Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
January 8-14, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for January 8-14, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – Karma is an easy word to use and a complex concept to understand with your former, current or potential partner. The South Node in Libra in your Seventh House of duets, double-acts, couples and pairs will pull in two major stories in 2023-2024.

Partners are sometimes not the issue, but an enemy, opponent or opposite number is. So that may be Sunak to your Braverman; Johnson to your Farage. It can feel quite political, Aries, because it is quite political. Again, there is karma here which is greater than yourself. You are owed from 18-19 years ago or you owe.

This may explain where you are at in the second week of January. It’s all about the other person. The South Node goes backwards, pulling you back in time this week. So with he, she or another person who echoes the same story years ago, you must balance the scales.

The zodiac sign of Libra the scales rules the law, for some Aries people. In other cases it’s a legal matter, like a marriage or a common law marriage. It can be a business partnership under contract.

What you are discovering from January 8th to 14th is that you can’t move forward unless you accept you are being pulled backwards. That’s the curious thing about the South Node, now aspecting Uranus and Vulcano, as well as its opposite North Node. This is the South Node in Libra cycle you had from December 27th, 2004, through June 22nd, 2006, which is repeating from July 18th, 2023, until January 11th, 2025.

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Taurus – This is one of those cycles when you have to repay if you still have work debts from 18 or 19 years prior. This may not even be a work repayment. It may be something quite different that still has a price tag. It’s the same if you gave. If you did something or nothing or were generous. You now collect.

This is a really unusual time. The rule with this cycle is that you are taken back in time with your job, your university degree or your unpaid role. What happened to others because of you, happens to you, broadly and thematically. The years 2004, 2005, 2006 matter now. This is the South Node in Libra cycle you had from December 27th, 2004, through June 22nd, 2006, which is repeating from July 18th, 2023, until January 11th, 2025. If you served, then now life will also serve you. It’s on that level.

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Gemini – Well, courtship, the bedroom, babies, children or young adults are now the focus. A huge choice is looming in January, February 2024. This is the South Node in Libra karma cycle you had from December 27th, 2004, through June 22nd, 2006, which is repeating from July 18th, 2023, until January 11th, 2025. So you are owed. Or you owe.

It may be a godson. It may be a daughter. A relationship back then, or a relationship phase you went through. The weird thing about the South Node is that it goes backwards through the zodiac. Everything else goes forwards. So right now you are time-travelling back to 2004, 2005 and/or 2006. Everything old is new again. Hopefully better this time around. Easier. You can feel blessed on this cycle; something or someone quite new and far better is on offer.

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Cancer – The circle now turns with your family; the family tree; your town and country; your house or apartment. It’s all very familiar, you may have literally been here before. So December 27th, 2004, through June 22nd, 2006, is back in your life. What you created now rewards you. What you built then, even if it was foundations, is now something that’s solid and supportive for you.

The South Node updates you when it moves like this; having done all the hard work a long time ago, you now realise you have actually earned some outcomes. In fact they were waiting for you all along, Cancer. There is also something (or someone) new on the scene in 2023 to enjoy.

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Leo – The South Node in Libra is in your zone of neighbours, neighbouring states, neighbouring towns and regions. This is also where we find short journeys, so two-hour flights or long car trips. The wheel is turning. You are owed and now collecting, Leo.

This also applies to the media and the internet. Brothers, sisters and cousins. You are owed and are collecting from 18-19 years before. You did the right things, and the universe understands, so now you collect or get your due. The payback with, say, the internet or media is because you gave to others 18 or 19 years prior. This is the South Node in Libra cycle you had from December 27th, 2004, through June 22nd, 2006, which is repeating from July 18th, 2023, until January 11th, 2025.

You can have karma with an entire city or state, Leo. So if you put a lot of time and energy into Manchester, Manchester will now repay you. If you put a lot of time and energy into Texas, then Texas owes you. Back the South Node comes, and you can use your spiritual air miles.

The Third House is a funny one, covering siblings and cousins; short journeys; neighbouring places; the media; the internet. It’s a very mixed bag. Perhaps all of it will be on your agenda now. Karma can be an odd thing. The sister who owes you from 18 or 19 years ago may now be the same sister you have particular power over. A city you once knew very well may be back in your life. A PR company from your past may be back.

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Virgo – The South Node in Libra brings you full circle with your money, business, inheritance, charity, valuables, house, shares, apartment, company and so on. Everything old is new again. You are symbolically or even literally back where you were, December 27th, 2004, through June 22nd, 2006, and yet this time you have more of a handle on things. It must feel as if you are being beckoned or welcomed, because what is being laid out is so easy for you to walk into. Set aside assumptions or ‘decisions’ based on 2020-2023 and start thinking about 2024 as you do actually deserve a second take on what was never really a finished film of your life, 18-19 years before. You’re not repeating yourself so much as rewarding yourself by going back to who or what you know so well, but this time with some terrific new options.

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Libra – The South Node in your own zodiac sign is about your title, reputation and appearance, your image and profile. You are back where you were from December 27th, 2004, through June 22nd, 2006, either literally or symbolically.

Perhaps that was your big weight loss achievement when you had never looked so good. Here we are again. Maybe it was your turn in a glamorous spotlight because of your job, or other role in life. Your story is your own, unique to you. You may have retired, been promoted or had others twists in the tale with your persona.

The South Node is a curious thing in astrology because it never moves forward the way the planets do. It always goes backwards, so if you feel you are reversing now you are quite right. The difference is now you are in a better position, Libra. You have the advantage of time, for a start, so there are some very strong and long, ongoing friendships or other relationships to help you.

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Scorpio – Fate does tend to catch up with you on this South Node cycle, so your involvement with the Catholic church, say, or Islam, or Judaism and/or the Anglican church can come around in a great loop of time. You may or may not be religious, but it may find you.

December 27th, 2004, through June 22nd, 2006, was the last time you had this cycle, and you are owed, from that time. Collecting or being rewarded is an outcome you can enjoy at the moment, having put so much in over the years.

If it’s not religion on this cycle, it’s the alternatives to that. Self-help, Tarot, therapy, hypnosis and the like. Again, you are back where you were before, but this time around you have all those years of carefully built-up trust and understanding between you and others.

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Sagittarius – The South Node in Libra cycle will return you to friends, social media, your social life, groups, clubs, teams and so on – familiar from the last cycle. December 27th, 2004, through June 22nd, 2006, was the previous round and here you are again.

The same faces may have come back this year, for closure, perhaps, or a new angle. The closure will not really be complete until 2024 is over, but you can see how the circle is turning. It’s time. You can also see how your emails from the year 2005 are uncanny mirror for 2023 and what will be 2024.

Nothing ever really changes, does it! Except – you can congratulate yourself on having made the right choices about certain people. You dodged that path for a good reason. Similarly, if you were carefully building friendships or group loyalties for the last 18 or 19 years that now comes good but in a completely different way.

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Capricorn – You are now experiencing a very long flashback to December 27th, 2004, through June 22nd, 2006, in your career; unpaid work; academic career. Whatever was going on than now is basically behind what is happening, in 2024.

New year? Not so very new, when you remember. The South Node’s transit through your solar Tenth House is about achievement, ambition, status, social position and success in life. This is where you now gain from all you experienced in the past. You now know very, very well what not to do. You have also earned particular backing, support, trust, affection and loyalty. You don’t get that quickly or easily as you know, and you are being rewarded for all you have done over the last few years.

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Aquarius – It’s funny how things turn out and you are now surfing a karmic wave with a foreign place or person; a foreign country; a foreign culture; publishers and writers; the worldwide web; academics, students and teachers. That’s down to the South Node in Libra which has brought somebody into your life, or the return of someone, who was never important to you before – but now is.

This is overseas, multicultural, tied to books or a university. One of the great things about the South Node cycle is that you really have seen it all before. If you don’t believe me, look at your emails from 2005. The same people or same themes, going around and around. What you might realise is that you are better off. And actually there are some choices for 2024 there which you could enjoy more, based on what you had.

The South Node in Libra has long traces in your chart and goes back in 18–19-year loops. There may be something quite long-lived and established about this call to another land, another accent, another language or another culture. Perhaps it’s on your bookshelves but somebody is now making it real.

This is the South Node in Libra cycle you had from December 27th, 2004, through June 22nd, 2006, which is repeating from July 18th, 2023, until January 11th, 2025. Actually, if you did and said all the right things 18-19 years ago, you really are owed. You deserve something or someone fantastic. And so it is. You have about a year to follow up and follow through.

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Pisces – This week is about finance, charity, business, property, valuables, assets and shares. You are now back where you were on the last South Node cycle, so December 27th, 2004, through June 22nd, 2006, is really calling to you. You are in a better position now than you were then because of some terrific people who have helped you along the way.

In fact, when you compare notes, you can see that you are in the same position now, but also not. You’re literally better off. You can also go back to all that you were learning the hard way in 2004-2006 and realise that you’re just so much better off. Back then it was necessary to adapt and adjust and do all the work and effort. Now, you have a very different sort of relationship with people.

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