Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
July 18-24 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for July 18-24 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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The difference in your financial position, your property situation and your attitude to what you own, earn and owe will be quite astonishing, once this cycle is over. Uranus is asking you to forget about now, or then – and head straight for the future. Freedom is priceless. Independence is precious. The revolution is ongoing. This strongly applies to your income, savings, debts, banking arrangements, lease, mortgage, insurance, possessions, investments, budget, accounting and anything else which rules your financial situation.

This cycle also rules values. What you will and won’t sell out for, and what you consider to be above mere money. Your principles and ethics will be in focus during this Uranus in Taurus cycle, and once again, you will either have your own agenda for change and progress, or find that you are forced to keep moving, because the rest of the world seems bent on forcing you to change course.

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Here comes the Leo weather, in your Fourth House of family, relatives, ancestors, the house, apartment, land, homeland and hometown. Household, too.

First of all, if you have a brother or sister, this cycle will reposition you, in your relationship with them. You may seek this change out because the old situation no longer works for you. Alternatively, the change may be forced on you, by circumstances beyond your control. It’s actually not possible to hang onto the old set-up with your brother or sister at this time, Taurus. This cycle may also bring a dramatic new beginning, with or for your extended family; parents; in-laws; immediate clan or tribe.

Changes in the property market, in the building industry, in mortgages, in tenancy laws, and even in the most basic home-related areas will affect your domestic life now. Watch the moon as she fades to the crescent we call New Moon – that is your cue for a new beginning.

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This karmic cycle affects two areas of your life. The first covers your job, your daily routine, or the domestic work you do at home. The second area covers your health, fitness, and wellbeing. In both areas now, you will find the past catches up with you. You are owed, or you owe, from 18 or 19 years ago, Gemini. Total closure does not come until July 2023 but until then, you spin your wheels in a repetitive scenario which challenges you to change on the inside. Thus, you balance your karma in life.

To stay in the same job, working in the same conditions – or to remain stuck with the same domestic duties – is karmic in nature, when the South Node is in Scorpio in the Sixth House.

A new angle on the old role, even a new profession, can help. But there are many possibilities. Your health and wellbeing will also move you backwards in time – at this time. Here, too, you are likely to find yourself caught up in the need to be repaid, or repay on some level, from 18 or 19 years ago.

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Taking back control is still so important to you, as you navigate your way through the love and sex jungle. Sometimes, the option for taking the reins will appear in the shape of a new man or woman in your life. This person will be an agent for change in some way – your chance to take the great leap forward. Typically, you will want the power in your love life, now, without being confined where you were last year, or even back in 2008 when this cycle began. The changes you make will also force others around you to accept the consequences of trying to take over or dominate, though, so be prepared for that, if you have indeed been stuck with the plutocratic type in your relationship or marriage. Not everyone likes being forced to move position, particularly if they are attached to a predictable life of being top dog, but so be it! There is more to say about Pluto in the solar Seventh House, Cancer.

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This Neptune and Jupiter cycle affects your financial position, your property, your business interests and your possessions. Other people or organisations will be closely involved, however, as the cash, home, agreement or resources in question will either be shared, split, borrowed or lent in some way. This cycle is about what you own, owe or earn, in relation to the interests of second or third parties. From your partner to your parents, to tax officials and bankers, this cycle involves what you have to share, collect or redistribute with individuals or big organisations.

Neptune describes fuzzy or weak boundaries. A situation both confused and confusing. At least until October, Leo, when Jupiter moves in, and solutions appear, until Christmas. So, you do have options. Right now, though, you need to firmly contain and control what is going on.

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This Uranus in Taurus cycle will change your education and self-education, your view of foreign places and people, and your beliefs. Publishing may also play a key role. Education is sometimes formal in this cycle (you enrol in courses, seminars or workshops) but it is commonly informal. Your knowledge base will change radically through books, the internet, DVDs, radio and television as much as it alters through classes or lectures. To continue quoting my best advice on this cycle to you, Virgo – the difference between your perspective before this cycle begins – and after it has finished – will be extraordinary. Uranus in your solar Ninth House is about a revolution in the way you see foreigners and foreign countries or cultures; you will be a prime candidate for a sudden and unexpected jolt this week.

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You will leave your old work ethic behind now, as you take advantage of every gap, and every opening, to go to the next level from October-December 2022. This preparation cycle commonly affects your professional direction, and a change of job, lifestyle, role or goals – or industry – is likely soon. Or you may stick with your old career but switch roles or projects. This also applies to unpaid work, Libra, or volunteering. Housework or full-time caring at home. This Pisces cycle will alter your path no matter if you are retired, jobless, studying, or occupying a full-time role in the home. Then there are your goals outside work – the weekend and evening pursuits you count as your real calling in life. And one can’t ignore health and wellbeing. You are in for solutions and opportunities from October, when Jupiter changes signs.

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If you feel stuck with your role and goals now, you only need to watch, wait and listen until your opportunity or solution comes for progress. This may happen because a larger trend sweeps you along (for example, a change in government Covid policy, or a shift in your particular field or industry, which suddenly makes a step forward possible.) Jupiter in Aries, and Chiron in Aries, in your solar Sixth House will deliver jaw-dropping possibilities until October.

These then resume in January to May 2023, Scorpio. At this time, other people in your world will have their own agenda for change too – their progress will often make it possible for you to move, effortlessly and easily, towards your own visions and ambitions.

This is usually about your paid work, but it can also be unpaid work and academia as well, Scorpio. Your chosen field of achievement will be changing constantly at this time. These changes will create an atmosphere of permanent uncertainty and instability – but also a great deal of potential. You can go further, faster, now.

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This cycle will alter the state of play in your parenting life, with your godchildren or young relatives and in the sexual relationships you have. It will have two distinct effects. Why? Chiron and Jupiter in Aries are two distinct symbols in the chart. Firstly, you may be shaken up, and woken up, by sons, daughters or others in that generation who have their own ideas about what genuine change might mean. This in turn reshapes your position; in fact, it can make it almost impossible to hang on to the way things used to be – as well as the way you view your place as a parent. Sometimes the issue is teenagers as a demographic or young adults as a market. That can happen too – or – you teach children.

Interestingly, these kinds of opportunities, solutions and challenges are only a problem if you try to resist the obvious next move – which is a dramatic step sideways for you, or even a giant leap into the future. As I said, it’s the same with sexual relationships, too.

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Pluto continues his transit of your First House, making important patterns on his way out. The cycle as a whole ends in March 2023; a dramatic month.

The First House rules your appearance, image, reputation and public profile. Pluto is about how powerful you are, or how disempowered you have become. You can have this cycle when you acquire a police record for bad behaviour, or you can have it when you are dragged into questions about which label you should wear, because your wardrobe is tied to your employer’s business. You see? It’s about taking back control of how you are seen or viewed.

It brings issues about your outer packaging or ‘advertising’ – how you present yourself to the world, as well as the way you are seen. Cosmetic surgery, cosmetics, hair colour, photographs, promotion, advertising, business cards, clothes, accessories, branding and status symbols are just a few of the avenues which Pluto will work through now. By now you realise that if you are dragged along, allowed to be pulled this way and that, even barked at – you get nowhere. You have to be firm. And you have to be firm with yourself.

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Money, possessions and property could cause tremendous confusion and chaos in this cycle, unless you take off your blinkers and try to see the reality of your situation. The risk with Neptune in the Second House is really the same as swimming in a riptide. Letting yourself float or getting in over your head.

The nice thing about Neptune is the escapism. You have been in a financial, property, charity or business bubble for an awfully long time, Aquarius. And yes, you will make or save even more money from October to December, when Jupiter arrives. As always with Neptune, it helps to periodically ask sensible outsiders for their angle on what is actually going on.

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Uranus tells you the revolution is ongoing now. Pisces, the first is with your siblings – your brothers and sisters. The second is your way with words – your communication with the world. The third is your travel commitments – the short journeys you take, either in your own car, or more adventurously, on boats or scooters. Covid has had an impact on just about everything, but your chart suggests that this week it’s about Zoom; siblings and/or local travel and commuting. And it’s time to change, Pisces.

You need to be extremely clear about your revolution with a brother or sister now. Then look at what it’s achieving in your lives. Pisces, if the path you’re both on is leading you into chaos and disruption then you have to ask what the point of independence and freedom is, if it’s anarchic.

The world of words, ideas and communication will also bring freedom now. This can be an incredibly liberating time, Pisces. A radical approach to commuting and travel, or a yearning for a specific getaway breakthrough, is very common during Uranus Third House cycles, too.

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