Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
October 17-23, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for October 17-23, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Astrology eCard SAGITTARIUS Happy Halloween 300x213 - Your Weekly Horoscope October 17th to 23rd

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This is one of the most important seasonal changes of the year, and you really will feel as if there is a natural rhythm unfolding, as a new financial path opens up, and a new era begins – just skip the eclipse next week, please. By November, with the house, apartment, business, shares and so on – you will realise ‘That was then, this is now, and over there, you’ll find tomorrow.’ The events, people or plans that come together now will remind you that for everything, there is a season – just like the old Byrds song, Turn, Turn, Turn.

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Three times a year, for about three weeks, Mercury appears to move backwards. It’s retrograde then, and everything it rules, from communication, to business – and travel – goes backwards too. Issues are picked up, then put down. People change their minds. They’re too late – or much too early – and sometimes they don’t turn up at all. Purchases are taken back. Connections are made, then lost.

Well, you are slowly crawling out of this cycle, Taurus, which began in August. It has complicated matters with courtship, heirs or pretenders to your throne. It has also complicated matters of health, lifestyle, workload and well-being. Now, comes the big catch-up and sort-out.

As you saw, August, September and most of October – there are no guarantees for anything. People recycle ideas, issues, plans and deals to see what will happen – but more often than not, what takes place leaves them stuck exactly where they were before. Not you.

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Venus cycles in your health, lifestyle and workload zone (from next week) will pair you up with someone, so that you can move forward together. One or more double acts will become a priority at this time – and the goal for both of you will relate to housework, academia, paid work, unpaid work, doctors, healers, food, drink, fitness and the interplay. Mental health too. It will all pick up importance very quickly, Gemini, so that you can pursue the same, or similar, goals. Not surprisingly, this cycle is about trust, co-operation and sharing. This period is about understanding that even though there are differences between you, it’s time to join forces.

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Mars is the God of War in mythology. If he appears to be speaking to you now (or through you) then think extremely carefully about the consequences of your actions. The wars in your life may be minor or major – most likely to involve religion, therapy, counselling, Tarot, psychics, dreams, hypnosis, meditation and your solitary existence, not your social one. This cycle lingers until March 2023. Equally, you need to pay special attention to the visions, ideas and emotions which are seizing someone else in this cycle. It may be the Church of England or somebody’s psychologist. Ironically, Cancer, the ‘golden rule’ of all world religions works well now: do unto others, if you possibly can. This saga is stop-start and rewind until March so allow plenty of time and space.

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This is a hard-work cycle for a partnership, with Saturn in Aquarius, when your need for security will dominate your life, in the area which Saturn is affecting at the time – so, marriage, common-law marriage, professional partnership, platonic duet or work partnership. This cycle also rules contests, duels and battles. Again, this is hard-work cycle.

You’ll be building the safest structure you can manage now – patiently building a set-up that you hope will give you solid foundations, even though you’ll also have a number of concerns at this time. The cycle ends in March 2023 but until then, the upcoming squares to Saturn from other chart factors suggest matters will be hard to square. Saturn is about your need to take serious measures in serious times.

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You will find yourself merging with someone in this cycle. If Neptune is passing through the Seventh House along with Jupiter, as it will from October 29th, then boundaries dissolve. This partnership, duet or double act can be any sort of pair at all, but it benefits you enormously until Christmas. Think about the realities before the mist descends, though, Virgo. If something goes in writing between you by December, bear in mind 2023-2026 means you will really have to take the full burden on.

Neptune can often make us forget who we are, as a sense of personal identity and separateness dissolves, and we end up losing our boundaries. Once again, someone around you may go through this, in relation to you – or it may be you who blends yourself into someone else’s life. Is there anything necessarily wrong with these kinds of associations? It depends on what they achieve for both of you. The Neptunian relationships which emerge shortly can give you all of this – a chance to be lose yourself in another reality. As I said, Jupiter there too, is unusual and hugely beneficial, but you need to see the likely outcomes of 2023-2026 before you dive in next week, Virgo.

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download 2 - Your Weekly Horoscope October 17th to 23rdAnd so, to finance again. The South Node is the Dragon’s Tail. The North Node is also known as the Dragon’s Head. Astrologers associate the North Node (and the South Node, its opposite) with the dragon which eats itself, just as time eats itself, when it rewind and recycles – and you will now face people, situations and places which are strangely familiar.

If you have anything in Taurus and/or Scorpio in your natal chart, then next week is crucial to your plans. So is November 2022. You have gone through at least two repeats of the North Node cycle you are facing now if you are 40 or over. Now is your chance to gain from everything you have learned and move forward again. You have completed part of your financial karmic education, in association with the area of life which the North Node is highlighting. That shouldn’t make you complacent, though. The whole point of facing the same thing, over and over, is to help you go to the next level. Perhaps as early as this Sunday it’s on again.

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An odd thing happens on October 28th , 2022. Jupiter takes his lead of Aries – the sign ruling your workload, health, well-being, daily routine, duty, unpaid work and academic career. Chiron remains. Just like a medieval archer, you will now find yourself faced with the seemingly impossible task of either:

  • hitting your target from an unthinkable distance, or
  • trying to hit several targets at once.


And yet, if you aim for 2023, Scorpio, you are in a terrific position as from December 21st, 2022, Jupiter is back. For now, it is just Chiron. The English astrologer Dennis Elwell equated Chiron with a kind of cocky impudence. It brings tests of nerve. What ‘impossible’ thing can you now attempt? Is it enough to be super-confident? This cycle asks “Can I get away with it? Western Australian Astrologer Zane Stein thinks Chiron is a maverick.

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Until January 2023, your financial position, your salary, your money management, your assets (possessions or property) and your debts, will be in sharp focus. Double that message if you have factors in Scorpio in your birth chart.

Your values will also be in the spotlight. That means what you will and won’t sell out for, and also who (or what) you consider to be priceless. As Pluto, and then the Sun, Mercury and Venus travel through your Second House by December 2022, you need to update and sign off by March 2023.

This time last year, you put certain things in motion where your finances, lifestyle, business interests, security, property or values were concerned. What happens now, starting for many Sagittarians as soon as Sunday, is the reckoning.

With Pluto still resident in the Second House, the spotlight swings on the last big beginning you made, from late November to late December, or the last big ending you were forced to accept. It’s a really good week to plot and plan.

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The Third House rules brothers and sisters, cousins, communication and short-haul travel (a quick bicycle trip, an overnight stay, a weekend car expedition). While Jupiter passes through the Third House as it will do, from the 29th of October 2022, your luck is in.

Let’s begin with your siblings. At this time of year, your relationship with them will be much more beneficial. Is the connection to your brother or sister something that needs to be fixed? It can be fixed, shortly. Jupiter alongside Neptune in your Third House until Christmas, will emphasise and underline every single point about the relationship until you know exactly what’s going on, in terms of opportunities and solutions. The state of play with your cousin, brother or sister will be more obviously beneficial now and require your input. In fact, the internet/travel side of the story may involve them, Capricorn.

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You can put your home up for sale now through 2026 and be thrilled to find it sets new records for property auctions in your street, giving you the freedom to downsize and liberate yourself from debt and a too-small space. Or you can open the door to freedom until 2026 in more radical, surprising ways.

Uranus in Taurus, about to be hit by Scorpio weather through November, will pick up what’s prominent about the home front. So, this may be guests staying in your home now – suddenly, the kitchen issue you ignored – or the DIY bathroom paint job is. It is all a channel for Uranus and his many, many Independence Days on this cycle.

Our home lives and families are often a background track. That will change now, as you find yourself staring, long and hard, at Scorpio season.

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Scorpio weather waits. The most important aspects of your academic abilities, foreign relations, your teaching or lecturing skills, your web life – and even your potential as publisher or author – will be on display now. You may feel as if you are watching yourself, watching yourself! You’ll be tremendously self-conscious about your performance and status in these areas but bear in mind that the rest of the world will also be watching, too. You can show off your grasp of the big global picture now – and this weather rolls until late November 2022.

The Sun turns a spotlight on this aspect of your personality and achievements now, so if you have truly turned into one of those people who has something special to offer, you can now pick up some credit. More importantly, you’ll know you’re on track – which will help you make future plans, too.

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