Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
October 10-16, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for October 10-16, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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You can find my 2023 Zoom predictions at an upcoming event at The Conscious Café in December if you want to book your place here (December events should be listed soon). I’ll look at your Sun Sign chart for 2023 and you can also take part in a live personal Tarot session.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

You have just a few more days of the Sun in Libra putting your other half, or the other side, in the spotlight. Each cycle of the Sun will expose what you are well-known, recognised or even famous for, in terms of the area of your life it’s picking up. This exposure in terms of him (or her) will make you sharply aware of how proud you do or don’t feel, about what you have to show. Aries, you will find that the process of being gawped at by other people, in the context of your duet or duel, will encourage you to make changes in your life that mean one year from now, any part of yourself, or your two-way street or two-sided battle, which does not bear really close inspection can be upgraded over a twelve-month period, ready for next year’s spotlight.

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You have done well to get through the recent Full Moon in Aries, against your lifestyle, workload and wellbeing sector. Now it’s time to relaunch and rethink. My own research on the Full Moon confirms that we split ourselves in two, whenever it happens. We feel torn between one choice and another. This may recently have occurred with your job, doctor, unpaid work, academic career, housework, dentist, and so on. Circumstances force us into uncomfortable situations where we fight internal battles with ourselves. The Sun is opposite the Moon to highlight who or what has been completely at odds with that part of you which is here to find balance. Now you can pursue that. Whatever was stuck or go-slow is ripe for another discussion.

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This is one of the most important seasonal changes of the year, and you really will feel as if there is a natural rhythm unfolding, as a new path opens up, and a new era begins. The area of life where you will experience this change will be dictated by the sign and house that the Sun moves into, and that’s Scorpio, from the third week of October. This rules your lifestyle, workload, daily routine, wellbeing, health, duty, service and housework. You can expect to feel a strong awareness of the past, present and future all at the same time – almost as if the universe is preparing you for the final week of October when you will make decisions that affect you for months.

There is a season for everything – just like the old Byrds song, Turn, Turn, Turn. This is the slow turning of the astrological year towards Scorpio, so when planning November, know that your health will be your number one priority. Everybody and everything else can come second.

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Well, now you can sort out the house, apartment, family, property investment – not to mention your feelings about town and country. Take rest breaks, when you can, and learn to settle on who and what really matters, before you move on again. Mercury brings a butterfly effect with it, but at this time, you will be the butterfly. Pit stops are required. Most of all in this cycle, remember that your mind is fine, but your heart and soul count too.

You are just coming out of a really odd Mercury Retrograde period with the relatives, or your home in general, or perhaps your country. Now you can recharge before you press ahead. Three times a year, for about three weeks, Mercury appears to move backwards. It’s retrograde then, and everything it rules, from communication, to business – and travel – goes backwards too. Issues are picked up, then put down. People change their minds. Cancer, it’s time to regroup and sort things out.

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Well, you have been through an epic Mercury Retrograde in Virgo (ruling tax returns, business negotiations and so on) but also in Libra (ruling your online life). Astrologers advise against signing anything important at this time because what appears to be gospel truth, or a done deal, could turn out to be anything but. You cannot always avoid negotiations during Mercury retrograde cycles so perhaps this is already old news. If you can ask for time to think and ponder now, it’s probably a good idea, Leo, because you’re going to have to pull things together one more time. Now this cycle is over, as the middle of October gets underway, you will be in a better position to make sense of what has been ‘decided’ or under so much discussion.

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Jupiter is on the move, slowly leaving Aries and heading for Pisces, so think about Halloween to December for plans involving dating, mating, relating, partnerships – or separating. It’s about two together or two apart. During this cycle you will long for people, places, plans and possibilities which seem bigger and better. They may be uncharted and unexplored in your life, or just a long way off. Amazingly, the opportunity to discover these enormous new vistas of partnership potential will be handed to you on a plate. With enough faith, hope and optimism, Jupiter says, all this can be yours. That is why this cycle can see a separation; because you have the optimism to believe you can find a better partner. It can also see tremendous new chapters for happy couples. Big benefits for existing professional partners too.

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Let’s talk about Jupiter’s last stand in Aries in your zone of duets and double-acts, partnerships and two-way streets. You have until the final week of October to set things up for Christmas 2022 through May 2023.

Is what/who you want really so unattainable, so far off, or so vast? Is it all really beyond you, or will your attempts to make it there, turn you into the kind of person who can succeed? Jupiter gives you the opportunity. It does not take the journey for you. A bigger future is waiting so why not peer into it?

Jupiter and Chiron both in Aries will be back soon enough. So, do what you can while this transit is still here and think about 2023 as the next stage with someone. If your marriage really is on the rocks, this period may coincide with an amicable separation or successful counselling. It’s the same with a professional partnership; if it’s on the rocks, an answer will appear one way or the other.

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The time has come to talk about your other half, or the other side. The duet or duel that is crucial now. Progress is guaranteed when Uranus moves through your chart, as life will continually shift and change around you, creating the kind of forward momentum that makes it impossible for you to remain stuck where you are. This planet forces you to keep moving, Scorpio. And if you stubbornly refuse? You will only be able to hang on to your old life for so long, before you may find yourself jolted along, as your horoscope can no longer wait for you to move on.

Uranus was discovered in 1781 around the time of the French, American and Industrial Revolutions. It is about larger social reforms which tend to sweep you along – which can affect your marriage, say, or a professional partnership. Even a feud. You will not be able to predict nor control the results, as your decisions (or the other person’s) will trigger domino effects up, down and sideways. Yet, the human need to be free is very strong.

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How much control do you have over your money? Over your property? These are important questions during the final months that Pluto is steadily transforming your life. Interestingly, no matter if you feel you are holding the reins or shaking them now, the impact on you will be the same. In both cases, it will be vital for your soul that you look inside yourself to find your deeper qualities. Pluto teaches us about surface and substance. Pluto challenges you to look inside yourself, to the very core, and find what you are really made of. It is these qualities which will empower you now until the cycle ends in March 2023. It’s also common to go through experiences which give you incredible control and influence at this time – but as you have learned since 2008, the only thing that swings it is willpower. Also, huge self-control.

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The lunar nodes in your sectors of friendship, group collaboration, courtship and also parenthood are lit. The North Node is also known as the Dragon’s Head. Astrologers associate the North Node (and the South Node, its opposite) with people, situations and places which are strangely familiar. They may come disguised in different ways, but what unfolds will essentially be something you know very well.

Between now and November 2022, there is tremendous focus on the nodes, as we begin to see Scorpio cycles pick up the South Node in Scorpio, opposite the North Node in Taurus. Expect a ‘Been there, done that’ feeling about the set-ups, individuals or issues which turn up now. The ‘repeats’ may literally be a case of ‘same old, same old’ or the situation, plan, place or people may be familiar, although repackaged. Final closure comes in July 2023. For now, focus on cycling through karma from 19 years or so ago.

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The South Node in Scorpio highlights career, academic career or unpaid work choices in November, Aquarius. You will no doubt know about that now. This node is also known as the Dragon’s Tail – it is joined to the North Node, and the two travel together, in opposite signs, through the houses of your horoscope. Well, although you may be repeating the past, on a regular basis now –the more you go over old ground, or meet with oddly familiar situations, the more you will learn. The idea now is to pursue closure by July 2023.

You may occasionally feel stuck with your career in this cycle, as nothing appears to be changing – it’s the same old thing. Other people appear to be glued to their patterns, and no matter what you do to try and change things around you, life still seems to repeat itself, as if you were stuck on a loop. Yet, you should be able to see that your only option is to radically change your attitude to it – and to change yourself. That will work well and help you later.

Let’s talk about Chiron in your internet zone now. It’s time to use this cycle while your luck is still in. Chiron was the star of the show when the United Nations was born. It also loomed large during the U.S. Declaration of Independence and in a year dominated by punk rock, cloning and test tube babies – so it’s about getting away with things that make people’s jaws drop. The English astrologer Dennis Elwell equated Chiron with a kind of cocky impudence. This cycle tests the parameters of possibility online. It may be YouTube, Tik-Tok or Twitter. The Western Australian astrologer Zane Stein thinks Chiron is a maverick; you make up your own rules when it touches your life, and you do your own thing. Well, the web is the place to do that, Aquarius.

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Your Jupiter and Neptune cycle returns at the end of October, so your personality will be in the spotlight for a few weeks until Christmas, as people are trying to work out who you really are, and what you’re really all about – just so they can let you spread your wings. This tremendously fortunate relaunch will also help you continue to escape reality and have a holiday from the real world – at least with your image. Pisces, plan ahead for this one. It’s worth it.

The self-analysis that comes when you ask yourself “Who am I? What do people think of me? How do people really see me?” is typical of this cycle. The First House, which is so important from Halloween to Christmas, is about your name, face, reputation, image and appearance.

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