Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
July 8-14, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for July 8-14, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – Rejoining a group or rethinking the old group in a dramatic new way, is in your destiny for quite some time. The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th, 2024, is looming, and the 18th, 19th or 20th may already be in your diary.

It all becomes a great deal more obvious that this is a life-changer and game-changer from December 7th, 2024. Thus, the need for deep thought at this Full Moon lead-up now. The great truth about your life, in terms of your control, is that you’re all in it together. You are collectively going to have to set differences aside as there is a tremendous new need to pool resources.

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Taurus – You could easily find yourself in a different job by the end of this year or in January/February 2025. Ceres and Pluto in Aquarius roll from December 2024. You may also find partial or full retirement, agreed redundancy, or a massive reshuffle which puts you in a different space.

Perhaps this is a case of heavy lies the head that wears the crown (or the head with a crown removed). All the more reason to be a total realist now and use your famous Taurus earth-sign practicality about what has become a clear space for transformation since 2023.

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Gemini – You are slowly but surely finding your power in the world of publishing and the worldwide web, foreign connections and places, regional differences and commitments – and academia or informal education.

The re-entry in November 2024 (after a short break in September and October), will end up being more life-changing than you can see at the moment. The Full Moon on August 19th will show you the pros and cons of a choice on your mind right now.

From December 8th, 2024, you will see why 2025 will be about your hands on the controls, once you find the right approach.

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Cancer – You are ruled by the Moon so can already see this Full Moon on August 19th, 2024, in terms of your choices about money or property. It’s true that the next few months will find you able to completely reinvent your finances, lifestyle, security, house, apartment, business, investments, charity and so on.

The trick with this Pluto and Ceres cycle ahead is to understand that it requires new deals and bargains. Harking back to the past isn’t useful as life before 2023 is rapidly receding.

Mercury Retrograde will land in your zone of banking, business and Bitcoin shortly so time is of the essence.

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Leo – This is a big year for duets and double acts of all kinds. Marriages and professional partnerships. Platonic pairs. For the best outcome, given that your potential as one half of a pair skyrockets from December 8th, 2024. You may want to think about ‘the two of us’ even this early on. It also has to be said that balancing acts with this person become highly charged once Ceres does land just before Christmas. The Full Moon on August 19th will make all these issues about the two of you, perfectly clear.

As your Sun is in the Fifth House of courtship and the bedroom, this Leo Mercury Retrograde coming up, with all its backwards information, communication, transportation and negotiation will need a bit of thought.

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Virgo – This Pluto in Aquarius weather, coupled with Ceres in Aquarius (in December 2024) is building in slow stages even now. It’s about your health and also your work. It’s about housework and walking the dog. Daily life!

What matters most on the Full Moon of August 19th, 2024, is your day-to-day operations and you will realise that, even this early in the game. You can’t really do any of this without being fit for purpose, so this brings in questions about your health insurance, or your doctor – perhaps COVID.

Now, you are seeing the potential for will be real power and control in years. Take this week in your stride and Just Keep Walking. Ask a Leo just how powerful he or she became in career matters – 2008-2024. Same cycle.

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Libra – Finding the power again with your children, young relatives, godchildren (or with a younger generation of people as a whole) takes time. Pluto in Aquarius showed you who or what might have given you so much clout, but you have since found the stakes extremely high, Libra.

For some Libra people, the issue is a parenthood-potential relationship revolving around IVF, say. In other cases, we might be talking about people in their twenties, who are becoming more important to your entire life in the most powerful way. Lots to think about this week. Even more so if you have factors in Leo in your birth chart.

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Scorpio – When you think back to all that has happened in 2023 and 2024 to date, developments involving your relatives, house, hometown, homeland, apartment or household suggest you’ve been offered real power, then had it taken away.

This is the Pluto cycle has things are moving very slowly, but the August 19th Aquarius Full Moon should make the picture clearer. You have a serious decision to make in December 2024, January or February 2025. No matter if you are reshuffling the family, renovating your home, moving or dealing with the council. For now? Well, nobody exactly loves the lead-up to a Full Moon but do slow down and examine the advantages and disadvantages of your decisions and see what comes.

If you have Leo factors in your natal chart, this is very much about your children, any grandchildren, nieces, nephews or godchildren.

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Sagittarius – You have learned so much about holding the reins, then having to relinquish them while dealing with those who want to show they have the upper hand. This may have been digital or traditional communication. YouTube or TikTok versus pens on paper, perhaps, and face-to-face discussion. The media and the web are still very much a political space for you even though so much of it is supposed to be social.

The Full Moon on August 19th, 2024, lays all the advantages and disadvantages on the line for you, evident now. If words and images are not your priority but getting from A to B (travel or transport) certainly is, you can apply this overall message to road, sea or air connections. Something new is coming in.

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Capricorn – Having begun 2024 shooting dramatically forward in a couple of new financial, charity, business or property directions – you can now stop and ask yourself a few useful questions. The Full Moon on the 19th of August, makes it necessary, anyway.

There is obviously a price tag to hang on the actual costs or value of what is hovering on the horizon. This very much looks like a December, January, February decision for you. You have been in the extremely odd position of waking up to find yourself with the upper hand with the most powerful person/people. Then, for whatever reason, losing it.

You’ve also been power-tripped, shall we say. Pluto can be like that. It’s no issue at all, if you are happy enough to move on and learn from it.

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Aquarius – Your name, face, role, title, brand or reputation (perhaps your appearance too) now moves up on the priority list ahead of the Full Moon on August 19th, 2024. January was an interesting start to the year because you took a couple of new paths in that direction. Now, you’re at the start of a new path to quite a challenging Full Moon that demands you stop and search (your soul). In December, January and February too – you will have to be a total realist about how you are seen, and why image matters so much.

You were offered real power in 2023, though you may not have fully registered it at the time. In early 2024, you saw who or what was so potent and then saw your upper hand vanishing. The politics in all this has been quite complex – who knew that your appearance or profile could be such an issue? You may decide you want none of it.

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Pisces – You are in the kind of cycle in 2024 and onwards when you need to be by yourself, so you can pursue your religious beliefs or spirituality. Your trust in astrology or the Tarot, psychics and, perhaps, psychologists, counsellors or psychiatrists.

You took a couple of really interesting new turns in January and now we have a Full Moon on August 19th to encourage you to stop and review what you did. Reviewing and contemplating is a really smart move, as a major choice for your soul, psyche or spirit is here with August’s full moon.

Crucially, just before Christmas, you take a road that suggests life will be rather different for you – on the inside – and oh, so much more empowering.

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