Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
July 10-16, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for July 10-16, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, image matters this week. Reputation matters. Your attitude and body language say it all. It doesn’t matter if you are fronting up to somebody intimidating or having to stem the tide.

If you are a woman, then you are likely to be setting extremely firm boundaries. That’s why your appearance matters.

If you are a man, you will be confronting a woman who takes no nonsense. Again, it’s your front, up against her front, so to speak. Should finance or property be the story, so is the family tree and the children or even the unborn children in a woman’s long history. This is more likely if you have natal chart factors in Scorpio.

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Taurus, this is a big week for a partnership, marriage or for the law. It may bring in a conflict. This is almost the last time you will see the South Node in Scorpio, your opposite sign, for another 19 years. If there is a legal decision pending it will be bigger than both of you and scrupulously fair. Even if barristers, lawyers or judges are not involved, there is a higher power here representing the scales that must be balanced.

This is about the Seventh House of your chart, ruled by Libra in Natural Astrology and thus the scales of justice. Both sides have to accept what is there. If you have anything in Scorpio in your natal chart in the Eighth House, then this week may be a milestone decision about an engagement, marriage, feud, common-law marriage, work partnership, divorce or separation.

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Gemini, we have a lot of factors in Aries this week in your zone of groups and comrades. Allies and friends. This may be about the band or the fan club. It can be about something bigger, like Twitter. There is a really good lesson here about individuals being treated like independent people and being cherished on that basis. Anyone, including you, who makes the mistake of taking people for granted because they are all just part of a group, may come a cropper. It already looks as if someone in the group is going to leave.

Now, Gemini, it may be that you consider yourself to be in the society, the association, the trade union, the team and so on. Therefore it’s you who really feels things slipping. Someone needs to be a go-between this week. Either you or another has to bridge the gaps between the one and the many. A classic case is the people who always have your back, but whom you take for granted. Another classic case is your own vital role in being part of a strong circle, backing a leader, or frontman/frontwoman – and yet your feelings of being overlooked are strong.

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Cancer, this is almost the last time you will see the South Node in your zone of children and teenagers. These may be your own sons or daughters, perhaps godchildren or young relatives. Sometimes this chart sector is about a younger generation as a whole. The end is nigh. The end of an era or end of a cycle. This may bring a definite final chapter for this younger generation, and you have to understand the feelings involved. There is really no way around it; something or someone is going, going, gone and it has to be accepted.

On the plus side, Cancer, we have new Scorpio cycles in the months ahead which suggest a new day dawning. Once time has passed a brilliant new beginning can be made for these children or teenagers, but it will be made only once they have taken a journey. Psyche in Scorpio suggests someone, or something will be immortalised here. It will live forever, despite what’s happening.

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Leo, the extended family and the money is the main story this week. Beyond the question of how the money or property is to be handled, and how much, and to whom – there is another important question. It is about the connection, or lack of it, between those concerned.

You currently have transits in Scorpio, which rules your clan. Parents, grandparents, children, in-laws, partners and so on. Even the family dogs. This cycle is also taking place at the same time as Neptune and Saturn in your finance and property zone. That’s quite rare and so is this Scorpio pattern, which you will not see for another 19 years. So things are coming around and choices have to be made.

At a certain point, this has to go beyond mere money or a particular apartment or house and into the need for proper communication and deeper connection. You have Psyche in Scorpio. If someone is to be immortalised then it has to translate across all levels, not just in terms of what is physically left behind.

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Virgo, you now have to sort out the communication on the internet, Virgo, but also in the real world. Easy for me to say and hard to actually do. You are either in a group where someone is very much on the outside of you all, and on the other side too – or you are the outsider. It really depends on what you’ve been writing or saying on this long Scorpio cycle. In your chart, Scorpio rules ideas, opinions, theories, points of view. They are really important this week, because it is from this that things are built, or not.

Strangely, the outsider in this situation but also the majority group, are really similar in terms of what’s been said, or written down. There’s not that much difference! Perhaps it comes down to the hive mind. To friendship. To the way people are in a network. That’s down to the Sun in Cancer, in your Eleventh House of community solidarity. Can this all be fixed? It should be and could be. Together you are all far more effective than you are separated like this.

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Libra, the reality of this Aries cycle is that long-gone partnerships, be they work or love, have to be mourned. This may be a couple of old boyfriends or your wife. What’s happening in your chart is historic. You are about to see the North Node of karma go into your opposite sign, for the first time in 19 years.

This is the set-up week. Opposite signs spell people who are opposite to you or have opposed you. So this may be your former husband, or even an enemy from a totally different place in your life. I dare say something has been toxic.

The good news is the most fantastic potential is there for a reboot and restart. You also have genuinely solid gold people around you, if you can get over the mourning or loss and begin to remember what you actually have. Most of all, given that the South Node is about go to into Libra, your own sign, this whole week is about prep for a relaunch. The introversion or the preparation is necessary because at some point the real you will be reborn and a very different future waits.

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Scorpio, well, every time you get the South Node in Scorpio, you get the North Node in the opposite sign of Taurus. So you have polar opposites to choose between this week if you are a woman. West or East? Or something different? If you are a woman, then you need to get real and get clear. What or who is actually there these days? How much is in your imagination or your memory?

If you are a man, this binary choice is for a woman in your life. As the nodes are in their last phase in your sign, Scorpio, and your opposite sign, pulling you or someone else in the opposite direction, it’s time to choose. If you are a man, then this woman in your life has some big choices to make. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the issue. She can’t keep this up forever.

Rather than feeling on the attack or defence, which you tend to do with the North Node right opposite your sign, take time out. Maybe someone can help you feel less exposed or vulnerable which would allow you to remove whatever has been blinding you to what is honestly there. Or not.

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Sagittarius, with all these cycles in Scorpio, which rules your inner self, your subconscious mind, your dreams and your projections – it’s time to question your reality. It doesn’t matter if you are summoning up visions of property or money, success or anything else. It’s distracting you from yourself. You are the only person who can make it happen, so you have to choose it and then set about creating it. It’s exactly the same with who or what you find horrid, or toxic, or even frightening. None of it is real. All of it is being projected by you, as if you were an old-fashioned slide projector. So check in with yourself, as the South Node finally goes out of your zone of the inner self. How much of what you want, or how much of what you are threatened by, is there in the first place? Not a lot, I’ll be bound.

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Capricorn, it’s all about the group this week and how you play it with your allies or friends, your acquaintances or amigos. You have a lot of action in the sign of Scorpio, which rules the team, the company, the band, the club and so on. Whenever there is a big change at the top, you tend to find the politics changes as well. So now everybody has to figure out where to go next, who to side with, who to stick with – or not.

There is the end of a cycle to contemplate here. The South Node in Scorpio is exiting your chart. It won’t be back for some 19 years. So this could actually be the end of the group of people you know, unless there is some solidarity and some planning.

You do have Fortuna in this same chart zone, so people go high and low this week. Someone is right at the top and it’s quite sudden. The peak. The top of the Wheel of Fortune. This sends everybody else on the wheel in all directions. Of course it may be you who is now at the top and you are affecting the group. You are still going to have to think about that solidarity though, that unity and who you want around you and why.

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Aquarius, you are in a good position to take a short journey this week. So many factors in Aries suggest getting right away from who and what you know. Panacea in Aries suggests it’s a cure or remedy. A fix for the situation.

You also have Salacia in Aries, so you are looking for a way out of reality. A holiday from the real world, actually. When you come back things will look completely different. You appear to have found certain people have lost their shine. Those whom you might have called precious before, or solid gold, are now a bit tarnished. Beyond the reasons for taking a day or two out, or even more, you should also remember that the journey itself can be its own reward. There is a huge amount to be said for exploring new pastures. Maybe most of all you just need a really good break.

We are seeing a turning point in the heavens as after a very long time with the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, you are now free of a stuck situation. So, if it is the family, or the work team, that is the issue – you can walk away.

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Pisces, the thing about this Aries cycle is that you can see what is valuable. You can see what could be so productive. From this, bigger things could come, and turn into money saved or money made. The issue is that not everybody else can see it. This is most likely to be a teenager or young adult.

We currently have the Sun going through this zone of your chart, where the next generation is. So it’s not your productivity and it’s not your cash potential. It belongs to somebody else. To say that they don’t really have a handle on the real world is an understatement. So how do you make somebody else see? Perhaps this is where your famous intuition comes into play. For some Pisces people, this is specifically about a student or academic. Maybe a traveller or foreigner.

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