Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
23-29 May 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 23-29 May 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Thanks to everyone who messaged me about my astrology predictions for Australia, this election. There’s an extract below. As you can see, the horoscope for Australia was right.  The full, original 10th April election astrology prediction  for Australia is here.

As was likely, according to the stars,  we have a hung parliament in Australia, a seat loss for Josh Frydenberg, the rise of women independents and success for Penny Wong. Still to come – resignations and recounts as there will be postal and telephone vote questions about seats too close to call. The astrology also saw the end of the two-party system. For years.

Screen Shot 2022 05 22 at 6.42.31 am 1024x179 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 23rd to 29th

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese? You can read an old January prediction about the new leader – and the Australian travel and transport revolution he will pioneer here. 

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

You are still getting over that Full Moon and Eclipse in your finance and property zones. At Full Moon time, you will typically be put in situations where other people are watching your ‘performance’ in a situation which is privately very difficult for you. It’s hard enough to ‘shine’ in front of other people at the best of times, without this astrological roadblock you just passed. Perhaps the issue was salary, or bang for your buck with your unpaid work or academic career.

The Tenth House, where we find Pluto now, is also associated with part-time and full-time work, and the chores you do at home (if you don’t have a job), together with any outside interests which you think of as your duty (volunteer work, for example.) It’s about the stuff you do, on a daily basis, which is for others rather than yourself. In this cycle, you’ll be asked to scrutinise your working life carefully. You’ve just done some sums. And how.

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You will be involved with a boundary-free group of people at this time. It may be a loose, informal network (like a share household with attached friends) or something more formal, like a meditation circle or political party. A religious group. The same issues will arise. You’re longing (even thirsting) for some kind of escape now, and these people are supplying it. But is it realistic/desirable/achieveable? Are you forgetting who you are?

Taurus, drug and alcohol use can blur the picture. Be aware. Someone in the group may have issues. I’ll quote from my most recent book here: Groups and friends can take you on a magical mystery tour, from October to December 2022. They can supply you with the music, poetry or spirituality you long for. But if you’re blind to where it’s all going (and what it’s doing) then wake up and pull out in May 2022. The point at which you realise you have stumbled into a real-life shambles is the point at which you really must remove those rose-coloured glasses!

Brideshead Revisited is the story of a Neptune in the 11th House cycle. Charles Ryder’s fascination with the Oxford set, and Sebastian Flyte, is textbook.

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Other people’s involvement in your money, property situation and business interests will make you powerful now, if you use your willpower. You’ll emerge as the clear winner in a game of life which most people simply cannot imagine as you have been here since 2008. Can you handle that? Do you know how to manage it? Is your radar good enough to detect potential hurdles before they happen? It’s a good time to be a realist.

December 2022, January 2023 are deadlines for the final resolution: empowerment, quite achieved. You can use your January 2023 position to achieve something good – as in, good for everyone. The point at which others’ cash, home, possessions or other resources puts you up there, is the point at which you need to use that position properly. That means taking the larger picture of others’ lives into account, but also promising yourself that now you’re in control, you’ll start living a life which honours all the aspects of yourself – not just those which so successfully got you where you are now.

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Cancer, while Chiron is in your Tenth House of work and employment, academia and unpaid work, the ball is in your court. If you put enough preparation time in, you can pull off some surprising things at this time. The fact that bosses, clients, colleagues or professional rivals go into a state of amazement at the same time is just icing on the cake. You now have Chiron, Jupiter and Mars all in Aries, all in your Tenth House. Good.

Remember, if you don’t work, this also applies to your regular lifestyle and routine at home. Is it time to challenge the usual status quo? Now is the time to find out. If you put the work in, your cocksure confidence now may just see you through. Chiron is about tilting at windmills.

Chiron says ‘Push it. Test yourself. Give them hell.’ This half-comet, half-asteroid, was discovered in 1977, at a time when test-tube babies were under development, and the human genome project was going ahead in leaps and bounds. And also, Television, Julie Burchill, Blondie, the Slits, the Saints and the Ramones.

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The Seventh House, where you now find Saturn in Aquarius, rules partners, work partners, potential dates, former partners and rivals, enemies and opponents. You will see dramas, rehearsals and first acts in your love life now, but also with you pushing back against anyone who is also against you. At the same time, you will be on the receiving end of balancing-act behaviour from other people. Or you will try it. The whole point of this cycle is to show you what’s realistic, and what’s not, in your personal relationships, and even your battles. Saturn brings tests in the world of love and conflict. That way, everyone can see where they stand. It’s an important reality check in your personal life. Or your two-way professional life.

Once Saturn has done its work you will either be living with a new set of restrictions and limitations or experimenting with fresh possibilities that previously seemed too hard. The same applies to your partners and even your opponents. They are likely to summon up extraordinary amounts of karma with you at this time from life 28 or 29 years ago, if you are old enough. You’ll learn a lot about them, and about life, by observing.

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Once again, on this long Neptune cycle, Virgo, you must ask this question about the duet or double act. Is all this made in heaven, and taking you to Nirvana, or is it creating the kind of wobble in your world which is producing sheer havoc? If it’s the latter, it may be time to put some boundaries in. You are you. You are not them. They are not you. End of story! To continue this handpicked observation about this cycle, from my last book, it is possible you will have a crush or infatuation at this time, or be the subject of one, which also fits the above descriptions. The sex won’t be real (it will probably be a holiday from reality!) but the ‘hook’ which either of you feels can likewise create a big blur, unless you are extremely careful. If you’re spotting chaos, put up boundaries. Protect your aura by surrounding yourself with white light. Say ‘No’ a lot. Change your number if you have to.

The world of children or teenagers (your own, or other people’s) will also be in focus now. That’s the Pluto cycle.

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This is one of the most important seasonal changes of the year, and you really will feel as if there is a natural rhythm unfolding, as a new path opens up, after that dramatic Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse – and a new budget era begins. The area of life where you will experience this change will be dictated by the sign and house that the recent Eclipse falls in, so it’s about your house, garden, apartment, superannuation-pension, valuables, bank account and the rest. You can expect to feel a strong awareness of the past, present and future all at the same time – almost as if the universe is telling you, ‘That was then, this is now, and over there, you’ll find tomorrow.’

It’s a strange time, when what opens up ahead of you, seems certain to dictate the next few months – even the next few years as you have Uranus (the slow revolution) in Taurus (your finances) until 2026, Libra. A Lunar Eclipse in your Second House can deliver a new accountant, or a new source of income once it’s gone and maybe that’s the story now.

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You’ll have common goals now, or complimentary goals. And that’s independence from each other, whatever the nature of the duet, Scorpio! So, keep your eyes on the freedom prize, and just keep walking, to quote Mr. Hutchence. With this cycle, the other person in any duet will be at a completely different level to you, now. Venus, naturally ruling this part of your chart, is about balancing the scales. She wants you to take the time to learn about what you must do, to make sure you respect each other’s experience, expectations and (very different) outlooks. What brings you together (or did) is/was your mutual affection, and that all-important mutual goal.

To say the applecart has been upset since 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 is an understatement. Uranus, the upsetter, has moved into the territory of Venus and you’ve either formed a really weird double-act or found yourself and your other half, reinventing yourselves. Do you have a duel, battle, contest or conflict? Then perhaps it’s time you were liberated from that. It could so easily happen by June.

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This cycle will give you a rare chance to get to know yourself better and learn about what really makes you tick. It’s the South Node in Scorpio cycle, evident every 18-19 years. You can expect a long talk with yourself – just you and the mirror, or you and a diary – or even you and a therapist, or priest. You can expect to spend more time by yourself now, either by choice or by circumstance. The pandemic has a lot to answer for, Sagittarius.

But, actually, if you are spending more time alone now, it’s meant to be. Who are you when there is nobody else around to react to? What are you really made of? This cycle will teach you all this and more, as it encourages you to take a reality check about your inner self. The South Node in the Twelfth House finds a way to remove you from the outside world and your own private time and space are part of a long cycle. Meditation, yoga, self-help techniques and counselling may all be involved – or religion, Tarot and so on.

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Just as butterflies flapping their wings can cause the strangest changes in the weather, your decision to do or say, particular things, 18 or 19 years ago, could have a trickle-down effect with friends now (or groups) you had never anticipated. This South Node cycle is about your social life, karma with a friend, or closure – in terms of the groups you are a part of. Capricorn, if you can persist, you may well succeed – and it may be a necessary thing. But judge the situation with other people carefully. This is important not only from a simple human point of view, but also because anything you cause will ultimately rebound on you in another 18 or 19 years.

Fortunately, natural openings for change in this cycle will arrive as 2023 progresses and 2024 is a promise. Others will move on, karmically, making it possible for you to do the same thing. By the time this cycle is over, you’ll know what it’s like to join other people in completing a karmic loop, Capricorn.

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This cycle rules brothers and sisters, short trips (and the way you get around), and the written and spoken word. The weather in Aries is increasing in strength and velocity, in your Third House.

If a brother or sister is acting out of character now, this weather may be the timing device. Are they all fired up? Consumed by something which they are convinced must happen – now? There may be opportunities in the air, too, or the need to move and shake other people and situations. Jupiter always opens doors through or for them.

Look at your brother or sister’s issue on its own merits. How should you proceed? Sometimes it’s you who’ll feel charged up about or through your sibling. You’re the one who has an axe to grind, or some mighty campaign to launch. Regional travel, commuting and the internet may be related, or not, but there are also open doors there too.

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This Taurus cycle will affect three separate areas of your life, probably at different stages. First of all, if you have a brother or sister, this cycle will radically reposition you, in your relationship with them. You may seek this change out because the old situation no longer works for you. Alternatively, the change may be forced on you, by circumstances beyond your control. It’s actually not possible to hang onto the old set-up with your brother or sister at this time, and we could include cousins in that – because you will either feel tremendous pressure to change, or you will reach a point where you cannot stand the lack of movement or progress in your life and try to push your own agenda.

To continue with this handpicked information from my last book, there is usually an element of surprise, or even shock, with Uranus, because your attempt to find a different place in the scheme of things is often the last thing that other people see coming. Radical changes with the internet, perhaps the media, certainly your local travel agenda, are also here. The idea is to liberate you, Pisces.

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