Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
March 6-12, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for March 6-12, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Mayo Conference 2023 300x147 - Your Weekly Horoscope March 6th to 12thCome along to the Mayo Astrology Online Conference 2023 – Navigating the Future Through Astrological Forecasting.

On Sunday, April 30th, 2023, I’ll be talking about how to predict the news before it happens, with Tarot and astrology.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

With Jupiter, Chiron and Vesta all in Aries, all in your reputation, appearance and image sector, you seem cast in the role of peacemaker. Perhaps, action woman or action man. A situation needs fixing. Someone is hurt. And it could all happen again unless somebody steps in and removes any possible sources for future conflict. I expect you’ll be the go-between around March 9th. This is good for your profile, though. You can play the tribal queen or noble warrior this week with all your Aries fire. If anyone can sort this situation out, it’s you.

Aesculapia and Proserpina in Aquarius suggest that two friends have fallen out, or two people in the group are at odds. The potential here for the group is vast and stretches out as far as 2044. Years into the future. Just be highly strategic, as although you are ideally placed to get rid of any future potential battles, perhaps in the interests of this group – you also have to second-guess what these two will do next.

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Taurus, the time has come to realise that everything is a projection. What you want (property, success) who you loathe (those snakes in the grass) and what haunts you – are all imaginary. You are going through an important Twelfth House cycle in Aries, which describes your subconscious mind, as well as your inner slide projector. Life really is a blank screen until you conjure up all your visions. It is time to come back to yourself, Taurus. For all that you have, a triple line-up on March 12th, in your sector of ‘unreal realities’ you can still put everything to one side and focus on why you are doing this, and where you actually are, in it all. Quantum theory puts it to us, that nothing is real until it is measured. Your yardstick at the moment seems to swing between ‘toxic people’ to ‘dream home/holiday home’ and it’s time to do some Cloud-busting.

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Before you travel, move or yell across the global divide on the worldwide web, think about the realities. Gemini, Saturn leaves your Ninth House of foreign places and people this week, so you may feel set free. Ready to roam, if you want to, to quote the B-52’s. What we actually have here is a need for caution. Is there another route? Another way of doing this?

The Full Moon in Virgo suggests you’ve had your fill of home. You either want a new home in a new place, or you just need to leave home with your lunch box and high hopes – ready for the next big head trip.

What is of concern, though, is Aesculapia in conjunction with Proserpina at 25 Aquarius on March 9th. This is classically about someone coming back from the brink, and this is likely to be you, but why go to the edge anyway? If something or someone seems to be pulling you back, then go back. There are so many other ways to do this, while still retaining your Happy Wanderer status online or out there.

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Nothing like a triple-line up in your career, unpaid work and academia zone to make you feel overloaded. You have taken the opportunities and now you are in a position to delegate. Everything has potential. Everything is budding. That’s what Jupiter in Aries can do for you, but the way your chart looks this week, you may have too much on your plate. It is very easy to keep on reeling in projects, plans, ideas, roles, titles and goals on this cycle. You only have it once every 12 years and Jupiter is irresistible with its promise of ‘This could be big.’ Now, you are fortunately at a point in your year where you can ditch what you must, and hand over the rest. With care, attention and thought, just a fraction of what you are carrying now could grow like Topsy. In fact it could be splendid, twelve years from now. That’s what Jupiter does.

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Well Leo, Aquarius is about who or what is on the other side to you and this week you have an Aquarius pattern in your chart which suggests you are in one camp and other people loom large in the other. The irony is you are all remarkably similar in your ideas and outlook anyway, but there is some kind of divide. This feels like there may be regional or global differences. You also have a triple line-up in a zone of your chart which rules other states, counties, regions or countries.

It is very important that you ground yourself firmly in your own place and in your own position. Know where you stand and stand there. Everything can be sorted out with proper communication and rather than just try to wade into a situation, you may prefer to get on firmer ground and have a plan. I dare say agreement is possible, or an agreement to differ. Much of this seems to be about the division that happens between people who dwell on different parts of the map.

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With Ops and the Full Moon in Virgo in your advertising, branding and image sector, you are upfront this week, Virgo and also front-and-centre. Impossible to miss. It’s only your shopfront, but you will also find that your own portrait online, your photograph, YouTube clip or message on Twitter is really important. You sell the message. The message at the moment is only partly about money. That may be what other people see first because you have a triple line-up in the finance, charity, business and property zone of the chart. What is far more important to you, are the other elements in the situation. This is not just about the bank account. It is also, for example, about something bigger than you are.

There is a final message in your chart this week. Aesculapia shows up and this asteroid describes health, healing, renewal and rejuvenation. He was the Roman god of miraculous comebacks and is usually shown with his rod and a snake coiled around it.

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Libra, all the Pisces patterns in your chart point to someone who is as slippery and hard to catch as a fish. He may be your boss, employee, professor or connected to your unpaid work. Pisces does in fact rule your academic career, career or voluntary role in life.

This week we have a message for Libra women about just this kind of man. He is all at sea, cruising and floating. Hard to get close to and hard to connect with. The only way you are ever going to really get proper communication is for him to change. He may change, and he could change, but there is no guarantee. So, Libra, you may want to think carefully about how far in you want to get with this person.

If you are a man, this may be you. If you feel there is no anchor at the moment, or that you are in a different space to everybody else, that is a strong clue. You can and should change but you will have to live in the real world to do it, and also grab an opportunity to move on before it disappears. Libran men dealing with inaccessible and remote men should realise – there is no fast and easy way in. And it may never happen. Think about alternatives.

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Scorpio – Jupiter, Chiron and Vesta form a triple transit on March 12th, which in plain English is terrific for paid work, unpaid work or academia. This cycle can only take place every 12 years with Jupiter and abundance is possible. This is either in terms of your productivity, or just creating, making and saving. You should certainly be profiting.

Mars is coming out of retrograde in your sector of finance, property and business and it is now time to get busy. The phrase churning it out springs to mind, Scorpio, and you may want to make up for lost time or get on with a cryptocurrency ambition.

Most of all, though, this cycle is about artisan workmanship. Whatever skills you have, or whatever you create and make with your own hands, is a good fit for the Sixth House. These patterns in the Sixth House only really emphasise one issue: your health and well-being. You are not a machine, you are a Rolls Royce, and you need proper care and maintenance, under and over the bonnet.

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Sagittarius – The Aquarius patterns this week are all about a budding project or plan. If you are male then this belongs to you, but rather than let it fall over, you need to delegate or co-operate. This does have a time limit and unless you do something practical and proactive, Sagittarius, nothing is going to happen.

If you are a woman then this week is about playing your part in a man’s vision. You could be just the person to make it happen but you are obviously an amateur psychologist here, as much as you are a colleague. This may be unpaid work, academic or paid work. It may be purely a vision or a plan, but there is a really powerful new cycle up ahead with Pluto in your Third House from March 23rd.

Consequently, anything that involves the internet, media, publishing or education is going to have legs. Communication has seldom been so important. It’s really about listening but being heard; getting through. From there, you’d hope a plan might be possible and later on, a result.

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Well Capricorn, it’s hard to go past a triple Jupiter transit in your house, garden, park and apartment zone. This is a terrific week to enjoy the rewards. If you are moving in or decorating, then you are now able to relax and luxuriate in your new environment. There is a bigger message about the Fourth House, where we find Jupiter this week, together with Chiron and Vesta. It’s about Mother Nature and Mother Earth as much as anything, so you can enjoy the cushions as much as anyone else, but there is a deeper and more spiritual connection to the land. This can take place even in a big city, Capricorn.

If you are a man, then you may be deeply affected by a matriarch or earth goddess; there is something about this line-up with Vesta that suggests tremendous female power. The only real message to watch is that things need maintenance and care. It’s not enough to revel in your surroundings, you need to do some work as well. This applies even if you are just on holiday and enjoying an amazing new space. Be this your home or vacation residence there is a great need to roll up your sleeves and take care of business.

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Aquarius, a Full Moon usually bring things full circle, Aquarius and you have a choice to make. Do you go back and start again or just walk away, and start again? This Full Moon takes place in your property, finance, security, lifestyle and business sector. So this may be about a house or apartment, or a big building – as a symbol of apparent permanence and structure.

The thing is, while you go through this Full Moon you also have Uranus, your rather unpredictable ruler, in your Fourth House of belonging. So there is a kind of uncertainty about where you might actually belong, and if that’s the past or the unknown future. It takes more than just a Full Moon to give you this kind of crossroads, of course, and you have a lot of aspects stretching from Virgo, which rules joint finances and property, to Pisces, which rules your own values and life budget. There’s a great song called Rip It Up and Start Again by Orange Juice which says it all. However, there are a ton of Aquarians at the moment who believe in rebuilding, recycling, restructuring. The choice is yours.

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Pisces, you have been living with Aquarius patterns in your sector of God, the afterlife, religion, angels, mediums, psychics and so on, for a long time. This week is important, as Saturn moves out, and leaves you with quite a different picture. There is a lot to be said for developments in the spirit world influencing us here, but it works the other way too. Your family in spirit, ancestors or extended family are now at a point where everything turns. That turns a key in the lock for you as well because you are going through this transit of your Twelfth House, which is usually associated with the church, or a belief in Buddhism (say) or the soul.

If you are a Sun Pisces, then you are as famous for rejecting invisible worlds as you are for pursuing them. So you may swear by quantum theory but think psychics are fraudulent. Your own beliefs are incredibly important this week and no matter if you become aware of it or not, will be influenced by those in spirit going to the next level.

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