Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
June 27 - July 3, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for June 27 – July 3, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

weekly June 27th Feature 233x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 27th to July 3rdThe Astrological Lodge of London is the world’s oldest astrology educational institution. Here we are at Stationer’s Hall in London for The Astrologers’ Feast, a few years ago (pictured to my right is Bernard Fitzwalter, author and ELLE horoscope columnist).

I’ll be back at The Lodge, as it’s affectionally known, to talk to you on Zoom about the Aries cycles in the heavens, soon. Just remember it will be on a London time zone. See this and other terrific Lodge talks from great British astrologers here.


Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Right now, your job is to create a flexible financial structure in your life that will take care of the erratic and unpredictable nature of your income, savings, investments, mortgage, rent and so on. A loose system which will enable you to move very quickly, when you have to, and a strategy that will help you remain independent, is what you’re after. It’s going to take time, energy and effort to put into effect – but the situation your bank balance is in, now, is a reminder that since 2018 Uranus has been in Taurus and will remain there until 2026. Thus, you must be practical and hard-working about sorting things out. Aries, it’s irrelevant if you’re feeling rich, or poor. These are revolutionary times, as you know, and as you also have the lunar nodes involved, bringing repeated karmic patterns from 18 or 19 years ago, 2022 and 2023 are milestones.

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Ambitions, your position in life, your status, profession, unpaid work or academic career, is a burden to shoulder in 2022. Ask people who are older, wiser and more experienced than you, about your course of action. Are you being too paranoid at all? Too defensive about people or organisations? It can happen on a Saturn transit of your solar Tenth House. However, you are managing, the time has come to make smart moves to manage it all.

This cycle will teach you how to make the relationship with your employer or staff work. It will also force you to come up with more effective ways to use the skills or talents you have, after March. Why March? Pluto changes signs then, Taurus, and your whole professional world will change if you work. If you don’t work, then study or voluntary roles will transform your existence. We also have a New Moon in Cancer this week. This is about the written and spoken word. Also, travel and transportation – locally. Siblings, too. There is a new start with all of this.

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You seem to have these financial challenges at this time every year, Gemini, because the great Sun moves into opposition with Pluto. You also have a New Moon this week, so there is a new beginning with all that you own, earn or owe. Let’s look at your lease, mortgage or property investment first. You need to become an expert on all this now, so you can be constantly and thoroughly updated about everything – from your legal situation with landlords, to the realities of your pension or superannuation. You can never learn too much, or know too much, in this cycle. This is a very good time to build a plan that works and stick to it. Gemini, if you become an expert on all the issues now in front of you, or if you get as much outside advice as you can, you will be on track again for 2022. This may be mortgage interest rate increases, car repair costs, a legacy…you name it.

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This South Node in Scorpio cycle affects the world of children. This means your own son or daughter, as well as any godchildren, grandchildren, nieces or nephews in your life. A looser connection to children (through your job, for example, or through friends’ kids – or your hobbies and interests) may also be on the agenda. You may be concerned with issues like pregnancy, infertility, adoption, postnatal depression, miscarriage and abortion at this time too. Life as it was 18 or 19 years ago, returns, in a disguised form in 2022 and 2023. You are owed, karmically, or perhaps you owe, on some level. This part of the year is about settlement or closure.

Where do you stand? What’s the truth of your situation? The nodes bring Groundhog Day. You’ve seen it all, and heard it all, before. That happens so you can change on the inside. The person you become to deal with the repetition, is the best person you could possibly become.

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If you work full-time or part-time, this Pluto cycle in Capricorn will affect your job. You’ll need a proper daily routine which keeps you healthy. Of course, doctors will tell you that this is essential anyway, but for the next two years or so, it’s really vital. Pluto asks you to use your willpower to find empowerment. To use self-control to have control.

The realities of your particular role in life, paid, unpaid or academic – will demand more than you imagined, thanks to similar questions about the power you have. Or don’t have. So, Leo, you must treat your mind, spirit and body with the respect you would give to a vintage Rolls Royce. It transports you in and out of work, unpaid work or academic challenges. But it has its own requirements too. You are coming up to that time of year when these questions are more important.

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This Neptune in Pisces cycle will affect your marriage, partnership, dating chances, and the state of play with any rivals or enemies. The duet or the duel ushers you into a different space, quite apart from the real world, where you are in a bubble. You might liken it to surfing inside a tube. The reality others experience is very far away, Virgo. You will have to live in the real world from 2026, as the unavoidable facts about yourself, the other person or the other side – and your situation – will need to be dealt with, in the most practical way.

Yet, you can do better now by refusing to act like so many other Virgo people, burying your head in the sand. What Neptune wants you to do now, is escape from reality through the kind of relationship, marriage, or the kind of single life – even the kind of status quo with your opponents – which is practical, too. So, you can float in your balloon but follow real-world demands. A fantastic solution or opportunity involving this duet or duel, or another, appears in October. There is more to say about the other person or other side.

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The realities of having other people (or organisations) so involved in your own financial or property situation is, sooner or later, you’re going to have to accept that there’s no such thing as a certainty. Uranus in Taurus is like an ongoing electrical storm until 2026 and although you will make or save a lot of money next year, Libra, at the moment you need to keep things flexible.

Loosey-goosey is a good idea. Deals, contracts, non-binding obligations, legal but unpredictable requirements and casual (to the point of being quite unknown) agreements all add up to the same thing – a big rollercoaster ride in 2022-2026. The New Moon this week could see a new project, role or goal for you. That may mean adjusting the calculations.

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This New Moon in Cancer cycle brings new beginnings involving travel, people from other countries and cultures, education, publishing and the web. In a nutshell it’s about the decisions you make, which you hope will expand your horizons. So, it covers writing books and website blogs, as well as study, and journeys in the mind on Zoom.

The most common outcome of this cycle is a fresh start with someone who has a totally different national or cultural background to you. Update yourself on what’s going to work best in 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 if this does involve thinking ahead. The pandemic rolls on. It will continue to roll, too. Scorpio, if there is any risk of to-and-fro involved, you’re going to need a plan. The time has come do lots of web research about this person, group or place. Prepare thoroughly and don’t just trust to luck. The place or people you have in mind, and the experiences ahead, will also demand some kind of plan or coping strategy.

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Are you about to take a new job, as this Uranus cycle revives? A new project, course or unpaid role? Then check the fine print on the contract and arm yourself with as many facts as you can, not only about your employers, but also about the state of your business/industry. You must now inform yourself, educate yourself and update yourself as much as you can, about the work that you do, or the position you’re about to take. If you don’t, you could be dancing in an electrical storm for some time. Uranus is a symbol of all that is sudden, unpredictable and not in the plan. He remains in your Sixth House of work, unpaid work and academia until 2026, occasionally revived – as now.

The same advice about dancing in a storm, applies to any new project, special work plan or new role you take up while this cycle operates. Knowledge is your greatest defence at this time.

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Karma comes with the South Node in Scorpio in your solar Eleventh House of friends and groups, this week. You have a friend who is about to trigger certain basic return or receipt slips, on a soul level. You have known this person for years – or you may find the friendship took off while this cycle was running. Nevertheless, this person is about to push more buttons from your life 18 or 19 years ago, than you knew you had. And you can’t really do anything to change it. For one reason or another, you’re stuck with a situation which means you must now live with the realities of being this person’s karmic connection. He or she may very well be involved with a group, and these faces bring karma too. You are owed. Or you owe. Take a deep breath and take stock. The cycle ends next year but for now you may be spinning your wheels, because the stuck situation is the only thing that will change your personality. Just a little. Maybe a lot. And that’s the purpose of this transit.

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Saturn is in Aquarius. A traditional test. But for now, explore the realities of your situation from all angles, and then work as hard as you can, to come up with a sensible response. Aquarius, your Saturn lessons require effort. Do some homework and find out how to deal with your personal appearance, issues about how you are seen online, and the rest – as best you can. It won’t be easy, and it will take you months – but you will be okay. Treat the creation of solutions for yourself, as seriously as the creation of a business.

This cycle with Pluto in July, will also give you a rare chance to get to know yourself better, and learn about what really makes you tick. You can expect a long confrontation with yourself – just you and the mirror, or you and a diary – or even you and a therapist, or priest. You can expect to spend more time by yourself now, either by choice or by circumstance. Willpower empowers you and self-control gives you control.

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It’s possible you may be working hard behind the scenes on religious projects or self-help plans which are highly confidential. If so, they could well turn out to be permanent structures in your life. Saturn in Aquarius brings inner tests. Of course, they are your big motivator now, but can you view your work on your own soul or spirit objectively, and still agree that it is worthwhile? This is a key question, as your plans will absorb a lot of energy. It may be hypnosis; it may be the Tarot. A priest, nun, vicar or monk.

You are also changing your internet life at the same time, it seems. You’ve always looked a certain way online or been seen a certain way. And now, everything is altering. You’re either going to progress, online, or find yourself being forced to completely transform things. It might be your role, your personal situation, your professional set-up, or even your appearance on Twitter. Uranus in Taurus is challenging you to experiment now, without guarantees. However, you will be guaranteed one thing – a far more interesting and exciting set of possibilities for your digital self and world.

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