Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
June 24-30, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for June 24-30, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Paul Fenton Smith e1719121159106 300x258 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 24th to 30thPremium Members and Sun Sign School subscribers are invited to a free day with psychic and author Paul Fenton-Smith. We’ll be at Bondi Pavilion, Bondi Beach on Sunday, July 28th , 2024, from 11 am to 4 pm.

Paul’s workshop on soulmates, cord cutting, and partnership is complimentary for members and subscribers. I will be recording a special edition of The Astrology Show at the Bondi Pavilion studio on the day and the first 20 people through the door will receive a signed copy of one of Paul’s bestselling books.

Details here.


Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, this is a time of justified optimism within the family, or where your household, hometown, apartment or country is concerned as from June 2025 until June 2026 the biggest and best is possible. The current set-up with your relatives, flatmates, landlord, builders, real estate agents, tenants, council or government will be in place by August but until then, expect very good reasons to think bigger. The Sun is now in Cancer which rules your sense of home and belonging, and it will illuminate every issue which matters most.

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Taurus, the simple business of being heard and read, has become more interesting recently thanks to a potent Full Moon. Now, the Cancer weather begins to roll in your sector of web and media. Purely in your mind, you have been working towards a new arrangement online, with multimedia, publishing or basic communication. Nothing has been completed and you may still be dealing with visions rather than outcomes. Yet from June 2025, the biggest and best is possible. The microphone, computer or telephone will deliver on a grand scale from that point, well into 2026.

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Gemini, this Cancer-Capricorn action in your chart, across the finance and property zones, will trigger a chain of decisions until December 7th, 2024, when every last number is counted. You will be caught up in a paper trail with your finances, property or business for a while.

But the most fantastic chances to gain or save from the second half of 2025 are already affecting the outcome. You may be dealing with the bank, an employer, a government department or a family member, but there will be a new set-up next year and also in 2026 when you profit or stash the cash. Dream bigger now and do your sums.

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Cancer, your personal appearance, reputation, profile and public face is more important at the moment, because so many horoscope factors are in Cancer, your own sign. What will be a fleeting decision by July is actually so much more, as it pre-empts 2025 and 2026 when you will relaunch with a new title and look. This may be because of a promotion; weight loss; marriage – but whatever the reason, the reshaping is on a grand scale, which is always the case with Jupiter in Cancer, your own sign. What happens now is the first course.

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Leo, late June into late July finds you hibernating, covering up secrets or playing an important role behind the scenes. This is nothing new, as you tend to spend July alone, anyway, operating in the background or hiding confidential matters. Religion, Tarot, meditation, therapy, counselling, mediumship, spiritual healing, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, hypnosis, dream interpretation or lone sabbaticals are linked to this solar transit.

What is different about this year is the need for a complete change in your approach. This will be on your mind all month, but it may not be until the second half of July that you feel you’ve planned 2025 and 2026 properly.

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Virgo, late June and July help you to sort out plans involving the group or to get a friendship back on a more hopeful track for 2025. By 2026, thanks to efforts you make this week, you will have a far better social life; upgraded social circle; real people power result. This may be a team, club, association or less formal circle of people.

By July 2024, a new arrangement between you all which has been in process in your head for weeks, will be complete. This is the sort of cycle which fuels future sporting achievement with a team if the work starts now. It’s the sort of cycle that gives a band a hit album if it begins this week.

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Libra, your career, course or unpaid work in July is all about affecting the process of change in 2025/2026 when you could win an award; see a huge hit; gain a prestigious new job; be accepted into a top university. The ongoing restructure or change now could benefit you next year, if you pour in time and effort.

If you have anything in Capricorn in your natal chart then 2024 as a whole is still a big stretch but December 7th brings an end to the politics. In general, though, you should be looking at 2025 and 2026 for huge gains and starting the wheel turning now.

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Scorpio, you have been working towards a completely new way of operating with your travel, internet, university, publishing or educational agenda. Nothing has come together as it should as you have been stuck with Ceres Retrograde all year. In fact, it will not be until December7th, 2024, that you sign off from the long focus on the internet in particular.

After that, you are on your way. Everyone needs to work out their place in the grand scheme of things and you personally need to find out how those constant questions about empowerment, self-control, self-mastery and ‘push back’ power work for you online.

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Sagittarius, financial, property or business changes – which can only happen every quarter century – are slowly transforming your life. You are now ready to sign off from a chapter in this continuing story which began in 2008. Allow for rewrites in July and August, though, as to reach an entirely new situation in terms of your house, bank, apartment, investment, income or possessions. You also have to put up with revisiting, rethinking, rewinding. Pluto is retrograde in your finance zone. Ceres is retrograde in your finance zone. Yet from December 7th, 2024, you sign off from the endless deal-making and compromise.

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Capricorn, your former, current or potential partner? Your great enemy or rival? Capricorn you must be wondering if one situation will ever sort itself out, after that Full Moon on June 22nd, 2024, but the time for serious talking is now into late July.

The fading Capricorn-Cancer weather is out of the way from the 7th of December and, even then, you may want to allow for a bit of backtracking to really begin discussions. You two have to come to a new agreement with each other and questions about growth, expansion and hope for the future are very important.

It’s a new world in 2025 and 2026. People date, mate, relate or even separate at historic levels on the cycle you are going to reach next year. It’s set up now. And it can mean work partners as well as sexual partners.

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Aquarius, you cannot separate your work and housework from your health this week. One is tied to the other and, in July, you will take important steps towards a new lifestyle following the slings and arrows of that recent Full Moon.

The old way of working, living and looking after yourself is history in 2025 and 2026, when you will enjoy the biggest and best lifestyle changes in 12 years, yet allow changes to fall into place in the smallest, slowest way now. Your daily routine may not settle down to your total advantage until the second half of 2025, so make allowances for some progress now, but whopping advances next year.

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Pisces, it’s Cancer weather or Cancer season if you prefer. The focus is now on your children, godchildren or young relatives. Perhaps on a younger audience or market or on partners who could bring babies or offspring into your world one day.

Nothing can be settled at any really big level until you find out exactly what is possible next year, and it may not be until the first half of 2026 that one story is finally sorted out to your total advantage, with maximum gain for you and your son, daughter, stepchildren, godchildren and so on. It’s the same with any professional, charity or business involvement with the young. It is set up in a small way this week, for the long-term future.

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