Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
November 21-27, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for November 21-27, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

This is a crucial travel, emigration and relocation with the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in Sagittarius until December 6th, 2022. This is the sector of foreigners, the worldwide web, academia and publishing. These matters may well cross over for you. This cycle also describes the complicated relationship you have with people from other cultures and countries in your own space. The potential for strong feelings is very high with these people now!

Education (from weekend workshops to university degree courses) is also affected by the weather at this time. You could enrol in a class or find a new professor – or other big shifts for you as a teacher or student, now. And finally, this cycle is about publishing, in all its forms. This may be your time to publish, sign or print. It looks like the New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23rd propels you to a crossroads decision by the Full Moon in Gemini on December 8th, with all these matters – foreigners, publishing, the web or academia.

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Information about your career or industry which is hard to put up with at other times, will be parked right under your nose now with an end date. March 8th, 2023. This also applies to academia or unpaid work. It is an excellent time to gather your sources and examine your options. If you normally find career-related questions barricaded, or too weighed down, then Mercury in Aquarius will help you to analyse everything objectively in the second half of February 2023, just before you sign off from this difficult cycle on March 8th. If you are a student, a full-time home duties person, retired, or unemployed, then this cycle will affect the goals, ambitions and missions which are most important to you. Plan ahead and plan for a very different 2023.

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Jupiter changes direction this week. The planet of opportunity moves forward in your success sector. If you have a part-time or full-time job, track those projects, plans and goals which most concern you, as well as your particular field, industry or workplace. This also applies to academia or unpaid work. There will also be quite a lot of open doors, but it is a done deal only when you add yourself into the equation. Thus, it’s about your opportunism (your boss is definitely promoting you) and optimism (your old company is definitely expanding) and so on. This cycle is best used by obeying Jupiter. He has an eagle for the big geographical picture and a thunderbolt to deliver what is required for things to grow.

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Cancer, Uranus and the North Node are making waves in your sector of friends and groups now. If you are permanently involved with some kind of group, and it’s central to your life, then do use this time to find solutions to all those unanswered questions you may have about finding more independence or being free. You will be amazed at the number of resources, and sources, which suddenly become available to do this.

Uranus acts like lightning, if you want to break with the past, or just break into new ways of socialising. Even if you’re not a joiner (and can’t stand group dynamics) you will still find it hard not to cross paths with some kind of Uranian people-pack now. You believed what your union promised, or your bridesmaids, but what is in front of you now is a huge experiment. The experiment will lead you to find freedom from this group, or freedom through them.

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Well, you’ll be doing your homework on heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne, as well as courtship and your royal bedchamber. For a few more days, until December 6th, you’ll be gathering as much information as you can, about this rather interesting matter. This can help you take a more logical approach. In fact, you won’t be this rational about everything that is so personal, for ages. If this is an affair, you may have to discreet about your enquiries and your contacts.

This cycle can also bring a period of intense focus on babies, infants, schoolchildren, adolescents or Millennials, as you turn your attention to their world instead. You may also be researching a youth-oriented plan of some kind – a period of time in your children’s life, or a special place within the education system, where you hope to find some answers. I dare say the New Moon on the 23rd of November 2022 will see a few pregnancies, adoptions, or step-parenting agreements inked. You may also begin a sexual relationship with a person who already has children.

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Plan ahead for Mercury Retrograde. From shadow to shadow he’s with you from December 13th, 2022, to February 7th, 2023.

This is about your heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. It is also about your courtship and your bedroom. The reversals, delays, cancellations and flux will also affect your plans to involve children, teenagers, Millennials in your schedule generally. If you want to organise a holiday, then keep your plans flexible, because what is apparently in place now, could change on Mercury Retrograde.

This also applies to anything already in motion – perhaps your Christmas break or school holiday weekend is already under way. When it is travelling backwards, Mercury has a funny way of up-ending things, though. At best, you can waste your precious time, as you go back to the drawing board, or deal with other people’s flaky behaviour. At worst, everything can come to nothing.

For a simple life, astrologers suggest that you organise your really big decisions, like pregnancy or adoption, when Mercury goes direct again. Planning ahead helps. Just have Plan B and C and get it in writing. Read fine print.

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Thinking about Christmas, a certain someone now says a lot about how you feel – more hopeful, optimistic and fulfilled, it seems. All the more reason, then, to make sure that for the next few weeks, this relationship is your priority. Jupiter in Aries from the 21st of December 2022 can put you under the Mistletoe with someone great or take a good partnership further.

Jupiter also offers a way out, or through, of a bad marriage too. Your chart wants you to balance the scales now. It knows that you and this particular man or woman have about as much in common as Libra and (any other sign), but Jupiter doesn’t care. The planet wants the biggest of all big pictures for your partnerships by May 2023. And that includes work partnerships too. It wants equilibrium. It wants you to look for what brings you together, not what separates you. And from there? All things are possible.

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Sagittarius weather is here. Thus, you really need to give full attention to what you earn, own or owe – and make sure that you pour masses of energy into your relationship with a certain someone at this time as Venus is with you in your property and finance zone.

The long-term picture of this year, and next year too, is being created as a burning issue which goes back and forth, will continue to be in flux until March 2023. So, there’s a lot of important planning and negotiation to be done now. It all depends on how hard you work at your relationship with the person who is now centre-stage.

Scorpio, you’ll find that your own progress with an important financial, business or property goal (or something related to shopping, or your possessions) is dictated by your people skills. And a flexible diary.

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Your ruler Jupiter now turns direct in Pisces in your solar Fourth House of family, extended family, the household, your house, apartment, land, garden, town and country. This is big. You have until the 21st of December 2022 to snap up opportunities and solutions.

You’re both or all (at least) headed in the same general direction when it comes to houses, flats, or the family. Try and come up with a map you can all follow. Do your best to invent a property or family game plan which will suit both or all of you in 2023-2026. This could be a case of trial and error then, but right now, you will have help and support. The only way is up now, so do all you can to use natural advantages, ahead.

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This may be the local rental car firm. Maybe you’ll be caught in an endless round of gratitude with your boat mechanic. Either way, the whole transportation/travel focus of late November and December (thanks to Jupiter) will hinge on your ability to team up with those who seem larger than life, benevolent, or full of solutions. It doesn’t matter if they exist on the end of a telephone, or if your local holiday is tied up with them: it all hinges on how you are, as an optimist. Otherwise, you’ll get nowhere. And all your journeys will be less than their potential. This cycle ends, December 21st, 2022.

Brothers, cousins and sisters are also in focus now. Sometimes siblings in this cycle can function like Jupiter too. Benefactors, full of largesse. You’ll also be tempted by an obvious potential reward or promising goal connected to communication now. The world of words, ideas, sounds or images. Maybe you want a new phone. Perhaps you’re releasing a documentary. Media, internet, publishing and education all offer you Jupiter jollies.

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Destiny will pair you up with a friend or group, now. The person or group in question may be a permanent part of your life (for obvious reasons, it may be the band, team or club) or he/she may be new to you, socially. Venus says, “Whatever the connection, make it work now, it’s Christmas.”

If you both or all get it right, it can be a great thing. You are not an island – no person is. The Eleventh House, which Aquarius rules, is about building bridges socially, and making Zoom connections. What you want so much, in terms of people power, is now available if you can jump through the hoops. The more cleverly you manage the other friend or the group now, the easier it will be to progress. It’s just about people skills. The Full Moon on December 8th will test you, Aquarius, but there is also March 2023 to think about. Whatever barriers and barricades have been there with your social life, friendships or groups disappear.

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Sagittarius weather is with you and it’s about success, status, ambition, mission and position.

This cycle has a lot to say about your relationships with bosses, employers, clients and colleagues. If you don’t have a job of any description, it’s about your relationship with people who have an impact on your work at home, or your duties in the wider community. Pisces, for the next few days, fate will throw you together with someone whose connection to you is the deciding factor in how far you do (or don’t) get in your professional, academic or philanthropic life.

On the surface, this month appears to be exclusively about your job, or your other commitments and responsibilities. The real deal is the association or relationship which is suddenly in the spotlight, though. Now, more than at any other time this year, Venus would like you to work this relationship, so that it becomes something you can both work wonders with.

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