Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
October 14-20, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for October 14-20, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

product 6700bea48bc331728102052971417 225x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope October 14th to 20thBid on signed lots from Bob Mortimer, Nigella Lawson, Richard Coles, Caroline Quentin and many more famous BBC faces in this year’s Children in Read 2024 auction benefitting the BBC Children in Need Fund here.

In partnership with Rachel Wells – I am offering:

* A 45-minute psychic astrology Zoom reading with Jessica.
* A signed poster for The Aries Billionaire by Rachel Wells.
* A free audiobook – The Aries Billionaire read by Oliver Chris (Audible UK).
* A signed edition from Rachel Wells’ Alfie bestseller series.
* A signed, uncorrected proof of Your Birthday (Hachette) by Jessica Adams and Rachel Wells. This is the only one in the world. The manuscript can be dedicated to anyone you wish.
* A limited-edition Your Birthday tote bag.

Thank you for helping the BBC Children in Need fund by either bidding or passing the message on for this excellent cause.


Animated Cards e1728789807234 300x267 - Your Weekly Horoscope October 14th to 20thMy new book – Your Birthday – is now on sale as of October 15th, 2024.

Information here.

To celebrate, you can send one of 36 animated birthday e-cards, all year long, based on the decans of the zodiac.

Find them all here.


Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – You are being given an opportunity not possible in twelve years. It concerns your short journeys, internet use, media interests and connections. Cupido is here with Jupiter. Jupiter is an ancient symbol of solutions, hope, growth and optimism while Cupido is about who or what it’s easy to love – even if it’s just for a few months. Jupiter is with you until June 2025, so there is ample time to do something big, especially online.

In November and December 2024, a promotion, resignation, retirement, redundancy, new appointment or fresh project is on the horizon which may tally with the trip, website or news outlet concerned. The reshuffle in rights, roles and responsibilities in those two months might just be the tipping point.

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Taurus – Ops and Psyche in Aquarius suggest that a dramatic new phase for you professionally is ahead. This may also be your academic career or unpaid vocation. As is already clear, 2025 is not going to be like any other year, Taurus. Yet, at the same time, something that resembles a solution is arriving. You can call this a practical way out or a brilliant strategy. A timely note of relief and release in the future is shown as Ops moves through your sector of career and calling. Ops and Psyche in Aquarius this week pave the way for what looks like a November 2024 – February 2025 reshuffle in your chosen field or workspace and it will change everything.

Very close to the middle of November or the start of December 2024, your concerns about foreign people and places, regional differences, travel, emigration, publishing, the worldwide web or education will also be sorted out. In fact, just after Boxing Day (December 26, 2024), one of the most relentless cycles of the last year or two will be over. Use the energy you save to focus on your next challenge which is the whole business of success and being successful.

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Gemini – Well, sometimes you have to see the light at the end of the tunnel – rather like a blazing light in a long tunnel taking you backwards. Reversing is normal when Ceres and Pluto are retrograde in your sector of joint banking, earning and owning. Financially or economically with your house, apartment, business interests or charity, you are now being taken backwards in time in order to go forwards.

This has been a really long time coming. You have put up with some of the most difficult years on record since 2008 thanks to the relentless transits in Capricorn – which rules his/hers/ours/mine. This may be anything from intellectual property to an interest-free loan or maybe an inheritance! You can be rich or poor and still feel the power issues with this cycle. Now, you are nearing the end of the toughest cycle in years. Breathe deep and trust the way forward. I’ve mentioned this before, Gemini, but there will be a dual sign-off – one in November another in December 2024.

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Cancer – Your past, present or potential partner is at the fast-beating heart of some long overdue solutions, improvements and breakthroughs in November and December 2024. This week, Pluto and Ceres continue to move retrograde through your sector or duets and duels. Things have been so intense for so long, Cancer, that you may have forgotten what life can feel like if things actually move at a normal pace instead of presenting constant challenges to change.

What we have here is a green light in November after a series of rather stuck situations. It will take time to realise you are free to accelerate just after Boxing Day (December 26, 2024). And yet the departure of Pluto then Ceres from your opposite sign of Capricorn is the only sign you need.

You also have Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, at the moment, which rules the bedroom, courtship and the younger generation in your life (usually your own children). There is so much room here for new information to come in that you can assume you don’t know everything you should, just yet. Stay tuned. Whatever lands on the phone, in the post, by email or even in a Q&A session by November, will help you sort out a plan.

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Leo – Ceres and Pluto are still pulling backwards this week in your Sixth House of daily routine, regular lifestyle, usual workload, necessary housework, duty and service, as well as health and wellbeing. A situation that you put up with for far too long can now be timed with a two-step decision in November, then December 2024.

Pluto has been with you since 2008, and presents as people, organisations and situations which take over. This may explain what happened with your wellbeing as Pluto transits challenge you to meet change with greater change. You are now looking at the end game, but there will be stagnation and perhaps reversal for a while. These transits are backwards, not forwards. This gives you time to think. As you know, you can’t separate your workload from your wellbeing and 2025 is going to be very, very different. How do you want it to be?

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Virgo – We now come to a real turning point in the road with the world of sexual relationships, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers, or younger people – as a generation. You have weathered so much in the last few years with all these Capricorn transits that you may not even be aware of just how unnaturally intense it really was. You have put up with a lot in the name of whatever or whomever, but you are not going to have to do that in 2025.

At the moment, you are either treading water or actually swimming backwards but that will end in the second half of November and first half of December 2024. The issue may have been your son or an IVF process or just the dating game with a biological clock ticking. Virgo, your natal chart will reveal the most recent episode and godchildren, grandchildren, or a class of children you teach, can matter quite as much as a daughter.

Now, the episodes begin to wind down and what you are being asked to do this week is look back. Rewind. Watch again. Most importantly, find an angle that empowers you. Essentially, this has all been about the power and control you did or did not possess during a 248-year cycle. What you end up with after Christmas is a strong sense of your own potency and strength – and you’ve certainly earned it.

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Libra – These Pluto and Ceres retrogrades let you know that things will be changing pretty dramatically in November and December 2024 with a family member, your house, apartment, town or country or, perhaps, the household. Now, as this week draws to a close, you will see the reason for the delay. Libra, you have put up with so much for so long thar this must feel like some kind of final tunnel that you have to navigate. And now, what do you know? Traffic jam or stuck train – It will be some time before you know for sure that everything is turning around. Yet, it will come, as Pluto exits Capricorn once and for all in a few weeks.

The situation, organisation or person which repeatedly raised so many issues for you about your own control and power is history. Ceres remains to accompany a sweeping compromise, and it may be about the way the reins are to be held between yourself, him, her, them or that. This week is about reflecting and ruminating. All of which helps a final outcome which feels more complete to you, but also far more manageable. A proper plan.

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Scorpio – Within weeks – The sight of Ceres and your ruler Pluto together in the practical sign of Capricorn turns everything around for you not only online, but also with multimedia, education and communication issues. This is a polite way of putting it. Back in 2018 and 2019, these have not really been issues, but they were actually tremendous burdens to carry around – thanks to Saturn. Although you have done your level best to get through, it is also true that 2025 is your first year without media, web or even basic communication challenges (hearing, for example, or language translation).

What happens in November and December 2024 is not something that ever seemed likely a few years ago. But you will shortly see the beginning of the end. The beginning of the end of something – maybe someone – perhaps an organisation, a project, or a set of circumstances which asked you to meet every challenge with sheer willpower – is imminent. The dangling now or state of suspended animation is useful as it gives you time to plot what you want in December.

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Sagittarius – Your ruling planet, Jupiter, has long been associated with acorns which grow oak trees. The very small becoming something so much bigger over time. Normally, in a year when Jupiter is in Gemini, you would be looking at duets, partnerships and double acts ordered by a benevolent universe (rather like the Pulp song). And plain old-fashioned luck does turn up when Jupiter is in this sign. This is all still possible. You have until 2025.

This Jupiter-Cupido double act in your chart this week has not been seen for 12 years. Cupido is Cupid – son of Venus – bringer of desire. What you are dealing with most of all, though with a certain someone, is the need for long overdue solutions and breakthroughs. A way out and a way through – as a pair. That’s most certainly here if you want it. Even if you dithered, or rejected an opportunity, Sagittarius, there is still space until June 2025 for a substantial ‘take two’ moment.

Do you have Libra factors? If so, what is taking place with your other half, or the other side, is karmic in nature.

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Capricorn – As you move towards the end of October 2024, you will find nature’s timing device – the astrological transits – work for you with long-standing situations which have been such a big ask for you in terms of image. This has really been about your passage through the world, for years. Your face online. Your name. How you present, package and profile yourself. You are ruled by Saturn, the planet associated with great staying power. Yet, you have been tested for a very long time by one Capricorn transit after another since 2008. You have become so used to life’s obstacle course over the last two years, that you may have forgotten what normality was.

Things are about to turn around in two stages in November and December 2024. As the week draws to a close, there will be a period of dangling, delay and suspension. This is normal when Ceres and Pluto are retrograde. It gives you time to think. When you sign off with a compromise with yourself and, perhaps, others (even the world) in December, what will you trade over? Bargain with? What kind of chip?

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Aquarius – For the last few years, you have been living with Pluto in Capricorn just one sign behind you. Thus, matters behind the scenes, behind closed doors or behind your usual social media ‘front,’ have been challenging. That is putting it politely. This has been about your spirit, psyche or soul.

I’m sure you have a wry smile on your face when you remember the self-isolation of 2020 as COVID-19 descended. That was four years ago but unforgettable. You appear to have been in the thick of it, Aquarius. Whatever you have been pushing so hard with, enduring so much and powering through more recently, though, is almost over. It may be a matter for a psychologist, a priest, a psychic, an astrologer, a counsellor. It’s far, far below the surface. The end of Pluto and Ceres in Capricorn (in November, then December 2024) is still seen by you, though.

Do you have Pisces factors in your natal chart? This has been doubly life changing as it is your inner self which has driven the bus with far more than obvious matters like career, money, love and so on.

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Pisces – The pattern that picks up speed in November 2024, will make the biggest difference to how you feel about your friends (old and new), your networks, and what friendship is supposed to be about anyway. This week is a holding pattern, but that also gives you time to think. The end of Pluto and Ceres in Capricorn are your answers for most questions (unanswered) that you have had left over from 2018-2019. This cycle you have been through is associated with power and control, but also past life debts and credits. Friendships, clubs, teams, circles, and communities of all kinds are where you have worked through what is owed in all directions.

Having lived with Saturn, in this zone of your chart in recent years, you have slogged through but now you are on the last leg. There are mere weeks to go before the decisive final end of Pluto in Capricorn. Signing off from this with some kind of agreement to differ or an agreement to split up the turf or territory is obvious. What you haven’t yet done is figure out the details, but this week will help. Just after Boxing Day (December 26th, 2024), you will realise 2025 really is going to be completely different.

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