Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
June 6-12, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for June 6-12, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

We are now finishing Mercury Retrograde with the last shadow. That might explain why you are retracing your steps from April and May. The loop ends next week when life will go back to normal.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

You see yourself differently since Jupiter joined Chiron in Aries. With enough self-confidence and preparation, you believe you can do anything. That’s the way it goes with Chiron! If the goals you share with a group of like-minded people, or friends, seem so serious or difficult – and if there are lots of groups like yours – the way through may be your own profile, self-promotion or branding. Chiron is neither a goodie nor a baddie in astrology, it just gives you the cockiness and the courage to try and set new outer limits with matters of image. Without it, we would never have welcomed the Saints or Siouxsie and the Banshees (it was found in 1977).

Meanwhile, on the inside, secret plans involving religion, therapy, self-help, psychics or other mysteries may actually come off at this time. That non-reality, might actually become a reality. No wonder you’ll need to siphon a couple of hours off every day, just to go away and work on your interior life, Aries.

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There is quite a process taking place now with your church, Tarot cards, counsellor, psychic or self-help guru. This peculiar half-comet, half-planet called Chiron will give you the timing you need to go as far as you can, in terms of your relationship with yourself. What you have in mind is probably quite confronting, to more conservative or rigid people. If your quest is successful, though, you will prove something important to yourself, and to anyone who is watching, reading or listening. In your own small way, you will alter your own ideas (and other people’s) about what is now realistic and achievable.

This cycle is about slowly edging to where you need to be, in terms of your success and status next year – but the trick is, you won’t be able to go it alone. Everything depends on how sensitive you are to your priest (say), psychic, self-help author and so on.

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If you make a new friend now, this rather interesting man or woman could turn out to be of lasting importance in your life. It all depends on how much you are prepared to give to each other, in terms of time, tolerance and tact. A true friendship is the prize (and it could be there for 12 more years.)

A special phase in an old friendship can also begin now. Even if you’ve been with this person for years, destiny will throw you together for a few weeks, so that you can join forces to pursue a fantastic goal. Gemini, the real point of what you are both going through, is the friendship itself. If you are already involved with a group, association, team, club or other network of people (like a regular yoga class, or a tight circle of friends) then you’ll gain hugely if you give more time and energy to them now. Rare cycle!

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Pluto still rules. Cancer, the person you must negotiate with, and hold hands with (symbolically or literally!) as you go forward to resolve a duel, or strengthen a duet, is so crucial. You’ll need to check in with each other frequently, to make things hang together. You’ll either make it through now, or you’ll really slow down your own progress. So much depends on how well you’re reading each other, and how cleverly you’re making allowances. Willpower empowers you as it has done since the year 2008.

The duet or duel also holds a mirror up to yourself. So, you’ll realise you have two sides to your personality now. And that’s where the work begins. This cycle can help you to make peace with both sides of yourself, so that all of you makes progress. It won’t be easy, but it’s the only way you’re going to find wholeness. Ops joins Ceres in Cancer now too.
The focus of attention now is you. Your name, your face, your body, your ‘packaging’ – everything from your hair to your clothes, to your business card.

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Leo, the next few weeks or months are pivotal. Your family relationships, flatmate relationships, house, flat or temporary accommodation will be shaped by what happens next – with long-term results! Take your time as you navigate. Whatever else is going on now, karma calls. Your mother, father, brother, sister and other close relatives (dead or alive) will be an issue now. So will your relationship with a partner, if you live with him or her, and any flatmates in your life. People who have a direct influence on your home life, like neighbours, builders or co-tenants will also go to the top of your list now. You owe, or are owed, from 18 or 19 years ago, Leo. You can see how this could create long term outcomes with family members, partners or flatmates (or those other people connected to your home life.) Go for closure by 2023, Leo – that’s excellent advice now.

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The world of children and babies, or Millennials, is far too important to let yourself be swayed. If your decision is basically right, and you know it, then finish what you start. Are you getting the picture? Pluto is about some kind of total conviction.

What you’ve got in mind now could be great. But would it still be great if you weren’t feeling so much emotion about power or control issues? Astrology can help, by making you aware of the game. If you work or live with younger faces it’s a key time.

Your everyday working life has its own chain of command. Even if you’re working for yourself (or head of the home) you still have to think about your duty to other younger people. All work is a service, even if you’re apparently calling the shots.

This cycle will strongly influence the chain of command where you are. It’s about controlling your agenda with the young and strategising when other people are clearly failing to control theirs.

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People who are against you will turn up now, or even become issues again, no matter how long they’ve been off your radar. Can you feel compassion for the other side because they obviously feel so little peace in their lives? That’s your challenge. Sometimes your opponent, rival or enemy at this time is your partner, or an ex-partner. Happy with your partner, ex-partner or the prospects with a future date? That person will also be at the top of your list now. I know of no other cycle in which so many husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends look at their beloved quite so hopefully. A way out or a way through is here.

This dual cycle rules the more intense, life-changing aspects of sex, as well as the whole business of death and dying. It also rules joint financial issues, like a shared mortgage or property investment, or a family inheritance, or the tax department, or the car you share. It’s about money, houses, flats, possessions, assets and resources that work one, two or more ways between everyone involved. Decision time!

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The focus is foreign places and foreigners. So, web missions, or big issues. What issues? They’ll directly involve your trip, your move, or the beliefs, habits and attitudes of the people from other cultures. Do ask outsiders for their angle: are you making all the right moves and decisions now? Ceres and Ops are now in this zone of your chart for some time.

Education and academia and publishing often provide the arena where Cancer cycles are played out. Your agenda suggests it will take until July to travel in the right direction, in the right way.

This new Cancer asteroid and planet cycle is actually about the expansion of your horizons. It’s about stretching your usual limits, geographically or mentally. That’s why it covers the world of books and learning, as well as travel, and relocation, and your dealings with people from other cultures, belief systems and accents. This is a long compromise.

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If you have a full-time or part-time job, a freedom-related career issue will turn up now. Alternatively, it may be your boss, client, colleague or professional rival who starts questions about freedom and independence. As with all Uranus transits, the things you do and say now are vital, because they will have a domino effect on your career, your status and your success. This also applies to unpaid work or study.

Sagittarius, you stand a much better chance of judging (accurately) just how important that career matter really is, if you look at life since May 2018. If the issue has any validity at all, it will still make sense, and carry weight, once this Mercury Retrograde cycle in Taurus, alongside Uranus in Taurus, cycle is a memory.

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Karma. There may also be a group around you (a book group, a website forum and so on) where one or more people are feeling the karma from 18 or 19 year ago. Keep an eye on the networks, teams, clubs, associations, organisations, classes and other assortments of people who are in your world, or on the fringes of your world, at this time. The message as always, with South Node Cycles, is not to be distracted or swayed by the present before you remember the past. The faces may have changed but the song remains the same. Groups around you will help you sort out what’s worth it and what’s not. What’s the intention here? And the likely outcome?

Friends can be made or lost in this cycle. Again, this is karma. It’s not the kind of thing you can tell the internet about, or even your best friend – unless you choose to. Essentially, you are owed, or you owe. The circular nature of things now is karmic closure.

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For the 10 months or so that this cycle operates, you will be able to do more hard work with/about your name, face, image and reputation than you know. In fact, it’s been more than 28 years since you had this kind of opportunity. Slog away on your outer packaging now because it’s your passport to all kinds of people, places and possibilities from March 2023. That means focussing on waiting games, in terms of your CV, photograph, blog, website profile, personal style, presentation and appearance. Of course, you know there’s more to you than all that, but in this cycle, Saturn in Aquarius is telling you to learn from previous mistakes, commit to what’s wise (not what’s easy) and play a long hand if you must. Aquarius, it seems you have stumbled upon a useful learning curve about yourself.

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Uranus in the Third House of your horoscope rules brothers and sisters, cousins, communication (typically, the written and spoken word) and the short journeys you take by car, aeroplane, public transport (or anything else you care to name, from bicycles to yachts.) Uranus signals ongoing revolution. Well, here it is again. Another road less travelled, Pisces. Freedom from, or freedom through, is the phrase to pin to the sentence.

Your brother or sister could be your passport to a more liberated and exhilarating, exciting world this year. Alternatively, your relationship with them will offer you much more scope for a revolution. The relationship with your sibling may be the catalyst for radical change by 2023. The sibling relationship to date has followed certain patterns or pathways – but over the next few months, all that’s going to change, as Mercury corrects his motion in Taurus and joins Uranus in a straight line, helping you find greater independence through a sibling, say. Perhaps the internet is part of that. Maybe, commuting or local travel. Uranus in Taurus is here.

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