Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
November 7-13, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for November 7-13, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

The 16 Taurus/16 Scorpio Eclipse dominates the week, falling on Tuesday, November 8th, 2022. There will be a cover-up on the share markets then.

Find out more about this lunar eclipse here.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

The transit of Jupiter and Chiron in your Twelfth House of inner life is useful, as it will enable you to get in touch with who you really are, when nobody else is around. What’s inside your clockwork? Who is your God and why do you believe, or not?

This self-examination can happen through meditation, dreams, psychic experiences, astrology, counselling, therapy, or keeping a journal. It can happen through being alone, going on retreat – or through being forced to live/stay/work in an isolated place, cut off from normal life. This cycle sheds light on the person you actually are, when you’re not out there being someone else’s friend, sibling, parent, child, partner, boss, colleague – whatever. It is a terrific time to work on yourself. It ends near Christmas and will not be back for 12 years. Last note: skip the eclipse for financial judgements.

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For around another three or four years, you’ll be changing your image. That means the way you look, as well as the way you project your name and reputation. You may need freedom now – so perhaps a caring hairdresser can help! If you neglect these aspects of yourself and your life (your appearance, your public profile) then part of you may feel as if you are denied freedom.

This is just a passing phase in your life, but as Jupiter is also in the First House from May 2023, this could be a pivotal time for repackaging yourself. Don’t be surprised if you feel more motivated than usual about the way you appear to others! This is a good time to work on questions about your independence, in terms of your image, appearance, look, style or reputation. Not this week, though. An eclipse stretching from your image zone is unhelpful. Try later.

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The eclipse is unhelpful for health and work, Gemini, so skip it for judgements. It’s the same with religion, therapy, psychics or hypnosis. Gemini, you’ll either have extremely mixed feelings about the end results, anyway, as it’s a Full Moon – or you’ll face a cover-up that means you have to deal with not knowing, or not seeing.

Sometimes, a Full Moon can bring a critical moment, in terms of how you deal with work, unpaid work or academia. You’re facing a new phase now, in terms of your appearance, image, reputation, public profile or look. Mars is retrograde in Gemini. This may touch on work or health for you, Gemini.

A new pathway will open up after March 2023, and you can now put the past behind you, and look forward to the future with quite a different sort of relaunch. You’ll have a sense of perspective about who you used to be before, then – and who you’re going to be next. This can help anything from a weight program to an advertising campaign. Fresh possibilities to present yourself to the world at large will edge into your world later, so be ready. This week is okay for examining options, tossing them round and refusing to let any land.

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The eclipse this week falls in the money signs, Taurus and Scorpio. Meanwhile, you still have Saturn in your Eighth House of joint finance. What you feel about money, property and possessions – and what the rest of you really needs, to feel secure – will now combine. Not surprisingly, this is a good time to make decisions about your valuables, your bank, your income, your debts, your lifestyle and your house or flat. You have been so restricted for so long, Cancer. The barricades have been there since December 2020. Yet, it’s a good week to ask yourself if you have been getting in your own way as well.

When the Sun and Moon combine like this, though, you’re much more likely to find clarity and certainty hard to find. Choose another week. The eclipse itself in your solar chart is about friends and groups, at one end, and courtship and children, at the other. In all these areas, defer judgement if you can.

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People can be downright benevolent when it comes to your cash, houses, business, charity, flats and possessions now. Be optimistic about your valuables and financial documents – you can, with Jupiter in Pisces. Jupiter and Chiron in your solar Eighth House of shared finance and property, until around Christmas, suggests a tremendous period of gains, profits or savings, if you take the initiative.

Decisions which suit your comfort zone, as well as your common sense, are now ready to be made. Your bank is also likely to be on the agenda now. At other times, you’ll have predictable inner conflicts but not this week. Financially, you’ll feel more grounded than usual, and much better equipped to organise accounting issues in a way that genuinely serves you. An offer may be close now – all things being equal, it should ground you. One last note. Avoid the eclipse for career, unpaid work, academic career, home, family, household and property decisions. This is a Full Moon unlike any other and it’s deceptive.

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Scorpio-Taurus eclipse alert. If a brother or sister is at the top of your agenda now, you may have to think about your childhood or adolescence, as it’s extremely likely that one of you is going back there. The eclipse is not the time to judge or act, though. All concerned should make a concerted effort to be aware in the week that this eclipse is taking hold. The eclipse is also about the internet and short journeys.

Be savvy when you’re driving, or on public transport, or sailing, or walking long distances – you need to be aware of blind spots. This also applies to any short business trips or holidays you’re taking; something about the place you’re going to could trigger the usual eclipse ‘failure to see.’

Do you write/talk for a living? Life is also rather dimly lit, in this department. Be aware of all you are not aware of, Virgo. That’s why astrologers would prefer you to act or judge about online matters, academia or publishing another time.

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You know that John Paul Young song, ‘Love is in the Air?’ Well, this week, something else will be in the air – and it’s called an eclipse. Half of it is in Scorpio, so likely to overshadow the atmosphere and give your family relationships or your property/sexual relationships a peculiar spin. It is extremely common for family members to be involved with (say) a legacy or some kind of transaction – and that includes you. Is this a good time to act or judge? No, it is not. Keep life simple! The financial sectors of your chart are dimly lit and actually obscured over the eclipse so this now needs special attention – but in exchange, this eclipse will teach you something extraordinary.

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The Sun in Scorpio is opposite the Moon in Taurus and it’s not just a Full Moon, it’s an eclipse. Hold back on decisions about your portrait, title, media and the rest. You’ll be in the dark not in the know. It is possible that your partner is part of the story, or that an opponent is. Whatever the reason, astrologers seeing an eclipse partly in Scorpio, advise Scorpio to choose another week to relaunch.

Grace under pressure has a value all of its own, so dig deeply for your finest qualities, wheel them out, and lean on them, as this week will bring an inner conflict, or a challenge of some kind, and the other side, or your other half – will certainly be involved. As other, major, cycles are also affecting you now, there may even be some kind of now-or-never crossroads with your other half, or the other side, so show yourself and others what you’re made of – later. Now is not the time.

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Eclipse week. This falls partly in your unpaid work, paid work, lifestyle and academia zone. Judge or act later, Sagittarius. If you have a full-time or part-time job, expect an interesting encounter with someone who either triggers the blind spot – or who makes it clear that if you do need a classic eclipse game, they’ll do the playing. It’s a very odd game to play, in career terms, but this cover-up or switch, between you will teach you a lot, if you analyse it later.

When it comes to your health, well-being and lifestyle, you may feel more ‘eclipsed’ at this time, and what unfolds will require special thought. Again, astrological tradition advises not to judge or act on this Full Moon Eclipse. Or, if you have no choice, defer final judgment.

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The eclipse falls in your sector of groups, clubs, teams, political parties, good causes, bands, and so on. Choose another week to act or judge, Capricorn. You may be quite in the dark about the way some people feel about your recent decisions, for example. The other side of the eclipse concerns much younger people – perhaps your own children or Millennials you have become involved with. It also regards your sexuality. Again, choose another time to act or judge.

On a different note, look to March 2023 for relaunch. A new way of living, working and looking after your well-being will emerge at this time in a stop-start fashion, but land next March. The particular circumstances which take you to this point will either be easy, or hard work, depending on your approach. If you are flexible enough to allow for changes and delays, it will work.

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I am always amazed at the number of people who make big decisions or judgements on this kind of Full Moon Eclipse. I suppose it shows the mixed feelings that can often be involved during career or family choices, which you have. In all honesty, though, this is not a great week for big decisions.

Full Moons bring inner conflicts, or problems in the outside world which force us to be heroic (when we’d really rather be somewhere else.) The situation which emerges with your household, family or career connections, now will force you to put on a brave face. Try – you’ll like yourself more. Noble behaviour may also be required: do it like Winston Churchill. Most of all, though, an eclipse conceals. It doesn’t reveal. It obscures. It dims the lights. In that atmosphere, why judge or act? Choose another time, Aquarius.

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The eclipse is in your internet, sibling, cousin, short journey, publishing and foreign zones. Avoid judging or acting on the eclipse, which is a blind spot or cover-up.

On a brighter note, Pisces, a relationship (or business/professional association) which translates into money, property or possessions will have a big pull now. This booming Jupiter period from Christmas 2022 to May 2023, relates to what you own, earn and owe, you see. Gains or savings involving cash, houses, flats or possessions are coming if you try. Watch and learn now. As the decisions you make now generally translate into pounds, dollars or euros, Christmas-May 2023 is quite a good time to make them. Even if you’re having difficulties, Jupiter and your ruler Neptune in Aries, up ahead, suggest you’ll feel more certain, more grounded and surer later.

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