Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
May 30 - June 5, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for May 30 – June 5, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

This cycle, Jupiter in Aries, will draw your attention to your image, appearance and reputation. It’s about the person you see in photographs, or in the mirror. It’s also about your outer packaging, in the eyes of the world; the way you are rated, reviewed and received by people you don’t know. Luck’s in, Aries. Meanwhile, Mercury Retrograde slowly completes his backward circuit in Taurus, which rules your tax return, inheritance, bills, income or banking.

The financial time loop now takes you to mid-June. It’s quite true that you will meet the same situations, again and again, to the point where you wonder if you’re ever going to get off the merry-go-round. This can be quite a useful time, though, if you work at it! By consciously developing the best possible attitude to these Mercury Retrograde ‘loops’ you’ll rehearse for the final production later as June rolls on.

As for Jupiter in Aries, together with Chiron in Aries – use this for your best possible profile or portrait, when you give media interviews or go on the Twitter record. Finally, Saturn is retrograde this week, Aries.

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That useful work, unpaid work or academic strategy is your own decision to choose how you’re going to feel about things. Saturn goes backwards this week in your zone of success, status, ambition, mission and position. It is impossible to escape the endless karma loop that comes with this Saturn cycle. You may be facing the same people, saying the same things – or doing the same things – from 29 years ago, now. Maybe it was a teacher, back then. It’s a very good time to examine your strategy for the future. From March 2023 the toughest cycle in 28 or 29 years is over. Saturn goes. Pluto moves in. From that point you are looking at a powerful new role with powerful people or organisations around you, Taurus. Saturn is tough. Let’s also look at your finances, though.

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While you go through this empowering Pluto cycle – your money, homes, possessions and valuable assets now offer control not possible in years. You’ll feel an astonishing sense of determination about all those situations too. Yours, or filtered through others. So – all in all – it’s a time to make the most of being in a Pluto in Capricorn cycle. The shift forward will begin with your brave willingness to master your own self. You’ll hit ‘repeat, repeat, repeat’ scenarios with Pluto at this time. You won’t be able to do much to alter this in any lasting way until March 2023, but you can change your attitude towards your usual angle. Gemini, if you are typical of your sign, then you have been repeatedly taken over and dominated by people, organisations or situations in recent months. You have discovered how to push back and that is to own things – to run things. There is more to say about foreigners and foreign countries now.

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Neptune offers a holiday from reality with foreigners and foreign places, Cancer. Thus, your ability to communicate with others who speak a foreign language, your relationship with the bilingual and multicultural web (if this is part of your career or lifestyle) and your regular attempts to be heard and understood, whatever the accent. With Neptune in Pisces, there is no question of you changing the film you find yourself in. It’s Walt Disney meets Bruce Robinson. However, you can always control how you choose to see what is going on. Select the camera angle that makes you feel most centred about it all. Find a way to view all this alternative reality, that doesn’t merely bring on confusion. Escapism needs escape artists – probably foreign. You will either have been through a particular scenario with them several times over the last few years (and it’s here again!) or you may be facing a situation that feels amazingly familiar as it’s another way out.

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Does your mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle (or another relative) make you feel as if you are stuck in the same frame of some film? Congratulations. You have the South Node in Scorpio, completing a circuit started some 18 or 19 years ago. This karmic repetition (even the script doesn’t change) is a sure sign that you are deep within your South Node Fourth House cycle. At some point, you may feel that if you see the same behaviour one more time – or hear the same old lines – you may have to change on the inside, Leo. That’s absolutely the right response! So, a complete attitude change.

Your karma says you have no way of physically altering the situation with a family member now – you are stuck with it. Nevertheless, you are always free to radically alter your reaction to it – and that’s the point at which your life will truly improve. This also applies to your flatmates, or to your live-in partner, if you are married or de facto. Absolutely nothing is going to change about these people, or the way your home life operates until 2023. To continue handpicking some advice about this cycle from my last book, Leo, all the more reason, then, to master the art of seeing it all, in a way that makes you feel relatively calm – even happy.

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Pluto in your Fifth House is demanding, intense and ultimately empowering, Virgo. Firstly, you need to know that the Fifth House rules babies and children (your own, or other people’s.) It also rules teenagers and Millennials. Secondly, it rules sex and intimacy. And finally, it rules your professional or unpaid efforts involving a far younger generation. Adolescent football teams or babysitting, perhaps.

Babies and children, and related issues (pregnancy, adoption) will now put you in a situation you are overly familiar with. One single woman I know found herself living through repeated pregnancy scares in this cycle, because she was unable to take the pill. Another woman spent years arguing with her husband about the baby question. It’s also common to go through IVF in this cycle.

These are handpicked examples from my last book, Virgo. The possibilities are endless. The children in question may not even be your own – you may be involved with them as a godparent, or relative – or infants may be part of your job, or your charity work. The coping strategy is the same, though. Pluto cycles are about willpower, empowering you. About self-control, giving you control. The cycle ends in March 2023.

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Your part-time or full-time job will now challenge you to find a new way to look at a situation which has been fuzzy or unfocussed. It’s the same with housework or academia. Your Neptune cycle has taken you to this point, and it’s the kind of soft focus which cannot be easily changed. The situation has become distorted over time, and you may not even realise how bent out of shape it actually is, Libra. Sometimes alcohol, prescribed drugs or illegal drugs can contribute to the haze. What you can change, however, is your attitude towards your not-real, reality. As you always know what’s coming next, after years of Neptune, that should be easy; you’ll have plenty of time to ponder what you might do, or say, in response to that same old, same old fog. This is the whole point of this cycle. It has not been sent your way in order to confuse you, Libra. Neptune is here to educate you.

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It’s irrelevant if you are a yo-yo dieter, or have a serious, recurring medical condition – the Jupiter in Aries cycle, promises that the solution will be discovered, primarily because you won’t have an argument against it. Jupiter is now well and truly in your Sixth House of wellbeing. Being forced to carve out a constructive, creative way of managing the way out, or the way through, in your life will, make you feel more blessed than you realise, by October. Then, when this cycle is over in May 2023 (and you have other Sixth House cycles to live with, too, like Chiron in Aries) you can take what you have learned and developed, and really fly with it.

Don’t just sit there waiting for Jupiter to move out of your Sixth House, though. The whole point of the endless opportunities for great change in your life, in terms of your job or body, is to give you a decent chance to work hard on developing a new path, that will not only help you – but also change you for the better.

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Work, unpaid work or study brings a slow revolution. If you treat your career as an excuse to master your own thoughts about freedom and feelings about independence, you can develop liberating superpowers now, which will change you (for the better) for the rest of your life. Let’s not mince words, though – you will spend long periods of time feeling stuck in your professional life now – and your career – unless you are a revolutionary. You need to be radical to be free. Entertain impossible thoughts. What could you do in 2023, 2024?

If you don’t have a part-time or full-time job, then this applies to your unpaid mission in life; your position as a professional, housebound wife/husband/partner; or other roles that define success and status for you. Uranus in Taurus is the liberator. If you are not already working hard on a new role, or a second role, then you should be. It’s the hard work that will make life so exciting.

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The Mercury Retrograde cycle in Gemini is in your Sixth House of work, unpaid work and academia.

The old mindset probably worked well for the old situation – but times are different now, and you have been lumbered with a job (or an industry) which keeps repeating itself. Unemployment can rotate. This is a long rehearsal, Capricorn, but towards the end of June, Mercury will be back to normal again.

Change your perspective and your attitude. Find another way to experience, and understand, what is being forced upon you. Whatever you might think of that astrological advice, there is no question that you are now being handed a chance to learn from the days when your cycling, or circling, could actually educate you. Nothing is fast, easy or simple on Mercury Retrograde, but it can improve the end results for you by forcing rehearsal time on you.

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Finding what works for you could be a case of trial and error, as you stumble around with your image, Aquarius, or your appearance, testing a different approach each time. If x happens (as it always does) and you try a y approach, will you end up feeling z? If x happens, and you try a w approach, will you still feel z, or will you be feeling v instead? Saturn in Aquarius now turns retrograde. That’s big.

A deeper analysis of why, precisely, the same scenario with your Twitter profile, Google reputation or mirror reflection blocks you, is certainly in order. Equally, you need to look further into your own self-image, so that you can create a coping strategy that actually serves you. Find a way to see this thing called ‘Myself’ which works! Once you’ve found the appropriate angle on your mirror reflection, you may even reach a stage in your life when you are grateful to Saturn for educating you about your own headspace. The hard work involved in finding the right ‘take’ on the Tik-Tok or YouTube rendering of your face, can actually help you later on. Image will empower you from March 2023. This is the test.

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The South Node in Scorpio is about foreigners and foreign places. The fact remains, Pisces – the South Node will lock you into a karmic loop. Life, the universe and other people will keep you there, as despite your biggest and best efforts, nothing ever really changes. Not until 2023 anyway. It’s a loop.

Your own ability to stand back from the situation and see it in a new light (preferably one that leaves you feeling content, or even philosophical) is the answer, and experimenting with your new perspective could change everything. Thus, your peace of mind, and your soul’s growth and progress, will skyrocket, when you realise the repetition is here to educate you. You may be stuck in a foreign place – or situation – which you cannot change. That happens. Circumstances with foreign people or places, even if you are at home, are forcing you to face another ‘repeat, repeat, repeat’ pinball machine. Understand the game.

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