Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
June 5-11 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for June 5-11 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Conscious Cafe 1 300x168 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 5th to 11thI’ll be talking about marriage, adultery, divorce, widowhood and karma at a special event based on the new South Node in Libra cycle, soon. It covers July-December 2023 in detail for you.

It’s a 90-minute Zoom session on Sunday, June 18th, 2023, at 11am-12.30pm in London, based on your public and private astrology chart and your Tarot at The Conscious Café, hosted by Judy Piatkus and Gina Lazenby.

I will also look at Charles and Camilla and the invalidation of the Coronation, to come.

Tickets are available now here.

Global Timings for this online event:

  • London – 11:00 am
  • Helsinki – 1:00 pm
  • Sydney – 8:00 pm
  • Auckland – 10:00 pm
  • Montreal – 6:00 am
  • New York – 6:00 am


Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

With a bit of planning, Aries, you can take, one, two or all three ideas to different places where you could do better with them. Your eyes are on other cities, regions or countries this week, as you have patterns in Gemini and Sagittarius, ruling short journeys and foreign journeys too. Time is of the essence as you really have to plant your concepts on solid ground if they are going to grow to fruition. Do you explore what you might have missed, locally or close to home? Or do you export what you have? Next question, do you go too? This week is about travel or travel in the mind, Aries.

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Taurus, we might say that the relationship in question is unique, no matter if it’s the start of something, a long-term marriage or you’re halfway through it. Unique is a nice way of putting it, because it’s actually impossible to classify or categorise. This can be really confusing if you are a female Taurus.

If you are a male Taurus this is likely your wife or girlfriend. Maybe a woman you want to be with. The trick here is to move both the person and the relationship far, far away from the world of imagination, daydreaming and head trips. Just getting things real again and finding a place where this could actually work, for whatever reason, is the answer.

To do this, both Taurus woman, or Taurus man’s woman, and the Rubik’s Cube relationship itself have to be moved. This may involve actually travelling or relocating. It may be more of a mental shift, so taking something that has resulted in paralysis and puzzling and doing something practical and sensible with it. The woman in question which may be you, also needs to acknowledge and understand the huge, huge importance of children, now grown up, or pregnancies which never happened.

The South Node in your zone of relationships is square Venus, a symbol of complicated attachments this week. So if you are a woman, there is something you cannot square, about a certain someone. And if you are a man, there is a woman in your life who may be your girlfriend or wife, who has a Rubik’s Cube instead of a partnership. Venus is in Leo, the sign which rules heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne, so there is a bit of history here, about the children who were born, or perhaps the babies who never actually happened.

This Venus in Leo square to the South Node in Scorpio is about the need to find practical solutions for the puzzle. And you are a practical earth sign. If you are a female and need to ground yourself, only you can do that. If you are a man, you may be able to help an important woman do something sensible with the relationship she cannot figure out. And it may be with you, let’s face it.

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Gemini, the South Node in Scorpio is in your health, well-being, diet and lifestyle sector now. This is also where we find your work, unpaid work or academic career. This is an important week, as the South Node lines up with other factors in quite a rare pattern on Thursday 8th June. You may quit alcohol for example or take up swimming. You are nearly at the end of this long cycle, and you have learned a lot. Maybe about COVID, for example. Psyche is also in Scorpio, again in your sector of well-being and work. So something about this week could live forever. Especially in terms of your achievements in life. Maybe you can see what could be immortalised. It’s quite true that some projects last forever online for example.

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Cancer, you have your sights set on travel or export this week, as nothing is going to grow where you are. You have a T-Square in your chart on Saturday, June 10th, 2023, which hints that you might travel or move, or at least move your ideas. This involves a deal or bargain, with yourself or others. There has to be a compromise with Ceres in Virgo. You also have this leaning towards the idea of work, study or unpaid work as a bit of a holiday. A vacation from the everyday. Most importantly, there is a lot of escapism here. Escaping into your imagination or daydreams is great as it propels you into action eventually, but you must act. These brainwaves or qualifications are not going to last forever.

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Leo, the family tree, your roots on your mother’s side or father’s side – perhaps both – and the part younger family members play, is showing in your chart now. The South Node is in Scorpio making patterns on Thursday 8th June. You also have Psyche in Scorpio and as if that wasn’t enough, Cupido in Scorpio too. This sign rules where you come from, the family tree, and all its branches. Leo, you also have factors starting to show up in the sector of the chart which rules children, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, godchildren and the next generation. That’s ruled by Sagittarius for you. So this really looks and feels like the heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne, making a big impact. Perhaps it is time the family tree was sorted out.

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If you are a female Virgo, you have an important decision to make this week. We have what’s called a T-Square in your chart on Saturday June 10th. It’s like a T-Junction with traffic because you’ve really got to sort out East from West, left from right, or North from South – all at the same time. You’re in the middle if you are a woman.

If you are a man, then this week is all about a woman, who may be your wife or girlfriend. She is also at this T-junction or T-Square and must decide what to do. Whenever you get Neptune involved in this sort of pattern, you get six senses, not five. So if you are a woman you need to lean into your psychic ability or at the mildest level your gut feelings and instincts.

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Libra, big questions about who or what is the leader are coming this week. You tend to get this whenever Apollo turns up in your career, unpaid work and academic career zone. Apollo is about the top job, or top dog, or boss. The King or Queen. What we are seeing here is pretty relentless, and in fact Apollo was relentless. This week will really change the hierarchy or pecking order, as Neptune in your zone of employment, gainful unemployment or study is also pulled into it. There will be a sense that everybody and everything is all over the place until things sort themselves out. There may even be borderline chaos or great clouds of confusion. That can happen too.

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Scorpio, the world is on offer to you this week, but you have to choose which country or which nationality, or at least some kind of priority list, Scorpio. You may be travelling, emigrating or just keen to export. Maybe you are on the worldwide web with more intention and emotion than usual. One of the four corners of the world may be calling you, or all four corners at the same time.

On June 10th, Apollo in Cancer, in your sector of foreigners and foreign places, calls you. There may be a bit of confusion here. If you are a female Scorpio then we can’t really separate your courtship, or the bedroom, from who or what is on offer.

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Sagittarius, whenever we see Apollo in Cancer, we just know that the money go round is actually going to go round. There are a couple of reasons for this. One is your public chart. Apollo, which is a symbol of great leadership, is showing up in your finance, property, charity and business zone. That’s your public chart. In your private chart, which I’ll get onto in a moment, he’s in the family and property zone. So if your own personal horoscope is triggered this may be family generosity or just the question of a particular house or apartment. The important thing about the exchange this week is that it needs to be free of politics, if at all possible. So a pure gesture of paying out, or lending, or donating, or paying up, has to be kept pure. And it works the other way too.

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Capricorn, the world of books, academia, education and the worldwide web surrounds you this week. We have a T-Square on Sunday the 10th of June which tends to spin everything around. More than once. What you’re going to see here is swings and roundabouts, as I think Piers Morgan said it best. One minute you’re the cock of the walk and the next minute you’re the feather duster. If you are a student or lecturer, for example, you may see a game of Snakes and Ladders going on. People at the top shake the dice against themselves and those who were at the bottom go up in the world. Sometimes the story is just about the internet. People on their phones or laptops who are right around the situation.

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Aquarius, there is quite a lot of money to be sorted out this week. We have a T-Square on Sunday the 10th of June in your sector of family finance, and extended family or household budgets. This pulls in houses and apartments, property investments or the different generations for some Aquarians. You also have patterns in Gemini in your zone of children and younger adults. So this may pull in a junior generation.

Finally, when you have Taurus factors in your sector of family and property as well, you just know some long-term decisions have to be made. There is a huge need to bring things down to earth here and keep them real. Neptune really requires that when he shows up in your bank sector.

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Well Pisces, Pluto is back in your zone of groups and friends. Once more with feeling. What happens close to Sunday the 11th of June shows you how powerful a group can be. Whenever you get this cycle, though, there are always questions about who or what is in control. This may be a committee. An army unit. A charity. A band. Given that you’ve had this cycle since 2008 you have learned an awful lot about politics with others in different sorts of groups or circles. It may have been Alcoholics Anonymous or the Freemasons! What we have now is incredible potential as if you take the individual people involved and look at them as separate and independent faces, they are all pretty potent.

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