Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
June 12-18, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for June 12-18, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Conscious Cafe 1 300x168 - Your Weekly Horoscope June 12th to 18thCome along to The Conscious Cafe online on Sunday the 18th of June 2023 to talk about the next six months with the South Node in Libra.

Libra rules marriage, divorce, remarriage, bigamy, common-law marriage, separation, adultery, widows and widowers and…the law. We’ll look at the case study of Camilla Parker-Bowles at this event and if she is in fact Queen Camilla and why the recent Coronation will be declared invalid when Charles III eventually passes on.

We’ll also go into your public chart, private chart and Tarot, looking at how this new node cycle affects you to Christmas. If you have Libra factors in your chart it’s an important time.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Well Aries, with Saturn and Neptune in your house of solitude you do need to be alone, Aries. They are one sign behind you in Pisces so it’s time to go behind the scenes. We also have a New Moon in Gemini the sign of short journeys so you may be heading off by yourself, even if it’s just hiking somewhere. There is nothing wrong with the people per se; they have as much potential as anyone else, in any other group of human beings you’ve ever known. The issue is your state of mind, the cycles you are going through (especially the lunar cycles) and the need to find a different perspective. This can only come from leaving the scene as nothing is going to change until you ‘let distance lend enchantment to the view’ as Patric Walker once wrote.

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Taurus, Saturn in your zone of groups, the hive mind and so on, suggests a moment of reality. You are either in this group and have decided it’s now or never with one particular person, or it may be you who is very much on the outside. Saturn moved into your Eleventh House of collectives and communities, circles and networks, in March 2023. Saturn can only do this every 29 years, so this is quite a milestone for you. It may be that you all decide someone has to be set aside, for whatever reason. The boot can also be on the other foot; you can find yourself clearly removed from proceedings. If so, it would be ahead of a completely fresh start for you.

This would make sense in the light of Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus, in your sector of title and reputation, if you no longer suit being ‘that person’ then you won’t be, and this collection of people may be the trigger.

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Gemini, we have a New Moon in Gemini on the 18th of June so it’s time for a new start. Repair, renew and totally rebuild a situation or just walk away and start all over again.

Your ruler Mercury is in opposition to Fortuna, the wheel of fate and fortune, this week. Fortuna can feel like a spinning wheel as everything and everybody goes from top to bottom, and then from there, they must decide to go back, onwards and upwards again or just to strike out for pastures new. It really is that extreme, Gemini. You are at a crossroads in your year and in your horoscope where you have to be honest with yourself about what permanence, security and stability actually mean to you. Perhaps what you had really wasn’t something you want to go back to. This may be work or home. Family or career. Maybe, some other structure in your life.

If so, then the time is right to take a leap into the Great Unknown but with strong visions and firm determination. Then again, you may be one of those Gemini people who just want to go back and try one more time.

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Cancer, you may have a dynasty, a family or just a legacy to leave younger generations but this week a project or idea needs to be seeded. The South Node in Scorpio is in opposition to Minerva, a symbol of female wisdom, on June 12th. If you are a female Cancerian this is you. If you are a man then this is a key woman in your life.

This South Node (one of the two lunar nodes) is personal to you, as you are ruled by the Moon. There is a suggestion here of life as it was 18-19 years ago affecting you. For example, a common theme or obvious piece of symbolism, regarding what can be passed down from one generation to the next – and the next.

This may be your mother, or it may be your wife now, or a female teacher (if you are a man). If you are a female, Cancerian then of course this is likely you, but we sometimes see (say) your own mother or a woman who is a CEO or other authority, like an academic, in charge of the future.

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Leo, whenever we see a lot of patterns in Gemini in your sector of groups, teams, societies, bands and the rest, there is always some kind of cluster or circle of people who could change everything. That’s not always for the best so the smartest move to make this week is to quickly remove any potential for conflict.

We have an opposition from Mercury in this zone of your chart, to Fortuna, so there may be some opposition in the air. You are either part of it, or you are very much on the outside but if you feel the need to get rid of anything that could cause issues, you are correct. This may be you pre-empting a situation or you, removing yourself firmly from a bunch of people you do not wish to be associated with. We see this a lot in politics; in fact, Leo Democrats Clinton and Obama are masters of the pre-emptive strike. They are practised at getting rid of situations before they even come to pass.

I also mention this because of Pluto in Aquarius, moving out of that sign, right opposite your own, Leo.

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Virgo, Chiron is in your finance zone now and on the 16th of June he is in a rare conjunction with Panacea, a symbol of cures, remedies and fixes. Money does not grow on trees, but it does grow, and you have that workmanlike approach which can be so productive. Chiron is always about getting away with it, so you might just score an extra goal, financially, one you realise you can stretch yourself that little bit further.

You are heading for an historic cycle in July, when the South Node goes into Libra, which rules your own income, and the North Node goes into Aries, which rules joint income. This may be about your shares, or other investments in your own time and talent, Virgo. Perhaps you have the most basic interest in gardening and eating your own food, so for you this really is ‘money grows on trees’ actually. The thing about the nodes is they move backwards. So, this is slow and steady wins the race.

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Libra, Minerva in Taurus is in your Eighth House of legacies, wills and inheritance this week, so wisdom says, there always has to be something passed on, passed across or passed down. The smart thing to do is accept it and know that every ending is followed by a new beginning. It’s not necessarily easy because Minerva is in opposition to the South Node in Scorpio at the same time that she is in a conjunction with the North Node.

It all feels quite karmic and may owe something to life as it was 18 or 19 years before. Going right around your chart we find simultaneous final chapters and new chapters being prepared. The final chapter comes from the fact that the South Node is almost gone from Scorpio and the North Node is almost gone from Taurus. That’s big as they will not be back for 18-19 years.

We are also seeing Pluto out of Aquarius and back into Capricorn from June 11th, so what we have here is the end of one phase and start of another up ahead.

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Scorpio, pooling resources and managing property, business or other assets is really the story when you have Mercury in Gemini opposite Fortuna in Sagittarius on the 12th of June. This stretches right across your sector of joint finance, and this may be a charity, a board of directors, a consortium and so on.

You also have Ops in Virgo now and Ceres in Virgo too in your groups zone, so there’s a bit of parcelling up of ownership going on. All those questions about yours/mine/hers/his/ours (above all, ours) are very important. Virgo rules the collective, the circle, the team, network or central group. This double presence of Ops and Ceres suggests people have to learn to share. Ops and Ceres are both women, so if you are male Scorpio, this is about a woman who is at the centre of the story.

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Sagittarius, this week is very much about your other half if you are a woman, be this a sexual partnership or a professional one. It can sometimes indicate an opponent or the enemy.

Mercury is in Gemini, so you have a fair bit to think about where this man is concerned. If you are a male Sagittarius then of course this may be your same sex partner if you are gay, too. So much depends on how you deal with the other side, the other face, the other end of the scales this week. And it’s very much to do with communication.

Female Sagittarius need to figure out how to get close to a husband, boyfriend, male boss, father or father figure and speak his language. Male Sagittarius may have to make themselves more approachable or find a way to connect with a senior male – father, boss and so on. The lasting message of Pluto going out of Aquarius this week is that being heard and read, effectively, is powerful. So how do you get there?

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Capricorn, whenever you get an opposition in Taurus, which rules courtship, the bedroom and also offspring – or other people’s offspring – you always get opposing feelings and emotions. Somebody rather famous once said ‘There were three of us in this marriage’ and maybe you know what she was talking about.

Minerva is a symbol of wisdom in Taurus, though, in your Fifth House of intimacy and strong emotions. Therefore, you can be clever about this. As Minerva passes through your chart, you will see that one of you has to pull out if the situation is to end – and it may as well be you.

Going right around your horoscope this week we find Saturn in your zone of brothers and sisters. Chiron in your zone of family and the household. Uranus and Jupiter in your zone of parenthood but also your private life and sex life. We’re also heading for the Sun in Cancer, which rules your partners, but also anyone against you regarding a partner. So, you see, it’s decision time.

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Aquarius, whenever you get patterns in Gemini, it’s not so much about notches on the bedpost, as the bedroom itself as a reminder of what was and what you think might be. Mercury is the planet of the mind, and in Gemini this week, square Saturn, which can be rather heavy, you have to watch your mental attitude regarding your memories, but also your anticipation of the future. It’s all literally in your mind. We have enough patterns in your Third House of ideas, thoughts, mindfulness and so on, to make it necessary to figure out what you are actually programming for yourself.

That is the house ruled by Aries and here we find Chiron. Going back to the rest of your chart we find this reversal of Pluto in your zone of solitude, sleep, the spirit, the soul and the psyche is really powerful. If you can use your willpower to control your thoughts you will be empowered, Aquarius.

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Pisces, the finance, business and property sector of your chart is headed up by Chiron and Panacea on June 16th so there is a question here about getting away with it – just about.

There is also a question about what you think is a cure or fix. Juggling is not going to work. Juggling incomings and outgoings is a natural response to what you are dealing with as the world economy is unstable. “Tell me about it” you say. But there are ways of handling all that is unpredictable, and this begins with a new budget.

If it’s tax time for you then that makes even more sense. Rather than adapting and adjusting on the fly all the time, you may want to use these dramatic new cycles in Aries and Libra, across your finance zones, to get professional advice or actually act on it, if you’ve been given it.

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