Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
July 4-10 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for July 4-10 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

For everyone asking me about Prime Minister Boris Johnson, I am not adding to my original prediction about him and Rupert Murdoch, which was made all the way back on 9th May 2021.

As lots of you have pointed out, the May shock for Murdoch was seeing bad election losses in both Australia and Britain, for the two parties he backed. It’s not been made public but I believe May was when the Jerry Hall divorce was decided. Many people have also asked me if PM Boris Johnson will stay and call a snap election with Murdoch’s backing. Read the article!

Are you less interested in British politics and more interested in your children? The Leo Weather event has booked out, but we may have some cancellations. You’ll need to be a member of Astrology and Tarot Meetups in London, New York or Hobart to be first to know. Thank you.




Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

If you are wedged into a financial, charity, business or property position which makes you feel unfairly stuck or trapped, you could take drastic action to break free by October or November 2022. You could even want a long-term escape plan, Aries, and it would work out very well from May 2023 to May 2024. Count the cost, though, even this early in the story – and try to get second and third opinions on your chances. Your financial or business world is structured a certain way now. Nevertheless, if you genuinely feel the time has come for radical change, you may well decide that cleverly pre-planning a financial, business or property revolution is the only way to progress.

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Sometimes internet changes on a large scale will force you to move forward with your image, brand, reputation, title or appearance on this cycle, Taurus. Surf with the waves and stay ahead. If you don’t, you may end up stranded. New ideas, new inventions and advances in technology (including the latest from Zoom) are very likely to change the picture for you at this time. Even advances in cosmetic surgery could have a revolutionary impact, surf with the flow!

It’s really not vanity nor narcissism; it’s just the cycle you are in. You are only liberated when you surprise yourself by breaking the presentation and packaging habits of a lifetime or pursuing what is so new.

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This Saturn in Aquarius cycle will really test you, Gemini, with your education and self-education, your view of foreign places and people, and your web presence. Publishing may also play a key role.

Saturn can really stretch you, but it’s over in March. That’s the good news. I should also say, you acquire life skills and rock-solid assets by taking the equivalent of your B.A. in Foreigners, now. The Ninth House has always ruled who or what is foreign to you, and here we have Saturn, the symbol of long tests and trials, and obstacle courses not unlike the last line of car tyres you saw near the school oval.

Education is sometimes formal in this cycle (you enrol in courses, seminars or workshops) but it is commonly informal. Your knowledge will be tested through books, the internet, DVDs, radio and television as much as it confronts you through classes or lectures. Lots of people will be your teachers in disguise, too – especially if their angle on the world is different to your own. As I said, it’s a life exam. It ends in March. So, persist.

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You will happily leave your old ambitions behind now, until October, as you take can advantage of every gap, and every opening, to go to the next level. Bigger and better! This Jupiter cycle commonly affects your professional direction, and a change of job – or industry – is likely now or from January-May 2023, the next phase. Or you may stick with your old career but radically switch roles or projects.

Ambitions and goals do not have to relate to careers, of course. This cycle will dramatically alter your path no matter if you are retired, jobless, studying, or occupying a full-time role in the home. Then there are your goals outside work – the weekend and evening pursuits you count as your real calling in life. Jupiter and Chiron in Aries in your Tenth House of success and status call.
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If you feel stuck with your role and goals now, you only need to watch, wait and listen until your turn comes for quite radical progress. A bridge to cross in October, November suggests new freedom, Leo. And then greater success, May 2023 to May 2024. This may happen because a larger trend sweeps you along (for example, a change in government policy, or in your particular field or industry, which suddenly makes a step forward possible.) Alternatively, you may find it pays to observe your world at a grass-roots level, spotting the electrifying rumble in the jungle just as it’s about to hit, and snapping up the exhilarating new opportunities this gives you. At this time, other people in your world will have their own agenda for change too – their progress will often make it possible for you to move, effortlessly and easily, towards your own visions and ambitions. Zoom technology is just one example. Or just new ways of using Zoom.

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This Cancer cycle will alter the state of play in your social life, with your friends, and in the groups you belong to. A new start is coming with (or for) friends or others in the group. This in turn reshapes your position; in fact, it can make it almost impossible to hang on to the way things used to be – as well as the way you view your place in the group, or with a particular friend. A new path opens up on the New Moon, Virgo. It takes most of July to sort itself out.

If an entire group of people is involved, like a band or an army unit, or a political party – or if there is some general trend pushing you to question friends now, you can be sure that trying to maintain your old situation will be untenable. July may not be what you had planned or expected, but it will at least provide the momentum you need, together with the opportunity, to aim higher.

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What you do with your accounting, in these next four or five years, will help you break free of situations which are keeping you stuck. Perhaps the only way you can get the radical change you seek, is by rejecting life before 2018 and dreaming about life until 2026. What could be so dramatically different? It’s been popping up for months. The most advanced stuff in your life – the truly progressive cryptocurrency or NFT experiments and crowdfunded U-turns – is likely to happen in a rush, Libra. Or if you are more traditional than that, this may be about your will, or somebody else’s will.

Financial, business, charity or property bolts from the blue, may happen to you through circumstances beyond your control. In all cases, you will be left to your own devices. Free!

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Uranus works instantly, like lightning, or electricity. While it passes through your Seventh House of duets and duels, your most rapid flashes of insight and understanding will happen when you are facing off with the other side, or other person, or facing them, in bed. The Seventh House is usually a sexual relationship or feud, although it can be purely work, (two former Prime Ministers in bed together, professionally) or it may be some other sort of spat (a Prince and the media). Change for both sides or both of you? Expect it when you least expect it. The experience is likely to be a true ‘Aha!’ moment, or even a ‘Eureka!’ explosion.

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Be careful who you or what get lost in now, in terms of your family, household, home, town or country – as you may lose your real self in the process, and the longer you cling to the wave (or the current) the harder it will be to climb back onto dry land afterwards. Neptune can baffle and confuse us so much, that it is always useful to stop, periodically, to see where you are, and what is actually going on.

Airbnb, hotels, mortgages, sofa-surfing and property could cause tremendous confusion and chaos in this cycle, unless you take off your blinkers and try to see the reality of your situation. Sagittarius, at your most dazed and confused about property, or the family, you can create total disorder in your life. You know this. You’ve done it before. As always with Neptune, it helps to periodically ask sensible outsiders for their angle on what is actually going on.

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Confusion over boundaries can arise with cousins or siblings now. So, the first priority is your siblings – your drifting, floating brothers and sisters. The second boundary confusion now is your way with words – your communication with the world. The third is your travel commitments – the short journeys you take, either in your own car, or more adventurously, on horseback. A little or a lot of this will swirl around in your horoscope this week.

Neptune in Pisces in your Third House of siblings, cousins, short journeys and the internet is muddling. You need to be extremely clear about your relationship with a brother or sister now. Perhaps your sibling has no clear idea about who s/he actually is; there’s an identity or boundary problem there!

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This cycle could easily give you a radical new view of a close relative (mum or dad, perhaps?) but it can also give you revolutionary angles about distant relatives and the more important people in the family tree. Flatmates, tenants, house guests and other ‘home’ connections can also trigger change now. Someone on the home front will have a startling effect on you now, in the most unexpected way. Only you can tell if this is another moment or an actual crossroads, though. Your life will have a rather unpredictable quality now. During this cycle, you may find that someone on the home front is the catalyst for a revolution, to quote Ian Dury. This goes on until 2026. It benefits you hugely from May 2023. Plan now.

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This Cancer cycle focus you on the world of children, and sex that leads to children. Teenagers and young adults are in the cycle too. You will begin a new relationship with a younger generation at this time (or a new phase of your old sexual relationship which may lead to pregnancy). Work it out on a daily basis. What do you have today? The world of children (your own, or other people’s) will be in focus ahead of a huge decision on the New Moon. Learn to be a parent who puts July choices first, or your child’s, or perhaps youth as a whole. If your life is borderline choice avoidance, it’s time to put some new options in. Try to be utterly realistic about adoption, pregnancy, IVF, abortion, miscarriage and all other aspects of childbirth – and the world of children. There is a new path opening up.

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