Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
March 4-10, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for March 4-10, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Mercury Retrograde is with us within weeks, so as this cycle of delays, cancellations and rescheduling is in Aries, this is about your name, title, face, wardrobe, accessories, armour, flag, reputation and all ‘face forward’ matters. Facebook is an obvious source of future chaos if you happen to still be on it. Any stationery bearing your name, or digital branding should be checked thrice, especially in April. This is when a lot of printing is pulled; invitations, menu cards and so on bearing names are pulped. Books, too.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – A large sum of money is waiting if you believe in it and believe you deserve it. Jupiter in Taurus can be kind to you. The planet of growth and abundance in the sign of finance. Of course any mental blocks about a huge sum must be removed. This is the kind of money you could renovate with, move with or go travelling with.

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Taurus – All great bands have musical differences no matter if you are talking about U2 or the Sex Pistols. It’s actually personality differences, of course. Your club, team, group, circle, community, network is now separated by strong characters. There’s the loud one. The overbearing one. The unusual one. And so on. Pisces transits are behind this temporary lack of cohesion.

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Tarot Deck The Hermit scaled e1709310704906 300x246 - Your Weekly Horoscope March 4th thru 10thGemini – Your Tarot card this week is The Hermit. You also have Jupiter and Uranus in your solitude zone. By separating yourself, you gain. You need to find your spirit or soul. You also need to find meaning. When the time is right, you can shed a skin. Re-emerge and relaunch.

There is no point in doing that before you have reached an understanding with yourself, though. Maybe with God. The rejection of God is just as important. Perhaps, in an apparently random and uncaring universe, dictated by chance quantum choices, there is still a morality. This is exactly the sort of thing Gemini ends up pondering when alone. And you will be alone this week, either by choice or circumstance.

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Cancer – The transits in Pisces now suggest academia, publishing, wisdom, the media and the loftier sections of the worldwide web. Brilliant minds know to learn as well as teach. And this does not have to be formal. It can be unlabelled education.

There is an important website, thesis, publication, proposal or similar this week. This is quite an epic time for you. Saturn in Pisces is heavy. Neptune in Pisces is profound. This is not just another information flow it has the power to change things.

There are so many examples of brilliant women, Germaine Greer, Yoko Ono, Jane Austen, Jane Goodall, Anais Nin, Poly Styrene. You may yourself attempt to at least put yourself in that category of thinkers, if you are a woman. If you are a man, it will be a woman who educates you. Aunt? Wife? Mentor?

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Leo – People power in a group between friends or allies is something to celebrate. You are feeling the arrival of Jupiter in Gemini early. It starts in May but there are big clues now. Your social life, social media, solidarity, sisterhood and/or brotherhood is strong. You all have a good reason to enjoy the week, but think ahead.

When you have harvested this much, you can do more with it. So think about the next few months. Even, years. It’s rather like being in the Women’s Institute and knowing that all the raspberries can be turned into raspberry jam. Or being in Bananarama and knowing that from the Top 20 hit now, can come a Greatest Hits album years later. And ongoing tours, playing said hits.

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Tarot Deck The Hanged Man scaled e1709311044219 300x243 - Your Weekly Horoscope March 4th thru 10thVirgo – The Hanged Man is your Tarot card now and it shows you dangling between the present and the future. We have retrogrades now and that is typical when you are rehearsing but not acting. A state of suspended animation in fact. You have two sides of the family tree to choose from. This may be your mothers’ side or father’s side. It may be your own created family and your birth family, so between two locations, Virgo.

The lack of firm action is partly a function of the Libra-Aries split with the nodes. Libra is two sides, two halves, two places, two arguments (in favour of) and two choices. Libra is the two scales. Aries, right opposite, is about action stations. Yet the node in Aries is blocked by its opposite, Libra, which is all about sitting on the fence.

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Libra – You don’t really get through these recent Aquarius and Aries transits without loss. Several solid gold relationships in your life have fallen over. One may have been toxic. The good news is, there is a bridge to the future.

Yet, you are only human and cannot be expected to just get over things, emotionally, and move on too soon. So this week is about adjusting and adapting. There are actually two precious relationships you have forgotten about which are waiting. And when the time is right you will be ready to move on. The geographical distance here may be a holiday, a new place to live, a place to visit or be.

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Scorpio – The Aries transits coming in are about the importance of health. Good health costs. You have cycles in your Sixth House of healing. So, this is you helping others get better or you are looking for help. The health issue is mental and or physical. There is finance available. It is worth looking for. In fact, deliberately searching for and claiming. Now, this can be medical insurance, government assistance, a helping hand from a charity, a bank with money to lend and the rest.

Put a price on being well this week. You can’t. It’s priceless. And that’s true for you or others. There is really no point in negotiating about health. What is the point when it’s so fundamental? It can and should be paid for, no matter if this is going to mean a heartfelt request or an utterly practical arrangement. You can facilitate that for others or reach for your own economic remedies.

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The High Priestess is your Tarot card now. Aquarius rules the mind in your chart. Pluto with all its power is now in the Third House of your chart – the house of knowledge, wisdom, academia. The word. If you are a female Sagittarian you may be holding onto a website post, thesis, manuscript, script, essay, book and so on. If so the impact is life-changing because it draws on deep wisdom. You can also be a female Sagittarian and benefit from the brilliance of a second woman, who may be an academic, professional, writer and so on.

If you are a man then you stand to gain from a crucial female in your world. She may be boss, girlfriend, mother and so on. Perhaps you have never met her. She has a huge take on what she knows to be true, that she hopes is true for others as well. And from this can come so much more for both of you.

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Capricorn – The transits in 2024 in Gemini fall in your sector of health, remedy, cures, healers, doctors, surgeons, nurses and complementary medicine. This is also where we find psychologists and psychiatrists. Hope springs.

You are actually experiencing Jupiter in Gemini before it begins in May. This will be a tremendous period of reward for you, either as the gateway to healing for other people, or as someone who needs help yourself. There is money available to pay for this. It can be paid out, lent or donated. And that money is powerful.

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Tarot Deck Justice scaled e1709311298443 300x241 - Your Weekly Horoscope March 4th thru 10thAquarius – The scales of justice appear this week. Your Tarot card is Justice. This is a legal outcome. It may also be an unofficial balancing of the books. This may be on a karmic or spiritual level with the other side or the other person. Aquarius you can be judge or jury with this sort of chart pattern. You can also be waiting for a verdict. It will be absolutely fair. Even and balanced. Symmetrical and harmonious. And both sides have to accept.

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Pisces – Delegate or ditch this week, Pisces. There is too much on your shoulders. You have Saturn in your sign and that is quite a heavy load to carry. So for the sake of appearances you are shouldering way more than you can handle, for comfort. The ultimate goal is a particular house, apartment or property investment. And you are quite right to aim for that because by 2025 you could get it with Jupiter in Gemini. For now, though, think of your wellbeing and state of mind. What can go?

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