Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
July 3-9 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for July 3-9 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Asteroid Astrology 2020 mp3 image 300x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope July 3rd to July 9thA Zoom two-part series on the female and male asteroids in your chart might interest you if you have your natal horoscope. Come along to The Astrological Lodge of London with me from 8 pm to 9 pm local London time on Monday, July 3rd, 2023, for Part One on female asteroids and then on Monday, July 10th, 2023, from 8 pm to 9 pm in London for Part Two- the male asteroids.

Sign-ups here:

Monday, July 3rd, 2023 – Part 1

Monday, July 10th, 2023 – Part 2

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, the Full Moon in Capricorn falls across your Fourth House of home and clan. The Sun in Cancer is there already, Juno too – and there is a New Moon in Cancer on the 17th of July 2023. You also have Mercury in Cancer in the same chart zone. Your relationship with your parents, your close relatives (anyone from sisters to uncles) and your own immediate family (your partner and children) needs attention now. Accept the things you cannot change on the Full Moon and then make things work later. The advice and insights of experts or those who have been there, done that, with their own families or properties, could be enormously helpful.

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Taurus, Saturn is in your sector of friends and groups. The walls are up and impenetrable. At the same time, there is no point in tightly constructing a rigid response, or making such an impossibly safe, disciplined and stuck little world for yourself, that you lose the connection to life altogether. Don’t block your own flow. Do keep this thing in perspective now. Saturn is really about a strategy if you cannot get in, Taurus, or cannot get out.

Saturn will test your patience. Neptune is there too, of course, but Saturn demands serious measures for serious times. Get real and get organised. Socially, you now need a way of life which will help you and serve you.

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Professional, academic or philanthropic realities – that is what Saturn will single out now. It is moving in new patterns in your zone of professional name, scholarly reputation, CV and success rating, showing you what’s what. The same trends apply to you if you are retired, unemployed or have full-time home duties – but this cycle will be about the roles and goals you have on your own merits. Other people’s feedback will give you a useful yardstick for measuring yourself, and your life, at this time. Saturn is about ‘more reality with your reality?’ so consequently you will now find that your status and success is under scrutiny.

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Cancer, People who travel or move on this kind of Saturn and Neptune transit usually experience mixed feelings. Closer to home, other cultures and nationalities stretch you. The Sun and the Moon are in a tug of war now too – it is a Full Moon in your opposite sign. You will be stretched too, so if you do anything that relates to the Ninth House – not only travel and relocation, but also education, publishing, and the relationships you have with people from other cultures – be aware. You will need a lot more time and space, Cancer. If you have absolutely no choice about any of this stuff and do find yourself in a quandary (or even a showstopping moment) then remember the Full Moon rules.

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Leo, the Full Moon is in the Sixth House of work alert. Your relationship with your boss, colleague or client will now show you a lot about the games that people play, as Pluto Retrograde is now operating at full force. If you don’t have a part-time or full-time job, but you have other important roles and goals, those will also be affected by this cycle. Once again, you can expect some kind of heavily political dynamic, where you must remember 2022 again. Watch and learn. It’s an instructive time. If a career issue is looming large, though, it will also be quite a useful week as huge success could be yours by May 2024.

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Virgo, a Full Moon pulls us in two different directions, as you probably know from observing your other Full Moon cycles to date. This one is in your sector of courtship, the bedroom, children, young relatives and youth as a whole. Consequently, this is a needlessly demanding time to launch anything major here as a parent – or with your other youth-led ambitions, roles and goals. This week will bring a challenging situation which tests your strength of character, and your ability to keep your typically Virgo heroic ability to do your duty.

Whatever the astrological weather now, this entire period is all about moving on, and moving forward at Christmas and New Year.

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Libra, if you are part of a group, club, team or fixed circle of friends, then you will pair off with someone else in the network for the next few months, backwards. Complicated Game, as XTC once observed. This also applies to a friendship within a group. The usual chemistry between you will change many times by October, so that you become much more aware of the ‘game’ that is being played. If, for any reason, a group involvement or a friendship makes you feel as if you don’t know enough about a particular woman, ask yourself why – and learn. Venus, your ruler, is now in the Eleventh House, retrograde. This is a long game.

If you make a new friend this week – or join a new group of some kind – the people involved will accurately reflect the vanity of Venus and the great need for passion in life, as well as other truths about your friendships and group involvements you’ve not seen before.

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Scorpio, the way forward should now be clear with your social life, after Mars changes signs on 10th July. In fact, all you have to do is follow the signs and clues that the universe is now providing. Straight path ahead with signatures or firm plans from 29th July, well into August. Any new friendships or group involvements which arrive during this new cycle (which may turn up in this week’s diary) will always pull the past with them, in some way. The previous chapter in your social life, your group involvements or your friendships will dictate what is to come along next. Group energy is dominant, shortly, so if you lose yourself in what the group is doing now, or get swept along with post July 10th parties, dinners, conferences, reunions or other social and group get-togethers, do pause. Plan this.

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Sagittarius, the harder you work at developing a proper set of strategies, rituals and routines, the happier you will feel. The more you educate yourself about people management, or the realities of your business/industry, or workplace psychology, the better off you will be. I know of no other cycle like Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus in your solar Sixth House, which depends so much on your willingness to make an effort with the opportunities. And that means a carefully constructed schedule, weekly list, and plan. Fake Virgo, in fact. This also applies to full-time students and people in unpaid work.

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Capricorn, the Sun, Juno and Mercury in Cancer are with you, along with a Full Moon against the Sun. This cycle will affect your marriage, partnership, dating chances, and the state of play with any rivals or enemies. You will have to live in his or her world at this time, as the unavoidable facts about this man or woman are best viewed from their shoes. Capricorn, your situation will need to be dealt with, in the most practical way. Once the Full Moon has passed, you can build the kind of relationship, the kind of single life – even the kind of status quo with your opponents – which does the most to take care of your current issues.

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Aquarius – Full Moon time. Stand back and take an objective look at what you are putting together for yourself now. Is it providing you with a sense of false security, on the inside, or real security? If all goes well now, you will end up with something which is built to last in terms of your religion, rejection of God, therapy, hypnosis and so on. The inner world. That something may be quite secret. It may be a fixed approach to God, or classic British paganism. Whatever you are putting so much work into could very well stand the test of time, so it’s crucial that you know what you’re doing here before you decide to make this forever.

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Pisces, the realities of having other people (or organisations) so heavily involved in your own social situation is, sooner or later, you’re going to have to accept that there’s no such thing as Pluto actually being over. He’s now moving backwards with friends and groups in your life. Those social contracts, binding obligations to chums, collective legal requirements and casual agreements on Twitter all add up to the same thing – a big reality check. You remember what worked before with friends and groups. You hope these old approaches, will take care of your concerns. But do your homework. The Full Moon falls right in your sector of social media as well as clubs, societies and so on. Time and space required.

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