Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
June 17-23, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for June 17-23, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, well, we all know people who try to make the peace between people who have been at war. These conflicts can hang around for an unusually long time, in terms of karma. Try 18 or 19 years ago. The South Node now in Libra the sign of peace treaties after conflict tells you, it’s time.

The future looks powerful for group involvements of all kinds, your social life, social media and friendships. Yet, to arrive at this place of influence and control in February 2025 you must put in a great deal of time and effort in 2024.

Back to the South Node in Libra cycle. Aries, this may be a divorcing couple you know; perhaps you are breaking up or two friends who are no longer speaking to each other are pulling you in. You are in a unique position to take action and remove any further potential for problems. Closure with karma involving. Your own or others duels comes in January 2025 partly as a result of what you do this week. Perhaps this does involve a group. Or even, the group!

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Rebuilding and Building – Taurus, you are an earth sign. Grounded and practical by nature, you know how to build. You also know how to rebuild. Pluto is in Aquarius. To reach the top, or stay at the top, you have to change, or find a different mountain to climb, this week.

Life must be reshaped. This area of your chart, the Tenth House, is associated with the mountain goat, just as Taurus is associated with the bull. The mountain goat climbs to the top, and so we associate this extreme astrological weather with the upper classes, management, the top of politics and business.

With Pluto now there, the time has come to take a down-to-earth approach towards the next 12 months. You are living in a period of tremendous change, not seen in your adult lifetime. Not only do you have tremendous questions raised about all the solid structures in your life, it’s also time for a fresh start next January and February.

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Gemini, we are seeing an unusual year for you, in terms of your social circles, group involvements and friendships. Not only Chiron, a powerful horoscope symbol, but also Mars has just been in the sign of Aries, which rules the community of people around you, with so much potential. This may be a charitable trust, rock band, ensemble cast, trade union, political party, secret society, professional association or other group effort. It is possible this community of people is less formal or organised, but very close-knit, in terms of the trust, co-operation and collaboration. It may use Twitter or Substack but go beyond it.

You can double that message if you have Aquarius factors in your natal chart. Aquarius is the sign that rules people power in a circle.

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Cancer, this week sees Chiron and the North Node remaining in your zone of success, status and ambition in your solar chart, while in your natal chart, Ceres is there too. It goes on. Give yourself until December 7th, 2024, for the endless deal-making with yourself, other people and the universe to end, but you can and will be more powerful, if you use your willpower.

You just had Mars in the same chart sector of ambition, Cancer and are only coming back to normal now, as you needed a strategy with your employer, rival, husband (perhaps, if you are a full-time housewife and mother), employee, colleague, professor, fellow student or volunteer.

In Rome, the wolf and the woodpecker were sacred to Mars, the transit you just went through, which might give you some more clues about the recent impact of a man, who dominated your life so much this year. He was leader of the pack, or a tough bird. Mars gives his name to the Campus Martius, a field where Roman men practised warlike skills. You really needed a strategy, Cancer. Now you can take stock.

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Leo, this year you will learn so much from people who are teachers and travellers. Chiron the Centaur has well and truly arrived in your life education zone. So foster figures will appear, gurus, guides and mentors and any others who will instruct you and guide you. These people are naturally adventurous. This makes a huge difference to the role of foreigners and foreign countries in your life. Publishing. Academia. The internet.

This current explorer and adventurer (or this type) will be centre stage in your life all year. She or he is here to help, on whatever level you are ready for it. Chiron the Centaur had ‘a practised and steady hand’ which is the Greek translation of his original name.

2024 is very much about expanding your world view, if you are willing. There may be just one teacher, or a series of them, but it is time to open up to all that can be found in other cultures, as for the first time in 12 years you also have Jupiter in Gemini, which will help so much with this punk rock approach to different foreigners, countries, regions or nationalities.

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Virgo, well, it’s still all about money – for the long haul actually – as these Aries transits roll for years. This is about finance, houses, business, charity, apartments and valuables. It’s also about sex, so classically marriage and mortgage, or legacy and wills, but also the family, so trust funds and child custody.

Wherever life finds you this week it’s time to go back and do the accounting again. And that’s life budget which is different to numbers. You may have been born with a silver spoon in your mouth, or a plastic spoon (if you are like your fellow Virgo, Pete Townshend).

We also find Neptune and Saturn dominating your chart in 2024 along with patterns in the Seventh House of your cart, which Venus also rules. A second financial honeymoon, revived property romance in a marriage or even a reconciliation owing to money – between separated or divorced partners is not impossible. Some things are evergreen.

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Libra, you have to make a blindfold choice this week, to defend yourself against one side or another. More dramatically, you have the choice to see straight, get clear, get real and drop the need for any defence or attack at all. This is the way life is, with the North Node in Aries, your opposite sign and Chiron in Aries, too. You already had your D-Day in astrology with this person, issue or organisation some weeks ago. A crossroads choice had to be made. Yet, you also need to look at your tactics.

The key to your repeated crossroads with this individual, group or situation is your own capacity to see clearly. If you can do that, and it will involve split-second timing and a great deal of trust in your sixth sense, you can judge the time to be right, and put less energy into staving off him/her/them/it – and put far more muscle into radically changing yourself, and your perception. This is the very definition of the South Node in Libra and North Node in Aries. Once you deal with the other side, you can focus on yourself.

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Scorpio, Pluto urges you to get real, if you want a particular house, apartment, property investment, holiday home, or other accommodation issue to empower you. It may involve the family. If so, the children or godchildren. Neptune is also in Pisces in this zone so there are billowing clouds of ‘maybe’ and ‘perhaps’ and also ‘possibly’ leaving you all over the place with this generation.

Are you aware of the work of Hugh Everett III? He pioneered the idea of parallel universes, many worlds, or the multiverse. Science does back this up, if you have an open mind. Nothing is real until you measure it. Scorpio, measure what you think is there, in terms of property or wealth. Reach for it and make it yours. Ignore imaginary clouds surrounding children or younger people, if they are part of the situation.

There is very new, tempting and fascinating potential – especially with property or wealth, possessions or solid gold possibilities. You can thank Jupiter in Gemini for that.

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Sagittarius, luck is with you in the Seventh House as Jupiter moves through Gemini, your opposite sign. This tends to produce polar opposites. People are at opposite ends of the spectrum. There is precious little unity but there could be. Any Gemini multi-transit, which you have now, is always about that need to pull together, if you are all/both ever going to achieve anything, it must be as a balanced pair.

There may also be direct challenges. Duel situations. Weirdly, you gain from these now. One thing that works really well on this kind of transit is to understand that with Jupiter in your Seventh House even a battle can benefit you. Even a big difference or contest is fortunate.

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Capricorn, the Pisces patterns in the heavens this week are really about making what is unreal, perfectly real. This might be about the book world. About the media. About the worldwide web as a whole. Whenever you get a lot of activity in Pisces, a water sign ruled by Neptune, there tends to be an unreality to your life. You have to roll your sleeves up; remember you are a down-to-earth sign (actually ruled by the element of earth) and turn potential into actuality.

The Third House of your chart rules smart phones and what you do with them. Also microphones. If you have Gemini factors, you can double that message, because your natal Third House of communication is expanding exponentially. It’s lucky, now. Even if you don’t, or you don’t know, look at the web as an escape route.

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Aquarius, there is a lot to untangle with your finances, tax bill, business interests, charity, house, apartment, shares and so on – this week. The dual transit of Neptune and Saturn in Pisces sees to that. So, the rest of the company, your agent, your partner, family and so on – Things have been muddled here. Messy.

Pisces, a sign known for its rather confused and confusing attributes rules all that you own, earn or owe. You have a fair amount of weeding to do, Aquarius. Things have grown up around you and you are pretty secure, in a bubble – nicely protective and rather comfortable. Yet, the time has absolutely come to wake up and get real. In fact, if you don’t, it’s pretty unlikely you’ll harness what is there in any meaningful way.

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Pisces, you have a double transit now with Pluto in your Twelfth House in your solar chart and in your natal chart, Neptune and Saturn in your Twelfth House. Inward you go, one more time.

We associate Pisces with spiritual beliefs, religion, the faith in an afterlife, the spirit world, heaven, and all that is invisible. It really depends on what you believe. Are you a Roman Catholic, Hindu or Buddhist? Anglican or Spiritualist? It’s unusual to find a Pisces person who doesn’t have faith in some kind of other world – up there and out there. And sometimes the belief is in science. So you are a Humanist, perhaps.

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