Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
July 31 - August 6, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for July 31 – August 6, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

We have a Full Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday, August 1st, 2023, which is a clue to life-changing choices with friends and groups (for you, or others) from Monday, January 22nd, 2024, when Pluto enters Aquarius.

In fact, a new beginning with a New Moon in Aquarius on Friday, February 9th, 2024, owes a lot to what (or whom) puts things on a crossroads, with your friends and groups, this week.

Watch Twitter in particular (the ultimate power group) and, of course, its impact on rival social media. Don’t be surprised if Musk eventually sells Twitter into crowdfunding. This is most likely after May 2024. Twitter has its own horoscope and its own personality and existence, independent of Musk or Dorsey. It’s been made by the people, for the people, and it may well go back to them/us. That Gemini-Aquarius cycle next year has to show up.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, you are rejuvenating before relaunching, Aries. More than other signs, you tend to get into situations of extreme competition or extreme conflict. You can’t take all that on forever, so this is time to withdraw. Maybe sleep, heal, meditate, have hypnosis or just make more time for your soul. The spiritual or religious side of life. The other really important thing now is a parent-child relationship. It’s past, or future. Perhaps only you see it this particular way. We have transits in Pisces, which rules your soul – and Aries which rules your eventual relaunch. We also have transits in Leo, which rules the parent-child bond in your life. Sometimes the real work is done when you sleep. Could be some breakthrough dreams this week.

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Taurus, your opposite sign of Scorpio is triggered this week, so you and your other half, or the other side, have a decision to make about the direction you take. Together or apart? Yes, or no? Together part of the way or all of it? We have a Full Moon in Aquarius, opposite the Sun in Leo, which is about where to live, and how to live, for many of you. Time is snapping at your heels. Or it may be where to work and how to work. This is about the two of you. You are different but the same. I think this Full Moon, which you’ll see above the rooftops, will trigger a choice. You can be a lateral thinker rather than feel pushed into a binary choice, just because there are two of you. Most of all you both need to communicate, heart to heart, or soul to soul. There is a lot of distraction or diversion here and it’s not really helping a connection or a really solid choice.

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This week is about your good karma with friends and groups from 18 and 19 years ago, Gemini. There is always a question about who the star is and who stars in the circle. This time around it feels quite natural. We also have a Full Moon in Aquarius, the sign which rules communities, clubs, bands and teams so perhaps things are now at a crossroads for you. This is more likely if you have factors in Aquarius in your natal Eleventh House of circles and social circuits. Whatever your chart looks like, there is a really important question here about how to make a community of people function at its best. This is particularly true when everyone shines so brightly and yet, there is also a need for one person to take the lead. The politics of this does not have to be complicated, you just have to understand the end point is the brilliance of outcomes for all concerned.

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Cancer, we now have three factors in Scorpio, which rules the bedroom, courtship, babies, children, teenagers and young people. There is quite a lot to process, though it should not keep you up at night. You are basically living with the past, and yet what you remember, and also what you anticipate, is only in your head. It is either a memory or a figment of your imagination. You have been through a lot. You’ve had Pluto in your zone of partnerships, separation, marriage and divorce since 2008. You’ve had the South Node go through Scorpio the 19th of January 2022 and it only stopped on the 18th of July, this year. So, there’s history there. The phrase ‘I’ve made my bed and so I’ll lie in it’ rings true at the moment, given your chart. The fact is, you are an emotional water sign, and it takes a huge amount for you to process and absorb things. There is a trick to help you, though.

As I’ve mentioned this week, you may feel you have made your bed and you must lie in it. We are in a big cycle for emotional processing and given that you’ve had these major transits in your sexual relationship, marriage, affair, separation and divorce zone since 2008 – you’ve got quite a Shakespearean drama or an episode of Coronation Street beneath you. I mentioned a trick to help you this week and it’s really about understanding you are the director of your own memories. If memories are like very, very short films – remember you do first, second, third takes and so on. You yell cut.

Everything about your chart is showing it’s all in your mind this week. What you anticipate in the future is not real and may never even happen. What you ‘remember’ is just a particular way you recorded something from your past. It may be quite wrong, Cancer. Or even distorted. Finally, what you feel now may also be nothing more than imagination. If you have anything in Pisces in your natal chart, you can double that message. Sort out the short films and direction. Did you know the Tarot can help you re-take the past?

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Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius falls in your Seventh House. The Full Moon is in Aquarius. Vulcano is also in Aquarius. This is your opposite sign and can show your opposite number, in love, but also any opposition coming the other way. Vulcano is often about three people in a situation. The Full Moon is always a full stop. You have to decide to continue or start a new chapter. It is pretty common to have questions about the heart when you have a Full Moon in Aquarius, and the advice here would be to consider the part you are playing. You too are part of the story; this is not a particularly viable situation. It takes three to tango sometimes and you are not really gaining anything from this. It is not unusual to see two parents and a son or daughter perform the tango. We also tend to see adultery, or the risk of adultery, on this transit. None of this works for anybody. There are ways around it, which we can talk about next.

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Virgo, with both Saturn and Neptune in your Seventh House of opposites, opposition, partnerships, and the scales of justice, there is a lot to balance this week. In fact, Saturn being here ever since March 2023 suggests the situation has become rather heavy. You two have a lot to sort out, or rather, something bigger than both of you will sort it. This is an important week for symmetry and harmony. We don’t often see these kinds of patterns in your opposite sign of Pisces; in fact it takes Saturn about 29 years to end up here. Whenever you see Saturn there is something/someone pretty stern, serious and forbidding. And so it is with you two. Yet, Saturn is also solid. That’s needed.

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Libra, you have a lot of activity in your finance, property, inheritance, business, charity and valuables zone this week. We could even include the dogs in that. This may be about a younger generation, or an older generation, but the beans have to be counted. The money go round is there, but there is a distance or space between you, which needs to be addressed. There are lots of other reasons for this. Pluto in your extended family zone, suggests there are questions here about who or what is top dog, or leader of the pack. And that would be relevant not only financially but for other, psychological reasons too. In fact if we pull your chart back and take a look at it, we can find Taurus and Scorpio patterns (this is the finance, valuables or property) alongside Capricorn patterns (the extended family) and also Aquarius patterns (a far younger generation). It’s all of a piece and can’t be separated. Nor can you separate the financials from the emotional components.

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Scorpio, if you are a woman then this week is about Venus, a strong female planet, in Leo, going backwards. And Leo rules your position, mission, status and ambition. So if you are the female of the species, this week reminds you that being all woman, or an earth mother is really your natural state.

If you are man, this is your wife, girlfriend, friend, boss or similar. We have a strong message this week that women are different. The difference comes from patterns in Taurus, an earth sign, right opposite you – being triggered. Understanding female psychology, if you are a man, is a big and important part of the week ahead. The transit of Venus Retrograde is pretty unusual and she’s writ large in your horoscope this week. We may as well call her Venus Evergreen because she can renew herself, over and over. Or take different forms. Given she now rules over your goals in life, it’s a week to remember the perennial nature of relationships.

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Sagittarius, the Cancer cycles this week see Juno in that sign, talking to you about commitment. There needs to be a moment of truth when you stop juggling and start setting things down, as well as settling them down. Juno in Cancer is in your sector of joint finances, business, trade, export, banking, property, budgets and so on. You actually have Pluto in Capricorn, too, also in your zone of budgets and money. This triggers questions about how much control you have, when you are in national or global situations, economically, which are often out of control. This idea of trying to control the uncontrollable comes back down to flexibility. Rather than having some kind of stuck system or immovable set-up where you are always making it up as you go along, it may be time for a new, rubber-band budget.

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Capricorn, we have Juno in your opposite sign of Cancer, which is about engagement for many, and marriage for others. Sometimes it works the other way. You can commit to decouple yourselves. There can be a commitment which involves having a baby, adopting a child or taking on a stepchild. One can also commit to a future home. Juno is an interesting one as she was the wife of Jupiter and reminds us that commitment can mean half a house, half an apartment, half a lifestyle – but it can also mean definite risks. Where you are both at with this depends very much on the other person and his or her zodiac sign. This is one of those weeks when there are so many partnership and relationship signals in the world horoscope, that we might expect a higher number of ‘split or commit’ moments than usual. Or even ‘split further or commit more’ in your case.

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Aquarius, the lunar nodes in Aries and Libra suggest a world of internet, books, publishing, education and academia, as well as media, surrounds you this week. Ups and downs, highs and lows, are normal when the nodes move backwards like this. I think the South Node in Libra affects you most. Round and round it goes, so every time you feel you are at the bottom this week, you are already rising to the top. And just when you are on top, the swings and roundabouts come again. Turning in circles like this makes you a philosopher or a comedian. ‘This too shall pass’ is wise advice for the highs and the lows but given this Full Moon in your sign as well, you may find everything comes full circle with other fixed signs, like Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio. We have one of those peculiar weeks when just when you can assume the direction is North, it goes South. And then South goes to North. Out of all this, though, you learn so much. You could learn a huge amount, actually.

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Pisces, Saturn in Pisces is opposite Mercury this week so there is a moment of truth regarding boundaries. This far and no further. This may be a woman in your life who sets the limits. Or it may be you, if you are a Pisces woman, drawing the line. This idea of drawing the line is important if you are a man, as you are being told quite firmly to remember the rules. Her rules! If you are a woman, then you are now in a 29-year cycle with Saturn in your sign, when you have to look like the gatekeeper, even if you are not. The idea of you being inaccessible, or accessible, is really important at the moment. Saturn is the ringed planet and so there are now invisible rings around you, if you are a woman, or around your wife, girlfriend, friend, boss and so on – if you are a man. There are all sorts of reasons for boundaries to be installed, or put back in, and we can’t actually see that. Even if it’s just a feeling or instinct, it’s valid, and occasionally even a fluid Pisces has to nod approvingly at a system where people and situations are kept in check. Makes a nice change, anyway.

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