Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
July 17-13, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for July 17-13, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
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JESSICA ADAMS 300x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope July 17th to 23rdThe Astrology Show Podcast now features birthdays of the week, as well as your public, private and psychic Tarot prediction.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, this Pisces weather is about you reviving, recuperating, rebooting. It’s about retiring from the noise and action and being by yourself. This week may find you meditating, sleeping more, or chasing hypnosis. Prayer, religion and spirituality, Buddhism are all part of this cycle. In the picture is a Leo story, about a memory of a child or an expectation for children. This is part of the frame, and it can’t be separated from your own internal process. You have been through a lot, Aries. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Even you need to take time out and that’s what will happen this week.

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Taurus, what the group or groups do, in the light of this week’s events, is the question. You have Pisces weather in your sector of clubs, teams, social circles, networks and societies. What happens when everything and everybody is thrown to the four winds is up to them but also up to you. This may be a political party or a big Twitter group, for example. You also have a fair bit of Leo and Aquarius weather in your chart, so this may principally be about the house, the apartment, the household, the family. It may be about work, unpaid work or academia. We have a Grand Cross this week. A crossroads. It’s historic. It will involve other people, and this pulls you in. They hit big crosscurrents in their charts and lives, and you have to figure out what you’re going to do, Solidarity and unity or separate ways?

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Gemini, the New Moon on Monday, July 17th will register by Tuesday, July 18th, 2023, with your money.

If you are a woman then this is your money and you need to decide if you are going to spend, save, invest, donate or give. You have reached a point in your life where you have a solid position. So you can choose. At the same time, we cannot ignore sex, even though you may be. It shows up in your chart on the 18th of July as for the first time in about 19 years, the South Node goes into the bedroom zone.

If you are a man, this is a woman with money you must deal with, negotiate with and understand. She has her value system, and you need to know it. If you are a woman, it is also possible that there is a female you must speak to regarding what she intends to do with her money. As before, try to fathom her values.

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Cancer, there is the chance of a complete break with where you are now, showing in your chart. Pisces cycles. You may holiday, take a work trip, relocate or emigrate. This goes on for quite a few months, Cancer, so the door is open to a completely different environment. Until then you have a New Moon in your sign. New you is approaching. How can you shed your old skin, though, until you have dealt with broken or failed relationships? With emotional and personal disappointments? This is the story of many years, as you have had Pluto in your house of partnership and the South Node in your house of pregnancy, children and young adults. You can’t stop a New Moon though. And when the time is right you will show us who you are again. At the moment, you are a work in progress. I think this idea about travelling or moving is very close to the heart of it for you.

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Well, Leo, we have Pisces weather now well and truly rolling in the area of your chart which rules sex, death and money, as they say. The sex part is not in question this week, but actually this is also about love. You may start a relationship, become engaged, move in together or get back together. Perhaps you just need to call it quits and negotiate the separation or divorce. It’s not just this Pisces cycle, it’s also the Pluto in Aquarius cycle which is really going to take off in January 2024. It’s here in a small way now. This is also the sort of week when you face problems in a relationship. The issue is the bedroom, but the bigger picture is communication or lack of it. For some of you this will be back from the brink. Just when you thought it was all over with your partner, it revives and resurrects. If you want it.

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Virgo, the big news this week is the nodes moving into your money zone. If you are hard up, then there is finance available. However it takes the right strategy. It also takes the right mindset. If you are well off, then you can bet other people will need your money or at least a helping hand. This is all part of the South Node in Libra, North Node in Aries cycle. The karma is pretty old here. You owe or are owed.

It goes back to December 27th, 2004, until June 22nd, 2006. That was the last time you had this cycle. You may have given or donated then and are about to be helped. Or maybe it was the reverse in which case you have to hope you can go for closure, somehow. There is also a bit of Pisces weather around so if you are in a couple and the financial issue is for the pair of you, look at the way you two interact. Look at the way you support each other’s stories and ideas – about yourselves. That may need a bit more thought as it is absolutely contributing to what is going on.

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Libra, we have a Grand Cross this week involving Pluto in Capricorn, so this is a crossroads for your family, or perhaps a family which strongly affects you. Pluto always brings endings and beginnings up ahead. So you can’t really negotiate with the ending. It’s also true that in the distant future something quite brilliant, brand new and hopeful is showing itself. Yet, we have to respect the Grand Cross in Libra, Capricorn, Cancer and Aries and understand that these things take time, to quote Morrissey. There is quite a journey to take, especially for the children or young adults involved. Nothing can really happen until people are ready and in a week like this, that involves a lot of necessary time and space.

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Scorpio, we have a New Moon in Cancer so you will be travelling, relocating or even emigrating. Perhaps, welcoming a foreigner, explorer or migrant. That can happen too. I tend to think that with your ruler Pluto in your short journey zone, and the New Moon in your long journey zone, this is about you. Don’t get caught out by a risky situation. This may be COVID or another issue. Check and check again on a week like this. For all that you have a New Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Cancer, in your zone of adventures and new horizons, you also have a Grand Cross there. Listen to people or organisations who tell you to be careful. They are quite right and there are alternative ways to get what you want, which is the thrill of new places. Have a look at a more sensible approach than just throwing caution to the winds with your knapsack on your back.

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Sagittarius, there is a lot of money to sort out here with two or three generations. You have a New Moon in your zone of inheritance, legacies and wills – but also the here and now. How to make the money go round work, with children, say, or within a marriage or separation. How to sort out older people. There is also a focus on an apartment or house here, because of the Pisces weather in your chart. Pisces also rules the family tree with all its branches. What we have here is a bubble. A world of its own. And that’s understandable with Neptune in Pisces, but even within this bubble there have to be things said and done; connections made or even, perhaps, made properly for the very first time. The New Moon is a new beginning, and this chart tells you it has to be about a lot more than money and property. It’s about the people.

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Capricorn, this Pisces weather is about knowledge exchange. You will be showing by example, teaching or lecturing this week. You will also be channeling or receiving, translating or transmitting. It’s a bit like being a human radio or television station. Pisces rules the media in your chart, but also the worldwide web. The world of publishing, academia and education. It’s quite an important week as it shows your ability to access your intuition. You have Neptune in Pisces at the moment so are picking a lot up, just by opening up to what is in the ether. You also have a more direct, semi telepathic or telepathic connection to people. You also have Aesculapia in Pisces. So this is about reviving and resurrecting. Just when you thought something was almost over it comes back. Maybe there is something about that other people had written off but it’s coming back.

Your ruling planet Saturn in Pisces, in the Third House of your solar chart, is about the need to be practical about what is in front of you. Communication is everything. Yet you need tools. It may be the money. It may be the emotion or the relationships. Mastering the message and the medium is really about understanding that you are an earth sign. Grounded. So you take what comes and ground it in the real world. Translating what you receive this week is down to your own earth sign ability to come up with something that you and others can use. It’s not about pontificating. It is about dealing with something quite powerful – the knowledge – and applying it, so that others can apply it as well.

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Aquarius, we have this Pisces weather around at the moment, in your zone of business, and money management, investment, productivity and so on. There is a big question here about what is practical. Because the situation this week is totally impractical. In fact it’s not even real. Life is about escaping from reality or taking a holiday from the everyday now. And that includes how assets should be handled. Gains or even the beginning of something small that could become so much bigger. Yet, whenever you get Neptune in your chart, you also get Neptunians. People who are totally ungrounded. Or – you find a situation which is all about fooling around with life and not actually coming to terms with it. How do you sort this out? Well, it’s going to take some thought.

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Pisces, the New Moon in Cancer this week suggests new flow between you and a lover, or you and a child or young adult. This is a new beginning even if you two have been with each other for years. We also have a focus on groups and friends, Pisces. This is pretty common for you as you are still in this very long Pluto cycle in Capricorn, which rules the wider group. There is a terrific turning point this week in the true spirit of genuine allies. So there is a lot of space here for everyone and everybody. And yet there is a recognition that together you and your friend, or yourself and the group, could not make things happen without each other. We also have a Pisces climate this week and of course your Sun is in Pisces in the Twelfth House of your chart which rules religion, spirituality, faith and so on. A higher power or greater force may well be in hand.

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