession. So, this year so far has been about the politics and pecking order between boss, staff, and colleagues or professors, students or teachers. Uranus (the planet of sudden, exciting events) in your zone of career, success, ambition, achievement, mission and position is exhilarating. It’s not guaranteed because you have to want it! Yet, this is a ‘potential change-all’ in your field – or at home – if that is where the chain of command is.

The other very good reason for this, as the year ends, is Pluto leaving Capricorn. Ceres too. If you are typical of many Sagittarians, you will have Capricorn factors in your Tenth House of career, academia and vocation. So, there is a reshuffle of rights, roles and responsibilities coming in November and December 2024 on a personal chart level.

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Capricorn – Jupiter in Gemini in your Sixth House of work, does rather suggest something long overdue as the year ends and it will represent a great leap forward. The other reason for this is that you were born with the Sun in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career, unpaid work and academia. This house is precisely where Pluto and Ceres sign off in November and December.

Margaret E. Hone, D.F. Astrology. S., associated Pluto with “beginnings and endings” and all that is revealing. She also associated Pluto with “quick, eliminative, getting-rid of action.” This was written in 1951, almost 70 years ago. How extraordinary is it that all these years later, Peg Hone is correct about the next two months. Maybe you already know it, Capricorn. This is either your industry as a whole, your office or class.

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Aquarius – This is a long Uranus cycle – And this may be why particular situations which involve the family, your domestic life, your home, town, or country feel so familiar. As Uranus in Taurus moves backwards and forwards, you could just be dealing with some old debts or credits. This is not about money though. Not necessarily. It’s about your freedom and independence. These issues about space likely involve the family or others you share your home with or depend upon – like a landlady.

You’ve been here before with matters directly relating to your autonomy and now, they are back. In fact, this has been the case since 2018 when Uranus first changed signs. You’ll then figure out the rest, your own way, and it’s likely to involve your own front door or the roof over your head, quite specifically. And if this does pull in the mortgage, or rent, or a property investment? Well, it’s time to clarify and put in some boundaries.

Debbi Kempton-Smith, whose book Secrets from a Stargazer’s Notebook is a perennial classic, suggests, “Down with confusion! Slay the dragons of Neptune and get hip to the trip of consciousness!” Financially, and with property, this is a really good way to describe her/him/them, but also yourself.

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Pisces – Proserpina, Mars and Panacea are all in Cancer now. New babies or adoptions are in store for so many Pisces people as Mars goes backwards for months in Cancer. This long stay of Mars (the action planet) with other factors all moving through your zone of parenthood suggests things are moving this week. This is also where we find your godchildren, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, stepchildren and so on. It’s not a strict rule of this transit to see pregnancies and births around but it is very common.

You also have Jupiter in your extended family circle zone until 2025. Back in 1968, Richard Sterling, Australia’s legendary astrologer, was talking about Jupiter as “the planet of good fortune, expansion and opportunity.” The idea that all is bigger and better is part of this cycle. What is a Christening if not a Cancer ceremony? It can be symbolic, too, Pisces. The ‘naming’ or honouring of someone or something so special. A golden ritual for a golden son or daughter, perhaps. We are approaching that time of year when the young head off for new jobs or a new course, perhaps, a degree.

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