Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
October 16-22, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for October 16-22, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

F7taVkYWEAETOop 300x169 - Your Weekly Horoscope October 16th to 22ndWith 1,470 people in Sydney and Melbourne, 1,500 members in London and 1,790 in New York, Astrology and Tarot Meetups has grown a lot since we began these in-person and online gatherings. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed our events and given us our 4.5-star rating.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – It takes two to draw closer or even move further apart. Your personal chart tells the rest, Aries. You have Mercury in Libra along with the Sun this week. The South Node of karma from 18-19 years before is also in Libra. The sign of the scales rules true balance between two people who are different but equal. This may be an apology and reconciliation. It may be an engagement.

The Sun and Mercury will both form a conjunction with the South Node in Libra on the 18th and 19th respectively. You also have Apollo in Leo now in your sector of heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. So, this may be about your children or a pregnancy question. That’s historic.

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Taurus – With Venus and Juno both in your zone of infants, children and teenagers you are here to try and understand the complicated world of human feelings this week. There is also a commitment, pledge or promise. Venus was the mother of Cupid, and this may be about a mother-son relationship, very much in the picture or perhaps once removed.

Cupid in turn loved Psyche and this youthful adoration may be the story for you now. For example, your older son may start courting a girl at school. Even if you have no children at all, Taurus, the world of the next generation is the story this week and you will need to make a promise to yourself, or see a promise being carried out.

Juno has long been a symbol of who or what you wed yourself too. Both she and Venus are in your Fifth House of parenthood, substitute parenthood and the generation gap.

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Gemini – The Libra transits now in your Fifth House of parenthood and substitute parenthood are very important as they suggest memories or future visions and daydreams can dominate your life as much as what is actually taking place.

This phase of your life is dormant prior to awakening, as Uranus the planet of freedom and liberation is in Taurus, in your Twelfth House of meditation, sleep, hypnosis and most of all, the soul and spirit. This is also where we find your unconscious mind. Before you are reborn, you must also come to terms with what you remember of mother-child relationships or what you want from them.

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Cancer – Apollo in Leo is about finance, property, charity and/or business in your chart. This important asteroid is the son of Jupiter in the Roman tradition which gives us modern astrology. So, Apollo is about abundance and opportunism.

Diana, another one of Jupiter’s children, is also in Leo. She was Apollo’s sister, as you may know, so there is a big message this week about liberation and freedom, versus security and belonging. Diana is a symbol of total wildness without compromise. You do have choices. Is there a middle way between clinging on too tightly to money or cryptocurrency and letting go completely?

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Leo – This week is a turning point in the way you handle your sleep hygiene, your thoughts and your state of mind. Pluto in Capricorn has been in your Sixth House of health and wellbeing for years. This can result in habits or patterns being built up which need to change, particularly in terms of your eight hours a day.

Pluto’s square to Mercury in Libra on October 21st brings the planet of the mind, to the planet of self-control and willpower. If you want control and power over your daily routine and wellbeing, you will also use the Sun’s square to Pluto on the 21st of October to manage your memories and your imagination. Remorse or anxiety is literally in your head. There’s nothing there except puffs of air, Leo.

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Virgo – The transits in Libra this week are about money and how to spend it. How to negotiate it or cut deals with it. There are two signs which rule finance in your chart, as well as valuable assets, business, charity and property. One is Libra and the other is Aries. You have long-term cycles in both, so the choice here is about 2024 and perhaps 2025 as much as anything. In fact, eventually Neptune will go into Aries into your joint finance sector, for the second half of the Twenties, so what you must decide may be about life far, far into the future. You are a grounded earth sign so do use it.

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Libra – Female knowledge and wisdom makes a huge difference to your week, Libra. Cupido is in Sagittarius which rules the media, the internet and short burst information, like radio or YouTube. Fortuna is also in Sagittarius. This sign rules your Third House of messages and broadcasts, press releases and statements, journalism, education and academia.

Have a look at the project, idea or plan. It represents your accumulated wisdom if you are a Libran woman. This may also be the life’s work, or part life’s work, of a female professional who is influential, powerful and more than qualified.

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Scorpio – Your finance, property and assets sector is ruled by Sagittarius, a sign which sees the big picture. That can be useful this week, as Fortuna and Cupido go through Sagittarius. These two crucial asteroids are part of the Jupiter and Venus family in astrology which we associate with abundance (so there is more than enough to share or pass on, lend or give here) and complex relationships. It doesn’t get more complicated than three generations and a particular house, apartment, trust fund, inheritance or bank account, does it?

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Sagittarius – The Leo transits now are in your Ninth House of ideas, export, the worldwide web and ‘shipped knowledge.’ This is actually ruled by Sagittarius in astrology, so you feel quite familiar with the choices now. However, unless you have both feet on the ground and full awareness, you are unlikely to get as far as you should. What you have here will not work in your own town or country. You know that much. (Not without a great deal of exploration and discovery, closer to home). Perhaps that is why you have automatically begun looking at Europe, Asia, the Americas and so on. Some far corner of a foreign field which is forever yours, or partly yours, if you can only make the connection or the trip.

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Capricorn, with Cupido and Fortuna (two important asteroids) in the most introspective, solitary and also unconscious zone of your chart, you need to realise that issues with people can be traced back to your state of mind.

We also have Pluto with all his powerful changes (if you use your willpower) in Capricorn, your own sign. If you want to change the way you appear to others, you will use self-control to control yourself. This may be a yoga class or meditation; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or just a concerted effort to alter your position. The family tree can also help. Getting back to your roots can ground you and center you.

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Aquarius – With Leo transits in your Seventh House of duets, pairs and couples it looks as though two people, or two sides, shows the gateway to great happiness now. This may be a wedding party for example or just a solid double-act which provides the entry to what you want.

You also have Sagittarius transits in your Eleventh House of socialising, groups, clubs, friends and teams. The circle is unbroken. There is a lot to look forward to this week and although that dreaded term ‘networking’ should be dead and buried along with the 1990s it’s also true that when you talk about what you want, or talk about what you can give, things happen.

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Pisces – The Virgo patterns this week fall in your Seventh House of divorce, separation, relationships, partnerships and affairs or one-night stands. In fact, this week is a double whammy because in your birth chart we find Libra transits, again in your Seventh House of intimate bonds with others.

You would not be human if you had not seen a few things fall over in recent times. In fact, with Saturn and Neptune right opposite this zone of your chart, it’s absolutely normal to have broken up with others or just found yourself with the spilled feelings and emotions you don’t want!

The good news is everything is here to be corrected. You can kick over the traces and move on, Pisces, or you can even restore and relaunch what’s been spoiled.

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