Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
March 20-26 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for March 20-26 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Your Six Month Astrology And Tarot Forecast With Jessica Adams

6 Month Event 300x169 - Your Weekly Horoscope March 20th to 26thIf you have factors in Aries and/or Libra in your birth chart, you may want to book in for this Zoom event at The Conscious Café, covering the arrival of the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra, from July 2023.

No matter what your chart looks like, I will cover the next six months with the nodes in brand new signs – for everybody – at this online event on June 18th, 2023.

More information including how to purchase tickets can be found here.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, with Mars in Gemini in your zone of short journeys and commuting, and both Fortuna and Cupido in Sagittarius, in your zone of overseas travel and relocation, this is the week you will be tempted to pack your bags and go. Just be aware of the pitfalls. We are still in a pandemic, of course – and in India and China, influenza is an issue. There is also the knock-on effect of a travel, tourism and migration industry in repeated trouble. There are other ways to travel or relocate. Look at the alternatives, Aries.

Mars has been retrograde since September in this area of your chart so your situation was always set for a turnaround anyway. Maybe a complete reversal and rethink, but at the very least, a different way of getting from A to B. As well as this Mars in Gemini cycle now you also have a few Sagittarius patterns in your Ninth House of export and global delivery or discussion. Again, even if this is just on the worldwide web, and you’re not physically going anywhere, you may want to review all your options pretty carefully. This is more important on March 23rd, 24th, 25th.

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Taurus, the finance sectors of your chart are ruled by Gemini and Sagittarius, and both triggered this week, Taurus. It’s time to negotiate, in a situation where things could really be tidied up. We have been through quite a long Mars Retrograde in Gemini so a lot of the financial, business, charity or property issues have become pretty tangled up. Very tied up, you might say. Now that Mars is slowly moving out of this sign, there is every chance that some things can be cut back or pruned. Maybe even cut out altogether. So much depends on the individual values, mindset and life budget of yourself and others, though. If you do have to negotiate this week, or even ask, you need to understand that one man’s idea of good practise is another woman’s idea of financial makeover material. Taurus rules values, with its rulership of the Second House, so it’s quite an important point. You may have to talk terms and that means finding a way to speak another person’s economic language.

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Gemini, this week is all about a strange relationship, new or old, as you have plenty of patterns in your Fifth House of courtship and the bedroom, but also your Seventh House of marriage and partnership.

Cupido, Fortuna and Ceres are all showing up in your chart this week. Cupido was the son of Venus, her little boy. For some Gemini women, this week is all about the babies she had, or perhaps never had. Never underestimate the extent to which that contributes to the current confusion if this does apply to you!

If this does not apply, then in general, what you have is the questioning of a relationship that is undoubtedly very special, if not unique. It is solid gold. Yet, when there are Pisces patterns in the mix, which there are on the 20th of March, you tend to get confusion, muddle or befuddlement. You or someone else is too far out for comfort. There needs to be a return to the real world, actually. A bit of grounding. One thing is certain. The questioning process with this one-off, odd, relationship is really a waste of time. You or someone else would be better off taking this thing and moving it somewhere sensible, where it can actually be seen in a different light – on different terms – and something practical can be done with it!

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Well, Cancer, your zone of groups is packed with Venus, the North Node and Uranus this week. It’s all about the hive mind. Group psychology. The team, club, band, society and so on. Perhaps, Twitter. You’re at a point with a group where you have to face a crossroads like no other. You may play your part in trying to get rid of someone who all agree should be got rid of. Otherwise, it may be you who finds yourself in an Ides of March situation.

The new beginning is up ahead. It looks very big and bright indeed. The potential for a completely different way of operating is there and it’s good potential, too. In fact, May 2023 to May 2024, will offer you a lot. Whatever happens this week with the group, and the individual, it is time to remember that everything is about to transform. It was always going to, anyway, and this just makes the transformation more extreme, perhaps, and more life changing.

Your Eleventh House of groups and individuals is ruled by Taurus and this week we have quite dramatic transits in Taurus, as I’ve mentioned. There may be karma here, as there often is with the lunar nodes, so life as it was 18-19 years ago, either with these same people, or a similar situation, may be with you. It may have been your band. It may have been your chapter of the Freemasons. There is a feeling here that sometimes life can be ‘just a scratch’ and one can move on to bigger and better things. To say that this week is a case of parting company, is an understatement, though. You just can’t carry on. This may be you as part of the group dealing with an individual, or you as the person who feels that a whole community of people has just given you an ultimatum. As I said, a brighter, better, brand new day is around the corner.

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Leo, it’s all about friends and the group, this week, Leo. This is almost the end of the long Mars in Gemini cycle in your zone of sisterhood and solidarity. Brotherhood, too, perhaps. An awful lot has been done, and you have achieved something quite special there, which you can all share in and use for the future. Normally Mars moves very quickly through your chart, but Mars Retrograde has been with you since September, so that’s around seven months of growing – whatever you have been cultivating – and around seven months of bonding. This kind of week can correlate with celebration for a band, club, team, ensemble cast, society and the like. The key here is not to waste the moment. There is so much here that one or all of you can use to go further with and plan ahead for the future.

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Virgo – Babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers and adult children are all part of your week. You have Bacchus and Pluto both in Capricorn in your zone of parenthood, teaching and substitute parenthood – like being a godmother or grandfather. You are the end of the Pluto cycle which began 15 years ago and in that time a baby may have been born and become a child or teenager. Perhaps that is the story this week.

The end of Pluto in this zone of your chart can be empowering. In fact you may feel the power of a younger face in your life, or younger faces plural. We sometimes see this cycle when a child is born or a pregnancy is announced, or an adoption successful. This week may also just deliver breakthroughs with children or teenagers, if you are a tutor or author, perhaps, or just work with younger people in a care capacity. Bacchus is about enjoyment – pure pleasure. Pluto is about quite a powerful moment in time.

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Libra, escaping from the real world by putting your mind, body and spirit first is a very good idea, Libra. You have a huge number of strong, useful patterns in your sector of health, well-being and peace of mind this week. You have both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces in your Sixth House of balanced self-care. Neptune is the escape from the real world. This may be meditation, swimming, healing or just a particular kind of treatment that makes you feel you are in a different space from the usual madness outside the front door. A yoga retreat would be another example.

Saturn is the discipline and order. There is always a chance here that boundaries could slip, and it could all end up in a bit of a muddle or puddle. Yet, Neptune is regulated by Saturn so if you end up with that nice combination of careful control and measurement, along with the undoubted appeal of a holiday from reality, you’ll be there. We also associate the Sixth House with work, unpaid work and academia. There is a promise of something special, months or years into the future, Libra, if you can hold the vision and make the effort.

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Scorpio, a budding brainwave, project, brainchild or concept must be taken care of, Scorpio. This is down to four patterns in your sector of internet, media, publishing, education and academia. Pluto, your ruler, is on the way out of this zone of your chart. So having cultivated various ideas or notions, it is now time to plant them. You may be helping someone who has a lot of power and authority but is procrastinating. That can happen.

Or perhaps you are always in a permanent state of dress rehearsal. As Anita Roddick once said to me, “Life is not a dress rehearsal” and so it is really time to get going, Scorpio. Pluto suggests this could be quite powerful. Yet it is only potential and nowhere near delivery. For all that to happen, there has to be teamwork, at least a partnership and a plan. If not, I’m afraid that nothing may come from this at all, as Pluto is going to reverse from June and if you’re going to make this happen it should happen now.

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Use this week to become enlightened about the family tree, Sagittarius, or the direction you call home. You have a lot of patterns in Pisces, which rules your ancestors, relatives, house, apartment, land, hometown and homeland, you see. You have some pretty new astrological weather in this zone of your chart, the Fourth House.

For years, you’ve had Neptune here and now you have Saturn. So you are in an odd position where you are removed from the real world and the actual outcome of decisions – yet also waiting. The waiting game is typical of Saturn as he goes into this zone of your chart for the first time in years. There will come a day eventually when you take action. Yet perhaps part of the deal is that by doing nothing, you gain enlightenment. Neptune is about inspiration. It is also about a rather mysterious process of inner growth and soulful understanding. We cannot separate that from the nuts and bolts of the house, family, household, land, apartment, town or country. So the waiting has a function.

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Capricorn, you are at the Time Lord reincarnation phase of Dr. Who this week. For American readers, that’s a rebirth. You will resurrect or resurface, rising out of this long, long Pluto in Capricorn cycle, which has been about your reputation, title and appearance. There is every chance of a new relationship between a parent and child too. That’s down to the Taurus patterns in your chart. Let’s get back to how you are seen and how you appear. This is your shell. The real you, the spirit or soul, is elsewhere. That’s why I mentioned Dr. Who. You are about to go through the historic shift of Pluto out of your sign. As he’s been there for 15 years this has been a long time coming. You may even feel as if the old you needs to be left behind, the way a butterfly leaves a chrysalis.

I mentioned parents and children too. There is a vision here. A dream, maybe, or a daydream. It represents an escape for you, and it will be here until 2026.

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Aquarius, there is a decent amount of money here to be negotiated or put into a budget. You have quite a few patterns in Pisces this week in your sector of personal income. Neptune is joined by Saturn, which is a classic statement about financial daydreaming and the reality of practical needs. You may be dealing with someone like this or find yourself acting it out. The potential is very good. A lot can be sorted out even with a modest amount of money, no matter if this is finishing what has been started, or just starting again – starting small. The negotiation is the thing. Finding the same values, or at least a similar life budget, is the first step. You can’t possibly strike a deal or make a bargain without that fundamental understanding. So reach for the words, if not the numbers, and make it plain to yourself and others what you will happily trade over. The outcome could be very important long-term if the investment upfront is wise.

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Mars is almost out of your zone of house, flat, family and household, Pisces. Uranus is in your travel zone. You or another person is hopefully about to relocate or take a trip and that will change everything.

If you are a woman, it is more likely to be you. Either the pandemic or other reasons have kept you trapped and stuck. Now, you are at a crossroads when you realise that it’s only your point of view and attitude that is really keeping you there. Breaking free of what or whom might just be your imaginary issue, is a good start.

If you are a man, this may well be a woman who is important to you. Her decision to move or travel also affects you. These zones of your chart, the Fourth House, ruled by Gemini and the Third House, ruled by Taurus, bring to mind the line ‘there was movement at the station’ and so there will be. It affects you profoundly no matter if somebody else is breaking free of her situation or you are doing this, yourself.

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