Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
June 19-25 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for June 19-25 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, with Mercury, the Sun and Juno all in your zone of short journeys and travellers, this week finds you welcoming a visitor or setting out yourself. In fact, the Sun at 28 Gemini is in a conjunction with Juno at 28 Gemini on Tuesday the 20th of June, so near that date, there is a commitment.

If you are a woman, then this man is heartfelt, sincere, straight-up and has a mission. This mission may involve you in quite an emotional way and he has a lot to give. You must meet him halfway though and there is a threshold or boundary to cross.

If you are a man, then this may be you who is on your way to see someone important to you spiritually, psychologically and emotionally. You two need to negotiate here as you want to get the most from your trip. It is possible this is another man (if you are a male) in which case it takes two to make the effort worth it and he cannot do this by himself. Sometimes the trip on such a Gemini cycle as this is online, purely digital, but it is more commonly across the map.

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Taurus, on Monday, June 19th, 2023, the Sun at 27 Gemini is square Neptune at 27 Pisces in your zone of friends and groups. This is an escape from the real world, and it may be Mumsnet or a band. The only issue with Neptune is the borderline mess or muddle about where the lines are drawn. The Sun is in your sector of abundance, harvest and potential gain, though, so it would be a waste to let this slip out of all your fingers.

There is every suggestion here, with Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, about social cohesion for a solid outcome. There is more to this than just alliance, in other words, it is about what you could all do together to enjoy the good things of life right now but also to sort things out for the future. “There’s more where that came from if you try” is the message. Make the most of the bonding, though, as even though it’s a big muddle and messy, good things can come from this transit.

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If you are a male Gemini, then this week you must stand firm and show others where the boundaries are. If you are a female Gemini, then an important man in your life needs a lot of time, energy and thought. He may be your boss or husband, father or another heavyweight. Of course, you can be a male Gemini and deal with others like this, but it is more likely to be you who has to show others what’s what.

Mars in Leo is in your sector of communication so speaking softly and carrying a big stick may be the approach. No matter if you are intimidating other people or being intimidated yourself, though, the answer is in speaking the same language as each other. This comes from Mars in Leo sextile your ruler Mercury in Gemini at 18 degrees on the 21st of June. The focus now is on getting what you want and need from a man who is quite forbidding. If you are that man, then you have to realise that everyone has to be sorted out on his or her own terms. Taking a blanket approach is not really going to work for you; each individual has his or her own package to offer you.

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Cancer, Vulcano is in your sector of ancestors, the family line, inheritance, legacies and the family tree, no matter how long ago some branches of it fell. This is an important week as Vulcano in Aquarius, in your sector of all that is passed on, is square Cupido from 27 Aquarius to 27 Scorpio on the 22nd of June. Cupido is a symbol of mothers and sons, but also husbands and wives, and even lovers. Something about what takes place for those in the family who are no longer with you, has real meaning for you here, where you are.

There is every chance you have Scorpio factors in the Eighth House of your natal chart, Cancer, which means that the South Node in Scorpio, now departing, is also about the departed in your life. Those who came before you who now to go the next level. This affects you strongly. Or perhaps your own actions and thoughts this week are enabling those in spirit to ascend.

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Leo, the rare Jupiter sextile to Saturn at 7 Taurus to 7 Pisces, shows success and achievement on Monday the 19th of June 2023. This may be a victory or an ambition, crowned. We don’t see Jupiter in Taurus in your house of peak goals more than once in 12 years.

Meanwhile, Saturn is joined to him in Pisces for the first time in around 29 years. There is something so solid about Saturn and in fact, in mythology, Saturn was Jupiter’s father. There is quite an unusual transit here in your Tenth House of ‘top people’ and ‘top job’ and so we can count on a promotion, a hit project, a new job and so on. Jupiter is an ancient symbol of oak trees grown from acorns and for the Romans who gave us our modern astrology, Jupiter was Optimus Maximus, best and greatest. This is quite a moment but remember to build on it for the future.

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Well Virgo, with transits in Scorpio and Taurus this week, you seem likely to travel, move or emigrate if your birth chart agrees. Sometimes you are the observer, though, and so there is a tourist, explorer or happy wanderer in your life. No matter if it is you who is taking a huge leap into the unknown, or somebody else, there must be common sense in the mix. There are risks here, Virgo. And suffice to say, there are other, less risky ways of getting to a destination, or even just seeing what is out there. We are still living in a pandemic, despite the best efforts of politicians and big business to pretend it’s not happening, and it is a wise Virgo who remembers that. Of course you may be receiving a clueless visitor or tourist. That can happen. The Scorpio-Taurus transits now haven’t happened for some years, so there is a sense that this is a milestone, not just a trip, relocation or leap across the web. Sometimes the terrain is crossed digitally so it’s an internet ‘leap’, but the same cautions are still there.

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Libra, finance, business, property and valuables are very much where the attention is in your chart this week. Transits in Taurus and Scorpio pin down the banking and accounting sectors of your horoscope. Jupiter shows you the opportunity and also the optimism. However, Saturn tied to Jupiter suggests this could take a long time for anything useful to be discovered – if in fact it is there at all. With Jupiter transits in Taurus, you tend to get lots of high hopes and good cheer, but you’re going to need more than that, Libra.

The question about the Scorpio-Taurus divide in the chart is always about those involved. Family or partners are typical, and they are not always the most skilled at finding the money. Perhaps you want to bring in professionals. There is always a divide with this transit; mixed feelings – dare we hope? Should we go further?

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Scorpio, you’re not going to get away without soul-searching with your other half, or the other side, this week. This may be your professional partner. It may be your wife. There are major questions here, as we don’t see Jupiter in your opposite sign of Taurus very often. He turns up in a sextile to Saturn and so there is a seriousness about the question you both face. Together or apart? Fully committed or partly committed?

With Pluto in your sector of houses, apartments and property coming back into your chart in 2024 you do have to make long-term decisions. I can also see these transits in Gemini in your finance zone snapping at your heels, so it seems you don’t have terribly long to figure things out, Scorpio. The pair of you are now in this fated, unusual cycle we know as Triple Taurus; the North Node, Uranus and Jupiter are all in this sign for the first time in your life. So if this feels like a crossroads it is.

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Sagittarius, the Sun is at 0 Cancer square Ceres at 0 Libra in your zone of groups, teams, circles and networks on the 21st of June. The time has come to figure out a compromise between yourself and them, or perhaps (if you are very much part of a community of people) to sort out an outsider. Libra rules the hive mind, peer group pressure and so on, in your chart. So this might be an orchestra or a football team.

In any case, the irony of this situation is that you are all on a similar page, if not the same page. You all think and talk along the same lines. Therefore, although things cannot be squared, on this square, there may be advantages from thinking out of the box and considering what would happen if bygones were allowed to be bygones. We are seeing an historic cycle up ahead with groups and friends, teams, clubs, the collective and the hive mind. It starts in July with the South Node in Libra and so this week is a first step. A good example is a political party with someone well on the outer. A theatre cast with an outlier.

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Capricorn, your ruler Saturn in the sign of Christianity, Pisces, makes a rare pattern this week. The church may touch your life in quite a personal way. Of course, there is more to Pisces than just the Anglican or Roman Catholic church. Pisces rules belief, faith, ideology, spirituality and doctrines of all kinds. It doesn’t have to be the good book it can be a self-help book.

With Saturn in your zone of information and communication, there is a big question here about getting through and being heard. Also ‘the word’ itself. The last word on spiritual matters, perhaps. You also have quite a few patterns in Sagittarius, one sign behind your own, and so you have to be honest with yourself about what you have faith in or who you have faith in. Or not, as the case may be! Bacchus in Sagittarius reminds you that you or others have a lust for life and that is not always compatible with heavy rule books. There is a heavy atmosphere with Saturn, always, and as he does rule you and is now in this ‘doctrine’ sign, you have a fair amount to think about.

Capricorn, it may be your nuptials, or it may be some kind of astrological or Tarot ‘bible’ dictating terms, but there is a choice here. You can either expect others to fall into line, without question, and accept where that takes you philosophically – or if you are yourself questioning, you probably have further to go. The Pope is sometimes wrong. The priests can rebel. Try telling anybody in the age of Henry VIII about the authority of God and you’d be there all night. So, no matter who or what comes from on high this week, you really have to be honest enough to look inward and articulate what you find there. If you are ruthlessly honest you will have to acknowledge faith as well as doubt.

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Aquarius, we have Ceres off to a flying start in Libra this week, the sign which rules travellers, export, expeditions, tourists, business trips and also for you, books, websites or academia. Things are moving. This may be you if you are a man. Perhaps you have something that has to be planted in a different region or even another culture and country.

If you are a woman, then there is a man who wants to take a brainwave or concept and find the right location for it. Perhaps you should be (and could be) directly involved, but with Ceres in Libra square the Sun this week, there is something he cannot square, and neither can you. This is going to take a strategy.

The Libra transits this week are ahead of the South Node in Libra from July, in your Ninth House of universities and colleges, publishing, foreigners and foreign countries. This is historic and it is important. So you have to project as to where this idea will fly, for you or another.

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Pisces, Ceres moves into Libra and your finance, property, charity and business zone on Wednesday the 21st of June. There are some enjoyable sums to do here, regarding the money-go-round. You also have quite a few patterns in Gemini, which rules your home, holiday home, or a particular aspect of the real-estate market around you. There are choices here although they are quite distant at the moment.

Ceres is you, if you are a woman, or perhaps a female in your world who is quite potent and powerful. You might say, you live in your power, or she does. If you are a man this is your wife, perhaps, your mother or a businesswoman. If you are a female Pisces, then you must figure out how best to invest, save, recycle and so on. If you are male Pisces, this woman must be at the heart of your conversations. It may be your ex-wife.

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