Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
March 11-17, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for March 11-17, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

The Damned 300x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope March 11th thru 17thI just had the pleasure of talking to Dave Vanian for the latest episode of It’s a Long Way to The Top here.

Dave Vanian is a Libra Sun gentleman who knew another Libra Sun gentleman -Marc Bolan. The horoscope for The Damned will appear soon and there are some fascinating parallels between Vanian, Scabies, Sensible and Bolan. This is The Damned’s last world tour. Be quick. They start in Japan, now. Find more information here.

Image @thedamned on X. The official account.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – You have to make a decision blindfolded this week, or a key woman does. The current stuckness is not the right way to make it. Try to get rid of whatever is covering up the reality or the truth for her or yourself. Maybe both of you. You or she are rather stuck, according to your chart. On the defensive but going nowhere. Don’t be paralysed into inaction or let her sit there. Ask for outside help. Behind you or her a broad, big, inviting network is waiting. One group or many. The group shows up with Pluto in Aquarius this year.

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Taurus – The current project, plan or idea needs to be planted on solid ground, Taurus. If you or anyone else gets carried away with the heat of the moment, it could actually work against the success of what is there. As an earth sign you know better than that. Your normal style is grounded, down to earth, practical. The space or place for the concept is wrong, that’s certain. But what about a plan? Pluto is in and out of Capricorn and your Third House in 2024. There is real power here, potentially. There is also real potency in the approach and attitude. Yet – unless there is a plan and some homework nothing is going to stick.

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Gemini – There are several ideas to take to a different region or country. As a juggler, you can multi-task these into new territory. Don’t just pick up one and ignore the rest. There is a bit of a gold rush at the moment. Everyone has seen a boom, somewhere and you are in a good place to join them. Certainly nothing can really take off where you are. Pluto in Aquarius is in your Ninth House of export and travel. Also relocation. This is pretty groundbreaking and although this week is just another stitch in the tapestry, the fabric of your life long-term is woven now.

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Cancer – Connection and communication is harder work at the moment. You’re hard to reach or somebody else is. If you are a woman this may be your husband, boyfriend, father, staff member, boss and so on. Neptune and Pisces are big in your chart now in a horoscope zone where you try to reach people on the web. Of course it may be you who is inaccessible. Cast adrift, remote and floating. What is the answer? A group. A passing crew, which might just rescue it all. Pluto in Aquarius in your natal chart is a nod to that. Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus in your solar chart says the same. It’s a mob or community which may do it.

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Leo – A group is a wonderful thing because a group lends support and backing. This feels like being Obama with the Democrats or even Bill Clinton with the Democrats. Maybe, Mick Jagger with the Stones. The only issue is the relationship between the frontman or frontwoman and the group itself. Treat people like a pack and one of them might just leave when you’re not paying attention. The Leo tendency is to lead; to steer the ship; to front the band. So it is very likely to be you who is upfront and front-and-centre. If so, pay attention to the people you consider to be faceless within the tribe.

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Virgo – You can either stay stuck forever or watch someone else be stuck forever. The temptation is the huge group potential behind. The pooled resources. One group or many joined together. The issue is not seeing where one is going or what one is actually dealing with. And this is you or a woman you know. The stuckness can only resolve with outside help or the sixth sense. Maybe both. Left or right, east or west, yes or no, stay or go, are classic decisions. The way out of this is to ask for assistance. That’s really knowing who to ask, how to ask and when to ask. One or more helpful outsiders can join forces to remove whatever it is that is blinding you or a key woman.

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Tarot Deck Ten of Cups scaled e1710100543990 300x222 - Your Weekly Horoscope March 11th thru 17thLibra – The Ten of Cups is a nice card to see and points to one planet, Pluto, going in and out of your family and household zone, your property zone, but also the chart zone ruling a younger generation. That’s empowering and there is real control here if you, he, she or they want it.

Pluto has been in Capricorn in your house, garden and apartment sector and goes back in, later. It is now in your sector of children, teenagers and the younger generation. The pile-up in Aquarius this week is in your sector of courtship, the bedroom and the next generation.

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Scorpio – Victory, triumph or success usually shows up with transits in Leo or Aries for you. Right now you have them in Aries. We have the Moon, Mercury, the North Node, Chiron and other asteroids there. Aries rules your duty, service, workload and effort in life. Your role and goals. Proserpina and Vulcano make a conjunction in Aries. Vulcano is the big one. That’s strength, control, dominance through self-control. So well done. You’ve triumphed somewhere this week.

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Tarot Deck Seven of Swords scaled e1710100880174 300x236 - Your Weekly Horoscope March 11th thru 17thSagittarius – The Seven of Swords is your card this week and shows you getting away with it, as you outsmart a group. At the moment, everything is about groups, as you’ll hear at the end of the podcast. In any case, you have not just one, but four factors in your natal or birth chart, indicating some kind of circle. You are nicely placed to nip in and out of a situation removing grounds for an issue before it arises. The sign of Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, a symbol of great optimism, cheery belief and faith and the rest. But you can over-reach.

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Capricorn – I’ve been talking a bit about groups this week and your challenge is to bring it all together with one. In your birth or natal chart, you have a stellium in Aquarius. A lot of Capricorn people also have factors in Aquarius, the sign of people power. The issue with this lot is that you are all too different. It’s like Monty Python or The Damned.

So how do you play your part in enabling everyone to pull together? Having just spoken to Dave Vanian from The Damned (as part of The Astrology Show) I can confirm that greatness comes from individual, independent differences. You can’t get more different than Captain Sensible, Dave Vanian and Rat Scabies. Yet unless something draws you all together, all that potential is wasted.

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Aquarius – You and another, just like you, but also different (same species different breeds) must choose a way. You have Diana in your zone of partnerships and duets. Diana shows freedom, space, independence and the right to roam. Will you move into the same place together or choose different homes? Will you break up because of your work or her university, or go together? Less dramatically this can be any duet, double act or pair where you are apparently shown a binary choice. It’s not that.

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Tarot Deck The Fool scaled e1710102042220 300x232 - Your Weekly Horoscope March 11th thru 17thPisces – The Fool is your Tarot card this week.

There is a short journey, trip or perhaps neighbouring shift along the map. Look where you are going as there is a caution here about a risk. A classic case is booking Eurostar only to find out Eurostar is off the rails later on. On this transit, with Panacea, Jupiter, Uranus, Minerva all in your zone of short journeys and commuting, you’d want to be aware of the unpredictable. Uranus is notorious for that.

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