Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
June 3-9, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for June 3-9, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

YOUR BIRTHDAY 200x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thWould you like to know more about your birthday and its impact on your personality and destiny?

On June 5th, 2024, at 7 pm Sydney time, you can come along to a Zoom, or pick up the recording, at the Sydney Astrological Research Society. You can join from London at 10:00 am, on the same day. The Zoom goes live at 9:00 am UTC time also on Wednesday, June 5th. Please find more information here.

The subject is Your Birthday in Astrology, Numerology and Tarot a based on the new book, Your Birthday, releasing in October. There will also be real-time Tarot at this session. You can pre-order it here.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, your Tarot Card is the Ace of Wands.

Tarot Deck Ace of Wands scaled e1708227736989 300x226 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thIn Ancient Rome, they called Jupiter ‘Optimus Maximus’ and in this cycle if you maximise your optimism about what is possible, with the internet or media, some wonderful results will come your way. I predict a fix, cure, remedy, resurrection or revival for you, at this time with your computer, phone, writers’ block, any eyesight, speech or hearing issues. All because Panacea is also with Jupiter.

In fact, the Gemini and Third House zone of your chart is loaded. You have already come across the one person who can help you so much. Keep the faith with this important individual, Aries.

The quadruple line-up of Venus, Vulcano, Panacea and the Sun all at 12 Gemini on Monday, June 3rd, 2024, is also about siblings or cousins, neighbours and neighbouring places. Light will be shed on what is required.

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Taurus, your Tarot Card is the Four of Pentacles.

Tarot Deck Four of Pentacles scaled e1708228334174 300x282 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thThe more you educate yourself about the realities of your workload and your ambition in this new Pluto cycle the better off you will be. The way forward for you is to do your homework about what you’re dealing with in terms of power structures, your control and the politics with people – women, in particular.

You have so much to gain with Jupiter moving into the finance, savings and earnings zone of your chart, Taurus. The first thing he does is form a trine with powerful Pluto in your zone of career, unpaid work and academia. Take your time before you decide to take on a new role or goal as it will be with you for an unusually long period and have unusual results in terms of the transformation it brings.

Take a great deal of time before entering into any kind of highly political situation with, say, a staff member or employer.

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Gemini, your Tarot Card is The Magician.

Tarot Deck The Magician scaled e1711846257114 300x225 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thMercury, your ruler, is still in the most mysterious zone of your chart. This is where you have psychic or psychological experiences which change your life – also due to Uranus being here. It is about secrets, classified information, confidential subjects too.

A role you play behind the scenes with no credit or recognition may also be the liberator now. Mercury leaves here this week and you can take stock of your counselling, Tarot, therapy, mediumship, psychic consultations and above all your God.

You are also well into the new Sun in Gemini cycle which will shed light on how you are seen and how you appear, from the final week of May to the third week of June. Taking up more space on the stage of life is offered, with benefits. Jupiter is in your image zone for a purpose.

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Cancer, your Tarot Card is the Four of Wands.

FOUR OF WANDS 300x247 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thYour Sun in Cancer makes you a patriot, perhaps, who identifies so powerfully with your birthplace, homeland and its culture. Or is it your strong sense of belonging invested in your family instead? Maybe your property (house, apartment, land) is central to who you are.

The South Node in Libra in your Fourth House of belonging, now helps you answer such important questions about the past and future of your home, family or homeland. You are now on the road to the most satisfying closure and by next year could be in a bigger or better space or enjoy a superior relationship with the family or flatmates – depending on your karma from 18 or 19 years ago. That was the last time you saw the South Node in Libra.

Even so this week you can still have a good time, all the time, with Bacchus in Libra. In fact one extended family or household gathering could be positively Bacchanalian.

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Leo, your Tarot Card is the Queen of Wands.

Tarot Deck Queen of Wands scaled e1711261635342 300x245 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thThe combination of Aesculapia, Proserpina, Uranus and Mercury in Taurus now will see the birth of something brand new for a career, unpaid work or university level. This fresh start in your life is very special because it is so liberating – even years into the future – and has huge potential. However, it may take time to become established.

You also have a new social life on offer. Jupiter is about growth and abundance, and he helps you become the gold miner of your own life. The treasure is friendship. Remember to plant something special about your circles and groups now, as Pluto in Aquarius makes a stunning angle to Jupiter in Gemini, which rules your allies.

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Virgo, your Tarot Card is The Devil.

Tarot Deck The Devil scaled e1716086301307 300x256 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thEven if you are going through a challenging partnership cycle – since Saturn entered Pisces – the worst is over. The reason you are still dealing with issues left over from 2023, is the retrograde (or backward) motion of so many horoscope factors. Which means this year is about the road to recovery, repair and remedies.

By the time you get to 2025, and a really big choice is made, you will feel far more comfortable about the situation with a professional or sexual partner. And, of course, sometimes this can be an opponent who is circling a partnership. In regard to a career, academic career or unpaid work level, though, the time is right to just say yes.

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Libra, your Tarot Card is The Chariot.

Tarot Deck The Chariot scaled e1717303498859 300x245 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thAny issues back and forth with your family or household can be resolved now. You are far in front of the muddle of Ceres, also going back and forth, as she has done ever since the year began. This also applies to your house, apartment, town or country. This is also the time to ask, where do you belong in the world (or even locally) and to whom do you belong?

Libra, this Ceres cycle affect your flat, house, hometown or homeland. Or it may be about the people you anchor yourself to. Expect a slow or stuck situation and factor that into your planning. You’ll gain firmer priorities in life. And, in fact, after Pluto goes back into this chart zone in September until November, you can say this is almost a job done.

From December 2024, you are out of the most intense cycle possible in 248 years for the family, your property, your town and country.

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Scorpio, your Tarot Card is The Lovers.

Tarot Deck The Lovers scaled e1708227449673 300x234 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thThe next generation (related to you or connected to you at a distance) now challenges you to deal with no boundaries, as well as full boundaries. It’s an odd situation. Saturn and Neptune in Pisces ask you to juggle. And so it is with – Children, godchildren or young relatives. Children or young adult organisations. And, of course, new babies.

Serious lovers who could bring all this into your world are also important now as these Pisces transits are also about courtship and the bedroom. Neptune places everybody all over the place, all the time, everywhere. Saturn says, ‘This far and no further.’

Allow for this at the moment, because what begins now could take a zig-zag pathway as you go between both situations, Scorpio. It takes time. But you have it. And this cycle clears up.

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Sagittarius, your Tarot Card is the Three of Wands.

Tarot Deck Three of Wands scaled e1717303692818 300x287 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thYou will exceed even your own personal best as a local traveler, student, publisher, writer, teacher or web user. Your ruler Jupiter is trine Pluto and real power is set up now. Your local area or neighbourhood could also take you further than you thought. Jupiter will expand your media or web life in 2024, 2025. That is set up as a result of what you did, around 12 years ago.

Over the next two years, you will be amazed at the win-win solutions. Awards, promotion or other success is just an open doorway away depending on how hard you try to use your way with words, images and ideas. Right now what you need to do is help plant the acorns. They grow later. But there is also a mighty oak growing from the last Jupiter cycle, 12 years before.

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Capricorn, your Tarot Card is Temperance.

Tarot Deck Temperance scaled e1708228440874 300x231 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thA huge stellium in Gemini in your zone of lifestyle, health, wellbeing, workload and daily routine has big possibilities for you. In fact, the Jupiter-Pluto trine suggests you can find financial empowerment and more control with the bank, your business, your savings or charity – by taking the new path. For lots of Capricorn people, this is a very different role which puts the reins in your hands with money (saving it or making it).

Far more precious and priceless is your mental and physical health. Jupiter, Vulcano, Venus, Panacea, the Sun and Minerva are all in your wellness zone. This hasn’t happened for years, so you are quite clearly being shown wise solutions as well as genuine remedies and fixes. Panacea is an ancient goddess associated with the Hippocratic Oath. You are now being shown your service and duty to others, but also primarily, your service and duty to yourself.

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Aquarius, your Tarot Card is the Six of Cups.

Six of Cups e1711846692305 300x254 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thThis line-up in Gemini bodes well for courtships, the bedroom, babies, children and younger people. Jupiter’s first act on moving into Gemini is to move into a trine with Pluto in your zone of appearances, image, reputation, title and name. So, for example, you may become a mother or father. Or you may become a partner or a Mr or Mrs. That can happen too.

Rather than run through each and every outcome of the trine though, suffice to say that there is a huge opportunity here with a lover, son, daughter or a younger generation. You’ve not seen anything like this in 12 years. Diana in your opposite sign of Leo along with Apollo also suggests that a former, current or potential partner is where you have the most interesting questions to answer about freedom, space, autonomy and independence.

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Pisces, your Tarot Card is the Ten of Cups.

Tarot Deck Ten of Cups scaled e1710100543990 300x222 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 3rd to 9thA rather stop-start group project involving people who see the peoplepower, benefits you now if you can see the point of persisting until December, Pisces.

Jupiter is also in your zone of property, household, family, hometown and homeland. Thus, by allowing you to do more, have more and be more this Jupiter transit can reward you. A new friendship is seriously important; yet an old friendship needs work. Just by deepening the connection with these people, you become more in control of your own life on this long Ceres transit.

Pluto back to this zone of your chart in September, will help you see the potential in the powerful personalities of particular friends but also the incredible weight of a team effort. This has long-term potential once you sort out power and control issues.

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