Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
May 1-7 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for May 1-7 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

elementals logo final 300x92 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 1st to 7thI am launching Elementals on May 19th, 2023.

This NFT range is based on Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The series of 256 has four elements for the 12 zodiac signs and one mystery – and is designed by acclaimed artists and creators Anita Bacic and Tintin Cooper


we1ky8 zthg 300x207 - Your Weekly Horoscope May 1st to 7thAll eyes on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 14 Scorpio opposite the Sun at 14 Taurus which falls on Friday, May 5th, 2023. An eclipse is always a cover-up.

In July 1981, Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer. On July 16th and 17th, there was a Lunar Eclipse. On July 31st, there was a Solar Eclipse. On Saturday, May 6th, 2023, Charles’ coronation is planned to take place. The eclipse falls in his sign, Scorpio.

Diana was unlawfully killed in Paris on August 31st, 1997. There was a solar eclipse on Tuesday, September 2nd, two days later. Incredibly, Diana was actually born with the asteroid Diana at 15 Scorpio. The history of the monarchy is dotted with dark eclipses.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Apollo in Libra in your Seventh House of marriage, remarriage, partnership, affairs and new relationships makes a powerful pattern on Wednesday, May 3rd. One of you is a natural leader and is ready to show the way. The other may be ready to follow, or not. Apollo is trine Juno, a symbol of commitment. Once the line is crossed, with both of you locked into the situation (no matter if you are drawing closer, tying the knot, or leaving the scene) it’s hard to go back. There is a sense of something bigger than both of you in this story, Aries, because the South Node of karma is poised to enter Libra and your Seventh House in July 2023. This is a 19-year cycle which repeats in your history, no matter if you are married, single or in a relationship. Whatever must be done to balance some karmic books, must be done, and that is why there is a sense of the Universe, or God, or Buddha, or whatever one of you feels is in charge, timing what will be a momentous decision.

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When you are alone, sleeping, resting or with your own thoughts, you are in a position to make the most progress, Taurus. Chiron in conjunction with Minerva on Wednesday the 3rd of May in Aries, in the Twelfth House of your chart, shows great wisdom, intelligence or knowing is at your disposal. In fact you can take a challenging situation within and pull off something quite remarkable. You also have Jupiter in Aries so what is a weekly solution to an issue you have about your own state of mind, or peace of mind, could be a lifetime solution. This is the sort of cycle where people learn meditation or mindfulness. Where they discover hypnosis or counselling. Where cognitive therapy becomes part of their routine. Your chart suggests everything is in your head. Your memories but also your anticipation of the future. Understanding that you are projecting, and head-manufacturing is one way out.

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The sign of Virgo in your chart rules home and family. It can also rule the house or apartment where your household is. Finally, it can point to what grounds you, makes you feel secure and makes you feel a sense of belonging. That can be work if work is like a second home to you. Your choice this week is to go back and fix things or walk away and start again. Ceres in Virgo is square Venus in Gemini on Tuesday the 2nd of May. This does of course involve your own sign. Ceres is very much about striking a deal. Here you must strike a deal with yourself and/or other people, Gemini. If you feel that the old structure is worth preserving and fixing, you will attend to it while Ceres is in Virgo. This may be literal, so the roof over your head. It may also be symbolic, so perhaps you must choose to reconstruct a system or set-up which spelled security for so many years. Again, this may be home (very likely) or perhaps work. There are pros and cons to both choices.

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Pluto in Aquarius in your finance, business, charity and banking zone will be with you a long time. If you take your time with all that you are nurturing, or investing in, then you should already be able to see how much control this would give you. Pluto is trine Juno on Tuesday the 2nd of May which shows the commitment you are putting in. Juno is a symbol of marriage, or ‘wedding’ yourself to something or someone. Here we have a clear picture of a long pledge to do all you can to make the money grow. Money does not grow on trees, but here we have a situation where it can be cultivated over some years. Pluto will be in Aquarius in your Eighth House of joint finance, property, charity and business for about another 20 years. Maybe you do see your future that far ahead, Cancer. In any case, willpower is empowering and puts you in a powerful position.

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Groups, circles, teams, clubs, societies and other collections of allies and friends, are all shown by the sign of Gemini in your chart. On Tuesday the 2nd of May, Venus in Gemini is square Ceres in Virgo. This shows the very complicated relationships within the group, and the importance of its central character, leader or front person to the chemistry there. It may be you. This situation may find you inside the group (Twitter for example) or central to it. Perhaps you are the face of the Democrats or the lead singer in a band. The group itself is the thing. Whenever you get these cycles (and this one stretches far into the future) there are questions about solidarity and unity in the hive. The Queen Bee or King Bee needs to understand that all is not as sweet as it should be. Every bee must feel as if he or she matters.

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The wise woman who shows up this week may be you, if you are a female Virgo. This is about academia, professionally qualified ladies, publishers, internet organisers, writers and so on. If you are a male Virgo this woman is your teacher. Of course, you can also be a female Virgo and learn from a more experienced woman. This shows up in your chart on Monday, May 1st as Mercury is in conjunction with Diana, a feminist symbol, in the Ninth House of your chart, which rules universities, colleges, libraries and particularly foreigners and foreign countries.

These Taurus transits in your Ninth House roll into 2024 with so much room for expansion. You could qualify with letters after your name, for example, or publish. You could look at so much more with your digital life. Female know-how is taken for granted with Diana, as she was the Roman goddess of the hunt, who had experience as well as cunning under her belt. Together with Mercury, the planet we associate with the media, education, publishing, academia, Diana holds a big promise. Then again you may just want to take a tip from her.

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Your zone of children, teenagers and young adults is showing potential transformation. It really is just potential because someone is really a law unto himself, or herself. Yet, with Pluto trine Juno on Tuesday 2nd May, the chance for a commitment is there. For all the escapism and apparent lack of real-world awareness with this younger person, or these younger people as a whole, there is also genuine power. You need to address that but also look at how you can help someone with such an age gap realise their potential. You currently have Pluto in Aquarius for the first time in 248 years, in your sector of parenthood. This is also where you operate as a godparent, aunt, uncle, grandparent, teacher, children’s author and so on. Next gen.

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There is travel, relocation or emigration in your horoscope this week. A big journey or definitive move, either for you, or someone making their way into your world. Not only Mars but also Venus are in Cancer in the Ninth House of your chart which shows foreigners and foreign places; distant shores. In fact, Venus is quincunx Pluto on Sunday, May 7th which suggests pretty deep changes. Sometimes you see whole families fix their problems by moving on this cycle. Pluto is actually in your Fourth House of relatives and kinfolk. This is quite new and hasn’t happened for 248 years so perhaps there is a historic emigration here. In other cases, it’s less dramatic than that, but it’s not a bad week to remember that what/who is foreign comes both ways. And there has to be translation. It’s the sort of cycle when your son and his wife, and their children (previously persona non grata) decide to up sticks and move back to your town. That can happen too.

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The horoscope zone which rules your finances, property, business interests, charity, budget, inheritance and so on, is busy this week. Venus in Cancer on Sunday May 7th aspects Pluto so the time is ripe for a complete change. In fact, you could go from feeling quite powerless under the circumstances, to being far more empowered. We’re seeing a lot of swirling aspects in Capricorn and Cancer as you go towards the middle of the year and of course in Australia this is the end of the tax year. You are slowly coming out of a really muddled and muddling cycle affecting your property investment, house or apartment mortgage, rent, lease and so on. That changed in March. You are also slowly coming out of a cycle which tested your willpower and self-control, with finance. This week is really unusual because it gives you a rare chance to stop juggling and start focussing and making changes.

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You can be at the centre of a knowledge exchange this week, either at work, with your unpaid work or in academia. You may be guiding or teaching. You may be guided or taught. You may even do both at once. Ceres is in Virgo in your Ninth House of ‘the university of life’ but it can also chime with real classrooms too. On Tuesday, May 2nd Ceres in Virgo squares Venus in Gemini. All the elements are in place for something marvellous to unfold. You might call it an experiment with exactly the right ingredients, Capricorn. If you are lecturing or demonstrating, revealing or showing by example you will have a profound effect. If it is you who is a captive audience for quite a remarkable life instructor, then it will change you.

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This week is all about your relationship with a current or potential lover. We find Juno in Gemini in your Fifth House of courtship and the bedroom, trine Apollo in Libra on Wednesday, May 3rd. Now, Juno is an interesting one because she reminds us, we know why the caged bird sings. In other words, to keep your spirits up when you feel trapped. Both of you in this situation feel like this. The thing about Juno is the entrapment is in the mind; it doesn’t take an awful lot to break free. This sort of transit in Gemini is quite common when the future is being spun, in the present. We do find this with your love and sex life from May 2024, which owes a lot to this week in May 2023. We’ll see some separations and divorces come out of this week for Aquarians but also just the end of an adulterous affair for some. Then there is marriage with two people for whom sex has become loaded with questions about right and wrong.

Aquarius, it may be sex with the ex, or just a fairly hidebound marriage, but these Gemini transits in your Fifth House are ongoing. So this week’s decision (stay or go, fast or slow, yes or no) really does have a long shelf life. If you do nothing, then nothing will happen. The pair of you will stay trapped, partly because of strong feelings about what is moral, ethical, right and so on. One of you could go. That is possible. Or, perhaps, both of you can get to a place where you move as one, deciding to either start again or split. Aquarius, you have Uranus in Taurus in your Fourth House of family and household, domestic life and mortgage, and as Uranus is a tremendous symbol of freedom, liberation and The Shock of the New, it is possible that he will come to visit your home next.

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With powerful Pluto in your zone of spirituality, philosophy and the inner self, amazing things are possible near Tuesday, May 2nd. In fact, this could be a commitment. Pluto also aspects Venus on Sunday the 7th of May so the week begins and ends with a reminder that with self-discipline and focus, you can change anything on the inside. With Mercury and Diana in Taurus in your zone of internet and information flow, the media and also psychic knowledge, there is a lot to tap. Pluto in Aquarius may send you evidence of what or who you believe in; that can happen too. He makes an appearance twice this week, triggering your chart. He is in your Twelfth House of Christianity but also other faiths, and of course the rejection of God as well. However it pans out this week, something powerful and unforgettable is happening.

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